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Previous Thread: >>11008830

Other mecha toy discussion is also more than welcome!

Upcoming regular retail releases:
-Guel's Dilanza ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jun. 29th)
-Buster Gundam ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 2024)
-Quattro's Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 2024)
-Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Aug. 2024)
-IB-07: SOL 644/Ayre (Sep. 2024)
-RMS-106 Hi-Zack ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Sep. 2024)
-Gundam Mk-Ⅱ (A.E.U.G.) ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Oct. 2024)

Current open Tamashii Web exclusive preorders:
►Order Deadline June 30th
-Gouf Flight Test Type Jaburo Base ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Oct. 2024)
--Metal魂 Ka Signature Zeta Plus A1/A2 (Oct. 2024)
-MSJ-R122 Demi Barding ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Oct. 2024)
►Order Deadline TBA
-Metal魂 Zi-Apollo (Jan. 2025)
-Gundam Lfrith Thorn ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Dec. 2024)
-Gundam Lfrith Ur ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Dec. 2024)

Bandai's official RD page with images and release dates:

Lfrith Thorn and Lfrith Ur available soon on US P-Bandai:



Haven't seen Witch From Mercury yet, are these cool suits? Lfrith Thorn's sad eyes crack me up.
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Video of ThreeZero's VF-1J:


If you turn on CC, there's comments from the reviewer with their thoughts. Harmony Gold stinks, but ThreeZero seems to have done a great job with this valk.
to minimize spoilers, they are terrorist suits that show up to do terrorist things and don't get a lot of respect from their anime.
>wanna see some gundams shoot up space school?
>wanna see them do it again?
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Review of Blue Destiny Unit 2:


That shade of blue make Unit 2 look particularly toy-ish to my eyes, anyone else?
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Just about done unpacking! New place means...
Blue and Red plastic rarely look together so I think that’s contributing to it looking a little toyetic. But yeah, definitely looks a bit worse than Unit 01, even tho it’s just a slightly darker shade.
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...another desk swap! Got Blue Destiny 1, Efreet, and the guinea pig Jims on the way. Really looking forward to 'em!

Anyone else got some mecha on the way?
Ahh, I see. Thanks for the context! A bit tempted to grab the green one as I dig the design and weapon loadout.

Yea, that color combo really exacerbates it. Had planned to preorder Unit 2 but simply forgot to; not regretting it quite as much now, heh.
it would like 10x better without the white imo
The only WFM RD I'd be interested is the Lfrith Prototype from the prologue.
I'm really surprised they haven't made it yet.
I liked them well enough, but the p-bandai price tag is too high and there's no extra goodies, pretty straight forward releases. I'm sure they'll be cheaper on the aftermarket like Aerial Rebuild and Calibarn.

No Lfrith itself either. They're kinda pumping out WFM releases even if they're nearly all P-Bandai, so I'm somewhat hopeful.
That is a shade of blue that needs to be painted really. I get RDs don’t normally have much paint but some colors simply look very cheap when cast in plastic.
I'm surprised we don't have a date for NA pre-orders for the Mighty Strike Freedom MRD.
Nothing on the way but I've got 10 or so unopened robot spirits I've been putting off unboxing.
Nearly everything from RD/MRD/MB currently on US P-Bandai will be gone on the 30th so presumably before then but it’s already been a week, bit strange.
>no integrated hands
That's a hell of a fuckup, integrated hands are a standard feature on all perfect transformation valks.
>uses a sliding hinge for the shoulder assembly not unlike Bandai's approach with the HMR and DXC figs
This on the other hand is good, the Yamato style turntable joint is fucking retarded and using it always feels like you're on the verge of tearing it apart whereas the sliding rail method is very intuitive and also arguably more faithful to how the transformation process is supposed to play out in-universe.
I saw other people commenting that the closed fists fit when doing the transformation. It is odd they omitted the usual undersized 'realistic' transformation hands though, I guess they just decided they always look like undersized shit anyway.
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What are the odds that the eventual Freedom & Justice Ver A.N.I.M.E are just 1.5s of the original RDs with ports for effects and some carryovers from the MRD line?
I only think this is a possibility because they're still using the RD/MRD molds and those were already pretty anime accurate.
I think 0 because they don’t really fit with the rest of the line; ANIME is sort of a compromise between lineart and onscreen and these are just way too skinny to look like the lineart.
>No one has posted pictures of peak yet
Don't bitch at me, I was at work.
Looks great but the accessory loadout is poor.

