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I am a wiener for not replacing the thread edition (can somebody act as a backup).
My new HomeShops cars finally arrived. I preordered them a month ago
I am going crazy trying to make a track plan and I hate it.
Track planning is usually pretty fun, whats giving you trouble?
Weird benchwork, trying to fit too much without covering everything with tracks, along with how I want to incorporate specific scenes
Best way ive found is make a list of everything you want, then start crossing things off until youre left with like 5 things and focus on those
hi /train/, just saw this crane was was wondering what era it is a prototype of irl
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I'm only a Frenchfag so won't be able to determine its real life counterpart easily, but here's the model reference https://shop.bachmanntrains.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2251 (via Google Lens)
I would have expected that lowering/raising the crane was done by twisting the chimney like in the picrel Jouef Cockerill crane, but that's not the case https://youtube.com/watch?v=1_6Da7eTCYc&t=6m31s , what a wasted opportunity imo
Maybe you can find the real life crane here https://www.internationalsteam.co.uk/cranes/steamcranes02.htm
The model Bachmann has is the 250 ton version that came out in the 1940's. They served up until the 80's and 90's. They were used by a variety of railroads so you can't go wrong with any one for your railroad you pick. I have a general Maintenance of Way marked one so it can work on any engine in my fleet.
If I do a layout in my house, I am stuck with Z, if I am allowed to run trains at my girlfriends house (no layout or anything like that), I can go up to G gauge. I always loved the LGB Stainz, but Z intrigues me. What do?
Here's an SP one.
Depending on the type of layout you're trying to make, different track plans will be better.

If you're trying to make a prototypical-operations focused layout, it might be better to figure out what facilities or industries are present and making the most direct and simple way to where rolling stock needs to go. Railroads realistically always looked to spend the least amount of money on building track as possible.

If you're just building a layout for your trains to do laps on, I wouldn't really be able to give you an exact direction, it's ultimately up to you. Though two running tracks are usually pretty good.
I meant to do it but got busy. Glad we’re back on track.
Bumping this question, as right now, an antique mall has a Micro Trains PRR set for sale.

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