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Smile fest is on, lots of prototypes and anouncements

Previous Thread: >>11018190

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog
>http://www.goodsmile.info/en/products/category/figma (no longer updated)

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Where to buy
>GSC Online Shop - some figmas only are available through their online shop
>Amiami - usual place for buying, to some people, shipping is a bit higher due to packaging
>Hobby Link Japan shipping is usual lower, but their prices are a bit higher, private warehaouse is available
>Hobby Search Japan - items stay in stock the longest
>Mandarake - search figma or フィグマ
>eBay/Amazon - only if you hate having too much money. Avoid bootlegs, you can spot them as 'Chinese version'
>http://jungle-scs.co.jp/ - Seems like you can fine some good deals here
>Check the BST threads, My Figure Collection for any offer/deal

Here's a link to the buyfag guide list of shops:
If you're getting into the hobby, there's plenty of other useful information to find on the wiki.

In case someone is interested in the printable backdrops/dioramas & other papercraft stuff that Max Factory have in the download section of their site:
here is a back up, Enjoy!

Short illustrated posing guide by Max Factory
>http://ameblo.jp/figma/entry-11564427757.html (in moonrunes)
The S shape is always good advice though. The basic idea is that straight lines tend to look stiff.

Tomytec's 1 inch scale section (1/12 stuff, little armory, vehicles and others)

For 3rd party accesories/diorama pieces just look for 1/12 stuff (for other scales just ask in the thread)
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>Release schedule: (your favorite will probably get delayed)

>Femto + Femto: Birth of the Hawk of Darkness ver.
>Female Body (Mika) with Mini Skirt Chinese Dress Outfit (White/Black)

>Void and figFIX Ub
>Shiroko Sunaookami
>Chisato Nishikigi & Takina Inoue (single & set)

>Slan & Conrad
>Gawr Gura
>Racing Miku 2023 ver.

>La+ Darknesss

>Kyouyama Kazusa
>Jigokuraku Gabimaru

>Dead Space Isaac Clarke
>Veronica Sweetheart
>Takanashi Kiara
>Gridman (Universe Fighter)
>Persona 5 Joker

January 2025
>Raging Wolf
>Nakayama Kinni-kun
>The Milkmaid by Vermeer
>Toshiki Takayama: Another Color ver.
>Yuji Oshita: Another Color ver.

February 2025
>Link Tears of the Kingdom ver.
>Sakamata Chloe
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>The following release dates have been confirmed:

>Shipping out from the 7th of June 2024 (Arrival at Wholesale stores on the 10th of June 2024):
Female Body (Mika) with Mini Skirt Chinese Dress Outfit (White/Black)

>Shipping out from the 21st of June 2024 (Arrival at Wholesale stores on the 24th of June 2024):

>Shipping out from the 27th of June 2024:
Femto + Femto: Birth of the Hawk of Darkness ver.

>Shipping out from the 3rd of July 2024:
Shiroko Sunaookami

>Shipping out from the 4th of July 2024:

>The following products have had their release dates changed:

>Delayed from June 2024 to July 2024:
Chisato Nishikigi & Takina Inoue (single & set)
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Persona 5 Joker

Sakamata Chloe

Yuji Oshita: Another Color ver.

Toshiki Takayama: Another Color ver.

The Milkmaid by Vermeer

Nakayama Kinni-kun


Gridman (Universe Fighter)



Takanashi Kiara

Link Tears of the Kingdom ver.

Veronica Sweetheart

Raging Wolf

Jigokuraku Gabimaru


Dead Space Isaac Clarke


Kyouyama Kazusa

La+ Darknesss

Shiroko Sunaookami

First for HOLO
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>Reposting from the previous thread

In hand pics of a few of the latest releases and some older figures

In hand pics of E.M.M.I

LittleArmory is making male versions of their Tactical Gloves

Armed JK Variants Reviews

Mona Lisa Review

Sumire Uesaka Review

Wonfes 38 Gallery

Review of JSDF soldier
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Good Smile Company website renewal (https://www.goodsmile.com/en) is complete
The new website combines the main site and the shop into one, you must reset your password to access the new shop.
Orders done in the old shop will be processed through the old website.

Remember to ignore the shitposters trying to derail the thread

And fuck the autosage
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calm your tits impatientkun
But jokes aside, I guess this will be just like with the Boatsluts line where they make a new one (even if was a new version of one who shelwarmed) and then the line just die again. I hope I'm wrong.
I literally cannot, I’m so excited to wait a year+ for her
No fucking way
My wife wolfseggs getting another figma
don't get your hopes sky high, we've seen way too many times how those cards have ended up in nothing, even a painted prototype isn't guarantee of release
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>even a painted prototype isn't guarantee of release
Still better chance than Bandai, who ditch fully painted marketed prototypes with dioramas.
Is Figma back? There's actually shit to be excited about here.
They have to do that for their own sexual gratification, there was no reason to leave the Lupin line unfinished like that.
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wonfes was also great, we're either back or this is the swansong of the line
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Colors look a bit flat, like colored in photoshop.
This lineup is amazing. The Jurassic Park raptor is hilarious.
All I want is a good OoT Ganondorf.
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>worse Dorf getting a figure.

Same boat.
Are those movable eyes?
Fuck, I hope an updated MGS2 Snake means there's a chance we get a Raiden.
Twilight Princess Ganondorf when?
After ALBW Zelda
I am happy to get any Ganondorf, I know every one is just going to complain it's not ganondorf from your favorite decades old game, and yes i would like that too. but fuck me getting any ganondorf is awesome
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Only other articulated Dorf I have is the big Windwaker one.
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Night and day.
He better come with another cardboard box.
Very good, very good.
Novel. Still haven't found a use for my figma Horse 2.0, but that's my own fault.
Trigger finger.
Superior undisciplined Snake on the right
>Snake with smokes
>Snake without smokes
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Looks like a Shadow Company soldier.
SHF just got btfo
It's a Little Armory release. I don't read moon runes, but those don't took like the ones used for Tokushusakusengun, so I guess it's Amerkajin spec-ops and not JSDF.
Either, Delta, Seal Team or Ranger
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Cute drunk
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For the anon who noticed it wasn't a regular figma stand. Yes, it's a big boy. I'm even more bummed out I missed the Ultimate edition, can't wait to pay ultimate scalper prices.
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Any updates on the robot lady?
The original figure came with two trigger fingers (one on, one off).
FREEing release, no telling.
Wait, so the body is actually the same exact molds? Well it wasn't bad so that's ok I guess. As long as they fix that wobbly body joint that was clearly a design flaw.
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Very nice.

