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Sup klocki enthusiasts.
Let me introduce you to the wonderful world of building bricks made by our beloved company LEGO also known as KLOCKI.

Here we bild discuss and behave like genlteuominis AND certainly don't respond to shitposters!

Previous Thread: >>11029477

>FAQ (Why?):

>/lg/ Flickr Group (lol):

>LEGO General Archive (lmao even):

>Third Party Information:

>General Resources:

>>THREAD CHALLENGE<< Build a small apartment for your favorite minifig!
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>AFOL like spaceconcept
im not reading all that crap.
What is this shit
One singular buttock?
Fucking polacks just say Lego you faggot.
>217th Lego thread

How old is lego general anyway?
Why is there so much polish terminology on 4chan anyways
I've seen stuff like kot general on /an/
Where's that anime eye face come from?
How many pollacks does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Two. One to hold the bulb and one to spin the chair.
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>Fucking polacks just say Lego you faggot.
>Why is there so much polish terminology
>How many pollacks does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
zoomers lurk moar
We used KLOCKI for fucking years since 2017.

First - it was european anon who was posting monthly lego magazines and scans and new minifigure polybag (european edition) reveals and saing stuff like "klocki Komyksi!".
Then it was No Klocki Clown.

Then many people were using it for memes.
Shut the fuck up and behave like a proper klocki enthusiast.
>Why is there so much polish terminology on 4chan anyways
hello summer tourists.
Enjoying your trip?
How long until a PDF of this thing gets posted?
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I know this is weird for /lg/ but you're my only friends here. I always considered myself straight and even joined in on homophobic jokes once in a while. Last week I was in a concert and this guy shoved me. It really bothered me that he couldn't just ask me to stand some place else. Well I went over to him and I nudged him. He nodded at me and I felt a connection with him immediately. Later in the concert he came up to me and put his arm around my shoulder calling me buddy. I asked him did you mean that? He said what. That I'm your buddy? He laughed. Well he managed to track me down on Instagram since then but I've been too scared to reply. His message said, hey buddy. He is a bit older than me and I'm terrified that this might mean I'm gay. I know this is weird.
How did Lego get away with THAT ad?
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I see some nice builds but they should be mixing it up and raiding and borrowing sugar off each other. Don't worry about that older guy, people go on and on about the infallibility of gaydar but it's often just wishful thinking.
How do I determine what my favorite minifig is?
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>How do I determine what my favorite minifig is?
1) Society is collapsing. gays and jews won.
2) Hitler woke up from his grave and decided to help all incels from 4chan
3) He said "come to my spaceship and we will leave Earth and reach Epic Earth of WHITE CHADS..... BUT you can grab just 1 (ONE) lego minifigure with you otherwise you will be left on GAY earth and get AIDS from BUTTSEXXX"

what minifigure it will be?
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Told you
Simple, it's either gen001, or you're wrong.
weird. i couldn't fit it
But speaking of it -it's clearly visible that the microfig can't stand normally inside of it - it's leaning to the side on that photo

Which means it's not a sturdy strong normal legal connection.
But...judging byt non official bootlego...yeah
I can't get it to fit even when it's leaning back at an angle. I suspect they cut the base off of the microfig so its legs can fit through the hole.
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the fact that nanofigs won out over microfigs is an utter tragedy
>nanofigs won out over microfigs
nobody cares about nanofigs - they died with those tabletop games.
While we just got a minifig series with one of the best microfigs
are they all one part?
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>Rice Planet 2022
If the Lego designer looks like him you know it is going to design soul

This >>11034293 is a microfig

A nanofig is this >>11034198

Nano is smallest
>Nano is smallest
Your dick is the smallest
>can't into basic math
Lol, no wonder this place sucks

>Nanometer A nanometer is 1000 times smaller than a micrometer. 1 micrometer (μm) = 1000 nanometers. To help you visualize how incredibly small a nanometer is compared to things that you can see, you will create a “super-sized” nanometer ruler using a roll of crepe paper.
I don't have one so cope

You know who else has a smaller dick? My MOM!
>I don't have one so cope
based troon
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>To help you visualize how incredibly small a nanometer is
you have to look at the average /pol/fag's dick
welp, I bought Rivendell. Or more accurately I finaanced it in 4 interest free payments through paypall since I can't afford it.

