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How is Diamond Select Toys?
Their big figs tend to be alright but other than that they're pretty bad tbqh. Antiquated engineering, weird design decisions, limited character selection, the list goes on. They're good for one offs but other than that can be ignored.
The Marvel Select line gets their best efforts and their comic figures are good to great for the most part. Articulation isn't on par with Legends, but accessory count, sculpt, and paint is usually better. All their figures being $30 even if they're bigger than a Legends deluxe/McFarlane megafig is also a plus. Problem is the releases are so few and far between, completing most teams or even getting popular characters in their most iconic looks is impossible. Anything else, though, is more like bad to decent. They also don't do face printing so likeness to actors is usually off.
>their comic figures are good to great for the most par
lol, lmao even
>paint is usually better.
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Absolutely killing it, especially if you count all the old figures they periodically re-release. Some folks will say they don't like the scale or lack of articulation, which is fair. However, the absolute seething, teeth-chomping rage you encounter here when comparing their value to other domestic figures tells you that's where they really shine.

Let's examine their offerings:

Marvel Select: I take this line for what it is, a supplementary line to Marvel Legends. This is not gonna be your primary Marvel toyline for team building and all that, unless you go deep into the past (and your wallet). However, Abomination, Apocalypse, Crimson Dynamo, Juggernaut, Thanos (+ Death), Titanium Man, and all the various Hulks are either better or different enough from Hasbro offerings to be the definitive figures in any collection. And, as Hasbro keeps increasing their prices to eye-watering heights, Diamond's $30 standard price can't be beat.

LOTR: Not a fan of the franchise, but you can get some realistic fantasy dudes for less than NECA and half the price of Mythic Legions.

The Iron Giant: They just released a metallic version of their Iron Giant figure, and it's pretty sweet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GL4wY6vXPHg

Those are the only toylines I care about. They also have stuff for Avatar (TLA), Invincible, The Muppets, etc.

I also have a strong desire to collect many of the huge, elaborate display stands from their old figures (The Ghostbusters Build-A-Playsets are still some of my holy grails).

Overall, I think they're pretty choice.
They still make those stupid Lego minifigure rip-offs
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I mean, say what you will about the other aspects, but Marvel Select having better paint apps than Legends is about as debatable as Legends having better articulation.

>I take this line for what it is, a supplementary line to Marvel Legends. This is not gonna be your primary Marvel toyline for team building
I enjoy suffering. Been waiting for DST to do new versions of Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean, and Storm for god knows how long now. 97 may have finally made me cave because I keep looking at pics of the new Legends figures longingly.
>They just released a metallic version of their Iron Giant figure
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Still the best psylocke until Mondo does it.
Mine just might have locked joints but my Selects Jugs can't even do a decent running pose so I think it's a bit shit
Never owned the ML though
>1/6 scale is just so wholesome you guys
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I don't think anyone will make a better Psylocke than Mafex. But the Marvel Select one does look nice, if you don't mind her being very tall.
NECA without the past QC stigma. They tend to not move that well, but are well painted and still look like collectibles, which is unusual for modern times. I don't know how they do it as far as budget when most other companies are unable to refrain from price increases and decreases in paint apps.
Nah, the Amazing Yamaguchi blows the mafex out of the water.
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>no toy of best psylocke ever
That face though...
>The Iron Giant - metallic version
I'm glad I ordered the re-release of this when it was made available again. Since I don't really buy books any longer, it was a good way to support one of my local LCSs but I have to admit I'm with this anon about keeping an eye out for this >>11039534
I like this in theory but it's only gonna scale properly with like kaiju st- oh. Never mind.
It's 9 inches. So it doesn't scale well even with 3.5/4" figures - it would have been better at like 12 or more inches as far as scaling it with what people might already own or be willing to buy.

I spent some time looking around for it, scalpers have been marking it up since before it's official release and still have it for $50-$70 on the secondary market even though you can still find it for the MSRP.
Let me share my experience with Diamond Select, especially if you're interested in Darkwing Duck items. If you really don't want to read, Diamond Select is okay when it comes to statues without any moving parts.

There's a wall hanging sculpture of Darkwing, no articulation. His pose is okay except he's standing on part of his own cape, making it just look odd. Would have been better with the cape billowing or held out more. I've got smaller Beast Kingdom statues of Darkwing and Negaduck that look how this bigger statue should, which is a shame.

Then there's the 2-pack of Darkwing Duck and Negaduck. Comes with multiple hands/weapons/heads. Articulation is very basic, even stiffer than NECA. I gently moved Negaduck's arm, it snapped right off. Fortunately I got a replacement for free from Entertainment Earth, but it was still something that shouldn't be needed in the first place. Articulation is the leg, the feet (not knees), arms, elbows, and wrists. Neither can stand very well, especially if holding weapons, and the cape choice is sitting lifeless or spread to the side. Why can't it just be cloth with wire? The really stupid part though is the hat. It just sits loose on their heads, which would be fine with most figures - Star Wars does that with some characters. Problem here, Darkwing has a knob for a head, and it doesn't fit in the hat. Even the promo photos show this. The best Darkwing/Negaduck figures I've found yet have been Beast Kingdom (the puppet-like ones that came out last year) and Funko.
Their figures are so good they've been selling the same ones for two decades.
I'm not really into toys or figures or anything but I actually just came to this board to ask this question.

Are the Muppets figures that Diamond is putting out now the same figures that Palisades Toys used to make back in the day? I had a bunch of those when I was a kid and the designs look the same I think.

Diamond Select is a smaller scale. Actually surprising that they went smaller but I think it's because they released two figures per pack.
nta but those two packs are generally pretty awesome. Loads of great accessories. DS is really good at that.
Some accessories are good, not all, not when the price points are very similar.
>not when the price points are very similar.
They're like Neca but with even worse durability / quality control. I watched an unboxing of their Lord of the Rings figure and the Legolas figure's leg broke off in the guy's hand (ironically making Legolas leg-less).
>NECA without the past QC stigma
>They're like Neca but with even worse durability / quality control
Not either of those anons, but it depends on the figures in question, how hammy your hands are, and pure luck I guess. I only collect Marvel Select and the only real QC issue I've had in 40+ figures was the wrist peg for one of my comic Spideys breaking off when I tried to switch the hand. That said, hearing about frequent breakages in the Invincible line put me off of it. I also have around 20 NECAs(though mostly older) and had no QC issues.

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