Lol no one likes Blizzard anymore.


Not my favorite Ganondorf but I'll take it.

Look cool as hell. I've been meaning to read that manga for a while, maybe now I will.

Highlight of the show for me. I love the fuck out of Metal Gear. I hope they fix the lose joints too.

Neat little oddity.

Holy shit. I think this may be the tallest ever figma.

Overall amazing show. Just when I was losing hope for figma, they knocked it out of the park. Almost every announcement was a banger.
>I don't have to pay aftermarket prices anymore to get a decent snake fig
Thank you Max Factory. What are the chances that we get a MGS2 Raiden?
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Ho and Geralt was pretty cool too. With how popular The Witcher is in Japan I'm surprised he didn't get a figma sooner.
where's the fucking horse
Whats this guy supposed to be?
Figma is so fucking back bros.
>Whats this guy supposed to be?
Main character from The Fable. It's about a hitman who has to live a normal life for one year.
Man this is the first time in a while I actually feel good about a goodsmile event. Wew
Nice I assume they have a cast off feature planned with the mask.
Cast off?
I always saw Figma as specializing in anime girls and Shf made mostly male figures.
Here we have Figma casually shifting more of their lineup to male figures and utterly destroying Figuarts. Im not even going to bother with new Figuarts, Snail Shell and Figma are way more worth my money.
Cloth figure collectors use that term as a euphemism for stripping clothes lmao. Yes the coomer toy anons use it too.
Originates from Kamen Rider Kabuto. It was then used mostly for talking about anime girl statues that can also purge the clothing pieces much similar to the armors in Kabuto. That notion then got stuck lol
Thank you that is absolutely hilarious. The amount of culture Toku bleeds into general pop culture is underrated.
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>the fucking horse
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New Little Armory JKs
Figuarts are only good for making armoured heroes like those from the Tokusatsu genre (it was once a Kamen Rider toyline before branching out) to be honest. Their males are ok for the most part and their females are lacking probably because of the Tokusatsu influence. Just go with what you see looks good, they are just toys in the end.
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More insane in Japan too because a lot of the Kamen Rider actors later become mega famous.
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Looks like they switched to cloth skirts.
So they're implementing cloth goods this time round.
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Also another gear set for the JKs.
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>lol all those people rushing to sell their outdated snake.
Did they ever do JC? Where's my JS with randoseru full of guns and ammo?
You pay inflation price for a slightly changed 10 year old figma
I'm going to mark this one as prototype hell.
So from the looks of it, identical gear set up to the 3 previous JKs just with new heads and a cloth skirt.
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You shut your whore mouth! This is the start of the Fate resurgence. After Castoria we're getting Morgan, then Oberon, the Fairy Knights, the rest of the Round Table, then they'll go back and finish the FSN cast.

I like The Witcher, but I don't know if I want to spend what'll probably be around $100 on Geralt when I've got the McFarlane along with Ciri and Eredin. If they make Triss and Yen, though, all bets are off.
100% this
Surprise reappearance of Fate and of one the most requested characters.
More Blue Archive
A fucking Raptor
And thats just what i give a shit about, some other big releases too. Really is a 'we're back' sort of feeling.
I seen people shitting on TotK Zelda and saying they should have gone with the outfit she wears at the beginning of the game, but you guys have to realize that version of Zelda isn't used for promotional material while TotK Zelda in the dress does.
Funny how last year, the general consensus was reverse.
Yes but people like the other design more and this one is going to be a meh figure as all really restricted skirts are.
So it was just hopium/copium that we'd get the better option.
it's as if...this board has an shf shill problem or something
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Looks very similar, but there are some crease differences. I believe they're different molds, but using the same joint setup, which is fine. They just need to make sure to get the faces right this time.
now the big question is what the hell happened these last couple of years? it can't be just the cough, or is this figma going out with a bang?
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Ok, but, where the fuck do I put Castoria?
Closest would be Henrietta i suppose, she's JC, right?
But yeah I'd take a JS armoury girl.
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Found a pic on X, looks like they're re-issuing Darkness.
I want JDs.
we hadn't seen the prototype besides her either
I HAVE to get her. Cutie blondie.'
Their face tech keeps getting better. Proper hunky Snake.
Gonna have to move one of those non-Saberfaces somewhere else I guess. Maybe one of the FSN or Zero characters. Your display will be in for a big shakeup if they start popping out LB6 characters.
Yeah, the old one had great articulation but bad paint application on the face. If this comes out as good as it looks, this will be perfect.
Me too, felt this event is hype like events during wonfes era where there is a revealed figma that someone is hoping to see, I don't have any wants for their reveals in this event but I'm glad as I don't have the budget to re-add figma back to my "to buy" lines

figma Horo was a "You knoe" for a lot of anons back then during the early days of the figma line I'm happy for them to finally got what they were waiting for more than a decade

figma 2B is kinda not a surprised as we already had Bandai's and Buzzmod's take on the character, I didn't play her game so I won't buy her but if for some reason figma gets the license to make a figma Tifa from FFVII which I doubt will ever happen as Square-Enix wants a monoply for their IPs then I will get her
It's a great figure but I really wish the hammer was pulled back. It's really triggering my gun autism.
How's nufigma? Heard about the figma renaissance with Samus and Guyver but they didn't really interest me enough to get them after I was soured by figma Doomguy.
Where can I find a Guyver ultimate edition for non rape price?
100 bucks is non rape prize for him
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What caused GSC to put life and hype back into the figma line? Was it all the new IPs that Revoltech announced last year? I thought Japan doesn't care about articulated figures anymore?
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she's not a bad figure, overall she feels way nicer to play around than the bring arts, specially at the knees, my biggest gripe is the limited rage on the arms, which the the figma seems to have gotten around by giving her doubled jointed elbows
>I thought Japan doesn't care about articulated figures anymore
If they didn't they wouldn't keep making them dumbass.
>If they didn't they wouldn't keep making them dumbass.
Well, half a year everyone was thinking the figma line was going to eventually just die off
That's Goodsmile's fault for focusing too much on nendos, not a problem with Japanese collectors.
Ah, you again.
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if they do something like this with her ass, even if they mess up it shouldn't be too hard to fix it
god bless standarized parts
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Not a figma I know, but.. this is kinda based.
>not liking mimics, and a figure that could work with figma at that
NGMI, kid
>they'd probably ask >$50 for this
Lmao. And Frieren zoomers will eat it up too.
Berserkschizo is shitting up this thread after getting buttranged in coomer general. Don't fall for the samefagging and bait pls.
You're trying way too hard. Also
>work with figma
Summer sure has started alright.
Project less, little brother. Nendoroids are of decent size, so yeah it would realistically work. And you can disagree, but just know you're wrong and I'm right and you cant argue otherwise.
It's your money to spend on a shitty prop that won't even scale properly, not mine. I don't have to argue, you do you, bubsy.
Are we back?
My autism will never accept MGS2 snake as having a full beard. It just looks wrong.
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Fucking beautiful! I'm so glad Max is a guyver fan and continues to make these!
It's even bigger than the original BFC which was closer to the first figmas scale so this new one is perfect!