I got double VIP points, hope it ships soon, it's on backorder.
>VIP points
what those do?
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It's like a 1 x 1 plate... no wonder they are mad at everything.
store credit, buy enough sets with the lego vip program and eventaully you can use it buy more for cheaper
Why are these generals moving so quickly lately?
Anon got approximately 50 dollars back in Lego store credit for future purchases rather than 25.
>if he waited for a 10% off sale he would have got it anyway
I still don't get it.
Yeah but this is one of those sets that is going to be hard to find on sale.
I don't know why everyone's mad at you. They are a single piece, you can put hairpieces on them but it looks a little weird. Micro figs are also all one part.
>implying Rivendell is ever going to go on sale
>implying that this isnt probably the last chance to get Rivendell during a 2x event, and that it won't retire early next year
stop samefagging, shlomo, the propaganda still isn't working.
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trust me, polfag.

You have a MICRO penis.
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Doesn't Lego do a double VIP points at the end of the year too? Like November or something?
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Should I get this set? It's on sale for €150
No - it's extremely boring because of those bland simplistic designs
How is it simplistic?
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Looks retarded. Lots of bland parts like this.
Just buy Duplo blocks for $150 if you like when houses look like that
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I want to start a Lego youtube channel but I don't know what it should be about.
>not talented enough to moc
>"top 10" channels are over-saturated
>review channels are pointless unless you're in the LAN program
Any ideas?
stop motion
If you like how it looks, yes
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my elite team of tough dudes with enough firepower to overthrow a small nation
They need a vehicle now.
Video essays on highly specific Lego-related things. R.R Slugger and Big Yellow have videos like that and they're really interesting. Also lets you discuss whatever you want.
Build Gungan sub in urethra
Do obscure fan theories on lore of various themes.
Rivendel will retire in 2026
New thread when???
If you really like the architectural style, or would like to add to it in a similar style with your own pieces. Sure.
Price and affordability is on you and your situation.
Probably looks good with those big Ninjago City sets.
Now I realize but those are singer heads such as Snoop Dogg, Lamar, etc.
I wonder if the movie will have a scene where he makes a naked minifig serve Lego tony hawk water?

I wonder if they will reference Star Trek since Pharell is a big Trek fan
Skip to 19 min in.
do Lego review reviews. Take random channels' reviews and do reviews on them. Call them out on their bullshit.
God that's fucking awful.
I'd say it looks like a Mega
Bloks Halo figure, but Brickarms/brickforge/whatever the fuck ruined it for everyone years before Mega got on the Halo scene. Used to be that people were happy with a classic A-wing pilot body and a green helmet with a blank yellow face inside and made their own custom guns from small parts.
How dare you disrespect Mega like this?
How's that disrespect? I said Mega wasn't to blame. They have their own thing going on and have had moulded figures for ages, overdetailed Lego minifigures (which are supposed to be simple) are their own special cancer that's been metastasizing in both official sets and MOC/custom circles for two decades.
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Those canopy cockpits and domes... how can a 30 yo piece of repurposed dinosaur remains have so much soul and nostalgia?
In 30 years people will be saying the same about the current sets.
They will, it's all subjective.
You are obsessed.
>Those canopy cockpits and domes
those are literally the only good pieces that make those sets look interesting.
Because it's contrasting between simple build and complicated pice (canopy/dome).
I'm the one that's obsessed?
I like the contrast unlike newer sets where they have to overdo 1x1 slopes and make everything curved for photorealism. The 90s team really hit the pinnacle.
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ooo, a new ferrari
I hope they do red bull and ferrari f1 cars eventually, mercedes and mclaren suck ass.
>unlike newer sets
aw shut your yap
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Come on now. It's fucking 3rd Ferrari F40 Lego's doing.
Is there no other Ferrari cars?
It's the most Lego-shaped Ferrari together with the Testarossa.
At least its 8 studs wide now, looks far better than the 2019 version. Only caveat is no way to swap out parts for a Competizione variant.
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This looks unfinished
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The pirates haven’t raped the women yet but that’s a play feature.
What a sausage fest.
Impressive defenses but what if someone attacks from the rear?
Those pirate sluts would probably enjoy it.
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man, look at those BIG BROWN SAUSAGES.
The creator of this set must've really loved BIG BROWN SAUSAGES.
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The humble LEGO sausage element (33078) has been around since 1998. But is there still untapped yumminess there despite being so long-lived? Personally, it’s one of my favorite oddball parts with a wide variety of uses. Yet, I don’t think I ever actually used it as a sausage, hot dog, or other tubular meat stick of your choosing. I find it so much more interesting.

At its heart, it’s really just a bar that’s curved. It has all the connection possibilities of a bar but with the added functionality of having a more organic curved shape. It’s almost perfectly versatile, with one exception that does get in the way that I’ll get to later. And it’s had an explosion of colors in the last five years in particular, with nine colors currently available on LEGO’s Pick a Brick service.