Also a Gelgoog, Guncannon, og GM and Gouf re-release to come out
What are the best places to sell of figures you don't want in your collection anymore?
I thought ebay was good, but that seems to take too long.
Depends entirely where you are.
You could list some here and see if anyone wants to take something
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It's Blue Destiny (& Blitz) time!

Man, I get that, I have tons of non-RD stuff I gotta get around too and a couple P-Bandai RDs. Gonna work on that this weekend, haha,

That stood out to me as well, so it's really good to hear that the fists can stay on for the transformation. Preordered Roy's VF-1S and I'm looking forward to checking it out. And agreed, the turntable joint to swing out the arms on Yamato/Arcadia VF-1s has always felt a little jank, like you're bending something you shouldn't.
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Speaking of valks, got some shelving just for my Macross/Metal Build/Chogokin figures and I'm pretty darn satisfied with how it turned out! I think I have a few more to unpack, but I did omit nearly all the web exclusive Metal Builds as I wanted to limit the number of brown-shipper boxes on these shelves.

Yea, here or the BST thread could work for ya.
Where'd you find the shelves?
I'm in need of a long term replacement for some quick-assemble stackable shelves I got off of Amazon.
Damn that looks good, all my boxes are just stacked in a closest (and a wall of Metal Robot Spirits built on a foundation of Metal Build is beginning to form). Quick question, what’s the Metal Build next to Eva Unit 02? Don’t recognize the packaging.
Same. My metal builds are just stacking and creating a tower in my room. The one with the pbandai boxes are the foundation.
What's between the 00 quanta and Devise Exia?
It's these at Amazon, but they were $60 when I ordered (wish I got 4):


But, if white works for your decor, I highly recommend these:


Not the best looking, but all-metal construction, super easy to put together, and nice wide shelving.

Haha, that's pretty much what I had at my old place, but figured I take the opportunity to get everything shelved. The MB next to Unit 02 is the Mazinger Z!

That's the original Exia release; I have the MBs on that shelf bottom out, but the OG Exia just has the Japanese disclaimers etc. on the bottom, so I have that one top-out. I know it sticks out, haha.
Ah, I've been using https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-WSF-044BK-2-Tier-Stackable-Shelf/dp/B07L9BVBCJ?pd_rd_w=Pb6vy&content-id=amzn1.sym.80dcf868-30d4-456c-80b3-2eca10988d54&pf_rd_p=80dcf868-30d4-456c-80b3-2eca10988d54&pf_rd_r=KVF777A8J6KR4QPWW40J&pd_rd_wg=xWqKT&pd_rd_r=b5ea2209-e514-47ea-91a6-9de73cbe8ec9&pd_rd_i=B07L9BVBCJ&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_grid_dv_rp_0_1_ec_ppx_yo2_mob_b_ts_rp_3_i.

The Ikea looks like a better rate for shelf space, but I'll admit that for a quick and dirty shelving solution I was pleasantly surprised with the AmazonBasics product. It's all friction locked stuff so it theoretically tears down real fast too, though it's definitely of shallow dimensions.
when your mobile suit sucks so hard, the Titans opts for a Zaku, a symbol of spacenoid independence, as their main unit
Tbf the Hizack was also not particularly great, was pretty much outclassed by nearly every other contemporary MS but the GM II.
I have the jonaxel myself and I just want to add that it does feel flimsy and shakes around a bit, but the space is very nice. I use it for my GN Arms and the massive Overwatch D.va statue.
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Always nice to complete a team!
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Blue Destiny is pretty much perfect, extremely happy with ol' BD-1. The GM Command is one of my favorite Jim variants, so I'm always glad to add more to the collection. My one gripe is that I wish it came with the Command's rounded shield; they use it so often in the manga and it's just a rad looking shield.

Wire racks are great, I have a couple in the garage!

Yea, a lot of shelving tends to be around 12"x24", so the extra space provided by the jonaxel's 15"x31.5" shelves is quite nice!