Hopefully they re-release Guyver I for those who missed out.
Yeah I think we are anon. Figma has clearly ditched its former business model of pumping out FOTM waifus and is focused on Gachaslop and video game characters. Its definitely working seeing the amount of hype in this general. Its not been this alive for like 40 threads.
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give Raiden
no man give revo raiden 2.0. Snake only needs to look good so figma is enough. Raiden needs to do cool shit so revo would be perfect
>dungeon meshi
>the fable
>konosuba reisue
>anime 2b
>fucking skull knight
can you stop shitting up the thread with your retardation?
I dont think you realize anon. Figma used to pump out figures from dozens of seasonal anime shows at the same time. The output was insane; like 80% plus was just seasonal moe anime girls. Usually highschoolers or isekai shit.
The only moeshit you mentioned are Konosuba and thats an reissue and arguably Holo.
Fable and Berserk and Dungeon Meshi are more seinen shows, mostly male figures and even then Marcielle isnt a generic fotm slop design. I wouldnt label 2B as fotm anime slop either.

Theres a very distinct and clear shift in the types of characters Figma are now making. Schoolgirls and moeshit are barely 30% of what comes out now and even then they mostly come from Gachas, Vtubers or OCs so thats more interesting than seasonal slop. I think this is a good change. The seinen/male/adult woman figures that form the rest of their lineup are way more appealing. I kneel to Sophia Shirring, Fluted Armor Guy, Samus and Saberfaces for showing Max Factory that adult characters are cool and actually sell well.
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Customisers walked so figma could run.
I'm not reading any of that.
Its a good adaptation to the times. More Fatesluts and Nikke whores is always nice.
You're still only using a single shelf, I'm sure you can manage. Try having every single Fate figma ever released, I'm using five shelves right now and I still have four unopened figmas. Time to store all nine 1.0 ones I guess. Maybe the three Zero ones too.
seinen deez nuts shitposter
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Plus black gloves, short black socks, olive shoes, and black pantsu.
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I'm so happy...thank you if you helped request her. /toy/ made her possible
Looks very good.
I was always gonna get the Figma Skull Knight over any SHF, because a SHF wouldn't have a poseable horse.
>might finally get a good MGS2 Snake
Shame on me if it turns out just as bad as the first one.
is that why it got instantly a 2nd season?
This. I was writing Figma off, but I'm glad to have a reason to get some Figma again.
Someone had to keep Archer's seat warm.
>Hope this means some MGS3 is on the horizon.
I'd be surprised if they don't end up making any Metal Gear Solid Delta figures.
Give Figma MGS4 Raiden.
Then Revoltech can give us a 2.0 MGR Raiden.
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We did last year.

I got the vending machine for like 20 bucks, if the mimic is that cheap, I'll pull.
If all works out, Im getting Snake, at least one of the LA soldier guys, the blonde armed JK and the Dungeon Meshis. What's everyone else going to get?
Snake, Geralt, 2B, Suisei, Raptor, Castoria, Holo, maybe Bike Shiroko.
Man, they really turned a dry last year into a fuller one.
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Swing and miss.
some retard will fall for it but
very nice touch anon
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ToTK Link looks so big
Didnt realize that was her, my friend is going to love this.
Im glad I asked, I totally overlooked Castoria and likely will get her too. I am glad Figma seems to have recovered from whatever the fuck happened to them last year.

Is that Girls und Panzer?
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Theres a message wallpost in Smilefest someone took a pic

"Congratulations on figma’s 16th anniversary! Since the beginning, we have had many TYPE-MOON characters made into figmas. As the lineup increases, the ' well-moving and beautiful' look increases.
●I'm looking forward to the next one even more.And about that character in a kimono..."
curious what kimono figure could be from Type Moon reffering to here
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>curious what kimono figure could be from Type Moon reffering to here
First one that comes to mind.
I mean, we finally have Arcueid, it only makes sense to complete the Nasuverse heroine roster. Aoko should be released after the Maho Tsukai no Yoru movie.
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>15 years ago, back in 2009 July
There was a grail long forgotten.
This was never intended for release, though. It was just an entry for an in-house competition at Max Factory, same as the Jonathan Joestar and Cure Black figmas.
Excited for this as long as they don't fuck up her ass. So far the Buzzmod seems to be the best one, but none of them are really A+.
Goodsmile used to know how to make a good ass.
Hopefully, they'll manage to dig up the long-lost techniques.
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Yeah definitely, people complain about "outdated" figmaball joints, but they don't understand compatibility.
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Damn it, they got to make more figma Guppies.
does figma scale well with sylvanian famillies furniture?
The furniture is a little small, more suitable for nendoroids. The food and drinks and buildings themselves are fine for 1/12 though.
please meme magic work!
Customs? These are ultra kino.
Racing Miku's fucking tall this year
Miku’s getting bigger and stronger…are they sure they can contain her?
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Please post your burgers, do you have a Kay?
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Marcille’s engineering is either going to be really good or terrible. Glad they didn’t just throw some cheap softgoods on her.
Getting a new figure of the Gigantic Guyver is great and all, and I don't mean to sound ungrateful. But when will we get the GOAT Guyver? Pic related.
Ask Max
She ate well and grew in the right places
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I'm more interested in what & how many kind of faces she'll have.
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DM has so many good faces. I want discombobulated Marcille.
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These aren't mine, they are from a Jap on twitter. I wish I had the talent to make customs.
Speaking of Kay, I remember one anon planning to make her using one of the LA JK figmas, I think it was the one with the purple hair.
mostly looks ok, but those knees.....
This anon gets it. Headswaps is all that matters. Worst case just make custom with softgoods.
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Judging from that Link, Miku, and newer releases, it seems like figmas are getting larger, which is a good thing.
Probably want them to reach 1/10 like Act Mode and Plamatea.