So let’s dive into this odd little part that has had such a lasting and tasty presence in the LEGO part portfolio. And then, we’ll explore its multitude of uses in MOCs.

LEGO calls it a sausage, although I’ve always referred to it as the hot dog piece. It all started in 1998 with the long-defunct LEGO Scala theme of large dolls. The first sets to feature it were picnic and kitchen sets.

Some people think of it as oddly shaped for a sausage, but you have to remember that it is based on a Danish hot dog. Take a look and tell me that LEGO designers aren’t inspired by their surroundings:
The sausage element didn’t reach minifigure hands until 2002 with, oddly enough, a trio of little Coca-Cola sets. (Ya, I didn’t realize there were official Coca-Cola LEGO sets, either—it was part of a set of promotional polybags in the soccer Sports theme.) It next appeared in Belville sets in 2008. Then the sausage appeared in its first Modular in 2009 (fittingly the 10197 Fire Brigade) and has been a consistent presence in LEGO sets ever since.

Up to this point, you could have your sausage any way you want it—as long as it’s red (with a short-lived excursion into Nougat-colored sausages). But soon enough, things got a little more interesting…

In 2011, we saw our first recolor of the LEGO sausage in black with 7984 Deep Sea Raider from the Atlantis theme. The recolor was the first in 12 years and LEGO designers finally saw potential for this curved bar more than minifigure munching. They used the curved bar with mechanical arms (53989) on each end for part of the vehicle's front canopy.

Despite that first instance of hot dog NPU, the sausage continued to be used mostly as food in red, with 169 sets using the red sausage to date—with some very random inclusions perhaps for humor. In 2013, it worked its way into a Star Wars set (75014 Battle of Hoth), randomly snuck into a container in the snow (is this some kind of mid-battle power bar in the LEGO Star Wars universe?).
But LEGO designers still manage to get creative with it, including its next short-lived 2016 recolor in sand blue for the arms of BMO in the Dimensions 71246 Adventure Time Team Pack.
This seemed to unlock the recolored hot dogs, as so many more started to appear in 2017 and 2018 with a couple of CMFs using it in dark red, although not as creatively (back to plain hot dogs).
But the color wheel was rolling now and the Cambrian explosion of hot dog recolors had sparked. 2019 brought both sand green and flame yellowish orange/bright light orange to the mix, often as decorative detailing, but starting to branch out into organic and sculptural uses.

Sand green came with the iconic 70840 Welcome to Apocalypseburg as eyebrows for the Statue of Liberty, utilizing the iconic smooth curve shape to sculpt a face for the first time. This technique would be repeated in the 2023 version of Lady Liberty in 76261 Spider-Man Final Battle, this time in Medium Nougat.
For plant life, 75967 Forbidden Forest: Umbridge's Encounter uses it as curved mushroom stems growing out of a tree. It even makes its way into a Creator 3-in-1 set as plant life as well, but then things get a little interesting…
A couple of Ninjago sets use it as actual green hot dogs, which is weird, but the Ninjago Wiki says “The green hot dog is meant to be a reference to Cole being a ghost from Possession to ‘Day of the Departed’.” So… okay, if you say so. The same hot dog is used in sand green in 76178 Daily Bugle, so is that one possessed too or just moldy?
Black continued to be a strong color in the sausage portfolio, and oftentimes is used more creatively than red, often for ironwork and detailing. 2018’s GWP 40289 Diagon Alley used it to position the hat at an angle on Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes—this was two years before the minifigure posing stand element came out that could have served the same purpose.
71741 Ninjago City used black sausages both for curved awning detailing and to position the awning at an angle.
After that the recolors accelerate, adding pearl gold, reddish brown (which I was super excited for!), dark bluish gray, light bluish gray, bright green, and medium nougat. What could be next? I’d love to see this trend continue!
How is there not an aislop option when you're reporting a post?
Hell yea anon nice space collection
Right?! What the fuck is that shit?
Lets fuckin gooo. I've been waiting for a 8wide F40 ever since I starting collecting a few years ago.
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Might get this set tomorrow
it's a fun set. would recommend
I can't live with only one minifig, I choose AIDS and buttsex.
also I've been wanting remasters of the old 6 studs SC sets so this works for me
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did they forget to design the lights?
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oversized City car
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The 8 Nintendo series highlighted on their Japanese website:
>Animal Crossing
>Fire Emblem
What do we think? What it means for Lego?
Where is Roger?
Does that guy even have a pegleg?
How come TLG is trying to be inclusive, but the pirates are noticeably less handicapped than they were in the old days?
Does TLG count being a woman as a handicap?
What's going on here?
Should I get pic related tomorrow in a physical store for $150? Or online for $140?
> Does TLG count being a woman as a handicap
I mean it is…. So….
depends, how much is shipping
Just get two of these instead.
Are schizos really this spooked by AI now? It's not even hard to tell the difference.
How do I check if my Mjonmir is real lego?
>Scotchtape has to lay his hands on Logie's shoulders while the half-pint-bub pilots the craft
It's like I'm reliving my big brother trauma from the 90s!
if it can only be picked up by lego thor it's real
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Or Lego captain America newfag.
It'd be nice if it wasn't shitting up the thread though.
no tribal villagers, because muh racism.
>Jang might quit with all the things Youtube is doing to fuck content creators over
>just2good trooned out

