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Pre orders are up for the 1000toys Jun.

Price is 18,000 JPY.
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The exclusive version comes with a magnum.
why’s this shit so expensive?
>big IP
>mostly shared parts for Noble team
>normally only has one gun
This company sucks
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if they where like 50eur less expensive i would not esitate getting them but with that price i will only get emile
Even if you put aside the crazy price, these figures are barebones as fuck. It's infuriating that a tiny sidearm and the VISOR CHROME are DLC! That's fucking crazy, now they're having you pay for visual upgrades to the figure. Fuck no I'm not buying this, even if I really wanted it, it sets a bad precedent for what people are willing to pay for.
Smol company prese undastandu
No this is bullshit of a much greater extent.
Not small company but brink of death in massive debt puriizu andahsutando.
Split off TEST is we just started and have no money to start new projects please buy our basic and expensive ABARA because if these don't make money we go bankrupt desu.(death).

Make less costly stuff that's what companies like these do.
TEST isn’t part of 1000toys, it’s their ex-designers and artists starting a new company because they hate 1000toy’s pivot to licensed slop when the company built its reputation on doing interesting artist-driven projects. I hope TEST does well and if I have a cash windfall I’ll absolutely buy those Abara figures. 1000toys can die for all I care. They haven’t made anything good or remotely interesting since Juzo from No Guns Life and all their design work is now done by Westerners, hence the awful new joint setups.
i haven't even gotten noble six, i'm not preordering this

(looks cool though)
>all their design work is now done by Westerners
source on this?
That's a fairly old release though, and they say right in the blurb that it's a one-time collaboration, not that they're the new ongoing sculptors for 1000Toys. So who sculpts for them regularly now?
I love their infinite chief but fuck them and their prices, hopefully they go on sale after they come out like the chief did
It wasn’t a one-time collaboration, they did the Devil May Cry figures, the Hellboy figures (which the old designer Yuta Tobari had to fix up because Bigshot’s joints were awful), Iron Giant, and others besides. I’d be willing to bet the Reach figures are their work too.
Theres always the possibility of surprisingly serviceable chink bootlegs. Would buy a bootleg Noble Six.
I got their Master Chief because he is the main character of Halo. I would never pay 18000JPY for some whoes, 1000toys overstate their welcome to my pocket.
all their Halo stuff is sculpted in CAD by T-REX

Isn't that what I said or split off means different?
Interesting or not if it's causing their company to die then they need to change or die. And I think most anons want them to keep making figures. Supporting poor decisions is like life support and not the cure. They don't seem to be doing much different but with nicher IP.
Fucking love that figure. Best figure I own besides Yamaguchis.
Ok, so anon who claimed all American sculptors was wrong. I don't know much about T-REX but I know they sculpted the Getters for Sentinel, and those were great.
they're basically known for mechs and technical stuff, so spartans are a natural fit

it's crazy that this is a forbes article. who tf reading forbes cares about any of this?
it's one guy who convinced them to let him repost Bandai press releases for some reason
Might get this and either Emile or Jerome, altought I suppose the last one is going to be even more expensive because he'll inevitably be bigger, standard edition because paying 100+ for a single gun is insane

I'm probably the only person that liked Jun
>he'll inevitably be bigger
That doesn't matter really for that difference. What matters for him (and Kat) is that unlike the others they need 100% new parts. Well the joints and internal parts might be the same. Those 4 SHOULD BE the cheapest that they can possibly be because most of the expensive molds are shared among them.

I don't follow enough to know if they announced they are making everyone, if not I would assume they aren't making those who don't share the main body.
Anyone own Noble Six how is the figure? Worth the price?
It's not out for another few months.
They’re only literalwhos if you never played Reach, anon. But I agree, I’m not spending on them because the price is too insane.
I thought it came out last year?

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