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Previous Thread: >>11007917
Always wanted this Gigan
What figure is that? Say since only have the 6 inch Bandai original of the FW Gigan
That is a good gigan
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where's jetto jagga?
Had another watch of Godzilla Vs Megaguirus.

Don't get how people can hate this one, it's my favourite millenium film and it's just cool, Megaguirus was a great monster, great final fight and tons of little character moments from the monsters. It like a new later era Showa film. Best theme for G since the original too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJJPiiTIeQw

I wonder if Godzilla really did escape from the blackhole, if he'd look different, maybe a bit Space Godzilla since he was born in a black hole.

Megaguirus SHMA when?
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Just got this in today. I knew it was going to be big but damn, he's big.
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I'm gonna need a bigger Gamera.
Shimo was awesome the playmates one looked fun but I’m glad I held off
kys autist
wow le edgy niggerfaggot, very cool. this zero POA tail is going to slide into your cute little asshole and you're going to like it autismo
le heckin' wholesome statue! bend over
>other thread was no where near the bump limit
What happed?
Ain't shit happening+dumbass mod 2 week bump limit problem
how much?
US G-Store has restocked a few figures on their site today which consist the following
>Godzilla from Godzilla vs Gigan Rex (The CGI film)
>Godzilla 1984
>Super Mechagodzilla
>Hedorah landform (Crawling and Standing)
>Black Kiryu
Godzilla merch been mostly radio silent for about a month or so. Guess last year really was just them combining 2023 and 2024 merch into the same year hense why 2024 had nothing aside Minus One and GxK stuff only.
Some of the anons were just arguing and it wasn't fun to talk in these threads. I'm just waiting for stuff to release anyways. Q3 of this year I bet will be jam packed with releases since it literally is the 70th Anniversary.
Think another problem is Bandai kind of stuck until November since a good chunk of figures they themselves want to make is being held hostage by this years figure contest which is 5 winners this time.
Why do you believe this anniversary is more special than others? We've had multiple anniversary dates with no announcements and no good figures.
Because its the anniversary of the following films
>Godzilla 1954
>Mothra vs Godzilla
>Ghidorah the three headed monster
>Godzilla vs Mechagodzila
>Godzilla 1984
>Godzilla vs Spacegodzilla
>Godzilla Final Wars
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At last, White Yoshi merch.
Lmao what a crock of shit
Based Gamera enjoyer
I'm going to pose her presenting her ass to me.
No! That ass is mine!
She'll be like, what...$400? Going by current year Bandai rape prices.
what is that from? looks neat
Close enough factoring in the sure to be huge box. And not even any toe articulation?
So roughly around 200-240 dollar range. The yen to USD came back as 175 dollars roughly.
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>metal tooth face
People called it.
>no ice effects
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No price yet?
>no atomic breath
FFS bandai.
13 years of Bandai basically telling the consumer you will regret the day of not buying the first release 1994 Godzilla with the effect which in itself would be limited and then only release the figure without it a year later.
This is a pretty weak exclusive considering it's just the 89 figure but with painted dorsal plates. Meanwhile years past they got the best Kong release even now and then then tacky blue and orange clear Godzilla figures (Both think came with atomic breaths). Honestly think that 1954 japan poster version would've made more sense as a SDCC exclusive if anything.
Which do you guys think looks better - this or the Hiya one?
Just from the promo shots of each easily the hiya imo. The shma looks cheap and gappy to me, which is hilarious because its literally triple the price.
>Honestly think that 1954 japan poster version would've made more sense as a SDCC exclusive if anything.
I agree this is not as con worthy as that would have been but I guess if you missed out here you go a second chance to get 89.
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Paint and articulation seem to be in hiya's favor. Sculpt wise I like both.
Will this be available to the general public or will it only be at Comic Con? Like BBTS or Amazon, maybe?
Maybe it's just the angle, but the head and spikes on the Hiya look smaller than the Monsterarts one; the Monsterarts one's spikes also look more translucent. As someone who hasn't seen the movie, which is more accurate to her appearance in the film?
Oh my god she's so sexy, my horny ass could not
I don't like the look of it
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at minimum $240 USD for this pile of shit. no accessories except for Kong DLC

you can buy 4 of the HIYA Shimo's for the price AND get something that looks like the movie.

The HIYA in both cases. HIYA uses the film models, the SHMA is based on the concept art and then further has tweaks from Yuji Sakai
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also fucks sake the Kong DLC head doesn't even look good in the promos

tooth paint is atrocious and one of the teeth isn't even painted
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>which is more accurate to her appearance in the film?
HIYA and it's not even close
God she's hot
Fuck me she's so sexy
That is the villain from the third 90's Gamera trilogy. They are all three excellent toku movies.
yep that is a shit looking figure
>nutted but Sh(imo) still succin
>one of the teeth isn't even painted
This phoneposter hasn't even seen the movie.
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Not a phoneposter and I'm not talking about the silver tooth you retard, I'm talking about the literal gum-colored tooth
That's not a gum-colored tooth you retard, it's a missing tooth. It's intentional. Take a lap.
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It's a gum colored tooth you double-retard, SHMA can't into paint. Kong doesn't lose that tooth in the movie, he only loses the one tooth that Monarch later replaces with a silver tooth.
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and here's an even clearer screencap
Monsterarts aren't accurate to the movie, they're accurate to the concept art, as Shimo is showing again. Maybe at one point Kong was going to be missing that tooth, or maybe Bandai are retarded. What we can all agree on is that Hiya Shimo is better.
>or maybe Bandai are retarded.
this is the correct answer here