Is Legotube dead?
Nah, we still have Ashnflash and many other YouTubers.
While the old guard is gone, we have new blood.
no. theres other (better) legotubers around
Ashnflash, penplays are good
TIE is missing in mexico
Lego will drown out the not sponsored ones by providing their pets with endless free $500 sets 2 weeks before release.
yes I know he can pick it up too but I didn't want to look like a fag for knowing that
sure but there's far worse ways to shit up the thread other than copying and pasting a lego article
The Flower Mimic
surely the answer is obvious then, ten dollars cheaper, you get it sooner, plus the experience of going to a physical store and taking it home with you
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Thank me later
I started subbing to Jang's patreon
Grilbricksalot,nickibricks,penplays, planet riple, ashnflash are great lego content creators
looks cool, but has too many women minifigs (so as usual in recent years for lego)
But why? For what purpose?
I want to get into Lego, where do I find about and buy upcoming sets?
Jaysbrickblog lists all upcoming sets
>10 Nazgul
Fucking retard.
>bring back pic related
>looks better
>piece count drops by a gorillion
>price can drop to normal levels
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Mmm, new joints~
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Very good for strong leg builds.
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Not that anon, but he probably is referring to the big Creator model.
I would've preferred a Testarossa, but it's interesting they decided to do a re-do of F40. It's not even been that long, the original is from the last year of 6-wides.
I own almost every SC set until 2023, but this year I decided to drop out of collecting. They're not gonna stop making them and I'm running out of storage room as well as interest towards ultramodern cars. This new F40 though, I'll probably get.
oh shit you're right I completely forgot about that thing
don't we already have joints like those on the old mandalorian starfighter
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meh, looks like a worse countach
i'm just waiting for a fiat 500, preferrably a yellow one
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another millenium falcon, this time in black
>Includes 1578 pieces
>Minifigures: Jedi Vader, Beach Luke Skywalker, Darth Jar Jar Binks, Darth Rey, Bounty Hunter C-3PO, Darth Dev Greebling
>US $179.99 - DE/FR €179.99 - UK £TBA
>Release: AUGUST 1ST 2024
>UPC: 673419389594 / DPCI: 204-00-9781
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close up of the minifigs
>random literal who OC instead of dark luke, leia, or obi-wan
ffs why
is this oc or official? why no fright knights?
I like slugger and hadn't heard of big yellow
>look them up
>it's a tranny
Why is this so common with legotubers?
I don't fucking care.
what's with this retarded gay bullshit? That visor piece in that colour is cool though i guess.
The west offers nothing new or creative it's all woke crap why else is dreamzzz failing while Ninjago does fine
Lol look at this dumb American
Because the western institutions are obsessed with logical thinking without a higher moral authority and think it's okay to modify the body thanks to science
Tell us more about your honourabru grorious 1000x folded nippon bricks, faggot.
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probably the first small apartment in this thread
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WMAF couple with husband watching jackass while alt af wife gets him another beer
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Also the rooftop has a pool and a working billboard
>random literal who
It is a tie in for that thing they are doing so I presume they are characters:
We're also meant to be getting a tie fighter/x-wing set that combine together.

Will this actually sell? We have had a TRoS Falcon shitting up shelves since forever (I still see it regularly) and this is just a tie in product. I guess it has the novelty factor?
>forgot pic
Hope you didn't pay 200 each plus tip on those.
>sith rey
>Will this actually sell?
>I guess it has the novelty factor?
Yes it will.
Is this the Downtown and BTS sets?
the BTS set is the first floor and plaza but the other 3 floors are MOC
I wonder where Jang keeps all his lego sets
he sells or donates almost every single set he reviews he said, except very few special ones he has some personal liking for
It’s ribbed for his pleasure.
What the sequels should've been
Fucksake, at least crop out the soijak.
What a compelling argument
I bought the Nazgul for $300

I will built one and rest are for sale, in 10 years I will make $1 million from those.
Bionicle, duh.

