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Always found this interesting, and wanted to see what you guys remember getting changed.
Were there two version of that figure?
I know I had the one on the right. I really liked his fire fists poses. He made for a good bad guy to fight.
>He made for a good bad guy to fight.

And fuck. Dude's a literal motherfucker.
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pic on the right looks a lot like the legends of the dark knight punchy batman or whatever
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The packaging on the back of some of the old kenner/hasbro stuff shows the worlds finest 2-pack batman having a more muted grey color instead of the blue one we actually got. kinda looks like "retro batman" colors from the mop series
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do figs that never came to be count
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Just noticed the gloves and cowl and black here too where the released one had blueish gloves and cowl. I suspect they used an existing figure and just painted roughly what would come out kinda like they did with the toybiz one. i even have the figure i think they used side by side.

seems trivial today but back then i always felt like that one on the box was the best one and i just needed to somehow find it but never could
It was just a common physique for toys back then, you can easily tell it's not the same mold. Batman has less realistic muscle groups, it's more like armor plates mimicking muscles. He also has a sculpted-in belt, and V-hips instead of T.
The mcfarlane redo is actually really close to the proto. also i think brazil or some shithole got the legit black suit super power
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early Beast Wars materials solicited The bear mold and Scorponok with different colors(and a different name/species in the bear's case/) Initially, they were a Grizzly and an orange translucent scorpion
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Final release almost shifted tones, with the dark tones going to Scorponok and Grizzly-1 now being the polar bear Polar Claw.
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street racer batman came in a greyish blue. it seems like they used his color scheme from the promo art on the guy that shoots his cape out his back
Shit, wrong image. Sorry
Prototype figure of Hardcase from the doomed Malibu Comics. The line was cancelled before it was released, so there shouldn't be many out there.
Back of card, and its not Hardcase. I suck today. But I live for finding prototype pictures.
Picture not for ants of the front.
50s TV Superman, unproduced as far as I know.
Scans from an article about unmade Super Powers figures.
Now the recolored Walmart/kingdom/legacy Scorponok "Sandstorm" makes total sense.

I really do like how Hasbro will throw out these weirdo colors for whatever reason as a nod to fans... much like the the amazon Mutant Tigatron was based off of the original Tigatron boxart.
Cool Man Bat. The Swamp thing is just a repainted Bio Glow Swamp Thing though. This line seems so ancient, I had no idea they were still planning to make these AFTER the 90s Swamp Thing toyline.
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says its future force batman but i have no evidence it actually came to be
Now for something really weird: Wonder Woman and the Star Riders. A line of action figures aimed at girls, using spare She-Ra molds and such, with some possible Sailor Moon inspiration. The most we ever got was a Cinnamon Mini Buns promotional comic to introduce the line.
The unproduced Supergirl. And no, I couldn't find a color picture, it's hard to find anything about this line.
Reused She-Ra critters.
This is the sickest figure ever and we'll never even see it most likely. glacial sheild batman btw
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>Now the recolored Walmart/kingdom/legacy Scorponok "Sandstorm" makes total sense.
That one was more a direct homage to the Botcon figure Sandstorm. It's possible the Botcon deco was also partly a homage to the proto. I suspect the reason the tranlucent version was nixed was that the scorpion stinger mechanism stressed the translucent plastic too much and lead to breakage.
Grizzly-1 did get a direct release as a Japanese Botcon exclusive, though.
Mcfarlane will make these because he already has the prototype molds
good lord what is her hair doing
I've broken my phone tonight my
having the rights to make the figures doesnt mean he instantly gets the molds bro if anything some hoarders have them all and are waiting for some one to buy them off ebay for 14 grand
oh wait
As someone that holds prototypes that's not how that works
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post them
80s proto Unicron.
I don't want to dox myself but it's all beetleborg shit.
Unmade WWE dolls. Nikki Bella was trying to get John Cena to marry her, and Mattel was going to make them and Macho Man/Elizabeth. When Cena noped out, the idea was scrapped.
Proto stretchy Mask.
im surprised it took this long for it to get posted
LJN (I think) 80s proto wrestler. Snuka?
Unmade proto Mask doll.
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here the retail. love both of them
DDP 4 up proto next to the production figure. Self high-five.
It really is. Metal hand painted prototype and molds. I'm not even sure it's legal to own them.
Another Unicron. Idk, my thing was pastel equines.
MOC rocket Boba.
Unproduced Bucky O Hare figure. Never watched it, but had a friend who was way too into the skunk girl.
Proto casting of a Chyna figure, God rest her soul.
Unmade or proto version of a Jeff Hardy figure. Soma and alcohol bottles not included.
Unmade Droids figure.
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The figure shots on the back the mattels 2003 line 70% of the time didnt match the figure you got. heres a pretty extreme example
Unmade stretch figure.
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speaking of mattel i brought out my fairly obscure variant with DCSH articulation (toys r us exclusive) the back of the box it came in shows a batman and nightwing figure set that doesnt match the one we got entirely if you really look close
it shows batman with elbow joints like the one in this set but the 2pack one had the old style of articulation like >>11045464
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retail ver btw
The batsignal one always seemed neat.