> What we can all agree on is that Hiya Shimo is better.
I also like their Godzillas better too but that's just me
So the HIYA it is, then. While I do wish it had clear spikes, there's no doubt from those pics that it's the more accurate (and less cheap looking) figure. Thanks!
So how much total is someone looking at to construct this mediocre half-abortion? $50-$75 for base kong, $100 for scar king, and then $150 for shimo. Has any other monster ever been locked behind over $300 msrp? I don't actually know. I would say thank god for hiya but they haven't even so much as teased one. I know he isn't super popular in these threads but i really like this kong design and i just wish one of these damn companies would get it together for him.
>So how much total is someone looking at to construct this mediocre half-abortion?
Oh my sweet summer child...

In order to construct the complete SHMA Kong, you will need

>SHMA GvK Kong - $67.99 MSRP


>SHMA GxK Kong - $74.99 MSRP

then you'll need

>SHMA GvK Kong Event Exclusive - $90 MSRP
>SHMA Skar King - $99.99 MSRP
>SHMA Shimo - est. $240-$260

so all in all, assuming you find these figures at MSRP, you'll be paying approximately $500 USD

but in all likelihood you will be paying above MSRP for some these figures. For example, the Event Exclusive Kong which is up on BBTS again for preorder, is $109.99
top kek

15000¥ for shipping
what did bandai mean by charging triple or quadruple of the hiya, while looking cheap and inaccurate? but also, why is the shma evolved godzilla so accurate compared to the hiya
Im still going to wait on the in hand versions for that second conclusion, the product promo shots on the website for him seemed kind of weird and poorly done to me and the random toyfair thing it showed up at made it look much better. Im having trouble finding those pics now but they should be somewhere if anyone remembers what im talking about.
This is such a piss off, where are the shinies? The Hiya blatantly has better feet articulation but the rest of it I'm unsure on and the low quality pictures with a filter don't help. With the SHMA there's no doubt the paint job is lacking, it can't be that the parts are molded in transparent blue and then painted white, surely?
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Whens UltraDad?
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>which is more accurate to her appearance in the film?
I was wondering what felt off about that face other than the shape of the snout - what the hell did they do to the SHMA's lower jaw? Why didn't they paint the crystals on her cheeks?
Is the snout off?
Why is Bandai afraid of paint?
Lol, no.
You forgot
>scale accuracy
Which easily goes to the SHMA since despite being 6-inch scale compared to Hiya's 7-inch the SHMA is considerably larger.
It will be on Amazon in the fuckloads by October since this thing won't sell at all now that it's been confirmed it comes with no beam effect. I knew this wasn't going to, but would've been nice had this come with say idk the Super X-2 or some maser tanks.
>if you missed out here you go a second chance to get 89.
Means nothing since the 1991 figure is basically the 89 figure except with slightly more articulation, and the size being similar too.
Real question is why is Bandai afraid of effect parts even when they overprice the figure as it is?
shimo is roughly 109m on all fours so it is in scale with hiya models
Because effect parts always look like ass
How many atomic breath molds are there?
The SHMA is 5 inches longer than the Hiya. The Hiya Shimo does not scale with her Godzilla.
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The SHMA is clearly based on Jared Krichesvsky's final concept design model (before it gets sent off to the VFX company who will then modify the design more from there) and then has its own tweaks from Yuji Sakai ofc. Part of the reason it looks so off is there's no membrane connecting the lower and upper jaw so the mouth just looks insanely lock
Would the HIYA not be based on a earlier design? How can it be closer to the final model than this?
The Hiya Godzilla looks like it is the earlier design (smaller head more browns in its paint apps) while the SHMA Godzilla looks like it is the film version (it's got a bigger head and greener paint apps) but the Shimo's seem reversed. I wonder if it's it's Toho doing it to make people have to buy both sets and then mix and match to have the concept art versions and the movie versions.
I feel Toho would want to champion the Japanese team, but I could see that being the case as a way to try and get people to double dip, It's a interesting theory.

Man I'm honestly not sure how to proceed with Shimo.
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HIYA gets access to the final film models for their figures, so their figures are more accurate because of that. SHMA sometimes gets the film models for their figures or claims they do, but it seems like more often they get the concept art and then modify it from there. Their 2019 Godzilla prototype looked more like a slightly earlier version of the DougheGoji model, their Ghidorah is like a frankenstein of several Ghidorah concept arts, etc

nah the HIYA is the film model, they seemingly caught the SHMA in time otherwise it would have looked like pinhead larry from the concept art. the SHMA is a bit stylized but its a case where Yuji Sakai(or whoever the modeller was on it)'s stylization actually worked in favor of the figure.
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like seriously the SHMA probably almost looked like this
>nah the HIYA is the film model
The waist is too narrow and the head is closer to this >>11039135 than what was in the movie. Unless Sakai independently made the same changes that the VFX people made then the SHMA is clearly based more on the film than the Hiya.
>The waist is too narrow and the head is closer to this
No? The waist in the film is pretty damn narrow, and the head is proportioned like the film and not like the concept art.

