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Training edition

Previous thread: >>11007986

This thread is for the discussion of scale plastic (and resin, PE, wood, etc) models kit
-Post photos of your builds in progress and your finished builds
-Have your builds critiqued or critique others
-Discuss tips and techniques
-Ask for advice or give advice to others

Always remember:
>No manufacturer is purely perfect (except for Starfix) or awful. ALWAYS research your kits before buying.

Some helpful guides to get started:

Plus there are tons of people on YouTube with pretty good videos on techniques etc.

Some sites to purchase models, extras, and supplies:
https://www.dersockelshop.de/ (GER)
https://www.scalehobbyist.com/index.php (US)
https://www.alfahobby.se/ (SWE)
http://spruebrothers.com/ (US)
https://freetimehobbies.com/ (US)
http://www.hobbyeasy.com/ (HK)
http://www.luckymodel.com/ (HK)
http://www.hlj.com/ (JP)
https://www.modellbau-koenig.de/en (GER)
http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/ (JP)
https://www.hannants.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.jadarhobby.pl/index.php?language=en (PL)
https://www.bnamodelworld.com/ (AUS)
http://volksusastore.com/webstores/scale/ (US) (Carry Mr. Color and GaiaNotes paint)
https://www.emodels.co.uk/ (UK)
https://www.super-hobby.com (EU/UK/RU/US/PL)
https://plastmodel.pl/ (PL/EU)
https://m-zone.pl (PL only)

Jannie feedback for really, really big retards:
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Hasegawa: no putty needed
Is that the F-2? Can't tell without the elevators. If yes, then how is it? I've been meaning to get it.
/smg/, please give me strength to put on the 200 decals
its an f16c, my 7 year old daughter builds it. very good fit.
What are you building that requires 200 decals?
I dare you to build their T-38 or Blue Impulse T-4 and say this. I liked their F-20 and regular T-4, though.
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Some jet aircraft presumably, I've gone way past 200 on a few 1/72 builds, for my Mig-23 the missiles alone took over 80.
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These panther II tracks are a horrible nightmare to assemble
Their only saving grace is that they don't have a direcion
>88 links per side + 12 spare links on the hull
>3 sprues for tracks
Ewwww plastic tracks
My best tracks experience was metal ones by that Hungarian autist, it was super comfy to link them with wire
Painting was a bit of a bitch, though, and I wasn't experienced enough to tension them
But oh my God, putting that heavy chain on the tiger 2 road wheels felt orgasmic
I met Friul guy in Vienna, measuring the "hush-puppy" tracks on an Austrian Centurion. Had a whole "leave me the fuck alone, I'm busy" attitude, so yeah, kinda antisocial.

Wife manned the Friul stand though, she was nice. Also the Friulmodel factory is just the basement in their house.
I thought Larry David was infantry?
Fruil tracks are nice, but I'm not investing 100% of the kit value in tracks
Got some rmsh tracks for a su-122-54, they sit amazingly
Didn't he retire at some point 2 years ago?
Don't know, this was like a decade ago. Shorty after that I stopped going to shows.
Which one you're prefer?

I'm curious will you do weather on tank as always, or make it look like a new car just come out from the factory.
My 1/48 Mig-21 had around 150
It's not necesarilly the weathering I think, maybe just something with the camera but before is very flat looking, it still looks like a plastic model if that makes sense
Yeah I think so, and maybe lighting is one of a factor to make difference too

Before is shooting with white light and I didn't do anything washing by brown black color either, after is with yellow light.
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This is took in the white light background as before weathering.
Now that the ban that the vatnik sympathizer janny gave me (along with deleting all of my on-topic posts) is over - are new-ish (last 10 years) Trumpeter 1:35 kits any good? They seem to be the only real alternative to build r*ssian vehicles if you don't want to give Zvezda any money.
why would you give money to chinese companies
>are 1:35 kits any good
Because at least they're not r*ssian and I want to build r*ssian armor models for my unit as OPFOR identification study aids.
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Trumpeter is highly detailed, but as such they're VERY overengineered. Expect tanks with 800-1000 parts.

Also every kit they tend to include at least one major accuracy blunder, Peter Trum's curse on the rivet counters.
>at least they're not r*ssian
they're no better
I like em, probably close to half my stash is trumpeter in 1/35, mainly because I have a hardon for big retarded vehicles. They do have the occasional fit issues though, like the zhalo/BTR-70 chassis I recently built had a couple gaps and some suspension pieces seemed too short, but that might have been me. Overall nothing insurmountable, and for the most part I enjoy them.
Thanks for the feedback. I've only ever built Trumpeter 1/72 which are... okay, I guess. I'll see how the 1/35 ones work out soon enough. Just wanted to make sure I'm not jumping into some "Zvezda in the 90ies" or "reboxes from the 60ies" type of garbage.
it's not rivet counting when fixing the blunder involves replacing an entire sub-assembly
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>here is your quality japanese (hecho en prc) kit, bro
I'm not sure if the picture conveys it properly, but the barrel is oval with an offset round muzzle, all flash and spots where the plastic got stuck on the die and stretched got sanded down
At this point just get the OG 70s Tamiya panther, you get less production defects
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Almost forgot the metal (synthetic string) tow cable
Anons, what are Hasegawa Love Liners (a.k.a 1/200 airliner series) like? I might buy a few if they are any good. I kind of want their lineup of JAL and ANA models (which is all they really do these days).
While on this subject I looked up Hasegawa 1/200 on YouTube and I was returned this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZJYSmLf1oM&ab_channel=%E3%81%95%E3%81%81%E3%81%A1%E3%82%83%E3%82%93hobbyroom

I just wanted to point a few things out, which could be kit issues, but are just as, if not more than, likely modelling errors.

