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ITT: action figures with multiple arms.
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It counts, dammit!
I had so much fun with this badass back in the day
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We will never get another Legends as well engineered as this one.
You got the one I was going to post, so my job is done here.
This was so close to being a perfect ML, but as usual for Hasbro female bucks, there is no calf swivel and the ab crunch is shittily engineered and can barely do anything. I don't know why they insist on not making these simple improvements, even after all these years and other incremental updates that were arguably much less important (like pinless limbs).
Isn't that a New Adventures of He-Man character
I sometimes still wish somehow bucky o hare will come back and have a good run for a few years.
This guy does look fun.
I need to get her, maybe even longshot too.
I still think these are pretty damn awesome, toy biz covered every one it seemed.
>I sometimes still wish somehow bucky o hare will come back and have a good run for a few years.
I swear, it is the most underrated kids show. People talk about WB stuff and Marvel stuff and action cartoons and that absolute kino never gets mentioned.
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Ashuraman and a solitary gourmet.
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Shocked you didn’t lead with this one.
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I have this dude somewhere at my parents house
>Males have the arms stacked on top of each other while females have a triangle arrangement
What did Marvel mean by this?
Too obvious. :)
It's not a male-female thing. If you look up the original art for Spiral and the doppelganger, their arms are generally grouped like that. Spiral's appear to all come out of her shoulders, and the doppelganger's are stacked down the torso.
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What size is that thing? I thought it was a lot bigger.
Yeah, i guess bucky is a deep cut but i remember it fondly. I remember my parents mistakenly giving my cousins my bucky stuff while i got their tmnt stuff. Oops.
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They are very short. I think Bucky is 4 inches to the top of his head. The gorilla is 6 inches tall and he's the tallest figure in the line.
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Spiral's arm arrangement is "natural", thus the triangle formation.

Spiderman's arm arrangement is "unnatural", his body is trying to mimic the spider leg formation, so they're side by side when he lies down, which is the position his out of control spider dna wants to be in.
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Why? Nobody posted Diosloth's Cobra Commander.
Damn I remember having that back in the day
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suck it, bitches!
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lol i like your toilet paper and foil background

good posing too
Not sure if I have hamhands or if the figure is this shitty but upon posing this fucker one of the rubber armor in the tight broke and the horn also snapped.
Still, I do enjoy the clicking sounds.
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Hope everyone who wanted this got it when it was on sale for $12
You might be referring to the revoltech one, mines the robot spirits.
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as much as i was upset i missed out on the first release of goro i'm happy he got a second version and it is much better then the first version
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I want that
McFarlane Twisted Souls 2 Szaltax.
Oh damn, that looks great. Gotta pick one of him up to tear my M. Bison in half.

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