DBZ SHF have also grown bigger, latest Trunks and Goku.
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What's a good aftermarket price for Aniki? Really want to pick him up.
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the aftermarket prices for him usually don't go over 10k so it's better to buy now before it goes over
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Act Mode is way too big, I'm guessing Plamatea is the same.
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>damaged goods
Wh…what did they do to you…
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I know they’ll mostly be covered by the dress. I assume they’ll include a sitting pair of legs like the yuri campers as it’ll be hard to get her sat down naturally.
Nice to see figma line is going back on track, I would like to get their new Snake, Geralt, Skull Knight and Ganondorf that's for sure.
I'm glad I didnt buy an over priced gigantic figure when I was looking last week. The timing of this is perfect.
>Same body and engineering, new head
Lame & Lazy. Probably gonna cost 30% more too.

If he's yellow, I skip, if he's black, I buy.

Pass, I'll wait for shf/mafex/Revo/1000toys to do Witcher 4 Geralt.
I’m not really into gacha but Nikke has some top-tier waifus. Nice to see them get figures, good taste whoever decided to do Scarlet this early in the line.
Floof Brigade
bigger figger better value just ask Todd McFarlane
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Agreed. I know he was a short stay villain and killed off early, but it would be nice to have the original 3 guyver units in the quality of the ultimate.
Hoping atleast that getting gigantic means we can expect a new GIII and Gigantic Dark. I just want some more villains for them to fight.
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>If he's yellow, I skip, if he's black, I buy.
I don't know what to tell you anon. It's the yellow one.
Last one I'm missing too...
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Turned mine into Imouto
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Didn't see Gendo in any of the event reporting, don't have confidence he'll actually release...
All the figures shown off were by Max Factpry. Gendo is being made by FREEing.
Could someone explain how Figma works? GSC, Max Factory, FREEing, etc.
Goodsmile owns the line, they let a bunch of different companies make figures for it.
Which head is that? The eyecolor fits perfectly...
I see. Is Max Factory a part of GSC?
Also what about the sister lines, Moderoid, Plamax. Just more MF owned lines?
>Is Max Factory a part of GSC
IIRC Good Smile is the distributor for Max Factory but they're separate companies.

>Also what about the sister lines, Moderoid, Plamax. Just more MF owned lines?
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I hope this guy gets reissues too.
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I really hope this guy gets a similar touch up, maybe even a 2.0. To me he was a much bigger let down than Snake.
GSC = IP, sales and distribution
MF, FREEing, TOMYTEC = design and manufacturing
this also applies to mecha and statueshit
I've been looking for figures with that gesture btw....so if anyone knows any...
Bro just buy a Hasbro joe for 1/6th the price. It will be a better toy anyway.
Well that sucks ass, but the black Gigantic would just be a simple repaint right? They'll probably do it.
*mostly a repaint
I know he has acouple extra spikes on his head and different blades on the arms.
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This. The main appeal & "accessory" of the figure is how many stupid faces she will come with. It's her main trait of the whole show.
I will shit my pants if they include pic's face.
>Hasbro shills
Western figures has always and will always be inferior.
It's crazy how Yakuza been extremely popular since Yakuza 0 and they only ever made two figmas from this series. Does GSC just hate money?
I own many thousands of dollars worth of import toys.

Until recent Figma DID NOT make good generic action-dude figures. That soldier is extremely mid, and it's crazy to be paying $70+ for it.
don't worry
the horse is still here
This is going to be one of the most expensive single Figma of all time, isn't it.
Probably. But if they don't botch it,it'll probably be worth it.
Probably, yeah. Titoria came out last year for 17,800 and she's an average sized woman(mostly) so Skull Knight coming out 2025 at earliest is going to cost a good deal more. Think we can expect Godhand rerelease prices, so 20,000JPY minimum.
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Does anyone have the Splatoon Buki collection N-Zap? If so, will it work with the figma inkling?
most likely and if not just buy gun hands but since they already have gun hands it should be no problem
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Please god this one >>11042042 since the Nendo failed to do it. Their alt faces are funny but not as much as her derp face.
I should have bought that pirate holo live slut for customs while she was on sale.... gonna kick myself forever now for that. Any other pirate figmas out there? Also is there maybe some 1/12 treasure chests or pirate accesoirs you know about?
>standard figma base
I guess they assume most people will display him on the horse.
>this fucker instead of Raiden
theres like 2 re:ment 'pirate' sets if i recall
Okay Figma. Now give us Conviction arc Guts and Millennium Falcon Griffith.
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Yeah. Outside of the head, arms and chest spikes it's pretty much a recolor. That said, since it's guyver III's gigantic form it makes sense we get a new figure of him first.
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I don't care as long as its cheaper than the 88,000 yen GSC charged for that guyver 1/6.
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From the Ver.Ka.

Same as Nendoroid.
Sometimes they get a different company under their umbrella to make one.

Dunno if the same, but I remember seeing gashapon splatoon weps being alright scalewise.
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From Blue Archive livestream recently

Hayase Yuuka form Blue Archive Pre-Order starts on 28th June Friday .

Price is 9,900 Yen
when are we getting the good stuff from blue archive
like bunny suit asuna
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man they showed off her figma too late
I had the nendoroid on PO when they showed the unpainted prototype
now I'm gonna have 200kg of yuukas crushing my skull
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>will it work with the figma inkling?
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Re-ment’s pirate set is good, most of it fits with 1/12.
I prefered the thread without shf idiots spamming here for attention. Glad you found your moldy figma though.
Why did you even come here all of the sudden? Fuck off back to ypur brandwar general.
>ban evasion
Behave, brandwarsfag.
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How's the articulation on the Fluted Armor?
Also any QC issues with him?
He’s good, but I think the torso ball joint has been known to be fucky. Kinda like the Nanami figma but not as bad.
holy shit based
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I'm still mad.
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so close yet so far
I wonder what happens to unused prototypes? Or even just the grey unpainted ones that will actually get made after a show. Is there a vault or a little on site museum? Auctioned off? Or do employees just steal them?
Well, If Shiki Ryougi comes I will not forget them if they don't release Shiko Tohno and Aoko as well!
I wonder if they'll ever attempt these in the gattai line instead, they seem perfect for it.
If they were smart, they would include his normal glasses. And if they were super smart and cheap they would release this and then another one with his normal glasses and perhaps make it an exclusive.
I’m hoping they’re working on Shinji, Misato and Kaworu prototypes and want to display them together. Maybe they took on the feedback on not having a Shinji but showing Gendo instead?
You assume Freeing cares about that.
They always make whatever they want.
Maybe they do care, we don’t know. I kinda wanna see the JJK curses they’re supposedly working on, too. Has FREEing shown anything at this event?
Kinda wish they would rerelease him with updated faces, like they're doing with Snake.
>I’m hoping they’re working on Shinji, Misato and Kaworu
I'm surprised they've never made the main cast. Eva being so popular and not getting the main cast all made when other series have is strange.

