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-We have e-mails for a reason. USE THEM.
-Be sure to have PRICES (with photos preferably) in your SALE listings - NO "feeler" posts, just post the thing with a price.
-Ignore price-policing posts, as someone will ALWAYS complain. E-mail the seller and communicate accordingly if pricing is an issue.
-I'll save you the effort: check Mandarake, either for pricing (if selling), or for availability (if buying).
-Don't shit-talk buyers or sellers without evidence.

Previous thread: >>11014280
WTB Transformers:

Runabout and Runamuck
Punch/Counterpunch (or the PotP version)

Comic Universe Bludgeon
Miner Megs

>Generations Selects
G2 Ramjet


Will also consider offers for any other Decepticons you're looking to offload.
Oh and that HasLab Deathsaurus.
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>no email
>no prices
>flooding the thread with images
read the rules
Prices, faggot. No feelers. Delete these previous posts and put all your images on Imgur with descriptions.
In euros







10 each
reminder to report and ignore
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WTB: Several NECA Gears of War figures.

Mainly looking for:
Clayton Carmine
Anthony Carmine
Any COG Soldier variant
Any Marcus variant/version

I'll take anything else you might have from the line.
Holy retard
Marvel Legends for sale
I have some custom figures in here, along with a bunch listed out below. If you have questions about what's included in terms of accessories, just email me, 90% of these are complete. I have listed the known missing accessories here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/120sGHHUPUmQAOy1q4tvgmEf4HQ_SaWtAfhwKa8RKqKA/edit?gid=0#gid=0

Pics here, along with prices - https://imgur.com/a/bst-YO3YcZR

$10 stuff:
>Ironheart Fodder
>Sandman Ms. Marvel Fodder
>Gamerverse Ms. Marvel
>Black Panther Fodder
>Modified Proxima Midnight
>Modified Riders Widow
>Modified Riders Widow
>Guardsman x3
>Malekith x2

$15 stuff:
>Extremis Iron Man
>AI Iron Man
>Retro Black Widow x2
>Target White Widow
>MCU Luke Cage
>Molten Man Spider-Woman
>2-Pack Super Skrull
>5-Pack Molten Man
>X-Force Deathlok
>Monet St. Croix
>Mini Ant Man
>3-Pack Fantomex
>Commander Rogers

$20 stuff:
>Absorbing Man Spider Gwen
>Venompool Carnage
>Green Goblin Spider-Girl
>Nick Fury
>Sandman Symbiote Spidey
>Hobgoblin 2099 Spidey
>Retro 2099 Spidey
>2-Pack Cowboy Wolverine
>2-Pack Suit Deadpool
>King Daredevil
>Modern Hercules

$25 stuff:
>Compound Hulk
>Invisible Miles Morales PS4
>Raimi Spider-Man
>Riders Deadpool
>2-Pack Arnim Zola
>2-Pack Space Venom
>Mk 3 Iron Man

$30 stuff:
>VHS 2-Pack Alistair Smythe
>Shield Agent
>VHS 2-Pack Green Goblin
>2-Pack Ant Man

$35 stuff:
>Absorbing Man Ben Reilly Spidey
>Walmart 2-Pack Ultimate Spidey

$40 stuff:
>Modified Kaine Scarlet Spider
>Walmart Joe Fixit

>Kaine Scarlet Spider
>Jacket Wolverine
>Astonishing Wolverine
>Thunderbolts Punisher
>Thunderbolts Ghost Rider
>Thunderbolts Agent Venom

Stuff in the pictures that’s already sold:
>Retro War Machine
>5-Pack Silver Centurion
>Pizza Spidey
>Daredevil Elektra
>5-Pack Spider-Woman
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Shipping to US only. Prices include shipping, and I ship very quickly. Please feel free to email with any questions.

My paypal email: springfieldstonecutters@gmail.com.

Unless otherwise noted, the figures come with all of their original effects/pieces.

DBZ Figuarts
• SS Goku - $35
• Krillin - $75
• Son Goku – $55

• Layton 086 – Small mark on his coat and missing the pen, has all other parts. See the photo for the coat mark (I circled it) - $55

Liquid Stone
• Remilia, Marisa, and Reimu – $40 each or $100 for the entire lot of all three. Remilia has a mark on one of her hands from holding her weapon (see photo).
Selling my Fanstoys Parkour (Cliffjumper) 105$ shipped domestically in the US.
WTS: Various Marvel Legends (Listed Below); Prices include shipping within continental US
-Riot (from Amazon Venom 3-pack), $40
-Agony (from Amazon Venom 3-pack), $30
-Will sell Riot and Agony together for $50 instead
-Aunt May (from VHS Doc Ock 2-pack), $25

