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Anyone else remember these little fuckers? I own like 1/4 of them but never did manage to collect them all
Post pictures of dudes you like or own
That takes me back. I had a few. The creature ones where my favorites.
Are those technically statues?
They're more like skateboard accessories because they're magnetic and the later ones are bendable and have props and shit
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I throw the boards away. I dont need them.
>Brad, Henry, Rozz, Tek, and Theodore
Nice snag anon. Always wanted Brad and Tek. Theo's kinda rare too since he came out right at the end of the line's run
I thought the Tech Deck line was about those guys so when I saw the skateboards being sold by themselves later on I was complaining that they removed the guys
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Loved these little dudes.
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Pic related was my first dude, though he had a green board.
shut the fuck up nigger
Never cared much for skateboarding as a kid but I would buy these because they reminded me of the worms from the Worms turn based games, but with shoes.
Awh man i had a bunch of these. Never owned a single regular tech deck board though.
Where did you get money?
Is that a turd with an afro?
Aw yeah I always wanted Rusty. Never could find him
Keep him safe anon
I had this one
Allowance. Did you jot have parents who loved you and taught you the value of a dollar?
What a bizarre question to only ask in this thread of all things.
I had the one with the mohawk until my older cousin decided to throw it in an airport terminal and it stuck to one of the posts
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This one anon?
are these based on real life people?

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