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File: IMG_1753.jpg (635 KB, 1128x1352)
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Does anyone else remember this line? I used to collect this line all the way back in 2005. I got some unopened two packs for cheap in today off of ebay too, so i wanted to see if anyone else collected this line on here
Used to collect these like crazy when it was being produced. I remember series 2 never released in the US so I was always trying to find those figures on the internet. Would love to eventually get a completed set of everything but it would cost way too much.
Never heard of this, however I do have a good collection of jagun fighters
I vaguely remember seeing 2 packs of series 2 briefly in america. Also i have boughten some series 2 figures in the past from ebay sellers here in america so i do think it was available abet briefly here
>however I do have a good collection of jagun fighters
Post them
I have a handful of Jagun Fighters. Never knew what they were, just thought they looked cool. I think the fact that I found them at a Dollar Tree says something. They're starting to get kind of oily and sticky nowadays. It's the same with my Medabots figurines.
I had a bunch of these. Monster in my Pocket re-launched around the same time and were of a similar scale, so I used to play with them together a lot. Also had some military-type figures of a similar scale and sculpting style, but I can't remember the name of the line.
i collected these. the bat, cochroach and something else were super rare and i remember my friend got a shadow version of the bat and i was so jealous

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