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File: OIP (7).jpg (46 KB, 474x312)
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I just remembered this fiasco
What fiasco?
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>he thinks Lego sets can be cancelled
Not even the most egregious cancellation.
We did it poosisters!
The minifigures though
>original indy line - 15 sets from 4 movies
>new indy line - 3 sets from 2 movies
was this the most disappointing lego theme return ever?

You mean new sets or old sets?
Shame, egyptian and jungle temple from new line are good. Crusade set is lame.
I mean, aren't those available in other sets anyway?
There was none, the set just got cancelled because it failed the safety check. It would have been a fiasco if a kid got in danger if the set got released.
Oh, yeah, I can see some little dipshits left alone with those long curled spikes causing some terrible injuries.
A likely excuse.
The fact that mola ram got cancelled in the Hasbro adventures series at the same time is just coincidence, I guess.
Those fire pieces look odd, are they new?
Any info on these safety checks? What was so dangerous there?
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I think they're just rock pieces molded neon orange
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Build that yourself then. What's wrong with you?
Build the creator version from the bomber-fighter-hovercraft 3-in-1 set. Or maybe learn how to build model kits. That is what I have been doing.

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