>Unless Sakai independently made the same changes that the VFX people made
Not independently. they clearly came in sometime during the development process and Sakai was able to tweak his design using the final film model. If they hadn't he'd have looked like a pinhead and overall inaccurate like a lot of SHMA's other MV figures.

The SHMA looks really good but it is a bit stylized compared to the final film model
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thank you, style wise it reminds of a set of gashapon creatures wonder if the artist was inspired by iris' design
Same guy, he did that Iris redesign.
oh wow thats cool, might need to cop it then, have a good few of his gashapons so it would fit quite nicely.
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Humble Bundle's got the IDW comics up. I enjoyed the Legends, Kingdom of Monsters, and Godzilla in Hell ones, but have never heard anything about the Monsters & Protectors ones. How bad are they?
Also found a King Caesar MMS(?) and a '65 Y-MSF at a flea market for 20 bucks each.
Guy seemed to be a regular there, so I'm going to try and find him again to get the Ghidorah MMS he had.
Hell of a steal for the Y-MSF figure. Think the King Caesar sounds about the right price you'd see it go for these days.
King Caeser is such a goofy looking dude
Speaking which, when he getting a new MMS figure this year?
yeah and her SHMA design is inaccurate to her film counterpart
>Lol, no.
Hiya has toe articulation.
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The Hiya Shimo is too small, yes?
Still no pics of Red Eyes? Release date is listed as the 22
no, not within their lines scale
Godzilla is most of his neck and head taller than her
it doesn't help that she changes size a few times throughout the film
So Hiya Shimo should be bigger than the SHMA, right? Hiya's stuff seems to be generally bigger.

Apparently some reckon the SHMA has the iridescence effect, I feel it may be lighting though.
Apparently the SHMA will be oversized, so I don't know.
It's very frustrating that we can't wait it out until release to see which is more worthwhile in the end, we need to lock in now between a inaccurate undetailed SHMA or a potentially undersized/QC issue ridden Hiya.
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It's very clearly iridescent paint. It's too localized and subdued to be the lighting. It wouldnt concentrate around her eyes and shoulders if it were lighting.
Anyone's hiya muto come in yet?
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Absolutely. I don't give a shit what the "official" stats say. She is enormous in her first encounter with Kong and her head is the size of Godzilla's torso in the Rio fight. The same fucking thing happened with Mechagodzilla in GvK. Mecha towered over Goji and Kong in the film and then the official stats came out and suddenly he's only 9ft taller than Godzilla. Shimo isn't as bad as Mecha since at least they have the excuse that she's suddenly much smaller than her other appearances in the movie during the Hollow Earth Fight, while Mecha was consistent the whole time. The "Official" stats have always been ass. Giant monsters like Hedorah, Destroyah, and now Shimo have been getting shrunk down from their onscreen appearance since the Showa era.
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>Godzilla is most of his neck and head taller than her
what? Even during the Hollow Earth fight when they shrink her, she's still as tall on all fours as he is standing on 2.
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Babby's first SHMA collection continues to grow
For its third member, it now contains Monkey.
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fucking goddamned randomly rotating image bullshit.
Anywho. first time one of my SHMAs came with its own accessories that I didn't have to order off Etsy. The alternate hands and face are nice to have.
But removing them can also be hilarious.
Honestly the articulation on this guy feels a lot more expressive than either of my Gojis. Where the only poses I can really make with them are "I am a cool and intimidating giant fucking lizard monster" or "I'm a goofy goober", this guy has poses such as "You ain't got no hands, Lieutenant Kong."
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I'm quite happy to have him. Gonna need to get some kind of Monsterverse Goji to go with him at some point. Having Radioactive Lizards who don't try to kill him on goddamned sight is nice for him, but feels incomplete to me. But I'm bot getting GxK Goji until Evolved Goji comes out because I don't like the way that figure looks. Honestly I don't really like the looks of any of the Monsterverse Goji SHMAs, 2019 is the closest to "actually good looking" but hell if I'll be able to get that thing at a reasonable price. And I also heard that figure is kind of a mess as it is.
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All in All, I'm happy I got him. Also he can do the generic "Superhero Landing" pose, so that's fun. Now having this guy in hand I kind of wish I shelled out the extra twenty bucks to get the event exclusive GvK Kong for the face and effect part and the ships for style. But oh well.