>The nosewheel is completely botched Not only is one of the wheels missing, but some of the hub seems to be paint black as to represent it as part of the tire. Most airliner wheel hubs are usually white or light grey. Peach Aviation's are white, but often have some grime build up, so a black wash placed into the wheel hubs might be a good idea. Usually if a part is lost, it might be better to create a scenario where it is not needed or where such is appropriate. That would mean displaying the model in-flight on jacks for maintenance or having suffered a gear collapse.
>The engines are not level. This might be an engineering issues, but making a jig that sets the wings and engine pylons at the right height and angle can be easily done using scrap cardboard, foam (packing foam, insulation foam), or card stock and a ruler.

Excuse the 'sperg, I just could not help but notice these things.
anyone else noticing an increase in motivated sellers? Been rummaging through ebay over the past couple months and have noticed some generous prices, like 20% off the best retail price, and I'm quick to get reduced offers on some. Are boomer hoarders coming to terms with their own mortality? Is rampant inflation driving people to offload just to make ends meet?
maybe just lockdown hoarders getting rid of kits they couldn't sell during covid
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I think they're doing fine with 72 scale tanks generally.

Their 72 Challenger 1 NATO ver is obviously with more correct details on turret and hull than Academy as you can see, but don't know why they didn't give ammo box for the machine gun, also all the hatches and obversation window on turret is closed, on the contrary another brand has those things which trumpeter doesn't.....such annoying frankly.

I sold both of them and plan to mix them in my next building, I wanna take open hatch and machine gun ammo box from academy on the trumpeter for get advantage from both brands.
Either that or there's a large number of old people who just died and people are clearing out the unbuilt backlog.

Case in point: spent less than $100 for some fairly large kits shipped last week, came in today. Two of them still have their price tags - 1/35 Trumpeter E-75 Flakpanzer at $45 and an ancient 1970s 1/48 Monogram P-51D at about $11.50. Both tags also had the store names on them, but google showed both stores (which were in different states) had closed around the early 2010s. So I have t assume at least the five kits I now have were all from one backlog, and were not touched after purchase for over a decade since they still have shrinkwrap.
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weathered has more to look at

anybody does rc conversions/full option models here?
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zvezda is so shit, my god.
i tried to do a spanish civil war republican bt-5. tried the zvezda crap kit. nothing aligned, everything deformed, more putty volumewise that actual sprue parts. plastic extra brittle and breaks from looking at it...vinyl tracks look like they have tumors.
that zvezda kit was the first kit ever i didnt finish. threw it in the trash. should have read the amazon critics, same there.
I ended up with a hobby boss late bt-2 for the hull and a t-26 for the turret. went together smoothly.
zvezda=gay ass crappy russhit, not even once.
Sounds to me you're kinda dumb anon.
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No, dumbfuck, you're a stupid retarded nigger for not doing your due research the first time.
NTA but Zvezda is still shit in 2024, anon. The tools may look nice but they're all plagued by the poorest quality control, turning otherwise good kits to shit.
I have built 4 zvezda kits and the only one that was bad was their btr that is a reboxed dragon kit
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Their 1:72 Mig-29 is probably the best there is at that scale.

For Zvezda "caveat emptor" applies, if you buy one of their dogshit kits you only have yourself to blame, like these retards should >>11038910 >>11038879
How can I not suck at modelling while not allowed to have an airbrush? (There is no room in the house, plus there is an HOA that banned usage of spray paint in the neighborhood).

>Captcha: KMS2
Get a collapsible airbrush station off Amazon and run the ventilation out a window.
just open a window
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You mean full interior models? I made 1 (one) - 7TP by IBG or IGB or Go-Fuck-Yourself-Models (worst kit I've encountered, so far, and I worked with old zvezda kits)
dogshit instructions, poor fit and weird plastic aside, I got the special ed kit which includes the entire crew - 4 figs (two options for the commander) - all of which were out of scale
>I had to sand the driver's head down about 3mm to fit him
The only place I can use an airbrush is on the kitchen stove (or in a public park, if I move my workbench into my car, or I carry everything by bicycle. (I am 19 and live with my parents, if that matters). Some windows are caulked shut for bug control too. Any alternatives for brush painting alone?
how about into a cardboard box
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Yeah, I don't like this thermal sleeve color. I think Takom is wrong on this.

Looking at photos, dark-green thermal sleeves and mantlet covers existed in Iran, and other countries, but also khaki and tan, with seemingly mantlet covers and thermal sleeves rarely being the same color.

