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>TFW the employee refused to get a figure out of the back right after they just said they had it in stock
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>tfw told people we get a lot of stock errors online
>buy the figure when my shift ends with staff discount
I miss working in a toyshop, granted I moved on from Transformers toys and what not to Plamo and nip toys but still.
You bastard. What transformers did you get that way?
Cheeky. I did similar shit all the time too when I worked in a thrift store since they let us just put stuff behind the counter or mark it ‘not for sale’, got a lot of good rare/expensive shit like Lego sets, transformers and Warhammer minis.
I picked up Voyager Hun-gurr and Deluxe Sinnertwin. We never got the other Terrorcons though so I never completed Abominus.
Ive been known to stash stuff myself, one figure was away so long they put it on clearance lol. But i never got out of hand doing it, just every once and awhile id hide something till payday.
>toys in the back
people on this board make up some wild ass stories, whens the last time you even talked to a store employee or anyone face to face? the last time there were "toys in the back" was when there was a toysrus. its literally all large camping items and chairs that are selling too slow, nothing gets left in the back. shit gets put on clearance and/or stuffed on end caps if they show up early
A female manager at a toy store once saw me browsing and digging through hotwheels

then walked up to me on her own accord and was like "we got some boxes unopened in the back, wanna have a look?" On two occasions.
They even waved at me in the street and were generally super nice.

NGL, felt weird to be recognisced as "that hotwheels guy" so openly but apparently that does happen and cool retail employees exist.
Good on them. I apreciate them.
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>This pre-order has been cancelled. Your bank account or card has been issued a refund. It may take 3-4 business days to appear on your statement.
Fucking pain.
>The police report said it was a 60 year old guy.
Nah, wm does have a 'back', size depends on store of course. Is there really anything back there? Nah, mostly toddler stuff, as the way frieght is ran only overstock goes back there. So im saying if you see a pallet on the floor, check that as its the better way of catching something r@re or unique. Oh, and try 7-4 since thats the general merch stocking team hours. Atleast in this region, so take this with a grain of salt as its only my first hand account.

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