Next target, A Mechagodzilla. Preferably the one that comes with Fire Rodan since it's my preferred Mechagodzilla design and being a two-pack is nice. But goddamned my budget won't be happy with a $230-ish purchase right now
I got the Minus Color 2-pack. Ooh, I kind of regret it. They aren't as nice looking as the promo pics made them out to be. Also somehow I got a red paint spot on one of the figures.
I saw a review of that set on Youtube, the Odo Isand pre irradiation Godzilla looks pretty meh, but the full on Godzilla looks good with all the wash on it, still probably not worth it if only one of the pair looks good.
Goddamn I love this stupid fucking Monkey so much. This is how I'm displaying him from now on.
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got tigrex from amazon finally (4 months after it released in the US, what did they mean by this?)
initial thoughts:
>bigger in person than i thought it would be
>instead of the rage parts, i would have preferred some effects pieces like boulders or shockwave effects since his roar does damage to hunters in the game. the red coloration during his rage mode covers his whole body, not just the arms and head so idk why they bothered
>the eyes are done lazily imo. the last SHMA i bought was the 2019 godzilla from kotm. that figure has eyeballs that are separate pieces from the head, which give the eyes a glint and life to them. tigrex on the other hand has painted on eyes. it's basically just a black slit pupil. in the art for the games, the eyes have a yellow border around the slit pupils, and the eyeballs are green. its hard to notice the green on the figure and it blends into the rest of the face
>it doesn't have the racoon eyes around the eye sockets like in the product pics and the game, throws off the look
>the front paws it comes with are looser than the interchangeable rage effect ones
>good articulation
Why can't these fucks be assed to include a measly accessory?
clean that shelf before you take pictures, please Pube Jail Guy
kek, based
monke gettin comfe
In all seriousness though, it's just an old shelf, I need a new one. Not a lot of space. Technically it's not even my shelf. A housemate just redid her room and doesn't have room for this shelf anymore, so I took it instead. Most of that shit on it is just weathering because she always put uncoastered drinks on it in the past.
I keep seeing Kong going for fairly cheap locally, please stop tempting me.
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Bonus Monke
Be tempted. Embrace the Ape. Maybe it's the biases of not being jaded to the quality control issues that I always hear people talk about with SHMA, but goddamn I love every single one of these things and they bring me great joy.
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"I met R.O.B. Five minutes ago, and if anything ever happened to him, I would kill every ape in Hollow Earth then myself."
Seriously, I think this is my new favorite SHMA. Obviously on a collection of 3, not the highest bar to pass, but still.
I have not stopped finding new poses for him since I got him.
There are some reviews on youtube, so I guess is a matter of time for it to start shipping
I got my Tigrex today and overall I really like it. It seems to share alot of similarities with the Narcaguga body. I think it looks great. Also wish it came with other accessories or a base. I have all of the releases and this is the first one without some sort of base or stand.
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New hedorah aquired
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they should have done a full on rage mode version where the whole body is red, but also border the red areas with a different shade of red so it appears to be pulsating. include boulders with that release. i wish they included an alternate tail end so it looks like the tail got cut off; also interchangeable parts that are battle damaged like a missing ear on an alternate head.
this is my first monster hunter figure, now i hope they do Rajang.
thoughts on the your other monster hunter figs compared to tigrex?
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God, the SHMA is going to be massive
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lol, no. She's the size she's supposed to be. Hiyafags are just coping, because their Shimo is severely undersized
Also inaccurate
cry more Hiyafag
It's honestly weirdly suspicious how little attention Hiya's bad QC is?
Because, anon, they're cheap I mean if I spend just 40 bucks on a figure I can overlook a couple tiny flaws. That and we are thirsted for good competition against Bandai to make them step up their game. Just look at their recent Godzilla Evolved.
Maybe I'm just less forgiving, but spending $100 on 2 godzilla's only for both to have cracked tail segments straight outa the box, paying $110 for Ghidorah to have fucked up jaws, and $50 for my skullcrawler to have torn cheeks and a tail socket that falls out because it wasnt glued in properly has made me tired of Hiya's bullshit.
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because anon, HIYA are like $40-60 at most, with the Ghidorah being the most expensive of the bunch so far