I have test suit Asuka but I always wanted the kids in their normal plug suits, (inb4 Rei was released) normal cloths and maybe rando outfits like the tutus Shinji and Asuka wear in the dancing episode, or her Sun Dress and his tank top. Misato, Ritsuko, Kaji are all no brainers.
Didn't see anything, but they showed at the last couple, and they're known to be slow-moving.
Regular uniform Eva cast is a no brainer and right up figma’s alley, weird they’ve never made and directly printed money by doing so.
They just made rebuild Gendo for the meme potential. It's pretty clear if you look at their releases that FREEing makes the weirdest shit just because there's someone working there that likes it. The "free" in their name is well deserved, they don't give a damn about popularity most of the time and just do whatever they want.
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what a great fucking figure.
A shame that her neck is too short and not very poseable to change the gesture of her poses, but messing around unfolding her arms is very cool. Extra hands or fingers that are more clenched or closed would have been appreciated.
With proper tuning Emmi could bend her back all the way without needing to swap out her legs
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This is already looking very very nice. I hope they include the activated Sword of Actuation as the splash of color will help him pop on the shelves.
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I don't own any Eva figures anymore, but I would 100% buy OG Gendo, red jacket Misato and casual Shinji. Also picrel.
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I know it's not a Figma but I did pre order this beauty today.
what happened to the nendoroid general?
Merged with /a/ because janny keeps autosaging it. You can still post about it here though or anything goodsmile related
Once it goes cold for real I assume that employees are either allowed to take them or some are flat out stolen so they can finish them at home. But who knows given that they're dealing with mostly licensed IP maybe they get destroyed once the figured is canned for real in other to prevent bootlegs at all cost
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Looks like Laios comes with bedroll (so hopefully his backpack) and some eating accessories at least.
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I don't think he needs anything besides some expressions and even those ... kinda eh. He's is and is supposed to be as basic as possible. The bedroll is already overkill and foodstuff you can buy better ones from re-ment or aliexpress
Hands that hold eating implements, a good selection of faceplates and his backpack with the detachable bedroll for sitting seem like essentials for him. The face on the prototype right now looks kinda off.

I hope one of them comes with a campfire setup, probably Senshi. I can’t think of any campfires that look good with 1:12s right now.
Why is this dogshit anime that nobody will remember in a couple of years getting tons of figma and nendoroid announcements
Max likes it
it's one of the best mangas of recent years you tastless faggot
Dragon Horse did one in one of their camping sets, and Poptoys had one in one of their Bean Gelo figures.
Figma has always made figures of forgettable seasonal shows, they just slowed to a crawl with it in the last few years.
Boo hoo anon, I'm glad you're never getting the figmas you want.
>good manga
>good adaptation
>almost everybody likes it
>fotm in Japan and West
>why is this getting merch?????
>When poor Eris sales crushed all hopes of a Roxy figma
Got excited for a minute.
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You can always pretend, anon.
It got three and there's been two reissues, but ok.
>responding to the gamers don’t buy toys spammer
I hope they get to the catgirl after the main 4.
I was kinda side-eyeing the manga and I figured I'd like the catgirl a lot and waiting for her to be added to the anime.
And then I realized I find her intolerable.
>Buy figure of what's at the time an OC, because like the design
>Ends up being put in an anime with other characters the artist designed for figs
>They made her insufferable
Thanks Japan.
She’s literally the soul of a cat placed into the body of a teenage girl, of course she’s a cunt.
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Finally I can display with my Marvel Legends figgers.
Why did they make him so fucking big? He's going to look out of place when next to other figmas due to his size.
full cm taller
14 - 15
Link is a big boi now
It's funny because Zelda is noticeably taller than him in the game (really obvious at the very beggining if you place Link to her side) so that should mean that figma Zelda should be even bigger to be accurate.
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Joker's also listed as 150mm, so there's your comparison.
>mfw Zelda will be Lady Maria height
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Hopefully not that extreme.
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>I'm glad you're never getting the figmas you want.
I wanted a updated MGS2 Snake figma and it's already happening, so.....
Cry some more you tasteless retard, lmao
Based and SAME.
>sell dvd's
what year is it
How is any of this figma rleated?
reading comprehension not your strong suit

grandpa is nappy nap time, get some yummy pudding before nap nap
How is this figma rleated?
Why would I be concerned with DVD sales? I enjoy the show, and that enjoyment is not contingent on it selling well.
Eh. I'll buy the figures.
Only a two word title and you misspelled both lol. It’s a streaming show so people don’t feel the need to buy blu rays since they can watch it on Netflix. Success for a streaming anime is more measured internally by the streaming service and how many people streamed and subbed, which is why S2 got greenlit and funded right after S1. It was very financially successful but also gained the all-important big online following of merch consumers.
Don't act like you buy the Japanese DVDs of your own favorite shows. Now fuck off to /a/ with this.
How is any of this figma related?
When are the Lycoris Recoil girls supposed to come out? Everywhere I see says June.
Try to keep up you dumb motherfucker, lmao
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>No size consistency
tbf Twilight Link is one of the shortest Teen/Adult Links.
Because figma is a non-scale line. The funny thing is that they are the most size consistent toyline.
Dungeon meshi BROKE this anon.
Different reincarnations, different heights.
I can't think of a lot of accessories I'd even want for the DM gang. I think everyone should just get like their signature weapon, one food item and as many face plates as they can feasibly allow. With Senshi you can splurge and give him an alternate pot that's filled with like a hotpot or something.
>Konosuba guild hall
>For my Fate sluts
Strange, but based.
Hope you get it done and post pics when you do.

Also if you like Konosuba, Dungeon Meshi is probably worth a go. A party of near competent but also idiot people and the shenanigans they get up in a fantasy world. Vaguely similar on a very surface level, though also not, still think it hits some similar taste vibes.
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damn I think the jakks link might actually be closer to scale considering Link's a manlet
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>guild hall
Oh right I forgot about the diorama thread, thanks for that reminder.
And yeah I feel you with that taking millennia to plan and then get into projects.
Good luck mate, hopefully I catch it when you post.

Good shit. All the details of this are top notch. Gonna save this as inspiration.
Also is that Watame on the wanted poster? Kek
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Don't think so. Prolly a gacha girl, as he likes those.
it's anila from granblue
Seconding this, but he will need a size up, the original is somewhat diminutive. Cliffy is like a head taller than him.
The exact same body? Will that make him smallish?