Thanks! It's the Black Series one from a while ago, though it'll get kicked out of the shelf when we need the space for more valks or Metal Builds, haha.
AAAAAAA should I buy the OG Zaku II or the GM for my first figure?!??! they both look cool
Got mine last week, it's pretty fucking amazing to be honest. Threezero really hit a homerun here
Do you need to install the chest gap fillers or can it function in robot mode without them? How big is it compared to the Bandai DX?
GM is a solid figure to start with but might as well get both because you will want them.
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>just bought a stargazer kit
>this cums out
What a coincidence.
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Oh baby side stuff already? I will buy the shit out of some Astrays when we get to them.
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Ended up opening my BD1 because I saw yours and man it's nice. It's been a long time coming since that initial protype reveal. It seriously feels like a lifetime ago. Really makes me want to grab another Guinea Pig GM to complete the squad. Fingers crossed we get some White Dingos or Phantom Sweeps at some point.

I'd say the GM since it's a little less fiddly but the old Zaku II is still really nice.
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Ka Signature Xeku-zwei??? Wow, they had one on display in 2016 but I thought it would never happen.....gonna be $300 or more for sure.
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Gents I might need some help here, if anyone can kindly advise? If I understand correctly, there is
a) a Robot Damashii Dunbine (that is prone to discolouring?)
b) an identical-looking reissue (is that any less prone to discolouration?)
c) a special paint "Shadow Finish" version

Is that right?

Also, there's a Metal Robot Damashii Bilbine that has diecast - is the one that doesn't say "Metal" on the box the same figure without diecast?
There was also a second reissue of the dunbine very recently. I’m unsure if it’s packaged in the same box or has the same yellowing issue. I have the original reissue and it had not yellowed at the time I had it on display but it’s been a few years since I had it out of the closet, it may have since.

MRD Billbine is much larger, more in scale with the rest the Dunbine subline as it had huge size creep after the lead mechs and is better built/sculpted as it is a newer release.
Thank you, that helps.
>There was also a second reissue of the dunbine very recently
I assume that's the one with "Banda Namco" branding?
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I'm glad bandai is leaving the door open for the Xeku Zwei. That particular magazine shot is of the prototype from 2016, they really stalled on planning.
If we’re getting a full Sentinel line again I really hope we get reissues for the FAZZ and Barzam Kai, always loved them but the aftermarket prices are a little eye-watering (especially for the FAZZ). EX-S is almost guaranteed to get a rerelease and I hope it’s in the original colors and not the Task Force Alpha ones.
Xeku Zwei being revived just made my week. Awesome news.
I'll have to pick up the MK-V and EX-S now second hand I suppose.
We're for sure getting a reissue for the FAZZ (maybe even a ZZ) seeing as the Proto ZZ is an MRD. MRD fixes the weight issue that the normal ZZ had.

I just hope we also get a Nouvel GM III and a Gaza E.

Looks like the SF, IJ, and PD will be retail in the US like the Barbatos, Amazon listing will probably be up at some point.
I don't understand the quick turn to Stargazer.
> retail in the US
That's insane if true. If those are the prices on BBTS I can only imagine how cheap they'll be if they hit amazon.
I'm wondering if I should wait till Amazon puts em up or pre-order with BBTS. I've never pre-ordered on BBTS before though.
If I pay the down payment when do they charge the actual full amount?
Easy retools and repaints, the only base figure that hasn’t had a release yet is the Astray M1 (Civilian Astray). Hopefully this does mean we’ll get info on the Assault Shroud soon since Blu Duel effectively has one built-in.
They charge the rest of the amount when it ships, very convenient if you’re good with budgeting. BBTS usually gets import stuff a month or so later but for these sorts of releases they’re usually the first to get them (at least compared to Amazon). My 25th Ann. Laevatein shipped from them a few weeks before it was due.
The Strike Noir seems pretty significantly different than the strike though.
So much of its armor has to be redesigned that it's almost an entirely new figure.
To me it would make sense to release some Ginn variants before leaping to Stargazer if they wanna cash in on retools.
The inner frame is likely mostly if not entirely identical to the original Strike release, it’s still cheaper than making an entirely new mold. I wasn’t expecting it this early regardless but I love the Noir to death so I’m happy to get early.
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Hoping the much-teased 00 Raiser 2.0 releases alongside it.
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Actually looking at it more it looks this is actually the 1.5 Gundam (MSV Prototype for the Reborns), which falls in more with the Chronicle Revealed line than the standard Reborns would.
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Bought these QMSV figurines, but I was hoping for the normal colors and not these variant bs ones
Metal Build Reborns?
wat the fuck
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This thing is like a better Heavyarms and it's a crime it doesn't have an RD
Strike Freedom will still be their best seller of all time.
good thing i didn't cancel
Shame it’s only being produced in limited numbers as a Club Tamashii and Store Exclusive.
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I have the one of 2015 and it is still pretty solid, this one just have some touched up colors
Aftermarket prices are a doozy but at least it’s still have as much as the previous releases, hoping we get some news on the US Store release soon, they confirmed it’s coming here so hopefully I can get them for something reasonable.
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this is my first Robot Spirits and I'm really enjoying it, although I need to buy an actual stand for him.
is the GM as good as the Zaku is? really wanted a Space Command GM and a Kampfer
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did not expect this whatsoever
which PS1 game screenshot is this from?
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Looks like this guy has been completely forgotten
I mean it says DISPLAY ONLY right there.
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>gold version will be pandai
>as well as the master gundam
>rest of the shuffle alliance never ever as always
>the horse will be another p bandai add on
>MAYBE we get the Shining and nobel gundams later
I’m glad they are finally realizing MB needs to be more than SEED and 00. I will probably pass on this and go in on a master gundam though if they make it.
it looks gross and angular like the RG