Seriously though these leakers are nuts. I guess stringing people along is how they get their kicks.
Bionicle G3 is not real
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Probably more lame $300 licensed dust collectors.
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He donates them to homeless shelters. He wants to keep the homeless off the streets after witnessing the Highway 237 west incident.
While the sausage handrails are shit, the bridges are made with a lot of hinges so you can move around the separate islands. The rope bridge piece doesn't allow it.
>black millennium falcon
Fuck this forced diversity shit.
Made me forcibly exhale through my nose
Why is one of your fingers so small and weird looking?
I refuse to believe the Darth Jar Jar theory was true
>he doesn't get hard for new lego sets
I really want that white Darth Vader to made custom Exploriens and Black Tron guys but rhe minifigures will probably be 20 to 30 dollars each on Bricklink right?
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I want a Lego Coco minifig so bad
At least your dick is minifig scale
they need to include more figures in the sets man, one of the main parts of animal crossing is the villagers and they include a maximum of 2 in the sets
They stepped it up to 3 in the new town hall set that's coming out but one of them is a repeat of Isabelle except in a new outift and it's not even an outift she wears in the games
We need a cmf and advent calendars for animal crossing and they need to do stuff from the other games too.
Guys, /tv/ is making fun of us again...


Are we wrong?
What is it you kids say? It’d be straight bussin if you necked yourself bro?
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Buy some of picrel off Bricklink for 15c each. Buy a pack of A4 sticker paper off ebay for $5. Print your own designs (or get some online) and have a bunch of guys for cheap.
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Let the train go straight and hit the brakes so it crushes the pink hair but leaves the skelly alone. Then reverse, flip the switch, and go forwards again to crush the woman.
another play-scale ~1000-1500 parts.

We need a minifig scale with interior in the range of 3500-4000
I have no idea where the fuck these minifigs came from but I want this set just for the wacky factor of the figs alone.

I bet it'll be worth quite a bit in 20 years.
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That's an old outdated version of the Falcon's interior.
Don't you know that after Han and Leia got married, Han installed a kitchen in the Falcon for Leia?
You fucked up, the train track is already set to kill 1 person. He'd have to pull the lever to kill 5.
This display is really cool and it looks like the owner plays with it too based on how it's set up. I have a similar setup, but not nearly as much room to work with and not nearly as big sets. Very cool. I don't care for the big blue roofed set on bottom shelf or the tall pea green mansion above it, but that's my personal taste
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Bathroom stall is tiny. I guess being a space trucker it fits. Been driving for 15 years and sometimes it's fun to imagine I'm actually piloting at Corellian freighter through hyperspace. And my GPS is actually my R2 unit feeding data to the navi-computer.
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I was so excited for this set and it's modularity. Looked to be the perfect pirate island base and very playable and fun. Then reviews come out and it's a dust collecting fragile display puece that breaks apart from a string sneeze.

Dodge that bullet.

I'm instead going to budget myself the $230 that set cost to buy a bunch of parts on bricklink and I'm gonna build my own Pirate Island. It may not be as pretty, but it'll be MINE and it'll have everything I want in a Pirate base and without Hotdog handrails. Maybe build a medium sized island on a blue baseplate and a smaller island for them to interact with. I had Volcano Island as a kid and loved it, maybe recreate that. I wanna make a dock big enough for my Creator Pirate Ship to dock at.

I really like that modularity idea though. I think I might steal that idea, but probably more functionality and less pretty.
Fuck that I want a play scale Ebon Haw
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Now that this is nintendo, sets when?
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Yeah, I can see lego make it a full theme now
>That Gungan Sith Lord
Where is that white face from?
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What the hell am i looking at?
is thi one of those "alternate evil universe "WHAT IF?"" - sort of thing?