>put the Maho in the wedding dress
Unbelievably based

Been using Chinese cloth figures for my soldier needs but Figma Cliffy set a good new standard for full plastic import soldier figs. Hasbro Joes are way cheaper but I don't like how they scale with Figma and I hate posing them. The Star Wars line scales much better with Figma but obviously they only work as sci fi fodder.
Im baffled why they dont pick the hottest girls from BA. They just keep making the ordinary JK looking ones. It doesnt even seem to be a coomer avoidance thing since they chose the blatant coombait JK character for their Nikke line.
So the articulation and accessories will be the same right? Also how long does it usually take from the time these are announced till they're available for preorder?
>they chose the blatant coombait JK character for their Nikke line.
They are making a Naga figure?
Varies. Archer was in proto-hell for years, now it's Gendo.
I couldnt despise isekai and fotm slop more and mostly watch 90/80s anime, but Dungeon Meshi was extremely kino.
Though I rarely buy figures just because I like a show because I know that franchise enjoyment can be extremely fleeting. Just be this anon >>11045547 even if I knew nothing about Dungeon Meshi, these are cool fantasy designs I'd be interested in. Everyones talking about how goofy Marcille is but shes also a very beautiful character design and definitely my type..

All my friends love her "tomboy" attitude and looks but tomboy supremacy is all about the wholesomeness. Itsumi is a bratty cat and not wholesome.
Kek I was telling the cloth figure general this the other day. Way more consistent than all the other lines advertising themselves as 1/12th or 6 inch.
>The funny thing is that they are the most size consistent toyline.
prove it
kek, who would of guess.

Buy more figmas.
>Figma Anila never
Is Fatechads collection not proof enough?
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Its so hilarious seeing the entire shf consumer base trapped in infinite copium mode. Some reviewers and the shf general here tell the truth that Shf Guts is absolute dogshit but there at at least twice as many people who have had these figures implode in their hands but make excuses and go into denial. "Maybe I got a bad copy" "other people probably dont have these issues" (even through literally everyone does) "this is a great figure aside from these dozens of glaring issues that make the figure untouchable" " the next 150 dollar berserk figure will be improved right?" "I love this way more than the Figma Berserk line, Figmas are so outdated compared to this figure that broke within 5 minutes out of the box!"
Its frankly comedic gold.
Bandai tried and failed hard to upstage Figma, they should go back to Toku and shounenslop figures.
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Just filter and move on, guys.
I like to think the schizo jinxed it with all his shitposting. Truly bittersweet karmatic compensation for shitting up this general for years.
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Even after getting my grail Shf figure Pepesha Ive been left with a negative overall view of Shf thanks to berserkschizos endless brainrot posting, falseflagging and shilling all across this board. If he didnt incite all this drama that put such a heavy spotlight on figuarts many many flaws I wouldnt have ever paid the negativity any attention. Im sure all the false hype broke many other people in the Shf general from the sheer disappointment.
Glad they aren't just going straight for bunny Asuna desu. Waste of BA slot just for horniness when they could just do a generic bunny girl 'styles'. Given that so many of the sales would just be for 'ooh bunnygirl' not 'ooh Asuna'.
Choices so far have made some sense imo.
Shiroko is a generically popular choice to go with and the face of the game. 2 of her though, thats kinda gay.
Kazusa is low key really popular, she gets quite a lot of art and fucktons of cosplays in Japan (speaking as someone who lives there).
100kg thunder thighs Yuuka is also just a simple popular choice, easy sell to most people. Also gets a ton of art and cosplays.
I wager Hoshino, Aru or Hiufumi are next. With honourable mentions to Nonomi, Toki or a gamer twin as next tier down likelihoods.
Gimme one of the big tit blonde girls plz Maxfaggtory.
horniness is the only appeal blue archive has
Nonomi, Kanna, Marin, Kaho, Akari, Asuna, Akane. Spoilt for choice on that request.
Only chances there are Nonomi and Bunny Asuna really. So as far as things go, decent odds if BA figma line sticks around.

That would be Nikke and Azur lane.
BA has genuine soul. You can feel the love put into it by the makers.
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man I'm really hoping we get aru next
she's in my top 3 girls
>Nonomi, Kanna, Marin, Kaho, Akari, Asuna, Akane
meanwhile me I really want marina but we're never going to get stuff for red winter because they're a jobber comedy relief school
they don't even have an undisputed super strong student like hina, hoshino, neru, tsurugi, etc
>That would be Nikke
t. non-Nikke player. Most people stick around for Nikke after the PLOT gets old because of the surprisingly good actual plot.
I think Aru has a pretty good shot. She's popular, nice design, not s super difficult design. and she already has gotten almost every other type of merch possible, so she sells.
Yeah, i do hope we get a serious story set in Red winter academy and their power student. But it does feel like they have set up way too many of the 'clubs' as goofy/incompetent in some way.

Also mentioning Hina, unfortunate situation there. She's a great and popular character that i really like, but would make such a terrible fucking figure what with the huge hair, big wings and loose jacket, all on a tiny frame. Makes me sad that i cant realistically have a figure of her I'd enjoy.

You are correct, though I did try it. I just cant stick with any chink made Gacha despite wanting to. The writing always feels fucking retarded. Stilted, stiff and slightly autistic would be a rough feeling I get from most of it.
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new tech
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Full price Limited + Exclusive release, because fuck the consumer.
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>bedroll but no backpack
>no battle face
Sasuga Goodsmile. At least they gave him a freak face and sitting options. Is it limited to Goodsmile online, then?
The usual suspects. GSC Shop, AmiAmi, Amazon JP.
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I probably woulda ordered from AmiAmi anyway, unless he’s getting a good GSM exclusive face.
Thats berserkschzio above btw. He said figma was dead just 2 days ago. Here he is sucking our dicks.
might get him. could always use a few more basic fantasy dudes and women
I would've in earlier years, but not with the current already pricey full-price trend.
his face choices are dissapointing, hes gonna look weird on a naked body i planned for him
skip :(
>naked body I planned for him
Please do not lewd Laios
Laios is absolutely for lewd
Same. I would get him if he costs less than 9k yen but that's a pipe dream.
This, though I am mighty curious if the Kaiyodo Tolmekian ship soldier's head would scale 9n the figma body.
Ex:ride T-rex when?
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>lewding the Meshis
Why do you do this
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Bonus face.
>not a single battle face
>or even the ‘visceral disgust at Marceline’s idea of a good monster design’ face
Boo. I’ll still shell out because it’s one of my favourite comfy manga but I feel cheated.
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Confirmed alternate lower parts for sitting pose, and maybe a food munching face for figma Marcille. Prepare to pay through the ass.
Do we know which alt faces she has besides the standard one?
No, she's a grey proto
Holy shit, the bluray schizo was right
It just said they’re producing ‘sitting down and eating’ parts as a priority. Also apparently you can swap out the contents of Laios’ bowl, but with what is unclear. Your own creations?
But right face is him being ecstatic at the prospect of guzzling monster cum.