does it say anywhere that you can replace the Woundwort parts
None, it's the official render from the old Master Grade
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>get payment request
>have to wait a couple of days for paycheck
Eager to get it
Gold Version will be a Club Tamashii exclusive you mean. And I highly doubt we’d ever get Master in the foreseeable future.
He’ll probably be at the Metal Build Festival, Gundam SEED is already represented on the promo poster so that’s why Impulse isn’t there. My guess is that either the Impulse or Zeta will be the next Retail release MB, which ever one doesn’t get it will be the next one after.
Tell me how she is so i can regret cancelling her to get SKL.
I will whenever it gets here after I pay, probably in 3 weeks, maybe a month. I don't think it'll sell out immediately though
I've never heard of this line. Anybody know how their previous releases hold up?
they are all good
Replace the woundwort parts with what?
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don’t look at the price btw, you’ll wish you hadn’t
shame about that color scheme though
You >>11046304 unfortunately called it. I'll wait for the eventual reborns.
I’m sure we’ll get one after the much-teased 00 Raiser 2.0 releases, much like how the Dynames R3 was a pretool for a proper Dynames. Likewise I think we can definitely expect a proper Cherudim and SAGA at some point in the future, glad to see MB finally step off the Setsuna stuff finally.
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>you’ll wish you hadn’t
>20k yen
fuck them
If it’s any consolation it’s a retail release like Ayre so it’ll probably bin super hard after a month or two.
>20,000 Japanese Yen equals 124.15 United States Dollar

pretty cheap
>Replace the woundwort parts with what?
regular crotch armor or sub arms?
how much you wanna bet the light ring is gonna be an DLC parts set?
along the shining finger effect? you bet
Bandai 's exchange rate makes it $200 USD.

It'll also come with the horse so they can charge 35k+ for it.
Where am I to PO him for the best price?
So fucking cooooool
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Hobby-Genki had Ayre at by far the best price, like 4k lower than other stores or some crazy number, so I imagine it'll be the best for him as well. And with the exchange rate at the lowest in decades, if you pay now he'll probably come in just under 100 USD.
I know very few will care but the Destiny Soul Red, Crossbone X-1 Full Cloth & Justice Gundam MB's got KO's recently released. Pretty good prices but shipping may take it up a little bit.

Still less than half price for either is pretty good.
where can I find those?
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The woundwort arms are the subarms, not confirmation if they can be swapped out like the Hazel's skirt parts.
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take this with a grain of salt, haven’t been able to verify it but if true