Also i made evil gungan sith as soon as i got a gungan head as a kid and was drawing comics about him.
Btw this what made me not to be interested in SW - i loved Episode 1 and gungans and everybody hated them.
So i was ashamed of my interests and just stepped away from Star Wars.
But i got some lego. most episode 1 and a bit of clone wars
The creator pirate ship is a turd.
I have all but 2 of the ships lego have made and the creator ship just feels bland, and boring. Half assed design using the ‘near enough is good enough’ mantra.
Build your own decent ship of you can afford to drop 250 on mocs
>is thi one of those "alternate evil universe "WHAT IF?"" - sort of thing?
yeah its called rebuild the galaxy, basically star wars infinities for kids
It seems like poor design how much space corridors and other empty spaces take up for what's meant to be a cramped spaceship with crew quarters.
In the east in Bricksylvania
I categorically disagree.
>but but the brick sails
It’s a great set with tons of customization options. My biggest gripe is two cannons for four slots. You’re just wrong and retarded anon.
I got the 3-1 pirate ship when it was still $100. $25 for the spooky island gwp. $25 in minfigures. My guy >>11036720
is right. >>11036783
Is a moron the 3-1 is meant for customization. Typical shelf fag.
>the skull is still going back on the castle
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The YT-1300 light freighter, also known as the YT-1300 Corellian freighter,was a type of light freighter manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. The YT-1300 was highly customizable and modular.
The Millenmum Falcon was a highly customised
The YT-1300f was configured to haul cargo and had minimal living space.
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The passenger variant see >>11036838 also
See: >>11036074
i dont have any Star Wars sets but this thing looks pretty fun
i wonder how it is inside. If it's kino then this will be my first SW set. minifigures are super fun
My biggest gripe is is under area is filled with bricks and not more rooms. But it still has more details than a lot of older ships. I love my creator Ship, but would happily trade it I'm for a newer Pirate Ship and use the Creator for other fun things.

This guy is having fun and doing it right

Must be a turd himself if he can't see how great the Creator set is. It's not the perfect Ship, but it's great for customizing or playing with and has great parts for building other stuff.
it's clearly just a recolor of the ROS one so you can expect the inside to be similar
We've know about darth jar jar, evil c3po and good vader for ages now, it was like the worst kept secret ever.
Isn't the stuff in the town hall set from the ds version of animal crossing?
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Based spooky anon
I like the modern haunted house revamp. Wish I was able to justify buying it when it was available, same with the original one.
Least I have Hidden Side and Monster Fighters castles...
How many years have been since this MOC? 8?
>even yidsney's version of Infinities has to steal from real Infinities
NASAslop is not a "-tron" in any way shape or form.
>loz is now cucked enough for lego to make more sets
As planned
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I found Greedo in a 12$ mixed lego bag at a second hand store.
Still the best Greedo figure IMO.
Why buy sets because they are “good for parts” when you can just get them off bricklink for cheaper and build better shit? It’s ugly as fuck, looks blocky like a 4+ set, the riggings are cool but that’s it.
I have him too, he's one of my favourite figs. The combination of the weird mid 2000s colouring, being one of the first molded head and printed arms figures and overall look is super unique.

The 4501 Cantina is one of my favourite sets. The old school dewback / sandtrooper combo and sand red landspeeder were awesome too.
I didn’t say good for parts I said good for customizing. Part of playing with a Lego set is taking it apart and seeing what else you can do. Jesus. Christ. Do I really need to explain that? I have issues with spending more money on say a legend of Zelda set than buying a Nintendo switch. I’m disgusted by the current direction of Lego but that doesn’t mean I hate it.
>muh bricklink
If I wanted to just make my own I’d walk my fat ass down to the dollar tree and get an assload of brown bootlego and do it.
>one of the first molded head
You meant moulded and printed, right? Cuz they were doing alien moulds from day one.
Yeah I don't think people get this point. A lot of what moccing popularly seems to involve nowadays is just making bricklink lists, but the whole point for me is working with what I have. Especially if it means working with a single set or a couple of sets, the more limitations you impose on yourself the more creative you can be. Anyone can make something visually impressive with an unlimited part selection.
DreamZzz is just chima 2.0
It’s not good for customising at all.
This is just not true.
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According to Tandbricks Brickclicker id about to reveal some of the biggest 2025 leaks that will make LAN explode.

What could it be? Its not just a modular, but more stuff, new theme(s).
>some of the biggest 2025 leaks that will make LAN explode.
shameless clickbait for ad revenue
What is LAN?
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>How many years have been since this MOC? 8?
Yeah something around 8.
Thinking of rebying both goth kids from cmf because i left all my old klocki in another country
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Do you miss your minifigures you left?
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tfw now she is a ghost still looking in the window after 5 years i left
klocki bros...i don't feel so good
I'm waiting for reviews of this set.
I don't remember the need to see the review first.

I want to see how this crow looks without that house from the back view.
Does it have legs???
Can wings even flap? or only those pink points
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Holy shit this seething newfag is hilarious.

