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The best place to discuss MEGA Construx/Bloks!!!

>Best sources for Mega news:

https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/Mega Construx General/
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Monster High is back with new SDCC exclusive!

Perhaps Mega lives?
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Hopes for SDCC?

I just want Mattel to start investing in Mega, make a Mega online store, focus on doing better distribution worldwide and so on. Mega has so much potential.

Also, they should get some cool licenses that are popular.

Like Dragon Ball, One Piece, and so on.
Mattel has done a great job making and keeping Pokemon. If Lego had the license, the faces would be brick-built and there would be less specialized parts
I think faces would be prints or pre applied stickers like Mario characters (though not sure if they still do that, they might all be prints now, not sure).

Anyway, we all know why fans want Lego Pokemon, because they want minifig scale sets, but lego wouldnt do that, they would do something like Mega does.
I think Mega should get the Fallout license. And The Boys.
If Mega loses Pokemon to Lego it is over
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Tik tok...
Impossible. They renewed in 2022

Mattel failed us
there is a possible fallout leak but its going to be show shit
I haven't bought a megabloks set since like 2005. How is the quality today? I remember the pieces didn't fit right, either too loose or too tight, and the plastic itself felt weird.
Those days are fortunately long gone.
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The only thing I dont like is scale that is Over the place.
>caring about scale with Lego
Everyone is a robot in this line, as far as im concerned.
I had no interest until I saw the Eevee.
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>we all know why fans want Lego Pokemon, because they want minifig scale sets
In a world where they're willing to do studded Pokemon with new molds the minifig collectors would eat those up. You'd have people buying these huge sets to just get like a set exclusive Dratini or whatever.
If lego sold exactly the same sets as mega pokemon, but duh, lego bricks, fabs would eat it up
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Even if Mega continues to languish there's always Chinese knock-offs.
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I can deal with that as long as it's not "Vault door"
Please let it me small(er) more interesting sets.
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Is that you?
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Che was a coward
the fact that I have to buy a huge castle just to get a Mewtwo megafig is another reason Im glad Lego doesnt have this license. Fuck them. Even their Minions set is terrible in comparison
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New leaks

Why are Mega sets more expensive than a lego set? I find it ridiculous.
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When are the new pokemon sets releasing?
it's probably going to be small despite the huge fucking price because of the license
Because Mega is trying to be Lego again.
Economy of scale. Mega is a smaller brand and they produce far fewer units of each set so each unit costs more.
Small family brand..please understand

So, just a tease and then back to disappointment.

Fuck Matty.
If you really want it just wait until it’s on sale.
But how long is the contract gonna last?
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I finally managed to get pic related.

I've wanted the original Pelican ever since it first came out when I was a kid. It took me this many years but I can finally fulfill that hole. Really wish it was the CE Pelican design but the Infinite one is pretty close. It's only missing the flaps and a very specific angle at the back, both of which I can easily add myself. Can't wait to build it over the weekend.
I wish they did house of dragon sets
after the massive flop of got? not going to happen
How many infants do I need to sacrifice and to whom so Mega brings back old Dragons?

colony drop
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As depressing as it is we're probably never getting anything as kino as Dragons ever again, be it from Mega or another company. From the eggs all the way to the big castle sets anthing Mega Bloks Dragons was a joy to play with and collect. Shame that even back then they weren't all that popular so now even the second hand market is lacking stock.
nice man! i had my eye on it for a little but wasn't a fan of the lack of seats in the back. be sure to post pics when built
This looks awesome
Pokemon fans are eating well.
did bro just call us fat

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