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>Boomers: "Why kids turn into furries?"
>Meanwhile boomers' dolls at the '60s
forgot to mention that this is a Hasbro's doll
>She's a swinger
Weird flex but ok
Go back to furaffinity, dogfucker.
>in another universe this is what we have instead of Barbie
For me, it's the digitigrade legs.
That's an ancient Hasbro doll, schizo
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Reminds me of Patti Chandler
>athena posting stops
>anti shf sperging posting begins
>anit shf sperging posting stops
>athena posting begins again
hmm really gets the noggin joggin
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>digitigrade legs
No, she was just designed by Kunio Okawara
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Guess you haven't seen modern Barbie dolls...
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>boomers are at all surprised
I'll take things that never happened for 500, Alex. Boomers of all people know exactly why, hell their parents know why too. The boomer media was way furrier than what millenials have been getting for the past decade or two outside of the internet and social media.


If anything, kids these days are losing their minds over a low-poly bare goat ass from an indie game while boomers are wondering what the hell is the big deal.
she looks like she fucks human men
>low-poly bare goat ass from an indie game
I get it. 7 year old me would get a chub looking at that cute picture. Wouldn't care about the doll/toy but I would probably stare at the pic for a bit.
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He probably means Toriel, who has insane amounts of rule34 despite originally being a black and white sprite.
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I was talking about Sybil, the MC of Pseudoregalia who do doesn't wear pants. Yes, the ass is fat, but people just can't shut up about it.
Thanks for intel
That's not how dog legs work.
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Need to get back to this game. It's fun.
why is the creator of the iphone hanging out in an alley
for some reason I remember a politician privately commissioning hundreds of pages of a furry comic based on her
Waiting for her BBC hookup to come
huh, that is weird, did i misremember somebody posting her boyfriend in this thread and somebody else sperging out about it since her boyfriend had black hair not white hair like her
this guy?
Black AND a dog? We've reached peak White woman here
technically the nose is pink meaning that the skin underneath is white, while she has a black nose meaning that the skin underneath the fur is black
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I have two more jars. Only two.
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you are killing me anon
I miss you

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