I don't understand why jannies dont work in /toy/. He should be banned and his shitty-ass thread deleted.
What the fuck.
report bomb him
>current year
Goth girl cmf was 8+ years ago, redditfag.
yeah i reported him too. Pretty sure it's just that polfag shitposter that went to the next level of thread-flooding.
This time he created a more detailed thread. fuck him
OP please create next thread as klocki one too just to piss him off.
>tfw now the community divided to 3: 1) normal le heckin wholesome klocki anons 2) whiny redditfag shitposter 3) moc thread
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>i don't know what klocki is
I had him as a kid but I can't find my lego star wars collection at my parents place.
I'm happy I was able to find him for cheap, I didn't know he was so expensive now.

that set was incredible, I wish I still had it
Have you tried? Have you built all three models and taken each one apart? While the 3-1 ship isn’t as cool as the 3-1 castle it’s a damn good set.
I’m pretty sure brickclitlicker comes here and is one of the main sources of the schism. Faggot used an image I shittily cropped and posted here in a video like 8 hours after I posted it here.
Which one?
I noticed and immediately took screenshots. You ever watch a YouTube video and be like “wait but I did that shitty edit and I did it to troll the leak fags”
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Huh why
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Jabba leak
I’m sure these guys can tell you.
Flat earth
Wow legos really lost it.
>flat earth
You mean map?
>i left all my old klocki in another country
Share your klocki story
Saying klocki is retarded. Just because it’s been used before doesnt explain your obvious and obsessive nature to push it now.
>muh muh klocki
Get a life you eurotrash poser faggots.
>your obvious and obsessive nature to push it now
What a bizarre statement. Klocki pops up every once a while and it simply had a dry spell recently in wide spread usage. I'm pretty sure I saw some posts sprinkled in that used it even in the worst of the diversity and console war ragebait episodes of the thread I forced myself through. I hope you're actually new and retarded enough to wage this bizarre crusade against a funny word, and not just trolling, because I am beyond tired of trolls.
always hilarious when newfags out themselves like this
No one was saying klocki two years ago bro try harder. In the last 18 months this place has gone to absolute shit and it’s a bunch of european trash bought and paid for by lego doing it. Eat shit and die? Fucking pollacks shitting shit up for centuries.
Post your 2017 sets! Oh wait non of you were buying legos or posting here when retard anon first brought up “klocki” and then everyone went “what”
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>Share your klocki story
I moved to another EU country and left my klocki at my parents house.
I had so much stuff. I miss pic related guys so much and other Monster Fighters sets and Galaxy Squad and Adventurers and Ice Planet and Aquasharks and even Nexo Knights and etc.

I was in a new "dark ages" for 4 years because I was salty over the fact that I have to start it over and it's like I never owned a lego before even if i did. And that i have to buy my old stuff over again or start with new sets only. Which is confusing.
I spent so fucking much money on lego back then and all of that is a DEAD WEIGHT for now and i'm afraid to buy new lego (but i started)
Moving all that stuff over countries is tiresome and sometimes expensive + you have to pay taxes (the amount that can be spent to buy a flagman Lego set instead).

I started to buy some stuff i could find for cheap.
Sometimes i see even Ebay being helpful (some mommies and daddies selling sets with rare parts inside or a bulk with unique expensive sets they don't care about. I found a cheap Kragger's floating boat set with some random additional cool minifigures in it)

I guess it's KLOCKI TIME again bros!
it feels so good.
I also now live close to a Lego Shop. It sells Monkie Kid sets like it's some regular theme. And it's so much fun visiting it. Something that i always wanted back then.
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>No one was saying klocki two years ago bro try harder.
Fashion is cyclical.
Based trends from the past, they are making a comeback.

Adapt or DIE
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>I had so much stuff. I miss pic related guys
Damn wrong pic.
I meant these:

I had the whole gothic/vampire family.
Will try to redo it again. Love that cmf Basil head. It could be an old evil uncle vampire from the medieval times.

I have to buy the spooky girl/boy/vampire mom/vampire again from Bricklink tho. (already bought the fly guy again)
Jamal left us and now we live in a van and call it a tiny house. Shanequatennesha’s IQ tops out at 83 but she’s a princess despite not being a close genetic match with either biological parent.
>two years ago
I know they were saying it years ago when I first visited this thread before taking a prolonged break. You're not outoldfagging me on this, and I'm genuinely a newfag by any proper standard
It's honestly not fair duplo gets a person sized spring green car and city doesnt.
No, flath earth, with dome and turtle and all
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>Post your 2017 sets!
I literally still have files from 2017 - you can even see the date that is on that image file.