Thinking of redoing the barrel in khaki, tan, or buff, and the mantlet cover in maybe XF-49 khaki,
I mean I don't know guys, should I leave it and hope the later dust layer will lighten it?
What looks like tan thermal sleeve, with dark green mantlet cover. I think the tan/khaki/buff sleeves were later.

Also trying to build shit from recluse countries is hell. Don't make my mistake. Just make a Berlin Brigade or BATUS Chieftain like everybody else.
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hein progress

ak extreme metals make me so fucking nervous
I mean, you could brushpaint if you got good with thinner, but airbrushing is just easier to do coverage with. And you mention you're in a neighborhood or something so you should have a backyard I'm guessing. And if you have a covered area on a table, you would be fine with just an airbrush and air compressor. You mention your HOA bans spray paint, but I think that's more with what you do with your house than a tool for painting models.
Short shots and poor to mid engineering notwithstanding, 90s to 00s era Zvezda had better QC than current Zvezda.
To the anon who wanted to get the 1/48 HK b-17f a while ago, I hope you pre ordered since this will probably be going close to $200 but you'll be getting resin super chargers, masks and PE along with 7 markings and a pin. I'm slightly disappointed since I was hoping they would do the twin nose mount but it is what it is, probably might pick one up myself
It's because of the thin plastic they use now, which is too delicate to be handled by orcs.
Sent from my iPhone


Airfix P-51 Mustang 1/72
Revell F-14 Tomcat 1/72
Tamiya F-14 Tomcat 1/48
Tamiya F-15 1/48 WORK IN PROGRESS
Ford Mustang II 1/1 (har-har)
Chrysler Pacifica 1/1 for the woman
US Army 1988-1988 (dishonorably discharged)
USPS 1988-1989 (dishonorably discharged)
FedEx 1989-

"Semper Fi"

"I stand with Israel"
I haven't seen a boomer sig like that in ages.
>USPS 1988-1989 (dishonorably discharged)
Good idea, how big of a box do I need, the largest model I have built was a Tu-95 in 1/100 scale, but I also have an RC P-40 with a 1m wingspan that needs to be painted.
I use aqeous acrylics, like Testor's Model Master, Humbrol and Tru-Color, so I use purified water as a thinner. I also use a lacquer to seal, but the instructions mention that the best results require generous coats, so I do not thin it, but instead, use a 1000 grit sanding stick and Flitz to even out the coats.

Any recommendations for ratios of paint? I do 3 parts paint to 2 parts water, I will give pictures of my results soon.

>>>/o/ still does it somewhat often.
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Are my builds any good? I need honest criticism.
No they're not.
Paint to thinner ratios can vary not just between paint brands but from one pot of paint to the next pot of the same paint, so learn to recognise properly thinned paint instead. Basically too thick means detail is obscured and, probably more noticeable, texture is added to surfaces that shouldn't have any. Too thin will reduce coverage more than necessary, and in more extreme cases has the paint start beading up and/or flowing around as it's now too much thinner and too little binder to stick to the model properly.

Well. Keep practising.
Slightly better than twitterbro, but I'm pretty sure the paint isn't supposed to look like the enamel on a dutch oven. Hard to say what's going on with the details under that shield. The decals seem to have adhered pretty well though.
shouldn't the brown be more brown
Thinner paint with more coats imo
Thank you anons. I promise that my next build will be better.

I cannot rest until I build the perfect model! I have a long ways to go, though. My goal is to eventually build a kit which I have been saving to a perfect standard (1/48 F-20 in an ornate blue-white fantasy scheme).

I will experiment with mixing ratios next model. What consistency should I look for?
By the way, the Brown is correct, but it appears lighter in the image. The FS code is approximately that of Humbrol 29 and the green is Humbro, 86 or a Testor's equivalent (Airfix recommends Humbrol 30, which is much to light, as I found out with an earlier build of a Spitfire and Gladiator).
I used to glob it on straight out of the pot but these days I just put a few paintbrush loads of acrylic on a palette with 2-3 drops of water from a pipette, not a whole lot. Repeat as necessary.
Okay! The palette sounds like a lovely idea. Good for mixing colors too (which I sometimes do in order to get a better match).
Don't know if spits had visible edge on the top of engine cowling. Attack edge of the wing also looks as if it has unscraped flash.
Thick paint has been said already, the cable is also too thick for this scale - get something like 0.03mm ship rigging line (hard to work with but the effects are worth it)
Pay more attention when painting around masking - if you're using a brush, stroke away from the tape so you don't build a clump of paint on the edge (also control your thinning as to not get fucked by our good friend, capillary action)
ackshually it's a hurricane
>Don't know if spits
There appears to be a lot you don't know.
It's a hurricane and no, that is not flash, even my RC model has a defined leading edge, some light parts are poor paint job, part landing light.

I only had black sewing thread on hand, but rigging cable seems like a good thing to have.

Also camouflage was freehand, I only use masking tape for scalloped patterns, stripes, et al.
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-Sent from Carl's Iphone via Tapatalk

"If you don't stand behind our troops feel free to stand in front of them."

