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Generaloberst Edition
Discuss 1:12 soft goods figures in all their guises.
LimToys had a roadmap of a bunch of stuff supposed to come out last year - I can't find the pictures but probably somebody else has it
Now we are halfway trough 2024 and the only shit they relase it's just another improved Aheb
Where the fuck is my Solid Snake? And RE4 Leon?
The patriot studios leon is amazing, and there’s another company NWtoys making an OG re4 Leon. I’d rather them tackle something else.
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God I had forgotten about Solid. If it ever comes out and it's half as good as Venom I'll be happy.
Fucked up the post, but I have that night vision guy coming and can't wait. Crazy figures are fantastic.
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Hiya is doing Universal Soldier, complete with suspect Dolph Lundgren likeness.
I have a couple of pieces of their kit, and it's pretty nice.
I ordered the 3R German "Devil King" figure and am just waiting on him. This will be my first of the line or anything like that. What are some other things to get with him and things to look out for?
I have a suspicion the 3R figures (Hitler and OP figure) are really just DiD figures under a different banner.
That said, the DiD buck is nice, so Hitler can do Rider Kicks and other shit IRL Uncle Adolf couldn't, well, except the ankles. Boots kill it. His badges and such will have to be applied, and should come with spares, as well as replacement buttons. The belt will probably give you fits of rage to get on, at least my DiD ones did.
any of you guys like Dam Toys?
ive been eyeing this guy < for years, and never pulled the trigger on it.
i'm addicted to GI JOE Classifieds and all my money goes there. no spare $300 to drop on this. i wonder how much im missing out.
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This guy's out, but I already POed the other company's version. Alas, this guy's PO came out later too. Had I known this version was on the way, I'd have gotten it as it comes with the statue.
What's the other company's version?
What do 1/12 hitler/nazi collectors do with him? I barely see anybody post them even though they seem like they’d be fun for comedy.
Looks like a seamless buck, so that disintegrating is one thing you're probably missing. My only hands-on experience with Dam is their 1:12 stuff. Great detail, but the wrist joints like to self-terminate.
Just comes with extra hands and a standee. But possibly more hands and more removable bits.

I totally regret not grabbing Churchill back in the day.

Not only did I not get the version I wanted but I missed out on Churchill, truly, this is mein kampf.
Not that many 1/12 Hitlers around. Except for a few caricatures like the Gelo. I guess 80 years is sufficient for his visage to be represented now.

He's probably just going to be on my villain shelf, alongside SW Storm Troopers and Cobra Troopers. Maybe he'll be a Drifter, that'd be fun.
I wanna see Hitler commanding cobra’s forces when you get him. I’m pretty sure I remember a couple a few years ago, but I guess they were probably limited toys.
Is there a significant difference between Devil King and Mustache Commander?
I quite liked those Bean Gelo figures, aside from the shoddy body quality. Scaled pretty well with Mezco stuff.
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Mostly the aesthetics. Mustache Commander, as well as the 3R Hitler, are sculpted realistically.

Devil King is obviously more cartoony. Although I'll be honest, I was mighty tempted to get him, if only for the cat.
Say what you will about Hitler. But he did kill Hitler.
>the cat
>so Hitler can do Rider Kicks and other shit IRL Uncle Adolf couldn't

I mean, we don't know that he couldn't.
Kek, true enough.
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>Hitler's body was never found
You might be onto something here.
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Oh, I thought DiD and 3R are the same? Just one was soldiers and historical figures and the other is, well, Nazis. I could be wrong though, it's just an assumption.

Also, I need a 3rd party Legendary Super Aryan head.
>Super Aryan
Somebody needs to do a swap with one of those SHF SS Gokus
I believe that's correct.
>This guy's out
He did? I pre ordered him on Monkey Depot but I haven't gotten a payment request.
>Punisherbat from one of those shitty Batkek comics
Third party Chinks really choose the most niche Elseworld Bats to make figures of.
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Forgot my pic
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Lara Cloth
Same here, nothing so far
Holy shit that’s nice. How come this was never posted in the numerous best Lara Croft figure threads?
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CrazyFigures are gold, expecially because they seems like the only one interested in modern militaries at 1/12 scale
I hope they'll do more russians in the futures, I missed the Beslan school series and I always regretted it
I’m personally not bothered by it, but how the hell do you explain to visitors why you have a Hitler action figure?
So he can fight your Churchill action figure, duh.
Act like you don’t know how it got there and get scared and insist you all have to leave RIGHT now!