This green dragon mech was one of the best 2017 sets. Lots of anons were posting the process of building it in lg
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>Post your 2017 sets! Oh wait non of you were buying legos or po
another 2017 proof
that 70607 was amazing parts set
i want to buy this as my first starwars set because it looks fun but i fucking hate thinking about how it will be covered in dust that will be so easy to see on that flat black surface.
Glass is the solution
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Fucking porno
This aint bad
Looks like straight up ass. The only good thing about it is pride rock and Pinocchio's raft both of which can be acquired with a $6 bricklink order.
Final set might not even resemble it
why is it black ?
is this some EU shit
i want filioni verse sets ONLY
>why is it black ?
Lego has fallen
Lego did it
>why is it black ?
The correct term is African-American, chuddie.
>is this some EU shit
It's based on a upcoming Lego Star Wars special on Disney+. Although the white Vader is based on that one Legends comic.
>shitposter disappears when confronted with proofs
Based 2017 klocki bro
>The correct term is African-American, chuddie.
Fucking Ameritard. Not everyone lives in your shithole of a country.
Millennium Falcon is African-Corellian
One pic isn’t proof faggot. I said post your sets. He posted a screenshot of a picture. Just because I don’t reply right away doesn’t mean I won’t and just because klocki is retarded and the words being spammed lately doesn’t make me a shit poster.
holy autism
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Post your 1973 sets! Oh wait, none of you were buying Lego or writing in to the newsletter when Jay Anon thought "what if we put the studs not on the top" and everyone said "Hmm"
Is there 2 darth reys?
>Official Ugly set
Wtf I love yidsney now
Corellians are italian, dumbass.
Don't you recognize Darth Dev?
Ah shit, it looks like they're doing the cockpit the same way as on the current TIE bomber. Transparent cockpit but with an opaque black piece behind it.
>The correct term is African-American, chuddie.

The correct term is nigger
>Glass is the solution
I agree but what does the Middle East have to do with this?
Um wow just wow everybody knows the correct term is bisexual pee oh cee
Get it together folx it's the current year
>Corellians are italian, dumbass.
Open a fucking map. Corellians are from the planet Corellia
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SOVL :: 646 -- Mobile Site Office (1971)

You know full well what I meant. Anyway, there's five planets, and any human who comes from one of them is called Corellian.
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Sets when?
who's dev?
When did lego general die?
The lego general won't die until page 10.
So hold off with the fucking new thread, everyone.
If it's all the same with you, I'll make one a bit later purely out of spite for the splitting sperg and his dead fake thread.
Unless anyone else wants to do it, I'm not greedy.
>negress has a gaffi stick
Does that make her a Sand Nigger?
Right around all the just2good spam I’d say.
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Any good knolls lately?
New thread!!! Bump limit reached
and/or /new/
and/or /klocki/
Remember report and hide spam.
Hey yall, i got the newest sith infiltrator, and what few reviews I skimmed didnt give it a good look; is the landing gear too short to reach the ground without making the entire ship tilt foward?
>pic unrelated
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six generals open
fucking gotard
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80032 my beloved
whats that?
What is 'rebuild the galaxy' ?!!?!?
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Are we getting 'The Acolyte' legos star wars sets?
I think it's a Lego Star Wars tv series/movie.
Does that crane work?
The shit about legs cracking after a long time on studs is the biggest psyop i've seen
I have shitty magazine figures that have been standing on studs for years and nothing has happened to a single on
Maybe it comes from those third party minifig display cases that people get, the studs are too wide and cause them to crack.
Yes it moves , in three directions

why does not LEGOtm debunk it?
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Remember when they had a cracked torso on the cover art lmao
Right?! Like wtf is this why is his helmet cracked on the box!!?
Don't forget the worn printing on the torso.
Did they ever make pristine looking blue spaceman for these new classic space sets? Also are the other helmets still break that easily?
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TIE is back!
Why does lego keep rereleasing the same sets?
Don't we have enough tie fighters yet?
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TIE the lego guy not TIE fighters
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Small Apartment
They did a reprint of the blue torso in some pack of figures but it hasnt been in any of the space revival sets. So far we have the new green, pink, orange, and brown astronauts. purple and gray technically exist, yellow, white, and red reprints. red coming from the galaxy explorer remake. The cracked helmet on benny is a reference to the G1 helmets and how fragile they were. Theres an updated chin strap that seems to have solved the problem. I like benny. he carries the spastic love for space ships the kid that played with him probably had and you can tell he was well loved from the wear.
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A part of you understood that Jar Jar was evil. I felt the same way as a kid, I never liked him because I felt he was tricking everyone. I even had a dream where he made a fleet of Venator class star destroyers in the shape of his face and destroyed peoples homes. This thing was evil. Even now I see his face in the old star destroyers, perhaps this is a vestige of a twist Mr. Lucas never executed.
Cracked torsos and arms are just a thing now. Why fight it?

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