these bastards, why put a "LATAM+" button if you're not gonna offer the option to ship there? Bandai really doesn't want my money, so I don't feel any guilt buying "3rd party" gundams or Fighters as the chinese cheekily call them
well, they did make the GN Arms and those are about comparable size
would still be fucking hueg and expensive
they think there must be no mecha fans in Latam....
Bandai seem to think there are none outside Japan besides the US and Italy of all fucking places.
Designs like this are beyond stupid . A mech like this would be immobile. Might as well just be a ship.
I heard good things about it. I think some anons talked about CCS figs a couple of threads ago
Its almost like its a space only MS designed by desperate people on the losing side trying to beat a superior force or something.
So it's around 17k yen (without PO discounts) to non-Japs. Cool.
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So, with this and Ayre's version of the SOL already a thing, what are the odds of us getting the ALLMIND/Iguazu variant from the true ending so we can have all three final bosses?
Also, on the note of Ayre - does 'her' AC actually transform like it does in-game? I'm a little late to the party, and the only pictures I've seen of the SOL only show it in its standard robot mode.
>shame about that color scheme though
What do you mean? That's how it looks in-game. It's a Char reference, considering [SpoilerTagsDon'tWorkHere] Walter wants to do what's basically a Colony-Drop (or Colony Collision) on the Vascular Plant, though that technically only succeeds on the one route he never gets to use this mech on[/spoiler]. It also doubles as a Nineball reference (but he was always already a Char reference to begin with).
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One step closer to my dream. To think they'd come this far, I felt slightly delusional 3 years ago when they announced the TR-1.
>does 'her' AC actually transform like it does in-game?
lol no
not even single effect parti included
Yeah i asked anons about it since i was debating on buying the eva or mazinkaiser.
Italy is batshit crazy for Mazinger.
Latin America is more stereotyped as being DragonBall world though.
So, he's 15 cm tall.

Will he scale with 30MM kits?
Hal is a C-Weapon and these things were bigger than the regular mechs, just like Ayre was.
Are there any comparisons of Bossfight Walter and protag?
Still getting him, but wanna know.
HAL is just an AC, was the last Ibis prototype for a full-on Coral-based AC. The SOL and CEL are larger boss-type units but the HAL (and all of its parts) are normal AC size (so 15mm is going to be the scale for the other ACs going forward, although Ayre is still majorly undersized).
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>C-Weapon[s]...were bigger than the regular mechs
The EPHEMERA line were C-Weapons, and were identical in size, shape, and modularity to an AC (by design). The thing that defined C-Weapons isn't their size, it's that they're A) powered by Coral, meaning they regenerate energy quickly and can basically function forever without needing to refuel B) tend to use armaments that are also powered by Coral, taking advantage of Coral's high output to deal a lot more damage than a normal weapon, and C) are autonomous, using advanced AIs (that are later hijacked by the Coral itself) to pilot them.
The only reason we're able to pilot the specific EPHEMERA we cobble together from scavenged parts is because a 'design quirk's lets us stuff a functional cockpit inside for a manual override (basically turning it into 6's version of the Super Bipedal Pulverizer from LR with us playing Evangel's role), as all the part descriptions make it clear that the mech wasn't designed with human tolerances in mind and our presence in it is actually gimping it's abilities; Walter's HAL, on the other hand, has unique parts that explicitly state the AC was designed to be piloted from the start, so while it runs on Coral, it's just a souped-up AC and not an actual C-Weapon the way the rest of the IBIS line was.
Not my pic, but the DXC YF-21 is finally in some peoples' hands.
Some people are still team Yamato when it comes to toy implementation, personally I'm liking how the 21 turned out for Bandai as a sort of "what if it were conceived in the CGI era of Macross" interpretation, where it fits in with the likes of the VF-25 extended family, or even the YF-30/Vf-31 with their highly prominent backpack kibble.

Something about the silhouette it cuts gives a strong "I'm going to murder you now" vibe to me. Like it gives the coldest death glare of any VF.
the huge backpack makes it look even more like a queadluun rau
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GFFMC Gouf arrived yesterday! Gelgoog arrived a while ago, but just getting around the checking him out.
I look forward to the reviews. Though I hope one day we get the Hi-Metal sculpt that was teased in the 2010s.

The line seems like it may get there soon with the recent Macross 7 reveals.

Really love how simple this version looked.
>pilot figure is upright in the cockpit
That is neat, I wonder how they did that.
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Gelgoog is a straight repaint and I'm fairly sure the accessories are reuse (perhaps the short bazooka is new?), but it looks great! Lots of tampos and a rad color scheme.

Looking good, digging the Saturn game backdrop!
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Gouf is gorgeous; the blue is darker than my camera is showing, but dang is it lovely. Need to put him back in the box for now, so kept his thigh warmers on, haha.
In the DXC's case you pop the chair out and reinsert it vertical. You also have to flip the cockpit dashboard down too, since the 21 is the Firefox of variable fighters and you fly it WiTh YoUr MiNd. The Yamato YF-21 from like 2008-2009 or so had an integrated mechanism where it would pivot the seat in the process of you doing the stuff that shortens the nosecone section for battroid, because Yamato was in their peak batshit crazy years at the time.
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One neat detail; the interior of the barrels on the gun-hand are painted!

