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Where do stores buy their figures from? Id like to get in on it
Distributors. And no, you need to have a business up and running with proof of sales and a history of successful transactions and be large enough of a buyer before any distributor will even look at you. For small business, buy from a more accessible distributor like Entertainment Earth, but even they require a positive business track record, and the discount on items is hardly anything so your margins will be shit.
But why can't I buy it from the distributors ? I mean yeah before it's could have some sense but now ? We have internet, they will get the full money
It's not worth their time to sell to an individual who is only gonna buy like one case. Their entire business model is about selling in bulk.
You need a business license number to prove that you're a legit legal retailer. From there you can buy at wholesale prices.

However the big companies routinely require you to buy the crap you don't want to get the stuff you do. Taht's how they bully retailers into continuing to buy new Star Wars shit that's guaranteed to not sell.

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