1982-83 9th SRW Beale AFB
1984-95 White Castle Special Orders Dept
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i fucking love boomer posting
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>hosting expired
too real
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Round earth bros?!
anyone have any experience with fujimi's 1/20 cars? can't really find any reviews on them
Mr Tamiya knows things
Should I buy some shitty AliExpress snap together kits and share the results?
Seems pretty pointless.
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2nd aircraft done. 1/72 Arma Hobby Yak-1b.
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Good work.
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What issues did you have w/ your BTR?
I've ordered the Zvezderino BTR-70 because it's the dragon one my dad built many years ago.
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Okay, redid the barrel, definitely looks much nicer now.

Still some touch ups to do, but I'm hoping with the wash the details are gonna pop even more.
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The loose straps are from masking tape.
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There usually a different gray-colored sheet at the bottom half of the base-end of the barrel for some reason, if I have to guess it's further insulation to protect the driver from the radiating heat of the barrel.

Probably nice healthy asbestos.
v nice, very clean
Go ahead, but I doubt too many people care.
I tried to do that, but they are utter shit. It's pretty much the same as painting army men tanks. You can do it, but at the end of the day it's mostly just gonna waste your time.
The hatches are made to be openable, so if you want them to look good you have to entirely remake the hinges. Biggest problem is the tires. They are made from a rubber material that can't be sanded, and have a prominent moldline running down the center. They also have ejector pin marks on one side and no putty I tried stuck to them.
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>no replies to build posted
>impostor syndrome flares up again
How do you deal with it, /smg/?
If you are the Iranian chief guy, keep it up
The barrel shroud looks great
If you are the hien guy, the paint job is nice and smooth

The Panther II tracks were a miserable experience to make, especially since 1/3 cleats came warped and didn't have good contact with links
Despite everything, only one link got flooded with glue and remains stuck in place
you're not actually new at this at all are you
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People like to give criticism more than compliments, so wouldn’t worry. Just be glad you’ve reached the threshold of no obvious critiques.

Pic unrel, shot of my Kagero next to a gorgeous Zuikaku at last show.
Thinking of building the Akagi, Soryu, Ayanami, Katsuragi, Hyuga etc. with name plates, display them in my store, and wait for the first neckbeard customer to look at them and make a "what, what?" face.
Maybe you should finish your chieftain first.
What the fuck is this "impostor syndrome"? Who talks like this?

Finish your tank and go back, Legofaggot.
dank, what scale?
1/350. After seeing that build at the same show I bought a Fujimi kit of a bunch of 1/350 sailors, going to try and add them.

GenZ buzzword for self-doubt. Feeling insecure like you faked it to be where you are. Mainly used by women in high paying positions who still need a reason to complain about muh patriarchy. They were pushing this when I was in college about 5 years ago.
Bruh, impostor syndrome has been a common term far longer than that, you really are college stupid.
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Just because the term existed before doesn’t mean it hasn’t seen a large spike in popularity in recent years
That doesn't concern me one bit.
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I've said this before, the only time to builds get comments is when they're really good, or twitterbro tier.

anyway this came in the mail today. fuckin thing looks like some 40k ork shit
>fuckin thing looks like some 40k ork shit

Considering the scrap metal shells they're putting on their vehicles to avoid drones, "40K Ork" seems to be a very apt description of modern day Russian field engineering. Maybe we might even get Gorkanauts and Morkanauts.
In case this is useful for anyone building britshit in the future, I figured out what these rubber pads are running around the engine deck of most British post-war tanks:

They're gun depression stop-rails, so the gun barrel doesn't scrape along the engine deck and rip shit off.

The Krug is a proper fucking monster as long as ground-forces SAM (as opposed to separate air-defense branch SAM) goes, I believe only fixed SAM emplacements like the also monstrous SA-5 outranged it, until the SA-12 Gladiator, the also ground-forces variant of the S-300 came along.
they even named the thing krug, I cant even come up with a dumber word and I speak retard fluently

certainly looks like a fuckin monster. Had no idea about its lethality. my knowledge of cold war subjects is very lacking besides what looks cool. Model building has forced my out of my WWII comfort zone
For me probably the most fun in building models is inadvertently learning a shitton of the subject while researching every river-counter detail.
Agree. For me the fun fact this week was that the Russians kept the designation Tu-22M for their new bomber to appear as if it's a simple upgrade to the Tu-22 when it's really a completely new plane.

This proved extremely effective to me when I ordered the photo etch kit for the Tu-22 by mistake.
Same. Must be autism, but I just don't understand people who refuse to learn about stuff. Like getting to know more about the world and understanding why stuff works the way it does or the pursuit of knowledge I guess is what has made humanity great throughout the ages.
Building German vehicles is the anti-wehraboo pill I can't believe how retarded kraut designs are.
I'm so fucking mad trumpeter fumbled so hard when making it in 1/72
if you're a sucker for accuracy, trumpy's 1/72 vehicle series is probably the worst line of kits ever made, I don't think anyone had anything good to say about those
It wasn't the accuracy, it was the absolute state of the kit, almost made it in that 80s italeri vintage with flash, misaligned dies, sink marks and exceptionally bad engineering
I built the SA-6 and despite being older had none of this shit
That's Hayashio tho
I wouldn't say retarded, but most of the German designs are an amalgamation of "ridiculously high even for peace time" technical requirements, the "hey guys I got a super great idea" of any and every designer under the black sun and "oh shit we're never getting this done, just scrap half of it and stick something existing in there" with a light peppering of "Fuck it, roll it out".