some dude recently made a real ver of the tower of darkness
Unmade figures of Chewy's family from the Star Wars Holiday Special. No, I never plan to see it.
Unreleased Return of the Jedi figure sixpack. I find it amusing that I've lived long enough to see Star Wars rise and fall out of favor at least 3 times.
Cards for unreleased Dark Crystal line from Aviva.
It bloody hurts that we never got these.
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Original Teela is infamous for having a prototype "too sexy for kids" I can't find pics of it atm, but I remember it had nicely defined buttocks and bigger booba than what we got.
Unmade Star Wars preschool.
Unproduced Bucky O Hare girl.
Proto Umaga mint on card, in the collection of Matt Cardona.
Proto casting of Nash figure. No 1992 memes, please.
Proto Euro Big Jim figure. It had a head thar could rotate faces, and this one has a clear torso to show off the mechanism.
Proto rocket Boba, at auction.
Unmade Droids guy.
Proto Bandai or Irwin 1995 US/Canada Sailor Moon dolls. Yes, the production ones had no noses.
Unmade 16 inch Labyrinth plush from 1986. Give.
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The man himself showing his sketches of what could have been the kenner 100th batman. So freakin cool
Unmade McDonalds toy.
Mego Greatest American Hero figures. These were going out the door as Mego was going bankrupt, so they're very rare.
Mego plaster head for an unmade Alfred E. Neuman figure.
Unmade Superman 12 inch Mego playset,
Cardback for unmade 3 3/4 Mego Dallas line. No, I was too lttle to watch it.
This K-Mart dolly is wearing the outfit of a figure from Mego's unreleased Logan's Run line.
Unmade Superman Mego Fortress of Solitude. Yes, it looks cheap. Mego was going broke.
1995 prototype doll of My Magic Genie by Kenner, mocked up on a spare Batman card.
this is pretty great without context
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Here you go bro.
Talking Barbie proto with a clear torso, to show off the tiny record and mechanisms.
Unmade modern She-Ra collector dolls.
60s unmade Marie Antoinette and Louis XIV (?) Little Theater costumes for Barbie,
Scan of an article about the unmade Bucky O Hare line.
Wonder Woman Star Riders proto. I can't get over that cape,
Super Powers Clark Kent card mockup (the figure was mail order).
Unmade NECA Gremlins 2.
Tower of Darkness box press proif.
Tomart article on Tower of Darkness.
god damn packaging used to be so much more fun than the digital souless stuff we do now.
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We were robbed ffs, and this is my schizo take but I think those proportions are close to Club Grayskull Shadow Weaver. I wonder if they partially based her curves to make this prototype Teela.
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These were given to employees and some attendees on the opening of batman the ride in 91 at the end of the ride. he has a clip on his back so you dont need to carry him around the park, little to no documentation exists anymore on this guy but i dont think there was a way to just get him by normal means, thus unreleased. i only have this one cause my great grandma worked there since the beginning before six flags was even called six flags and got a few
I think you have it backwards, they used the existing Swamp Thing design/proto for the Swamp Thing line, same way they describe the Catwoman figure being used as the basis for the Returns one.>>11045383
Ohhh that makes more sense timewise. Though it doesn't really explain why they made him so cactusy if he was intended to be a "main" Swamp Thing. Even as a kid I thought it was kind of a gimmicky sculpt. Cool for sure, but gimmicky.
This thread should have a lot of Super7. A lot of changes in their crap
I remember tons of instances of this but its a bitch to find card/magazine scans these days, especially since i cant remember what most of them were even called
Believe it or not George isn't at home
this is not QUITE what we think it is
Teela had 2 different forms originally, she was gonna shift to 2 identities, one good, one bad, and this was the design for the bad one.
that idea got scrapped and they took the cobra hood and put it on regular teela.
Anon, that Teela prototype was created even before Motu existed as a brand.
I had this. I remember his phrase.
Eventually it started sounding like
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Here's the Penguin they reused
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I had a variant of this figure, they took out that web and voice box and gave him an "alien liquid" squirting gimmick. They later changed the blurb on this packaging, maybe the quotation marks made it seem too suggestive along with the verb "squirt."