Meanwhile SHMA's QC has gone from bad to worse to godawful and the prices only keep increasing

Now you're spending hundreds of dollars to gamble on whether your joins are gonna be loose or tight, whether the paint will look decent or look like absolute shit, and even sometimes whether the figure will be straight up broken out of the box. Minus One had a rampant issue of bent or broken dorsal planes right out of the box
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You see he was all cross eyed n shit with one eye looking at me and the other looking at Rick
Probably because Hiyas QC issues are fucking minimal and not a running rampant issue for every single figure.
Im all in on the line and so far I feel like they have all been hits overall. Accessories are probably my biggest complaint on most of the figures I feel the accessories could have been better. Rathalos is the scariest to pose just because of how fragile some of the peices like the toes seem to be. Also the wing flaps that just attach with a small ball joints. Luckily I havent had any issues or breakages on any of them. Zinogore is probably my favorite so far. I hope they do do a Diablo or Tobi Kadachi sometime down the line.
Im not getting into this movies figures the movie really wasnt that great IMO BUT at least the SHMA got the scale right despite all the other issues it has. I hate the designs in this movie personally but for fans at least there are options.
I’d rather it be a little undersized yet accurate to the actual cgi model than it be the proper size yet look like an upscaled playmates figure with that shitty muppet mouth.
Meh, I need the shelf space, so having a smaller Shimo actually works in my favor (especially since most of the crap I own already uses various scales, meaning pretty much nothing is the right size). That the smaller, cheaper one also happens to be the more accurate one with better articulation is a bonus.
>a little undersized
it's extremely undersized, Hiyashill. Hiya is a 7-in line and yet the SHMA is an inch taller and 5 inches longer.
>upscaled playmates figure
you fags are beyond fucking pathetic parroting this line. I can get bitching about the lack of a wash to make the details pop and that it's based on concept art and not the CGI monster (even though that's Toho and Legendary's fault), but if you're seriously gonna look at the sculpted detail here >>11038282 and say it's an upscaled playmates then you're telling me that you're one of the following, a child, an enormous poorfag with sour grapes, or an actual shill which honestly wouldn't even surprise me after Hiya got caught trying to influence toy reviewers on Youtube.
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No? Look at this still below, Shimos head is suppose to be leveled around at Godzillas chest / neck, if this is the correct size we are to expect of the Monsterarts, it’s way too big. While I think Hiyas MAY be a little smaller, it looks like they got the actual height right, or at least close to it based on the leak. If anything, I think it’s pretty clear in the fucking movie that Shimo’s model size isn’t consistent in every scene, a rampant issue in all the Monsterverse films.
holy shit, you're fucking retarded
Fag, the figure lacks so much paint, it has the shitty muppet mouth, and the crystals look just like the clear blue plastic the playmates has and guess what, both the playmates and Monsterarts figures USE the concept art design, so yeah, objectively it IS an upscale playmates figure you autistic cuck, same design, same issues, except one is $10 and the other is $240. Get off your high horse you spaz.
lot of words just to say you're a shill
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>crouched Godzilla
>shimo charging at normal height
>head still reaching godzillas chest
Get rekt dude. Both figures are inaccurate in some aspects on their sizes, time to just admit facts that one figure gets some things right while the other gets other things right.
Small amount of words for a small brain
Lurker here. I'm not familiar with Hiya's alleged quality control issues since I haven't purchased any of their products, but what I want to understand is this: Why has S.H.Monsterarts had such horrendous quality control problems since the early 2010s? It's no secret that they've only gotten MUCH worse, too. Seriously, I have never—repeat, NEVER—received a figure without major issues. They're either misassembled with joints that are too loose or too tight, poorly painted, or broken right out of the box. It doesn't matter where I buy them from—be it reputable or less reputable sellers, Japan, America, eBay, Amazon, BBTS, or HLJ—the result is always the same. I stopped collecting Godzilla shit about six years ago exclusively because of this.

>inb4 WAAAAH!!! You're a shill for attacking my favorite brand of Godzilla toy!
No, son, I just care more about the product than the brand. This brand's product just keeps failing me.
I gotta say, Pinkzilla's overall design has grown on me a lot.
Honestly, my biggest problem with pinkzilla has always been the change in body shape.
Monsterverse Godzilla's bulky build makes him feel more like a brawler, like he can throw his weight around. Now he looks a lot frailer and weaker despite the apparent power boost.
I know the old joke for him was "haha fatzilla" but he evolved design always felt like an overcorrection to that, in my opinion.
>Because, anon, they're cheap I mean if I spend just 40 bucks on a figure I can overlook a couple tiny flaws
I remember anons using that excuse for neca figures and everyone still shit their brains out over it.
well NECA's flaws tended to be larger or more pervasive, similar to SHMA now
$50 dollar figures aren’t “cheap”, in this market, they’re considered affordable.
Cheap is shit like $20-$30 a pop nowadays.
And regarding that, they are tiny flaws and usually the flaws are some paint issues here and there and they’re usually not a tremendous issue. Some people may get fucked once in a while on some eye paint flaw or some little paint splotch errors but that’s a small minority. We rarely hear of people getting figures that fucking break right away or fall apart at the slightest touch or the joints get so loose over time that they just keep falling over. Hiyas actual QC management is pretty fucking on point and it’s not a rampant issue. Monsterarts on the the other hand has been having these issues for several fucking years, we ALL know of badly painted teeth and eyes being thrown around or the figure just loosing legs or arms or heads just by slightly posing them, this isn’t something new, Monsterarts has a rampant QC issue and it’s going on for years. That’s why hardly any people talk about Hiyas QC often for anyone wondering compared to Monsterarts, it’s because it’s not a rampant issue most of the fucking time and the general QC that do show up are very minor, hell the figures usually comes out looking like it did in the promos.
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You are not alone. I feel the exact same thing. Slimming him out doesn't look good.
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For all the autistics arguing about size.
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That looks perfect.
SHMA should rename to SHAM (Shit Half Assed Moribund)
Hiya still uses that rubbery plastic right? If so that's a hard pass from me.
The only place i notice any rubbery stuff on godzilla is his neck layers, but it's pretty robust material, more like vinyl.
Anyone here have a pic or review of the new YMSF Mechanikong? The reviews make it look like its too tall, but can't tell exactly.
It's not even remotely accurate to the movie, but sure
That's not the SHMA
tigrex really has presence, like the games
glad i got him. now if only they made Fatalis
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Which is the best version of Millennium Godzilla? I want a Godzilla figure and I think I like that one the best, unless there's a spikier, more ferocious looking version.
Why does he even get a power boost if he's lighter now? is this some DBZ "my number is now bigger" bullshit?
Literally is that. The designer said on Twitter he used Goku's Kaioken as "inspiration"
The only “rubber” plastic that has been used is the mouth membrane of the Skull Crawler, everything else is either harder plastic or softer plastic and they’re both durable as fuck. What do you even mean by “rubbery plastic”? It’s better than SHMA plastic because it isn’t brittle as fuck.
Were the heads and necks of Ghidorah not a flexible material?
Oh lord no
Huh, I thought that was how some of the initial versions ended up with the jaws jutting out.
Not really, KG’s neck are not as flexible, both the plastic and joints are more limited, but fuck, Id feel safer dropping that figure on the ground than I would the SHMA 2019 KG, broken pieces would be everywhere with that.
I've heard rumors of a factory in China two years ago that is responsible for a lot of defective ones. Is this true? I don't think so. I just think they don't care.
Why did you say "right?" When obviously you don't own a single release. Are you somehow mentally unstable, and spurt out random shit? I don't understand how you don't know the answer to your own question when you asked it as if you knew anything about the toys.