Which is a fitting addition to the soviet "idk, weld something around this engine and hope it makes to the front line, oh wait the factory IS the front line"; american "well it worked once, just set up 10 more assembly lines and make more of it"; japanese "rook rook, I put track on armored car" and british "copy the yank's homework and stick a 50 and ¾ pounder on it good old chap! Tally ho!"
>copy the yank's homework
did that happen more than once
You are free to peer review my shitpost. I am very interested in the dissertation.
>"ridiculously high even for peace time" technical requirements
Yes those requirements are retarded when the officer who owns the patent for interleaved road wheels demands that everything has them.
it was pretty gay
Source please

( T ʖ̯ T)
>I wouldn't say retarded, but most of the German designs are an amalgamation of "ridiculously high even for peace time" technical requirements, the "hey guys I got a super great idea" of any and every designer under the black sun and "oh shit we're never getting this done, just scrap half of it and stick something existing in there" with a light peppering of "Fuck it, roll it out".

It really says something that the Gemans didn't even think about trying to make standardized universal parts until very late into 1944, with the E-series tanks that never got realized beyond maybe a partial prototype or two.
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it's so fucking weird how the germans had a production line for every single slightly different halftrack, truck, tank, car, pot, shovel and the companies engaged in petty corporate politics and the US was standardizing everything from the start
>new guns just started rolling off the production lines
>i guess we have no choice other than the design a brand new chassis with a brand new engine and transmission to carry it instead of adapting anything already in production
Even moreso, Hitler himself forbade the production of surplus spare parts, because that would mean something like a 20% reduction in production of fully built units. This even extended to support units like heavy recovery vehicles which would be necessary for something even as simple as a heavy tank that slid down an embankment from loose mud.

Naturally, this of course led to a lot of german armor being abandoned in the field, either cannibalized for parts or simply left as-is because of the inability to fix them when they INEVITABLY broke down from being over-engineered, along with the inability to drag them back to a place where they possibly could get precious replacement parts.

It's really kind of amazing the Nazis ever got anything done with how dysfunctional it all was.
The fictional county of Venezuela almost is ready to have her tanks highjacked by the technoviking
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Yea, I’m just used to saying Kagero since no one has heard of Hayashio
Based as fuck
Except they very much were recovered and fixed.
I'm an experienced modeller but never built an armor kit in my life. Decided i wanted to try out some smaller scale tank kits, which companies make decent armor kits in either 1/72 or 1/100 (or even 1/144)?
gunpla kits dont make you an experienced modeler
I enjoyed airfix's tiger and firefly in /72, and cromwell in /76. all their other tanks in those scales are boomer bullshit though
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Zvezda makes good armor kits in 1/72 and one of the few that makes 1/100, great price to quality ratio
Trumpeter is so-so, light on details and parts, engineering at the cost of accuracy
Revell has a select few old kits that are great like their panzer IV and panther, stay away from their leopard 2
New Chinese brands like vespid, takom and border are very feature heavy, metal barrels, PE and the occasional 3d printed part

thanks. I'll have a look at some Zvezda and the airfix stuff you mentioned. I normally work on aircraft & scratchbuilds these days & just wanted something different for fun.


I guess it wouldn't be 4chan without the resident elitist faggot like you kek. I started building aircraft kits 40 years ago. Why do you have a chip on your shoulder about gunpla anyway? who hurt you anon?
>who hurt you
NPC response.
I build anything but avoid interacting with anyone who does gunpla because there's a 99% chance of them being a massive faggot.
there's a bunch of italeri /72 vehicles but everyone here dumps on italeri
nta but I recently got into gunpla again after building aircraft (and the occasional bit of armour or naval modelling) for decades. My main subject still is, and probably always will be, Great War aviation but those Japanese robot kits can be beautifully engineered, and I would say without a hint of irony that the Gunpla community has a better standard of painting than most military modelling (I would put them around the automotive modelers in terms of skill but with more of a cargo culty attitude and less knowledge of "how the paint works"). The scratch building and kitbashing knowledge is also very good, not as good as prop makers but probably about on par with wargamers.
That being said I presume your experience with gunpla modelling is based on people who just snap together the kits and put a few stickers on, in which case I totally get it. Just don't throw an entire side of modelling under the bus because of low effort shitters, that would be like judging aviation modelers based on twitterbro or wargamers based on THIN YOUR PAINTS.
that weeb shit is gay though

then why the fuck are you on 4chan and not some scale forum with the other boomers?
Your opinions are shit. The first paragraph at least.