What is this expression trying to convey? It looks too awkward to be a normal happy face and they already have an oishii face and manic face, looks like it's trying to combine them.

Yeah I'm disappointed over no battle face, they're just using his neutral face to sort of cover that. Honestly wondering if figuarts will take a stab at the IP.
It's normal for them to do that, and the DM nendos had good exclusives too like food and utensils.
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>13000 yen for liaos
Thank you for this affordable price good goy company.
12000 you mean, or $71 on US shop.
In the new GSC website store, do they charge for the preorder upfront or when it comes out?
When it comes out. No cancellations anymore.
I looked at the wrong site so youre right it is 12k before shipping.
If you are EU just order from the eu store. Pay on release and can cancel any time. It's actually THE BEST place to buy single goodsmile stuff. They had TONS of sales over the weeks for opening the store and I regret not buying the hololive pirate slut for customs already. Also no custom fee on import since it's all already calculated in and all.
Isn't that the standard Figma price?
I can't figure out why these faces are so off. Is the nose too small? The mouths too defined? The jaw too tapered?
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To me;
>Nose not defined enough (can't really be helped in the transition from lineart to 3d though)
>hair too voluminous, giving a more youthful appearance
>cheeks too puffy, especially around the corners of the mouth
>chin too narrow
It's a real shame. He looks great otherwise but everything about the faces, down to the expressions they chose, is so disappointing.
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GSC are really pushing it with their pricing now. The 1/6 guyver was no way worth 88,000 yen and I dread to think how much their 1/12 gigantic and skull Knight are going to cost.
Not figma but shf Nami comes with a chest of gold that opens up
let me get this straight,

Assassins Creed is one of the biggest videogame IPs in the world.

The only assassin action figures we have are either the old ass mc farlane toys ones, neca to pose like shit for actual screen acurate representation where movement of these characters is key. so we also have Play Arts Kai that are both overpriced and oversized (look good though).

And then there is goodsmile who HAVE the license and they CHOOSE to make a fckn nendoroid and a figma of EIVOR FROM VALHALLA WHO IS NOT AN ASSASSIN?

so the figure sells like shit because no one likes it and we will never get an ezio, edward or altair figma?

what kind of monkey paw is this? i was really hoping to see more AC this year but nah
They did the same shit with COD. Instead of making Price or Ghost, they made some literally who from BLOPS 4 and no one bought it.
Well, Lancer Altria DX was ¥17.8K, so I would expect Skull Knight to be every bit of ¥20K on the low end.
I'll ask my boss tomorrow for figma Yasuke. Pas de problème anon, gotchu covered
The best face is his freaky laiosu orgasmo face, otherwise they’re pretty meh looking. Especially the neutral one, yeesh.
>closest to afro samurai figma I’ll ever get
I’ll take it
You're letting a random retard shape your views just because he's really annoying? If I grab a figma and start shitposting all the other toy boards saying stupid shit like he did, would you suddenly start having a negative opinion on figma as a whole? Shf is a toy company, some are good some aren't, don't let other people shape your views with their wrongdoings.
>really pushing it
More like they already gone too far. People complain about pricing every year with how little they give.
At this point i have to think twice now about any figma i buy since theyre just not worth it for me anymore unless I REALLY like the character.
I wish I could speak French.
You’re interacting with the troll, doofus.
>He doesn't look white enough
So true!
Not really, his trolling just happened to expose all the very real crippling issues the line has. Figma may have plummeted in value for money but buying any Figuarts is an absolute QC lottery. Even with almost every SHF release clearancing, I'd rather pay more and be guaranteed a competent figure from Figma or Snail Shell.
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This, although I do think they gave him the large nose. Figure photographers have to make the lighting as even and soft as possible to advert the product in a neutral way, we can see the nose better in a couple of shots. But yeah definitely could've used a more square jaw like his freak face and less spiky hair sculpt.
>buying any Figuarts is an absolute QC lottery
Don't pre-order and wait for reviews. It's that simple. I do the same with figma and have only had one QC issue each in recent years in dozens of figures with a Sasuke head that was molested by glue and a Kurumi whose arm broke almost immediately.
Honestly agree. I'll NEVER buy an SHF. I see each of their releases get shilled like crazy and than the same faggot who buys every toy comes around and cries about seamlines and QC issues or shit articulation. It's a line that serves no purpose. For looks you got to figma. For articulation to revoltech. SHF is for those without an alternative who take any garbage they shit out no matter how bad it is because they can't wait. Literal mental illness. I can't believe these retards came here to call figma dead line while all their toys are defective garbage. On top of that literally every schizo on this board shills them. Probably because all they can afford are those mass produced entry figures since they are pajeets or some shit.
oh and I might add that no standarized parts also suck massive dick. Oh you got both guts figures? Surely you can headswap the helmless version onto the armor :^) No you can't even do that. Fucking gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarbaaaaaaaaaage fuck shills
It's almost like they do it on purpose. But yeah its not really worth it to have a shf collection these days.
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nta but I am a nikke player and the plot may be okay but the characters are all so fucking lame man.
Basically every single girl is a one-gimmick pony and every single event and bond story is a total boring trudge because of it. In terms of character writing BA blows Nikke out of the water and it isn't close.
I still have the alice figma on preorder though and I would buy plenty of nikkers were they to get figma so more fool me. Make Liter, Red Hood and both Anis's please
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That is the sensible option and practical too considering basically every Shf ends up clearancing so theres no Fomo (ironic considering thats one of Bandais favorite business models)
The problem is every fucking reviewer is a shill except for Anthony Customs. They will literally have Guts fall apart during their reviews and still make excuses that the figure is still somehow a masterpiece. Most things you hear about SHF cannot be trusted at all until some autist gets buck broken on this board by their shitty quality. Pic to prove I actually buy shit and am not just trolling.

I am so glad Figma is back. I was definitely open to getting SHF as an alternative to a dying Figma and Bandais ambitions clearly seemed to match. They dropped the ball so hard and the past half year was nothing but crippling figure flaws after another. The Shf line cannot be relied to do their own niches well let alone taking over Figmas

I was considering getting Shinomiya from Kaiju for that tactical bodysuit but then I also realized you cant headswap jack shit onto SHFs because every figure has its own engineering. Yeah its ass.