Why do we allow retards like this, here?
>Why do we allow retards like this, here?
You can't do anything to stop them.
The word "right" along with a question mark can be placed at the end of a statement to indicate that you are asking for confirmation, thus turning it into a question. If he didn't say "right?" he would be making an assertion.
I'm not really sure why this made you so mad, but the post asking a question about toys is preferable to your tantrum.
That sucks
Except they didn't have flaws like that, so...
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looks good, but it's 100 buckaroos
Well, you're also advocating for "my number is now bigger," the number you want just happens to be weight. Godzilla has never been about the bigger thing winning in the first place.
Ghidorah was a mess. It wasn't a hard plastic, it was a soft plastic that scratches itself if you try moving it as intended. The articulation (lol there wasn't any) and the pose it was meant to be in clashed in every worst way possible.
No toe articulation?!?!?!?!?! What the fuck
>another overpriced SHMA without proper accessories
This shit is getting tiring
it comes with a kong head
that counts right?
>SHMA Shimo is $450 AUD
Fuck that
Anyone else getting Yongary? Apparently it's the last week to PO, also it looks like they changed the order amount for the accessory unlocks.
When they making Pulgasari so I can have my own Yongary vs Pulgasari fight.
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They mentioned on their Instagram that they're hoping to have the prototypes for their OC and a "North Korean Kaiju" on display at g-fest this year.
It looks like an obese woman wearing fishnet stockings
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I really love the SHMA Tigrex. It's probably my favorite in the MonHun line.
It's a figure of a side character from a 50 year old movie that wasn't liked when it came out and still isn't thought of highly in Japan even among most Kaiju collectors, it probably had one of the smallest production runs of any SHMA figure. It's not surprising that economies of scale make him much more expensive than similar Ultraman figures. That and the fact Toho is infamous for demanding Disney-level profit cuts
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yeah, they're still mostly using the same rubberized plastic that they were at the start of the line.
Why are you crying? His question was completely reasonable.
Best HIYA figures of Godzilla and Kong? Also, should I get another HIYA monster to go with them?
video review

more pose able than i thought it would be desu
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I mean they're all basically the same figure just a slightly different tinge of grey or brown drybrushing with the exception of the very first release which had the bad neck and jaw joints that they got rid of. So the question is do you want the atomic breath version or a standard version?
Is the shitty GvK Kong even available anymore? either way, just get the KSI Kong. It's not screen-accurate and it doesn't have the axe, but it's leagues better than Hiya's first attempt at Kong. Alternatively, just get the SHMA Event Exclusive Kong. He's 90 bucks and he isn't screen accurate but he goes on sale all the time on Amazon and he's got all the accessories you could want in a GvK Kong.
>Also, should I get another HIYA monster to go with them?
I like their Mothra so I can easily recommend her. Their Skull Crawler is a real mixed bag. It's got a beautiful sculpt, but it's got some of the worst QC in the line.All three of my Skull Crawlers have significant issues. Their Rodan is the best MV Rodan action figure we've gotten, but I am not a fan of the bendy wire in the wings and I've seen more than a few people complain about the wire popping out, and the NECA had horrifically designed wings. I didn't get the Hiya Ghidorah so I can't really give you any advice on it.
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> and the NECA had horrifically designed wings.
Accidentally cut off the part where I compared it with the SHMA and NECA and complained about the SHMA being an unpainted maroon slab of plastic
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didn't ask
Really love that cool colorful moth
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They posted the render for Pulgasari, he looks more stylised than their Gorgo and Yongary, also they're calling it "Pulgazary" so maybe this is them skirting around legal issues for a kaiju that's hard to get the legal rights too? They mentioned before they might end up doing this with Reptlicus because Sony wants a lot for the licence.
You'd think Pulgasari would be public domain since it came from a nation that's in self exile and sanctioned.
Where'd you get the Argo, anon?
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Photon Collectibles on Instagram before the guy that made them and a bunch of other 3D-printed MV figures decided to call it quits.
Ahhh, fuck. It looks cool, though. I guess I could just get one of the Super X models instead, but the scale would be way off.
Yeah but also copyright law is fucked so who knows how that works.
>They mentioned before they might end up doing this with Reptlicus because Sony wants a lot for the licence.

...for Reptilicus? Really? They think they're sitting on a real gem with that one, huh?

