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Does Pile of Loot automatically ship on Day 0 or Day -1?
never had it run all the way down But today I am a few days from having the time on my oldest purchase expire. Looks like if it runs out they only ship the expiring item unless you manual ship everything.
why do people hate BBTS? I never had a problem with them.
Day 0 iirc, only had it happen maybe twice.
Idk, they done a poor job boxing up my orders but its been nothing awful. They mark up imports on occasion.
Fell for the scam
no idea
they do markup imports to the point they are only ever worth ordering from as an absolute last resort and will scalp items sold out everywhere else that they've found a stock of, but I've never had an issue with them for normal orders
I've had both happen honestly, might even depend on the day of the week. Just had to ship my PoL because one item was out of time, but since it ran out on a Sunday it didn't start processing right away. Always best to ship before it runs out though, just to save on that $4.

Success breeds contempt.
I just shipped the contents of my private warehouse at HLJ. Cost over $100
Damn, Americans are poor
>why do people hate BBTS? I never had a problem with them.
They're just autists who can't be positive about anything. It's the same as the "gaymers don't buy toys" bullshit or "looks like shit" opinion of a figure reveal.
Because it's funny watching Americans trip over themselves to defend a stupid website
my preorders always come late from them, like minimum 2 weeks to a month.
At that point, i could have just walked my ass down to Target or Walmart and gotten the same shit for cheaper.
As funny as watching third world shitskins seethe over a website?
Me either
It’s just some dumb meme
I have the same question for that too. Do they ship at Day 0?
I recently noticed they say if you cancel too much from your pile of loot they would deactivate that function in your account. Has that happen to anybody?

I thought I did it a lot sometimes just to reset the days or if I didn't have money on card in time and to buy the pending orders with store credit by cancelling old orders.Or I ran into the item in stores and cancel too. I never noticed any warnings from them. I guess I buy enough to have a big enough net positive.
Their Day 0 changed recently and I don't think their site updated the counter. It's 180 days now but I think the counter still starts from 60.

It hasn't happened for so long for so many people who knows. They just started having a deadline again from June 1st.
If i cant afford it or decide i dont want it i tend to cancel it early or when ever i get the processing soon email. Ive been using them regularly for like four years now, never felt like i was on a list of bad customers. Do they drag their asses shipping my pol out? Yup. How 5 items takes 3 days to process for shipping is beyond me, ive worked years in order fufillment and shipping, it doesnt take an hour to put togeyher an order and ship it. So idk, maybe thats the way they fuck you for cancelling .
They told me 6 months, and im on my 5th
>put non-refundable deposit on figure
>change mind, cancel order
>scammed again
Don't know. I have some 45 days left on the mk14 EBR that's waiting to be joined up with multiple effects part packs to be shipped together. Those packs have been delayed at least 2 months.
They ship it? I thought they would just refund you and remove it. Idk if i like this more or less. I always ship my shit on time anyway so idc really.
Just shipped my Pile of Loot yesterday and today got a notice that Legacy Tidal Wave is coming in soon. Guess he'll be sitting in the PoL for a while....but seeing as my shipment is already coming in two boxes with over 20 figures, I think I can hold off on finding room for a Titan Class Transformer.
Sounds like a badass kino supremo you got shipping out for that sweet sweet sweet pile of loot service all for the low low price of $4 to save on those doubled up prices you end up paying for.
Props to you for still going at it, honestly
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Because people shill it here so much and anons get sick of it after awhile. The store is okay for domestic, pathetic for Imports.
If you aren't in America why would you buy from an import warehouse in the US in the first place? You'd be essentially paying for it to be shipped twice to two different countries

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