Agreed with the NPC response. I know two people who build gunpla, one is unironically a fat furry communist faggot and the other one is a massive NEET autist.
why not
>Your opinions are shit. The first paragraph at least.
What part is shit, if I might ask? The majority of their "community" is just a pack of snapshitters who take parts off the sprue, maybe sand the sprue nubs down, ham hands it together, put some stickers on and then complain when their overhandling breaks the model. That being said, the other side of that hobby is a group of people who are happy to put hundreds of hours into a kit, scratch build parts to fit the models and then paint them with a sense of pride that only really gets topped by automotive modelers. Every subgenre of model building seems to have its own strengths and weaknesses along with its own shitter traps and there is so little cross pollination between genres that every few years one aspect of modelling will "discover a new technique to revolutionise the industry" that has really just been practiced by other parts of the hobby for decades (normally shit the railway modelers hold onto to be honest).
Look at how lighting models is considered some rare technique in militaria modelling, yet is one of the first "expansion from norm" techniques learned in science fiction modelling. Or how some wet blending techniques from bust painting (themselves just adapted from canvas painting) came into aircraft weathering a couple of decades ago.
I spent years looking down on aspects of modelling that didn't interest me (mostly science fiction modelling and human figure painting, to a lesser extent automotive modelling) but now I realise that people are fucking retarded to think that any sub genre is inherently "low skill." It isn't the genre that is low skill, it is the people. I'm sorry to hear the two gunpla people around you are mouthbreathing retards, but you come across to me as someone who thinks that railway modelling is for unskilled faggots and "isn't real modelling" because you knew some people who put a hornby set together on their floor and called themselves "railway modellers."
The part where you say gunpla has higher standards for painting(???) Most of those niggers don't even paint anything.
Scale modellers are by far the most autistic about detail in both building and painting.
The majority of wargamers just throws their shit together. There is a very small minority of people who actually put effort in their armies. And there's a large overlap with scale modellers there.
The only ones more autistic than scale modellers are probably model railroad people. Like on the deeper end, where they literally solder together scratch built trains and shit.

Surface level retards are there on every level and in every hobby.
I specified that there are two sides to that hobby, being those who don't do anything on their models and those that do. It is the side that do that display a much better understanding of how coats interact with each other, the different processes that can be used in the finish and most importantly (and the reason I draw the comparison to automotive modelling) the importance of surface preparation (something that aviation and especially armour modelers neglect).
>Scale modellers are by far the most autistic about detail in both building and painting.
Too broad. Naval modelers are generally the most experienced at handling fine photo etch, but have a habit of modelling ships as if they have just been launched off the slipway. Armour modelers have a finer knowledge of accrued weathering detail using alternate substances like putty and pigments, but have a habit of failing to understand how objects are lit and as a result painting retarded preshades. And so on and so forth.
In my experience the broadest modeling knowledge is in the minds of railways, diorama and prop making circles. The most highly specialised techniques seem to be in automotive and bust circles. The most progressive techniques are in prop making and science fiction circles. The highest median level of talent is probably in militaria circles.
If you go to any gunpla MODELLING community that isn't a reddit hugbox you will find that there is a massive divide between the people who just build the kits out of box (generally called snapshitters) and people who use the models as, you know, fucking models. In that second group there is a massive emphasis put on making builds that lack unintentional flaws, they basically treat kits on shelf as if they are entering them in IPMS. The reason I draw the comparison to automotive modelling is that the boomers that bare metal foil their bumpers are the only group that come close to the same obsession about surface prep and finish.
To build on this, my area of focus is great war aviation (as said above). I would say that great war modelers have retained the most experience among military modelers in working with "archaic" media (vacforms, complex pewter castings and the like) and sub assembly techniques (as a necessity due to the need to rig models and often assemble planes after painting due to multiple wings). That being said, we are less talented in rigging than wooden ship builders, and probably only about equivalent in weird media to prop builders. Also, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that we are behind gunpla and automotive modelers when it comes to paint and finish, the self delusions of "planes looked rough back then" are just shibboleths repeated as a cope at how many great builds are saddled with shit paint jobs, like armour modelers saying "oh weathering can hide mistakes."
To be honest the biggest stupidity with Gunpla modelers is that they've split themselves off from other science fiction modelers despite sharing 90% of their techniques. Hell, it is at the point that major gunpla manufacturers are making science fiction kits for Hollywood IPs like Star Wars.
tldr. anime robots are still inherently gay
>like armour modelers saying "oh weathering can hide mistakes."
It can though
>The part where you say gunpla has higher standards for painting(???) Most of those niggers don't even paint anything.