Meanwhile the Gigabash devs are having a nightmare of a time trying to get the rights to Gamera (the license holders want them to only use designs and characters from the Netflix anime). Licensing shit is so weird and overly complicated.
Why would copyright law care about a rogue nation which said film was made with the help of literal hostages?
Idk man I'm not going to pretend I know how it actually works
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>film was made in a dangerous nation with people they abducted and threatened into submission
>and anon thinks it's a good idea to simply take this film's IP without permission
Unless the toymakers are Asian, North Korea won't do shit after the whole Otto situation.
If any of that was remotely true, then we wouldn't have any more Seth Rogan movies.
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Pulgasari is literally a mythical creature, they where not informed
>Jet Jaguar finally got to my warehouse

It's happening, can't wait to finally get him.
>603 orders
So for $99.99 and shipping it's
>Yongary (6" tall and 12" long)
>flame breath
>horn laser
>3 thanks
>3 jets
>3 oil tanks
Ad 47 more orders away from a bridge too. Looks pretty good to me. How are titanic products? Do they have any QC issues? Are they fragile? Anyone have their Gorgo?
link to purchase?
sucks they don't have gorgo anymore, I have a title card from it's release
You can tell this is the scalie wet dream of whoever designed it. Looks like some atrocious OC Eeveelution and not like a kaiju at all.
That's super cool
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here's a pic
I have now watched Yongary.
>random scene of Yongary dancing while a kid cheers
>they kill him by poisoning him with itching powder... and he bleeds from the anus
Was alright.
OH SHIT I gotta get me this bad boy.

Unless it's something like "Officially Ogra is 50 meters and Yongary is 60 meters," I'm not sure what I think about them being so different in size. Yongary looks great otherwise, though.
>the license holders want them to only use designs and characters from the Netflix anime
I mean, while I would prefer Showa or Heisei Gamera, sure, I'd rather have Rebirth Gamera than no Gamera. I hope the GigaBash devs don't screw themselves out of the turtle on this.
>has a a slim Showa Godzilla build in the movie
>segmented like a PS1 Tekken character here.
Fomo be damned, I can't pull the trigger on this.
He has a banger theme, you can't deny.
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>How are titanic products?
They're decent, I don't own any of their vinyls but I have Gorgo and for a first attempt at a fully articulated figure it's pretty impressive.
As for QC I know some people had an issue with the toes coming off of the foot easily and they sent replacements to those people, but other than that I haven't run into any issues.
If Wikizilla is to be believed, Orga is 76 meters tall, Gorgo is just shy of 20 and Yongary is 35.
So he's in scale with baby Gorgo but if you're using the figure as Orga it's out of scale.
They've still got comic Gorgo and 13" Gorgo up.
Did you guys know that according to the creator, the first Godzilla was a female?
Makes sense, it’s scarier when it can lay eggs and leave more monster spawn. Also I suppose she’s kinda cute.
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>Twitter, using that "Tanaka speculated Godzilla might be female due to Minilla" thing despite everything contrary to it. Again.
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Oh, shit, you need to quickly flee the country, forever! You can only carry one of your precious kaiju. Who are you taking?
I'd take my treasure trove of Ryoko art cels.
The singing bass
As long as Godzilla will sit on my face, it can be whatever.
MIB? Probably my original release G2K since it was my first SHMA.
My Tokyo S.O.S 8 inch vinyl godzilla that i've had since i was 7
Nothing matters anymore, the only reason anyone likes anything is because of fetishes.
Where can I get a Godzilla Minus One SH Monsterarts? The colored cersion?
Ebay. But even then you're not going to spend more than what was already a retarded price that was 140 for QC issues like this>>11043232. I'd wait for the Super 7 if anything and I don't even like Super 7.
>I'm ready to settle down now
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Shimo and Skar King are too big

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GODsterartsbros keep winning.
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Monsterarts when?
yes, yes, keep crying and saying it over and over again Hiyashill
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>brand wars
Personally, I prefer Final Wars.
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New Godzilla the Art figure coming!

ムービーモンスターシリーズ ゴジラ(1954) 河村康輔ver.

「ムービーモンスターシリーズ ゴジラ(1954)」に参加アーティストである河村康輔がカラーリングデザインを行った数量限定のフィギュアを発売。

◤ Figures for sale at the venue ◢
GODZILLA THE ART Commemoration

Movie Monster Series Godzilla (1954) Kosuke Kawamura ver.
5,500 yen (tax included) ※ Regular sales at the venue

A limited edition figure will be released with coloring designed by Kosuke Kawamura, an artist who participated in the "Movie Monster Series Godzilla (1954)".
Got my Jet Jaguar in today, has anyone mentioned the thighs getting scuffed if you get too extreme with the posing?
Once they do all the film suits and have to start doing offshoots. But somehow still before Zilla
what is this?
thoughts on it? been interested in getting him but the articulation seems limited, especially the head