>Oh that Hitler figure? I bought it for the memes
>M...memes.... like those funny pictures with captions
>No no I don't think the holocaust is a joke, I mean 6 million is a lot of bodies to burn
>No no sorry I'm all pro jews, go Israel!!!
>No of course not in Palestine, I mean I got this figure because I was talking to some guys on 4chan
>Y... 4chan yeah, but it's not all incels or right wingers, I'm not political and I've had consensual sex many times
>Yes consensual, I mean, no, sorry, I mean in a relationship, like, I wouldn't rape a woman, not even black out drunk, but if she was drunk I'm probably drunk so what are we raping each other or what
>N... no please don't leave

I would just hide it in drawer
arent these guys 1/6
Why would you put a hero in the villain shelf
If I had one he would go straight to the sigma male shelf alongside Griffith, Joker, Seto Kaiba, and Vegeta
This is unironically how it feels to deal with normies. I just smile and nod and say whatever the publically approved opinion on current thing is. I'm still not sure who is gonna win the optics war on the Israel thing so I'm sitting that one out for now
God I'm still kicking myself for missing those Spetsnaz. I managed to get the gunner, but the rest are a bitch to find at decent prices.

No, they're 1/12. Apparently there's a newer run with weathered clothing, so there's at least 2 version.

I don't have Hitler, but I had nazi soldiers (in 1/35 form) and once when asked I just said it's not about the ideology, but having representations of different militaries, and pointed to allied soldiers, modern and some other figs. It did not work anyway, still was told it was weird to have nazi toys. That was the only time anyone has made a comment.
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Forgive me, I am lazy.
Is it a custom?
Because it's funny and cool. And anyone that would see my action figures is someone that knows me already and I trust them enough to come into the house with my kid. Who gives a fuck.
>and say whatever the publically approved opinion on current thing is.
Damn, what's it like to be a literal sheep bro
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Yeah. Xesray Berenice with eBay accoutrements
I'm a SEA Monkey, maybe he's released earlier here.

I tell them that my pronouns are Commie/Nazi and that I'll inappropriately touch their black slaves if they have a problem with it. For America!

I'm an edgy edgelord who like my heroes to be anti-heroes with lots of pouches.
Just say you love history anon
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I can't believe the line stopped before they did at least one Japanese figure.
I don’t really know how they could’ve done a Japanese figure without it coming off as racist
I love these threads.

Las one was about how 1/12 should not be 1/12, this one's all about Hitler. You guys are the best.
Like the Chinese designer would have given a fuck, lol. He'd just have to do them like he did the Chinese movie characters he did for Bobtoys.
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The Chinese love racism against the Japs and vice versa. Its funny how they both try to make the other look as gooky as possible and themselves as white as possible.
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1/12 Dirty Pair WHEN!?!?
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It was not meant to be this way...
One day….
I have this figure. I like it a lot. Damtoys is probably my favorite when it comes to 1/6 mil figures. The seamless arms are a little different than others I encountered. It has this hollow feeling with a really stiff ratcheting elbow joint. I never had a problem with disintegration on this or phicen/tbleague seamless bodies. I do have an older body with seamless arms that deteriorated eventually but I don't remember the brand of model. I think it was either world box or coo.
I've never got into 1/6 damtoys because they don't look very posable, how do they perform there?
I just wanted a Benito figure
That we got an Italian at all is a bit of luck. They definitely should have done Il Duce.
Very well in my opinion. They do that 1/6 thing where the body is really disproportionately skinny in places so that they have good range of motion while also having the soft goods draping in the way. They can aim down sights well. They can crouch. If there is a drawback it might be torso articulation. The body itself will have good range of motion but if they have a big plate carrier or body armor it can just become too much fabric for the articulation to overcome. I remember I was surprised by that sdu figures arm articulation. Other seamless arms I've used usually chicken wing some when trying to aim down sights because the elbow articulation isnt as good but because of the hollow cavity in the sdu's seamless arms they can do it pretty easily.
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Goddamn Eric Bana just mogged my entire collection.

The body underneath feels too thin, but the clothes and kit look unreal.

I'm convinced to get those Tears of the sun figures.
They make the bodies small to get the range of motion. I only own a Crazyfigure gun and LBE, but it's quality stuff, and if they dod something I was interested in I'd be a buyer.
Do they make any Kim Juns?
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The gun is great, I particularly like the camo.

What would make you interested enough to buy one?
My interest largely lies with 20th century conflict. I suppose I could be in on one of the TotS figures once good pics of the rest come out.
Leona from Tunshi's Metal Slug got delayed or smth? Should have come out 2 days ago. I'm worried with all the delays this series may die out before it starts to get really interesting...
Everywhere I looks says Q3 (AmiAmi says September) which just started yesterday. Tunshi releases can be slow, I wouldn't kvetch just yet.
I do hope that line sells well enough so we may get some vehicles in the future, I know they teased the LV Armor, but they need to make the Super Vehicle 001 tank. Product code TS-001 is still missing, Marco is TS-002-MR so this is a little tease for it in my autistic mind.
>Devil King is obviously more cartoony. Although I'll be honest, I was mighty tempted to get him, if only for the cat.

I really wanted that one with the cat but at the time the only place i knew of that had it was aliexpress & they pussied out & censored any pictures & removed all the listings.

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