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What went wrong /toy/?
With the SHF? Nothing really. The headsculpts are a bit bland and there's some minor inaccuracies with the suit but it's a really good figure. Amongst my favourite of last year
Is it 200 dollars good though? This going to P-Bandai made zero sense.
>p bandai exclusive
>1 single neutral headsculpt for a character known for smiling and grinning like a madman
>no soft goods
>general shf qc issues
there's more shit with this figure than good
even the marvel legends has more positives than this heaping pile of chink shit
>Is it 200 dollars good though?
Eh, not really. I don't really think most imports are worth the price in general though. It's why I don't buy too much anymore except for favourite characters, like in this instance

>1 single neutral headsculpt for a character known for smiling and grinning like a madman
Fair points but still don't ruin the figure for me. The armour and glider are excellently done
>general shf qc issues
Don't know what you're talking about with this, the figure's fine
>no soft goods
You'd seriously want a cloth hood? Is your taste that bad?
It's not the Spider-Man (2002) version.
awful headsculpts for a character that is 90% facial expressions, even a fucking ML got it right, wouldn't pay $50 for this piece of trash
It has nothing to do with lack of a 2002 Goblin.I'd take the Marvel Legends NWH Goblin over SHF, and they're asking 4x the cost of a Legends. That's a problem.
Yeah, it's only 3.5x better than the legends.
>Depressed Goblin
>3.5x better than Legends
Anything is better then Hasblow.
why don't you hasBLOW me dude?
No way, fag.
2002 is a better design and wouldve sold twice as much

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