Bandai forcing you to buy more shit by limiting the value you get out of their products definitely sounds like a Bandai thing.
To be fair, Figuarts is first and foremost a Kamen Rider toyline. Even with the expansion into other IPs their KR usually come out great and are actually FOMO'd hard (except for Gotchard and SS Baron apparently). Of course there's problems, most are behind P-Bandai and sometimes Bandai's ambition for overengineering can cripple them like Black and Tiga's seamless rubber cracking on them. Even approaching 16 years from when it first started the effort and resources have always been pooled to them, with Ultraman coming second and Dragonball coming third in priority. Everyone else I guess are just whatever in Bandai's eye and the quality can become haphazard as a result. Figma on the other hand is first and foremost a non-scale figure line that is easily customizable and its main selling point being anime figures you can buy and play with with some non-anime shit like films and games in the side. Bandai is the one who's doing the catching up here really and I'd say they're somewhat getting there, but it'll be years before their anime figs could rival Figma.
>Kurumi amputee
Kek I remember you, glad you got that fixed.
>The problem is every fucking reviewer is a shill except for Anthony Customs.
Anthony will only shill stuff for companies he gets free samples from. Gargoyles Angela fell apart during the review and he still gave it 7/10. Last Ronin Raph had a seized arm that he couldn't get unstuck and had limited articulation range and he gave it a 9/10.
If Bandai gave him free Dragonball shit he would suck their dick like a fatty sucks the chicken grease off their fingers at KFC.
I still watch his reviews, but he isn't as unbiased as people claim.
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>bla bla bla
you can shill all you want in your own general nobody here believe any of your cope anyway. SHF can't make toys.
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We knew, but still no excuse not to have used normal shoulder joints here.
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It's early, still waking up.
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All the same price, but feel so meager compared to Shiroko.
I do not like the new way they do baggy sleeves
Anybody have the Jin Sakai Figma? Is it any good? Saw some reviewer with it and the face looked like it was sandpaper texture
Fair, hes obviously quite western biased as far as his franchise interests go and he accepts westslop more readily as a result. You really dont see reviews shitting hard on figures much these days. Some reviewers at least have the excuse that they don't buy shit figures.
Eh, I like Anthony's reviews, but I'm not gonna rely on him as my sole reviewer because he rarely shows scale or good poses. Also if I let a single instance of a figure breaking stop me I probably wouldn't have bought certain figmas I did either. It's when I hear repeated reports of shit falling apart like Guts, Zoro, Trunks 2.0's first release, etc., where I'm like, "Fuck it, money saved." But, yeah, best to just wait and see. Even most popular figures can usually be gotten for around retail for a few months after release or when it rereleases. P-Bandai(which I despise) is the only real risk.

Thanks, so am I. And GSC's customer service blows Bandai's out of the water. Took them 1 day to respond and send me the new arm vs Bandai making me send a shitload of info and finally agreeing to send a new head when I contacted them after not hearing back for 2 weeks.
Same, I prefer the design they did for the ump sisters.
Also if you break it, you're fucked. Can't use a joint from another figma.
That face looks weird af
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The face wasn't as bad a Sekiro, but figma still has issues with face printing.
Speaking of Jin, Spin Masters' head sculpt doesn't look bad.
I really like him. The butterfly joints on his shoulders don't pull out as much as I would like, but otherwise he looks and articulates very well.
Are Figma figs stopping to be compatible? Nooo! I'm losing my mind!!!! that's the only featurete I care for
Goddamn I can finally have my self insert man without wanking the JSDF and their fuck ugly camo??? Win
I dont see them doing the bandai thing of making completely new joints for each single figure but we are definitely losing that universal modularity. I bet the Japanese have made some insanely good custom figmas just from mix matching.
I think Ill stop buying new toys before shf ever surpasses figma in anime characters. Glad Toku fans get treated well though.
How likely is it that people from Japan would be selling knock off figma?
There's two BRS figma I bought kind of on impulse recently. Pic related, Beast BRS and White BRS, both coming with the items they were bundled with (WBRS the limited edition psp game and BRSB coming with the art book)
Both were like 30 bucks.
The pics look legit and they are coming from sellers with a lot of good feedback, but still thought I'd ask here
That seems pretty underpriced compared to what she last sold for on Mandarake. I doubt her bootlegs would come with the bundle items though. Maybe you did get a sweet deal. Did the seller list images of the actual item or was it stock images?
On both listings they had actual photos, not stock images. On the actual game case that comes with White it was a little damaged even but the figma itself looked fine. The BRSB figma was just pics of the book and box the figma came in, the seller claims the figma has never been opened. So that's the one that has me most worried it might be a bootleg or maybe the box might be empty but I know the box itself looks authentic from the pics. I guess I'll find out once they get here.
But yeah the bundled items, you'd think if they wanted to rip someone off with a bootleg figma it wouldn't come with the other items you know? Like they could ask for it way more with everything included
Eurobros, I'm looking to get back into the hobby for a few things they've announced but idk how the pandemic may or may not have changed shit for shipping; what are our best options nowadays? GSC, amiami, hobbysearch...?
Japanese take a little cosmetic damage on items super seriously, you might have just lucked out.
Weird flex
Shipping’s fairly expensive, DHL is gonna be 2-3k yen now. You can luck out on Mandarake, Suruga-ya or secondhand though. Goodsmile Europe’s shipping is like €12 flat though, which is fine.
Oh so GSC still has that shit going on huh... May consider them if there's multiple stuff up during the same PO window. Also, I thought Suruga-ya was jp only?
>Dragonball coming third in priority
And even then I've seen some people complain about certain figures breaking out fast or having their joints glued, SS2 Gohan and Future Trunks come to mind.
No doubt about that, those QC problems are bizarre. I heard Future Trunks got better with his reissue but that's about it. Not even the Toku stuff are immune though they're victims of manufacturing errors like no paint or mis-applied parts, then there's the DX toys but that's not really on topic. I hope they get their shit together because GSC has been pulling themselves up ever since. The last disappointing and bad-ish figure they made that I can remember Doomguy who was doomed to use the standard joints instead of specialised ones that would fit with his huge size. But ever since then things have been looking up, loved their JK LA styles and I hope they keep doing it all the way to Girl Z.
Suruga-ya is worldwide and does free worldwide shipping quite often.
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Just maybe
My one's torso is super loose and his hips are squeaky tight, I still need to loosen them up some point. Only other issue is the handle for the shields falls apart too easily but I think thats more to do with the design than qc
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Anyone have experience with the Snow Miku 2022 figma? I'm close on pulling the trigger for one but do the pigtails weigh her neck joint back a lot? They seem to be the heaviest part of her design.

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