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What other classic SEGA characters do you want to see get figures?
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My choices are
Chuck D. Head from Decap Attack
Akira from Virtua Fighter
Ryo from Shenmue
Toejam & Earl
Jet from Jet Set Radio
and Sketch Turner from Comix Zone

I would also say Vectorman but considering his limbs aren't attached to his body, it would be hard to make a figure out of that. I guess they could use clear plastic but it would look ugly as shit.
No Shinobi mentioned?
Fucking zoomers
Tons of great figures could be made from this series alone.

I assume they also have the license for Golden Axe, since collector market is separate from the kids shit.
We gotta have Shining Force characters please, i know that seems obscure but holy hell!
How would figures of Dynamite Headdy and Ristar work?
Ristar should be fine but Dynamite Headdy is from Treasure. If Jakks is going after any of the Treasure games it should be Gunstar Heroes because there's more characters to work with, plus Headdy's head isn't exactly attached to his body.
I think they'd do fine with just finishing out the beast forms from Altered Beast and the cast of Streets of Rage, while adding characters from Samba De Amigo and Alex Kidd to have the cutesy/chibi character designs.

Characters from: Shinobi, Shining Force and Phantasy Star should translate well enough in the current 4" form factor but I'd like to see Jakks tackle properties like Eternal Champions and Golden Axe and those character designs should be larger (6-7" with some of the smaller characters being around 5-5 1/2").

Unfortunately games like Toejam and Earl, Decap Attack, Gunstar Heroes aren't actually owned by Sega, which sucks because they have some amazing character designs.
>Ryo from Shenmue
Would go good with my Shipwreck figure.
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I'd get classic versions of aiai and nights
some of the sega characters in the new monkey ball are probably getting figures next
I hope you can use the extra characters in multiplayer this time.
I would like some Turrican stuff.

But to answer op, and not repeat anypne, id pick kid chameleon, the cop from hotd 3, gun valkyrie and oola (?) From space channel 5.
any of them
I'd like for them to be available outside the US. They'll probably eventually show up at Gamestop here, but it's always annoying not hearing anything.

To answer thread question: >>11043149
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It's a pipe dream I know... but one can only hope..
>Jet from Jet Set Radio
You mean Beat?
Crazy taxi would be great
Someone else who remembers Ranger X?!
Hell, I even got weird looks asking at a fucking retro games shop a couple years ago.
I was gonna say Boogerman, but it turns out that was Interplay, not Sega.
Does Chakan the Forever Man count?
Were musha or keio flying squadron sega ip?
Is there even any hope for another wave of SEGA stuff? The Walmarts by me are clogged full of Aiai and they aren't selling.
NiGHTS. And a big ass boxed Blue Dragoon.
Oh, and Ecco.
at my walmart wolfman did extremely well, blaze is almost sold out. aiai pegwarmed a little bit but that's what a cutesy baby toy is going to tend to do. hopefully jakks and retailers recognize that a baby monkey performing poorly might be a oneoff
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. . . how would VectorMan work as a figure?
*sorry axel.
It would have to be balls on a clear bendy wire. But is that even a thing? You'd see the wire.
That seems to be the trend which is a bit surprising to me due to how much more prominent the Monkey Ball IP is, but I guess they did double pack Aiai compared to the rest, and the others are just more 'cool' looking that casual shoppers would be drawn to even if they don't know the characters
>they did double pack Aiai
jakks constantly gives me whiplash in them doing good things and then following it up with unbelievable stupidity.
There IS a new game coming out, to be fair.

Theres a new SoR coming too.

And Shinobi. They should do a Joe toy next.
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Phantasy Star I-IV
PSO (the original not the chinkoid cash shop cancer)
The Ooze
Kid Chameleon
Characters from the old Sonic cartoons and comics
Eternal Champions

>you retard, they'll never do any of that!
Yeah, I know.
I would snatch up any of these fuckers and their dragons in an instant. Same for classic Phantasy Star.
I'm with you, I'd honestly put Shinobi over Altered Beast.
Everyone sells amazing here except Aiai. So there's like 8 Aiais at my nearby store.
Somebody get this man a budget right now.
Ulala is getting a movie. I wish I was joking.
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Niggas dont know bout that Ex-Ranza.
I dont even know if theres any kind of merch for it. I'd take a damn plamo or statue at this point.
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I think Vectorman can work in spirit if his limbs were transparent with only the joints being visible, if every joint was like a figma thingy it might work
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Nights would be fun.
My store has got 2 cases so far. 1 axel left, which im gonna grab, and 3 aiai left. The figures are grouped in with pokemon and fnf inky type video game toys.
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I atually put A LOT of thought into this, even came up with my own top 10 list, some of my choices have already been mentioned in the thread, but here are my other choices
-Spinball Sonic and Mean Bean machine Robotnik so we'd have an excuse to get figures of their Dic cartoon versions
-Bayonetta, the Trio from Golden Axe, Vyse, Beat, Ristar, Ulala, Joker, and of course NiGHTS
with aiai they should have more strongly emphasized the toyfactor, have a graphic on the front showing him going down a ramp or something.
I would totally get AiAi if it was his original appearance design.
if they had balls: my wife: Tyris Flare from the original games none of that reboot or 3d shit
Sadly, Aiai is the only one I got due to have no real attachment to Streets of Rage or Altered Beast. I probably would've cared about the former if SEGA hadn't removed the games from Sonic Gems Collection.
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Anyone know who the Americanized Mega Man wannabe in this image is?

