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I own a small business that does services and retail, but I’m looking to manufacture a prototype I have for a toy. What’s the best way to go about this? A PDE seems like a good way to go but a little expensive, And dealing with overseas factories seems like their business is to steal your idea and fuck you over. My lawyer thinks I should just hire a bunch of people to do this in Mexico or somewhere cheap. Anybody here have experience with this process? (Sorry if this is the wrong place for this, pic unrelated)
What is a PDE in this context? I assume you aren't trying to have the Pennsylvania Department of Education manufacture a toy for you.
You 3d print the prototype, you don't manufacture anything until you actually have the design done. Hell, the dude who invented supersoakers scratch built the damn prototype his garage from spare parts on his off time from work, and that was 30 years ago.

If you can't figure out basic stuff like that on your own, I suggest you just walk away now because you're gonna be in for a bad time.
OP, like the poster above said, you need to do a lot more research because what you're describing doesn't make any sense. If you're just trying to make a prototype or proof of concept, why are you even talking about manufacturing/factories etc? And you have a lawyer involved? Huh?

What kind of item is this? 'Toy' is insanely vague.
I guess in this context it's Product Development Engineer. But I think this is totally unnecessary unless this is a super complicated product that has lots of moving components, electronics, and/or complex mechanics to perform an action. These days, there's people all over the internet who model things with free 3D software and just about everyone and their mother owns high quality 3D printers now.
What type of toy we talkin bout?

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