confirmed for not knowing shit about gunpla.
Gunpla painters hate snapshitters even more than you do.
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What does this even do? Dissolve the decal film or something?
it makes your pp small
That's actually a name tag
It softens waterslide decals and makes them sit 'tighter' on the surface. Around molded detail and panel lines, especially, to give things a better 'painted on' look.
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what does this do?
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Clean Zvezda BRDM-2 before I do some weathering
Drink it and find out
Why are the training wheels engaged?
You can have them in or out at your leisure in this build. I popped them back in after I took the photo.
may I introduce you to putty?
I did use some for some really egregious gaps on the front.
That's Mr. Gunze Mr. Hobby Mr. Mark Softer Neo SP, this is Mr. Gunze Mr. Hobby Mr. Aqueous Mr. Mark Setter SF.
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Gaps not filled, barrel not drilled, tools and periscopes painted silver, paint not thinned, nub marks not even sanded down. Weathering this is like putting lipstick on a pig.
What if I also told you the windscreen is cut out from a plastic milk bottle?
And this is Mister Mister Broken Wing Fixer:
it's literally pva glue in a solvent, it's designed to stick decals to the surface of the model better. The one in the green bottle is for melting decals as it's a strongish ink/printing solvent
So in short, it's another completely optional magical potion.
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And done. First 1/35 vehicle model. Thanks to the autie, I got shamed into getting rid of the sprue nubs on the hatches. Pure laziness on my part. Also I found the actual piece of plastic for the windscreen while I was cleaning up, oops.
Not great, not terrible. Did you leave the tires as bare rubber? That shit will probably start oozing oil at some point.
unfortunately it's a little too real for me, but I appreciate the effort, right down to the 'Tapatalk' bit.
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The only magical potion I can recommend is the abteilung 502 magic brush gel
My brush longevity has doubled since I started using it
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Second vidya tank the cat knocked off my work desk, tracks exploded, but all the delicate assemblies remained in place
Fortunately the tracks clicked black together
I did. Anything to prevent that?
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What's the least conventional material you have used in your builds?
I don't know what kind of vinyl zvesda uses, but it's hit or miss whether it will decay. I've seen old 70s tank kits with intact and usable (if somewhat hardened) vinyl tracks and some where they're melted. My experience with old car kits is similar. Some old kits, the tires are basically good as new - others they're stinky blobs. I have not found a pattern of time/company/use/exposure that consistently explains why some do but others do not and know of no way to prevent it since it is the material itself which decays. Those tires may last decades, they may be slush in two years.
>inb4 cum
Cardboard, because I am too cheap to spend the $1.25 on foam board.
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Almost forgot about having these photos. Went to Vienna earlier this year and they have these two gutted SAABs rotting in front of the arms museum, anyone fancy some references for weathering?
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Granted, it's mostly useful for planes that are left outside with minimal care.
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Thanks for that metadata strip, 4chen, cropped this one to avoid embarrassment.
Been there a few years ago, do they still have the M60 and Centurion?

They also had an Austrian T-34.
did you fucking dip the wing in a paint jar
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Got a tripod to try out focus stacking. For comparison this is one image from the original set of photos taken at different focus distances, most of the tank is out of focus.
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The free options I tried have a lot of halo artifacts. This is Hugin.
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Zerene Stacker runs on linux and out of the box results were impressive. It's 89USD after a 30 day free trial however so here's instructions to crack it for yourself, reversed engineered from crack for an older version.
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Example 2 before.
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After zerene stacker.
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>be me
>somewhat okay with brushes
>decide to invest in a airbrush after decades
>feel like everything i done before sucks
>mfw i look at my older models now
great job not being a full on cope faggot
airbrushes are nice and all but fuck me if I don't miss the simplicity of the painting cleanup being nothing more than dipping the brush in white spirit
The panzer exhibit was closed for the entirety of my stay, I think they only open it on Sundays now. That was infuriating.
what color layering should I do if I want to paint a vehicle bright red, assuming I have to cover up a completely different paintjob?

bright yellow

covering with a white primer should be enough
Why aren't you stripping the previous paintjob?
Slapped together a ICM spitfire to paint mule and try new techniques on and damn, no wonder slavs want to kill themselves. Nearly every fuselage piece is warped and the overall quality is worse than Japanese and Korean kits from the 80s.
ICM are the worst, even Starfix kits go together, but not ICM.
it's a complicated matter, trust me
their FCM 36 is fine, the rest of their kits is pretty shoddy
Eduard is consistently decent, never tried Arma. Zvezda has too many Friday afternoon specials.

Roden is so-so for their airliner/transports. Good for a short-run kit, mediocre for a standard kit. Special Hobby and modern KP are also great for short run, but short run standards and mainline kit standards are different.
I bought a tamiya kubelwagen 2 days ago cause I wanted to but I don't know how to do the green camouflage. Any tips/what paint should I get?
Most paint lines have a colour that's intended to be German dark green. Practice doing fine lines with very thin paint and low airbrush pressure on a piece of waste plastic. Or brush paint it if you are poor/sissy.
To be honest, Japanese kits from 50 years go are still the benchmark for quality.
Use a pink or light flesh tone; covers other colors decently, and makes painting red easier.
>grandfather died
>we were cool but not as close as I wish we'd been in hindsight
>I knew he collected "some" model planes
>go to his house
>"some" turned out to be well over a hundred, in multiple scales all the way from 1/72 to 1/18
>family is now trying to figure out what to do with the house
>they want it emptied out as fast as possible to do modern renovation on it
>I've been automatically tasked with figuring out the planes because they know they're expensive but they don't want to deal with it and I'm the 'toy collection' guy
Obviously moving the unassembled boxed ones is easy, but I have no idea how to move and store 100+ built models this fragile without completely ruining them, and I have roughly two weeks before someone else will probably end up dumpstering them all. Immediate google results suggest custom-cutting foam to get a shipping-proof packing job, but I literally do not have the time to try to do that for all these even if I took 2 weeks off work, and it would mean a lot to me to save these from getting thrown out considering how miserable I'd feel if my lifelong collection got landfilled. Any advice?
show us an image, built scale models lose almost all their value unless they were built at the absolute highest level btw
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There's too much to fit in one image and it's spread out across the whole house, but here's a few shelves for example purposes. I also don't know exactly which ones were sold pre-built and pre-painted and which ones he assembled+painted himself, which is, theoretically, a sign that he did a good job, although I don't really know shit about model planes so it's incredibly possible I'm missing some obvious signs. I can tell a couple have detached parts that probably shouldn't be like that, and there's a couple boxes full of parts that presumably are missing from some of the planes on the shelves, but I don't know if that's a "figure out which parts belong to it and store them together" situation or a "just throw the whole thing away because no one will want it" situation. It looks like he was in the process of restoring some of them, which he obviously didn't get to finish doing, but most of them look finished/complete as far as I can tell.
you never actually sated what you actually want to do with it though, did your parents say to sell em, trash em or what? keep the good ones?
sounds like your family didn't care so much about your grandad