The Shining series used to be pretty popular. Maybe it's obscure with zoomers and generation y faggots, but most every video game chat and forum in the 90s and early 00s talked a lot about it.
the pipe dream is the characters from burning rangers, but I'd settle for a Vyse
S.W.A.T guy isn't it?
I don't know how you'd make a faithful Vectorman toy but it'd be the tightest fucking shit if you could.
Maybe some kind of arrangement with magnetic bearings...
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I keep forgetting she's not an actual Sega character
But Joker is Atlus and Bayonetta is Platinumgames
I would kill for Jakks (or Storm Collectibles) to make my wife: Dora the Centaurides from Revenge of the Death Adder.
SegaSammy owns both
Don't know if it counts, but...
>Fucking zoomers
>only one post before yours
>a post that listed a bunch of games where some are nearly as old
>crying zoomers of a game that came out over 35 years ago
Do people just throw around buzzwords for the fun of it at this point
I realized only Sonicfags are the only ones who play or even know about this game for whatever reason
They're also boring choices
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Here is your Vectorman toy.
Game Over Edition.
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Here's your Ecco.
Yeah, I don't know why any retard would ask for Ecco when it's literally just a generic Dolphin. It's like asking for the taxi from Crazy Taxi. Completely pointless.
give him sonar launching action
You forgot the stars on his head!
I don't disagree but they're still Sega
Was the picture really necessary?
omg, yes, i forgot about how much i wanted a diecast car of the hornet
i wish they'd actually pick a good scale.
for god sake why are they 5"?
why not just make that 3.75" at that point.
Go the fuck away commie
I wonder if dude was able to use his handy dandy blue pliers to topple a government.
The fried chicken flash mob.
Actual brainrot. Go outside dude.
>her fanbase is peaceful protesters
This is a problem why? Bayonetta disliker btw
Vectorman figures I would’ve loved that back in the day. Skeleton Krew perhaps lol. I definitely would love more streets of rage how cool would it be to make a little playset of the last level in the first streets of rage game or just any levels from the SOR games? Always loved golden axe as well all the different colored enemies they could do a more affordable version of those
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Gilius Thunderhead, please. Or any of them. Preferably all of them.
that be cool
Honey from Fighting Vipers
You're not convincing me to dislike Bayonetta.
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Sonic Team games got a lot of promotion through the Sonic games. The PSO items even cameoed in SA2.
I kinda doubt that. Wasn't it a Gamecube exclusive?
Easy fishing.
Its a damn fun game, too bad my wrists get killed playing it now.
I think so, but i also think he has made cameos in kart racers. /vr/ folks know of billy.
I wish they were 3.75, then Axel and Altered Beast wolf could be paired against 52toys' cap commando and final fight figures.
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He meant Gum

I've wanted a figure for so long. Glad the new game is being worked on

I regret not buying the Altered Beast. He's a cool figure honestly. If I see it at stores again I will.

I wish Sega would team up with hot wheels and do a set with the 4 original crazy taxi cars. They teamed up with Sega once in the early 2000s and did a set of cars. JSRF, Shinobi, SuperMonkeyBall, House of the Dead, and SpaceChannel5. Thought I'd share with the thread because I think theyre neat.
if you think about it the only way they could do vectorman is either with magnets or revoltech styled joints
Altered beast is still MSRP on the website, Axel isnt though
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Anon, Gamecube is where most of the Sonic Team games and a huge portion of the Sonic fanbase gravitated after the Dreamcast died.
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There is an extreme lack of Opa-Opa and Space Harrier in this thread. Please Jakks.
Lil feet and wings, maybe a bomb accessory?
needs more Vocaloid
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Alis Landale would be pretty iconic
Vyse & Aika
Wendy Cheslock & Cherry Stijnen
They'd probably include the 16 ton weight like the gacha figure had.
maybe made of a bunch of revoltech style joints?
Did anyone get aiai? How well does he stay up when he rolls?
Hey at least the taxi has a design. It's not just a generic cab and for your information i would absolutely buy a model kit of Axel's cab.
Hope they make some Phantasy Star Online Dreamcast version only figures.
The rest of the classic SoR crew, Goldenaxe characters (preferably from Goldenaxe 2), Shinobi and the OG roster of Mortal Kombat. Also, more monster froms from Altered Beast.
She's one of the only characters here who already has a decent figure though.
I would literally buy every Cast they make, even repaints.
Thaytd be fun, maybe print a boss on the package to kinda give it a gameplay apperance?
This thread has made me anxious for a new wave, whether its sega or nintendo, the three figures ive got are nice.
>OG roster of Mortal Kombat.
Mortal Kombat isn't a Sega IP, anon. Never has been.
>dreamcast only
The fuck do you have against blue burst
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I have him, but I haven't opened him yet. However, he seems to basically be a larger version of their old Booster Ball line for the Sonic series.
Werewolf is almost always sold out whenever I go to Walmart or there's usually one left which I managed to snag twice. I doubt we'll ever see another Altered Beast action figure so it's best to grab those just in case you want to have them or sell them a few years down the line when no one can get them. I'm guessing the reason why they sell out is because it's the least likely one to get a new figure any time soon or maybe just because furries really love buff werewolf characters so it sells like hotcakes

Axel sells pretty well but you can always find quite of few of him on the shelves. It's the first and only time we've ever seen a classic SoR Axel figure since the only other figure of him is the Storm Collectibles one, but that one is based off of his SoR4 design which I don't want. It's good to pick this one up just to have the classic version.

