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/toy/, please recommend me a good wizard action figure. Can be pointy hat, hooded etc so long as he’s got a beard, a staff and a cape and generally stands between 6-8 inches.
Mythic Legions has a good one
Theres also tons of Gandalf figures.
Oh, that looks pretty damn good. I’ve never bought Mythic Legions so I’ll do a little research, you recommend him?
Be aware that he’s not a traditional white wizard. He’s the color of a poojeet:
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>there’s a fully armoured and decently articulated body under all the softgoods
That’s really cool. I don’t care about the skin so long as he has that big white wizard beard, just wish he had a shouting head for casting like this other, more evil looking wizard they do has. But maybe I’ll just get both.
>they do has
>starts sentences with ‘But’
Fuck toys, you have some reading to do.
Learn to syntax, you bastard.
>just wish he had a shouting head for casting like this other, more evil looking wizard they do has
>just wish he had a shouting head for casting like this [guy] has
The phrase refers to another figure that the company ("they") makes ("do"). The "has" is in reference to the full phrase.
is this a bait thread? I remember there was a wizard thread several months back that was exactly this and mythic legions got mentioned and it summoned subby and was a shitshow.
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Nope, I really just want a wizard, and I’m gonna buy some Mythic Legions unless I can find anything better. I also found this legally distinct Gandalf whilst searching I might pick up.
Starting sentences with but is perfectly acceptable and done all the time in literature. They only teach you not to in school because kids are retarded and would overuse it. No hard rule about it exists.
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There's also some old Toybiz versions of Gandalf, in grey and in white you might be able to track down cheap. As well as a newer Diamond Select one that shouldn't be hard to find.

NECA has also been doing some AD&D figures lately, so while they haven't done em yet, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before they get to the wizards Kelek and Ringlerun. Though in all honesty, this guy >>11043354 is pretty much a "legally distinct" Kelek as is.

If you're ok with Mythic Legions though, and don't mind waiting a while, they also have pic related up for pre-order right now. Technically he's a "mystic librarian" or some crap, but he's got the long beard, colorful robes and fancy stick combo enough to just be considered a wizard. He also has an improved build over the other two, who use a bit older parts.

I'm honestly not all that into Wizards myself, but I will say that they seem to be exceptionally rare characters to see in toy form. I guess cause they're always backround support or wise-mentor types they don't give off that "actiony" feel to warrant getting "action figures" made of them.
Looks good
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On clearance at your local Macy's R Us
What the hell is that… thing?
Kinda cute

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