Oooh, excited for MB Zeta!

Never seen this line before, is it like Gundam Converge? The paint/sculpt is really sharp for that class of toy, bummer about the variant colors though.

Pre-ordered! There's a free-shipping coupon on US P-Bandai that expires on the 30th.

Very nice! One of the weaknesses of the Yammie's YF-21 battroid (in my eyes) were the skinny legs, and the DX's legs are looking pretty good in that respect but definitely wanna see a side-by-side once more folks get it in-hand.
Insta buy. I fucking love that era of Gundam's mech design.
Ridden's Gelgoog came with a short bazooka so it's probably a safe bet they reused the mold. That Gelgoog looks fantastic though. Really cool that MSV has been getting so much love.
It would be an insanely stupid thing to do at that price, but I kinda want to buy this Gouf now just to display him with those pants on. It's a good look for him.
>The line seems like it may get there soon with the recent Macross 7 reveals.
I really hope so yeah, they released the HG YF-19 first followed by the VF-19 a year later so they might be doing the inverse of that with HMR. Gamlin's VF-22 is p-bandai right now so there's a chance for HMR they release that first and then do the YF-21, I just hope they do Max and Millia's too. More worried about the Sound Force prototypes they showed last year though, I'm praying for some updates on those at the next event we get.
Damn, EPHEMERA looks cool, but...
The head unit for it is too much for me. Looks out of style and place. Other C-weapons had much better and fitting to the designs heads.
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>The head unit for it is too much for me. Looks out of style and place.
The head is modeled to look like a stylized cerebellum without a Neocortex. Everythign about the EPHEMERA is designed to look organic, and even its components are named after organic structures (GILLS boosters, AORTA generator, OCELLUS FCS, etc). The point is that it's essentially designed to be a physical body for Coral to inhabit and pilot, unlike your standard C-Weapon which was just a drone that used Coral as fuel. Ayre uses one (with the specific loadout and color scheme as the one in that previous pic) as it was intended to be used to help you during the first phase of the True Final Boss battle.
Nah, they could have went for way better shapes than this.
Looks like that green TV/News alien from Futurama.
It's a more organic version of typical Crest medium biped with monoeye, but now with cat ears.
the Ephemera is cool for lore reasons and would make a good enemy but it's a wasted slot because the parts don't go with anything else
>with cat ears.
And tits. Don't forget the literal tits. The EPHEMERA is a literal robo catgirl; kinda fitting that it ends up as Ayre's canon final body on the last route.
>the parts don't go with anything else
Appearance-wise, it kinda works with the MIND parts and gear you get from the LOGHUNT. That aside, the EPHEMERA head is one of the best heads in the game statewide while also being light and having a low EN draw.
Stat-wise. Fucking autocorrect.
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>would make a good enemy
It literally IS an enemy at one point - you fight a still-functional one during Exploration Depth 3 in Chapter 4, where you get locked inside a reactor that's about to explode while it ambushes you from above. Another one with a different load out serves as an ally piloted by Ayre on the Alea lacta Est route, and you find a few ancient wrecked ones from pre-Fires of Ibis that have old logs that you can salvage from their databanks.
Also, the shape of the EPHEMERA's Core and legs reminds me of Filial/the Martian AC from the last mission of AC2, while the SOL's head and arms also seem to draw inspiration from it.
Is the Strike Noir ver A.N.I.M.E going to be a retail release?
Those beam blades look awfully short.
Can't unsee it now, shit.
Sweet! I was wondering why it wasn't showing up on the P-Bandai page.
Just a heads up that Entertainment Earth has them for a littler cheaper AND they're running a $50 off $300 promo this week that applies to preorders!



Can also get $10 off $100, but you'd need a 1 cent filler for it to apply to the Proud Defender parts:

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I didn't imagine they would go this route, but it looks like the MB Zeta will be transformable.
The white of the abdomen is a solid piece which is usually a sign of that.

Fuck me, I wish I had waited instead of jumping the gun to pre-order from BBTS.
They already have my down payment so there's no reason for me to cancel it now.
This thing comes with 9, 9 fucking weapons accessories. And yet Duel wasn't released with the Assault Shroud armor.
would they just scale up the metal robot spirits? that thing already has a pretty solid transformation already with no swapping parts
$400 transforming toy fully painted with tight tolerances and sharp edges

can't wait
I’m not really surprised. If the MRD managed to pull it off without turning into a hand grenade this should only be easier, it’s bigger and is expected to have a lot of metal.