I would take 4-5 of your favourites as a personal momento and dump the rest, I know that sounds horrible but you could also contact all of his male friends and ask them if they would like any of the models themselves

I don't think you can just sell them, people in this hobby don't really want to own someone else's models, the joy is not the finished product but the process of making it

If there are any inbuilt kit boxes which are untouched and have everything present inside they could be sold on but that's only a fistful of notes
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Anon, a majority of those are actually toys believe it or not. They used to be from a toy series called 21st century soldier from the mid 2000s. I've circled the ones in red that I know are from this series so you might be able to sell those if they are mostly complete and in good condition.
dont understand boomers, want 175 CAD for this
It's entirely "my problem", I get to decide whatever happens to them as long as I can get them all out of the building. What I personally want is to keep a couple to remember him by and sell the rest, partly for the money but moreso because I want them to go to people who will (hopefully) keep caring about them as much as he did, but doing that requires some way to get them out of his old house fast enough without ruining them myself, which is why I'm here asking about it.

It's a complicated situation but the tl;dr is his death was sudden, he didn't have a will so the planes weren't left to anyone, and he didn't have any friends who were also into them. There are a lot of unbuilt boxed kits, all of which seem to be full and complete, and those are easy to move, but I still wanna do something immediate with the self-built/pre-built stuff; even if a lot of it is truly worthless to anyone but him, I feel like the least I can do for his memory is treat his collection the way I safely assume he'd want it to be treated and get it out of there safely instead of letting it all get thrown out.

Yeah this is what I meant when I said I don't know which ones were kits and which weren't, I know some of them must be due to the amount of unbuilt kits and some clearly-used paints and an airbrush, but I don't know which those are at all. Good to know the brand on those you circled, that'll help a lot and I appreciate it, but I still need to know how to get them packed and out, being toys didn't seem to make those feel any less delicate/fragile than the rest.
>hand built
Shit I thought he used his bollocks to put it together.

You can ask around local museums if they're maybe interested in a couple of cooler/more relevant ones.
As for the toys, just pile them in boxes with some bubble wrap in between. For the actual models, get a couple of sheets of that soft packaging foam and a box cutter and depending on the actual amount of planes it shouldn't take you more than a day or two to come up with a passable transportation solution. Now the important part is where you actually transport the boxes yourself and are careful with them, not let some UPS niggers play football with them.
Or if everything else fails, then it would be hilarious to see "Dumpster sperg 2: the inheritance boogaloo".
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my local hobby shop has a bunch of these for about 95 yurobux
are they worth the price?
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A GSI Creos PS274 is 8,980 JPY (51.82 EUR) and is made in Japan not China. So no, it's not a good deal.
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>box art is just a photo of the model
>Box art is a photo of a different model of the same subject
>box art is a photo of the subject rotting in some open air eastern european museum
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>box art is painting over a photograph of a completely different vehicle
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Pic related, it was originally a captured T-80BVM
Like the other poster said, the 21st century toy planes can be valuable. There are collectors for this. There are also people who would buy the built models. To move things fast I'd suggest putting them into lots. The civil airliners, jets in smal scale, jets in larger scale, prop planes also by scale. Then sell as lot of built and slightly damaged models. Dump them into a box with some stuffing (styrofoam if you have, or filling from an old pillow works fine)) And put the planes into individual plastic bags (so that borken off parts will fall into the bag). Price the lots low enough to get people interested. They don't look too awesome (no offense) but could be intersting for projetc and tinkerers.
thx for info, fren
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Dear future britshit builders. Today I learned a new thing.

The cover for the muzzle reference mirror on the Chieftain isn't metal, it's a curved sheet of rubber.
Only Hasegawa
for whom's pleasure?
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full option is full rc conversion with strobe light/muzzle flash, soundbox and servos/ geared motors.

interior maybe. built in where possible/visibly. that means where you can see it when hatches open and no electronics obstruating.
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That pic makes me nervous anon.
I am starting to realize that I suck at building. My seems are too big, my coats of paint are too thick and my transparencies are always scratched. I have no time to improve these skills between college, my family's house and my father's deteriorating health. Should I give up on modelling? I mean for good, not take a short break or anything, or at least until I am a boomer who has the time, money and resources to continue.
New Budzik just dropped.

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