AiAi is for sure the biggest shelf warmer. No one seems to be buying him for whatever reason. The games are fun but it's not really as classic as the old school Genesis games. Maybe people just don't want to buy figures of cute monkeys.
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I would really like to see a return of Virtual On figures. We had some before by sega and kaiyodo but the sega Line was only made for the first game instead of the most popular installment. The kaiyodo line was based off the second game, which is widely seen as the best one but has fucking awful articulation and breaks with any slight movements. I hope we get some kind of fusion of the two.
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Roo would be nice. There just aren't any figures of kangaroos with boxing gloves for some reason
Kind of a lazy rehash, innit? The big snake boss is cool and the underground desert is a novel environment but there's really only one new area and the "new" enemies are all super obvious in just being reskins of old ones.
At my local store i feel like aiai looks like a warmer because there's 5x as many as every other figure. I almost didn't see axel and the werewolf under the giant pile of aiai so maybe they just expected him to sell like crazy and he isn't?
>The kaiyodo line was based off the second game, which is widely seen as the best one

On what fucking planet?
Most people see virtual on 2 like how they see fighting vipers 2.
The 1st games are masterpieces whilst the 2nd games are exceptionally weaker.

Music, characters, sfx, gameplay are considerably inferior to the first games.
Theres a reason VO1 and FV1 have been given re-releases whilst VO2 has remained ignored.
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Well, it's a robot, but Beastbox Ricochet is exactly that. It comes with a hidden articulated joey in its pouch (who is actually the titular Ricochet, the kangaroo is a mecha suit he pilots). The visor and gloves are removable, and it has great poseability. It also transforms into a cube, as that's Beastbox's whole gimmick. The boxing dummy seen here is a preorder bonus though.

It's a rad toy. Probably the best kangaroo toy that will ever exist.
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Example of its poseability. You'll have no problem doing boxing poses.
Even though both OOT and OM have gotten the same re-release throughout its lifespan. I don't know where you thought that the second game isn't seen as something to be praised.Even then the later designs at the very least in my opinion are a lot more interesting in design.
>OOT and OM
It took me a while to figure out what you were talking about. Why are you including the "on" in these? "On Oratorio Tangram" and "On Marz?" Isn't "Virtual-On" one unbroken term? It's hyphenated...

Also, are OT (and I guess Marz) really worth playing? I think I tried both a while back but for some reason didn't find them as fun or easy to jump into as the first game.
Sorry when I said OM I really meant "Operation Moongate" and OOT as in "Oratorio Tangram" I don't know why my retarded ass put two O's. Speaking of which Tangram and Moongate are the only ones worth playing. As MARZ is garbage and killed it's own franchise in the west. I never played Force or that weird haram crossover so I'm not sure on what the verdict on those are.
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I have that, but I want an organic one. I have picrel but it's small, and Beast Saga also had sofubi's but not of this
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I could go for some rangers.
Everyone agrees that NiGHTS is likely but what are HiS chances?
How is Nights likely? No one cares about that shit
Thats treasure, not sega.
I want a Shinobi from Shinobi 3 so bad bros. Then I could cancel my preorder of Revo Ryu from Ninja Gaiden.
Blaze Fielding, for no reason whatsoever.
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SOR2 blaze, I would be pretty disappointed if we got an axel but no blaze. you could also make skate into another baby toy, rollerblades that actually roll. though desu I think I'd rather have a galsia figure over anyone.
Lol, youre right, itd be a shame to just get axel. Ideally we get blaze but zan would be neat. If they were to make knife guy id like a diorama piece of the cop car shooting rockets.
>Then I could cancel my preorder of Revo Ryu from Ninja Gaiden.
I didn't know they made a Ninja Gaiden figure. I probably wouldn't get it though because I guarantee it's modern Ryu with the black attire when I much prefer his classic blue outfit
Axel is guaranteed to be the only figure because he's the only one who will sell. Main characters get priority and I genuinely can't imagine anyone buying a 4 inch $10 coomer figure of a secondary SoR character. I know I wouldn't.
I borrowed this game from a friend back in 94 and was obsessed with it for the summer.
Would love to see Shenmue and Yakuza
It's very Mamoru Nagano-esque, I think you could reasonably kitbash this with some Wave FSS and Gundam kits with a little bit of 3D printing or scratchbuilding on top. Also yeah, this game bangs, one of the best sidescrollers on Genesis
AGE 1 Sparrow might be a good base to start from

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