So I got a DXC YF21, and boy the underbelly is an exercise in patience trying to get everything correctly flush.

Not planning on taking pics until I figure the whole transformation out for myself, but one thing I'm impressed with is the foot assembly with a ratcheting ankle.
>What are DX Chogokin Macross toys
Usually less than $400, except for the VF-31A for some fucked up reason.
I think you misunderstood that post my guy
Kurama toys still has open pre-orders for it
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Has anyone fixed loose joints on metal build figures?

One of my Eva's legs got a little loose and i've been looking how to tighten it a little. Found a video where a dude uses a 3M Threadlocker and it looks like it works nicely but i wanted to ask if anyone tried this here or other methods.
AmiAmi hasn't put it up yet, but they should within the hour.
Newfag here. If Bandai wants to do it, would Robot Damashii do Sentai robos? Or is it only strictly confined to Super Robot Chogokin?
Would have been SRC before it died but otherwise yeah, probably SoC.
Damn that sucks if it's SoC only. I'd prefer 15cm figures hence why I wanted them to continue SRC.
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Friend ended up quitting his various nerdy hobbies and gave me most of it to do with as I please. Bunch of Robot Damashii included. Probably just going to sell all of them other than the Sinanju though. Probably make a post in the buy thread in a bit I guess
Lst time i suggested threadlock for fixing mb some guy told me to go fuck myself here so i dunno man.
>Friend ended up quitting his various nerdy hobbies
never tried it but I would be interested to know if it works in case some of my stuff gets loose
>in b4 that webm of the MB Laevatein, you know which one
FUCK. I literally JUST missed out on it - I was able to put it in my cart, but once I got to the billing page it declined and said it was sold out. It's gone from HLJ, too, so looks like BBTS will be my only chance (when and if they decide to stock it. How long was it before they got Ayre compared to everyone else?)
Usually a couple weeks, Amazon could also be the bet since they get the retail stuff too, but they’re usually the last to ship out. No luck on the yen exchange rate with either but it is what it is sometimes.
Give me all the Wing stuff!
Also the Code Geass stuff and also the Strike Noir and Testament.
anime-export still has it
He's been sliding away from his more "otaku" inclinations for years and becoming more and more of an unironic normie as of late. Supposedly most of his collection was taken down and stored years ago, but he's too lazy to sell any of it. So he figured it was better to give it away to someone he knows will actually do -something- with it rather than just let it rot in some containers in the garage.
Never heard of 'em. How are they - can anyone here vouch for them?
Bought tons of stuff from them. They are very reliable. Last item I received from them is figma Arcueid
Impulse bought a DX YF-21 from them because they still had stock and the delivery turnaround would be reasonably fast.
About the only thing they fucked me on was that someone fat fingered my street address and had DHL deliver to a neighboring house. So I guess they're ok.
Are the Woundwort RAH and purple Hrududu sets painted? The white Hrududu parts being bare plastic was disappointing.
Thought I'd give it a try, but shit seems pretty shady. Made an account, tried to log in, got an error message; requested a password change after verifying that everything I had entered was correct, got an email that sent me back to a blank page on the site. Tried to contact their customer service, also got directed to a blank page...tried making a separate account, same exact issues happened - login data that I knew was correct from having saved it to a document earlier was rejected, attempts to reset the password led to blank pages, etc.
Really kinda fishy...
I want that Epyon and 00
Yeah it has the seedy vibe of a friendly local hobby shop's self-made webpage where they clearly don't have the production that an HLJ or Mandarake can deliver on.
Which is a shame because I think it deters potential business.
Been using them for years, I've found them to be reliable. They even hold onto things in their warehouse for months without a fuss as long as its paid for. The only time I ever had trouble was one time I decided to use the pay later option. When the time came to pay after it came in stock their website crapped out on me and wouldn't let me finish paying so I decided to give it a few days for them to resolve it. Next day they started messaging me saying they would shut down my account if I didn't pay within so many hours. After explaining what was happening they told me to send them money directly through paypal. It was sketchy but they came through. They don't have much patience for pay later customers it seems. Their customer support gets back to you quick though.
I made a post with them and everything else in the buy thread if you're still interested.
Xi Gundam happening
I don't see anything, what did it say?
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It was the whole page, December maybe?

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