they brag about le more poses! but why cant they add articulated feet? that running pose looks awkward
Did they really forget to paint the blue spikes on the chin.
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no, the chin spikes were white in the concept art they used as reference
Stupid af, should have just been matt light grey like a dnd mini so we could just paint it ourselves.
They couldn't just add some blue paint after the fact? Would have helped alot. Unknown theve done bigger changes to figures before release.
Articulation isn't the best, a shf he is not. The butterfly joints are nice though.
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That would be a cool idea- just release a blank mold and ask fans to color it and vote on winners. But this release is a recolor from an artist for an artsy Godzilla event.
Personally I don't think this recolor looks that great. The previous art recolor one was good though.
Shimo and Skar should've just been a 2 pack. There's no reason for Shimo to cost that much. Shit she doesn't even come with a ice beam effect. Hell a throne for Skar King or evolved Godzilla atomic breath
YO! Word to your mother!
The whole idea of shimo and that skeleton bridge is stupid as shit anyway. Godzilla is supposed to be king of the monsters yet they constantly design creatures that dwarf him. His ass would get WRECKED by creatures that much larger.
This is such a wholesome picture. LOVE IT!
It is kinda weird they haven't done more stuff with the Gemstone characters ever since the initial Bandai figures of Godzilla and Gigan Rex.
There isn't a single good reason breath effects aren't mandatory.
Is that an X-Plus? It looks real good.
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>The American movies are stupid because they keep designing monsters much bigger than Godzilla
Try again.
I wish they sold these online
>Shimo and Skar should've just been a 2 pack
That's a terrible idea
I agree with everything else you have though, the lack of accessories in this line is painfull.
I see you Bagan, pretending you exist.
This dumb nigga doesn't know how animals work
Especially with Bandai jacking up prices.
factory sample
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They're really swinging wild now, huh
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Yongary is fully funded
>Yongary ( 6” tall and 12” long and has 26 points of articulation)
>flame breath
>laser horn
>3 tanks
>3 jets
>3 oil tanks
>Sungnyemun Gate
>destructible bridge
Tomorrow's the last day I believe.
FUCK I want him so bad, but 125$ with shipping would be the most I've ever spent on a figure by far. Fomo is hitting me hard.
The price is only going to go up after preorders end.
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>He doesn't know about Godziban.
Is Pulgasari a good movie? I've never gotten around to it.
Yeah, he's pricey, but if you really like Yongary, anon... I'd say go for it. It's not like there'll be another Yongary figure you have to worry about any time soon, if ever.
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I think all the accessories make the price worthwhile, especially the buildings, reminds me of Revoltechs kaiju figures.
I haven't sought out the movie (I think there are only low quality rips online and the dvd is bootleg quality) but from what I hear it's okay quality, nothing amazing but also not terrible, kinda like Daimajin in that it's a period drama but with a kaiju.
Fuck I also forgot to add, if Yongary is anything like Gorgo, the they'll probably release a second version somewhere down the line in a different colour scheme.
With Gorgo, they went with a comic deco for the second release. What can they do with Yongary? Give him a deco like the creature from Reptilian?
They could just make a poster color version.
I just got done watching GMK for the first time. That outcome surprised me. It was a great movie. Now I see why a lot of people consider it in their top pick.
Anyway, can't wait for the GMK Godzilla and King Ghidorah figures to come out this year!
I saw that Godzilla is going to show up at the next Wonderfes, or is having its own Wonderfes? Anyone know more about that?
Any good Jiger figures out there? I'd prefer her Gamera: Rebirth version, but any would do so long as it's not just a statue.
None of these are good movies, we're here because of nostalgia and memes.
>None of these are good movies
Oh look, actual garbage.
Go back.
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Only the MMS version exist
It's a start, I guess. Basically a statue, but she looks good and I haven't seen anything else for her.
At least post the original before Minus.
I think for the big anniversary there's going to be a metric ton of this kind of thing.
>54 but it's pink! 54 but it's black and white with film grain effect! 54 but it's inverted colors! 54 but it's clear and disappears in water!
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I haven't seen the Japanese version of the original yet so i cannot comment on it.
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I own the tiny gacha shogun Godzilla but I decided to splurge on the ultimates version. Its so freaking adorable I love it man this is why I love toys.
Is Goji 1954 brown or black? I always thought he was black/charcoal, but the 70th anniversary SHMA being brown is making me curious.
In film universe he's charcoal grey like the rest of the Godzilla's of that era. The actual suit was said to be brown though.
Got Jet Jaguar today. 60$ figure at best.
Mind the thighs.
So skip?
Pros cons?
Why didn’t they give him better knee articulation and toe hinge
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Well a pro is that he simply looks fun. Movie accurate and it's cool we get obscure characters. But pricing is a Godzilla licensing problem overall, nothing Jet Jaguar specific. The whole Godzilla line is too expensive for what it is. But that's a Toho issue. He has some nice accessories too.

His articulation is pretty abysmal, because he's simply not engineered like a Figuarts, when he could've been. They tried to engineer him with as few gaps as possible, true to the Monsterarts design, which results in floating pieces for the elbows and knees and floating pieces really hinder articulation. Elbows barely go more than 90 degrees, knees can barely reach 90 degrees. Not many swivels. No toe hinge. Etc...

I don't really regret him. I barely buy any Monsterarts since I'm mostly into Showa, with a few Heisei and Millenium releases here and there. So I can justify buying the odd overpriced figure here and there since I skip like ALL of the Monsterverse crap.
You would know. Being the ape you are. Get off this board and loot a target.
Can you do me a favor and pose him as best you can in the Rider Kick pose? I wanted to get him, Ultraman, and a miniature Rider all kicking the three heads of the Hiya Toys Ghidorah.
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Ultradad got confirmed.
I can not imagine anyone spending $240 on a set that includes Gabara.
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That's the best he can probably do.
I see the marks, it's irritating isn't it?
You mean on the thighs?
Yeh, how's his glutes holding up?
Yeah not so well to be honest.
I really wish they has made that ridge less sharp, I'm curious to see how the average JJ will look in a years time.
i thought the crotch piece was softer to prevent this
Nope, solid.
Where is she?

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