I always liked this figure a lot, it was my first Venom and to me, the head looked like a rough approximation of McFarlane-era Venom. I also liked the strange arm sculpt, which made him look like a mummy or like he was sleepwalking when you raised them.

iwanttoeatyourbrains HHOMMMHHF
got dam i wanna fuck that gremlin
I remember at a Transformers convention he had the 100th Batman at his table with all kinds of historical pieces. I think he is going to be at that same convention in Toronto in a few weeks
Prototype doll from unreleased Hasbro "Trashion A,ley".
Early Monster High protos kitbashed from Mty Scene dolls.
Wild Childs panda prototype. These won't get made because the indy designer couldn't get picked up by a store or company.
Wild Childs tiger.
Wild Childs zebra.
Second series of Rose Petal place, unreleased. A few got out, but they're very rare.
Unreleased Monster High Dracula figure based off the Japan exclusive webisodes.
Another early Monster High mockup.
Ice and Dolphin from the Star Riders. Yes, they are DC characters, but in a much different form.
Solara + Starlily. No ,they're not from the comics. Why didn't they use Vixen or Fire or Bumblebee? Not floofy enough, I guess.
Another Dolphin. She usually wears a halter top and short denim shorts in the comic,
A very pink Ice. Let us never speak of her appearance in Human Target ever again.
The Cinnamon
The unreleased furry chick from Buxky O Hare.
Another unmade Buxky O Hare.
Purrisa, the villain of Star Riders.
When Mattel sued MGA and were going to get the rights to Bratz, these were the prototypes for their version. The judge reversed the decison and let MGA keep Bratz, so these cursed things stayed unmade.
Unreleased Black Skipper.
Unreleased Dune the 1984 movie Stilgar. I will defend the Lynch version to death.
Umnade 2nd series 1980s LJN D + D figures.
Unmade VR Max Steel VR figure that would have served as a video game controller.
Has Lan Unicron prototype. Call me when they do the drunk old Orson Wells fig5.
Umnade MOTU Eldor
Umnade MOTU He=Ro.
Unmade Sason 2 Darkwing Duck.
Unmade series 2 Skeleton Warriors
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Well this might as well be also a prototype/unreleased figures.
I'm salty this Chariot figure from HOTD was never made.
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No kidding.

Where is it Bandai?
That horse is cool as shit.
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There were 4 head variants on this figure, and I don't think any of them are that promo head.
Nothing he's made for his super powers line doesn't look super off and not actually like a super powers figure. Just similar.

I've not heard anything about him getting original molds and I don't think it's true.
It's a shame we never got this, because it fucking slaps compared to the hall of justice.
I really wish Superman's propensity for incredibly goofy vehicles made it to the comics.

Tower of Darkness is probably the sickest unproduced playset ever

I'm not sure what the fuck that vehicle is supposed to have to do with Catwoman

Eventually came to fruition with that Super Girls cartoon. I guess the blue chick is Tora? She really needs to actually wear that costume sometime, those leggings are ace.

Based Beetleborg chad, that show was my shit growing up.

I've always wanted a good Fortress of Solitude. This, alas, was clearly not it.
There's something darkly funny about the original Super Powers Catwoman being based on the Mindy Newell miniseries design.
>Ctrl F Mezco
>Not a single mention
You disappoint me.
>Tomar's Tower of Darkness
What's it taste like?
>Wonder Woman pole dancing up top
Darkseid knows how to live.
>"Look, Darkseid, it's you!"
Nowhere to really ask this, has anyone seen those toxic crusader re issues yet? So far its toxie and killemoff, i saw them today i just felt meh. Its a cool franchise and i like a few troma movies but these figures looked equal to the tmnt playmate reprints out now. For $25 it felt a bit too expensive imo.
I asked about this in the display thread since it started with a big Toxic Crusaders display, but the OP never answered me. Maybe they don't know the answer either.

I am hoping there is some difference, maybe even being a little larger or something? Idk, the originals are pretty easy to get on eBay so I would need some additional reason to buy a new one.

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