-Marvel Legends Retro Electro
-Marvel Legends Scream
-Mafex Superman (Hush Version)
-Mafex Batman (Hush Black Version)
-Mafex Superman (DCEU Josstice League Version)
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is it even possible to sell legit japanese capeshit on ebay? i have some revoltech and shf spider-man i want to sell and there are pages and pages of chinese bootleg listings selling for $20, people won't even get to my listing
is doable
Just put "authentic" in your listing
you could post them here instead of complaining retard-kun
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fire sale prices, why not

Figma Persona 4 humans: $35 each
>Yu is otherwise complete, but I'm keeping his bundled suplex hands for Aigis (The Ultimate).
>Yukiko is missing a pair of glasses and was bought that way from a long-ago BST.
>Chie is Chie.
D-Arts Izanagi-no-Okami: $50
>Figure is fine; ear-swords have been taken off pegs for shipping safety. Box suffered some fucked-up gash in the back courtesy of the Amazon reseller I got it from years ago, taped back together by same.
Entire Lot: $110

Free shipping within CONUS; international add +30 for one or +40 for multiple/all.
Whole lot sold!
I filter ‘used’ and by location. Bam, no bootlegs, better prices.
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Location: Western Canada
Sentinel SV-Action Peter B. Parker: $100
figma Demon's Souls Fluted Armor: $145
Condition: Opened, displayed
Shipping: Included in price

Prices are in USD, Paypal only.
looking for a gogeta figuarts. I bought one for like 30 bucks and now they seem to be 100+?
happen to have p5 futaba?
I never actually got around to collecting Persona Figma seriously. I had the Aigises because Cool Robot and then the P4 collection I sold were more or less Great Deals At The Time. Side effect of my puppy love for PQ spinning off into mainline instead, I guess.
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Postage paid in the US only (continental 48)

S.H. Figuarts Jigen - $100 w/ brown mailer box

Fate/Grand Order Berserker Lancelot - $100

PayPal f&f payment preferred because fuck the government
>f&f payment preferred because fuck the government
lmao get fucked with that
have any of you retards actually read the regulation?
it's not just 600 dollars, it asks what your profit % was.
you don't need to provide receipts, just mark zero or a loss and you don't need to pay taxes, especially here of all BST forums.it just had to get declared, unless it's your primary income, the 1099-k is not scrutinized.
Wait what happened? I thought they were going to raise the limit to $2000. They didn't really go through with the $600 thing, did they?
before the Biden admin - the rule was 20,000.00 USD or 200 transactions.
the regulation changed but was held last year - 600 dollars, but the IRS changed its mind for tax year 2024 (this year) to now its 5000.00 to trigger tax reporting, but again, the 1099-k trigger you don't need accounting, it asks for gross sales, which the websites will give you, and % of profit after taxes, shipping, etc.

my bad i had to go back and look
I just said it was preferred, clearly they can pay goods & services if they want.

Admittedly I did not. I just assumed it was a flat $600 and then you had to declare/pay. Thanks for the clarification.
Okay, that's what I thought. Thanks.
just sold my first toy on eBay and confirmed delivery. How long do I have to wait before I am 100% in the clear with no chance of getting fucked over by some forced refund through eBay or PayPal or wherever
Any idea if that coat mark could be fixed?
US only, shipping included:
Kitzconcept Robotech Lynn Minmei $55
Figma Shirogane Noel w/ pre-order bonus $50
idk like 6 months or something but if they're going to try and fuck you they usually do it right away. I wouldn't worry about it, I've been selling for 14 years and I can count the number of spergs that tried to scam me on one hand (ebay always sided with me btw).
I'll go in with this guy I've sold like 100 things over ebay and 100 over the bst here and only one retard from here has tried to scam me. They said the thing arrived broken and when I asked for pics and told them they could return it they folded immediately. It seems like they'd try to scam you more in both places but it's not that common.
Got a few things WTB

Red Canit from 1000toys
Mafex Brown Suit Wolverine
Early Hammond Collection dinos like the Trike, Baryonyx and the Dilophosaurus
Oblivion Land FAV-OB01 Bounty Hunter Krivo
Legacy Stunticons. I gave up on trying to find Breakdown, might as well try for the whole team at once.

Thanks everyone. Hope you're having a good weekend.
WTB a complete Titans Return Trypticon. Boxed okay, loose if the springs are fixed or it's the later revision release(the chest door is messed up on the first run, in addition to the springs). Or maybe the Japanese version which I hear is the revised version that fixes the issues too. And Brunt if you have it.
WTS Fanstoys Parkour (Cliffjumper) 95$ shipped

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