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Previous thread: >>11014883

Knightfall Bane reported to be shipping July 1st. Sorry about the delay, wanted accurate info for the Fate/Spidey releases in OP.

Dates according to Medicom/Ami Ami. Date changes since last thread marked in "green".

Newly Available:
208 - BO-KATAN KRYZE (The Mandalorian Ver.)
212 - JOHN WICK ((John Wick Chapter 4)
215 - BATMAN (Knightfall Ver.)

>June 2024
210 - AHSOKA TANO (The Mandalorian Ver.)

>July 2024
216 - BANE (Knightfall Ver.)
217 - CAPTAIN AMERICA (Comic Ver.)
219 - ERADICATOR (Return of Superman)
220 - CAPTAIN AMERICA (Classic MCU Suit)

>August 2024
222 - BATMAN (Zack Snyder's Justice League Ver.)

>September 2024
223 - DAREDEVIL (Comic Ver.)

>October 2024
227 - LUKE SKYWALKER (The Mandalorian Ver)
228 - RIDDLER (Hush Ver.)

>November 2024
229 - SCARECROW (Hush Ver.)
230 - BLACK PANTHER (Ver. 1.5)

>December 2024
231 - IRON MAN (Stealth Ver.)
232 - SUPERBOY (Return of Superman)
240 - 4-LOM (Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back Ver.)
246 - TETSUJIN 28-GO (Original Color Ver.)

>January 2025
233 - JOHN WICK ((John Wick Chapter 3 Ver.)
234 - CAINE (John Wick Chapter 4 Ver.)

>February 2025
237 - THE DEEP
239 - SPIDER-MAN 2099 (Comic Ver.)

>March 2025
>243 - THE FLASH - (Zack Snyder's Justice League Ver.)

>April 2025
242 - ROGUE (Comic Ver.)
244 - DR. FATE
>buying mafex from BBTS
>not from import sites that get them in faster + cheaper
BBTS is just better for imports with QC issues like Mafex.
With overseas shipping, you're paying the same price. The only difference with BBTS is you're not fucked if the wrist of your Mafex Spider-Man snaps after a week.
Idk about better. Is the safety net of a refund worth paying double/triple of what the figure actually cost in japan + shipping?
The fuck are you talking about, retard?

>paying double/triple of what the figure actually cost in japan + shipping?
So you're just going to repeat this lie over and over again?
>Import Sites - $60 Figure + $20 Shipping = $80
>BBTS - $110 Figure + $4 Shipping + Taxes = $120+
are you retarded
You need to stop shilling Japanese sites with non-existent return policies. It's embarrassing.
No you're not. Not when the yen is so weak.
I pray these are the last of the cape movie figs, please mafex focus on comics.
You really need to shut the fuck up, you fucking retard.
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Shut up, retard.
>those shoulders
It’s over
I see neca bitch is enjoying the IPs being hidden
I love you senpai
I've actually had an issue with a Mafex figure that I purchased from Amiami. I got Spider Verse Miles and his leg snapped off pretty much right out of the box. Contacted Amiami to let them know, they asked for proof of purchase which in my case was the DHL shipping label they made, with the damaged figure along side. I sent those pictures showing everything and within like two days they responded by saying they'd fully replace the entire figure with a brand new one. They had me send back the original but they cross shipped the new one so I got it in a few days. I had to pay initially for return shipping to Japan, just because Amiami wouldn't know they precise cost, but they had me send a copy of my shipping receipt and refunded the full amount to my originally payment method. Overall, it was actually a really good experience and they did right by me. Granted, I've only had one or two issues with figures I'm the 10+ years I've been using them and I've cancelled like two pre orders in all that time.

Similarly I had a buddy who got a duplicate alt head with his Mafex Geenpool. He went through a similar process with Amiami by sending them proof of purchase and pics of his duplicate heads. Except they didn't make him send the whole thing back, they just sent him the missing head in a small package for free. So now he has both alt heads and along with a spare for one of them.

As long as you're not a douche about everything and are politely Amiami will have your back. At least in my experience.
>As long as you're not a douche about everything and are politely Amiami will have your back. At least in my experience.

I find that most negative customer service experiences come from people with zero social skills who just don't know how to talk to people.
>So you're just going to repeat this lie over and over again?
You are actually retarded lmao. Picrel. Seethe over the fact that you wasted money
Now show us the shipping?
DHL shipping costs me $20 from Amiami and I get it in like two to three days.
If you're stressing over such a small amount, you shouldn't be collecting figures.
>says the Pile of Loot $4 shipping "I'll just wait three months extra for it" faggot
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This is what I paid for two, got them almost two full weeks sooner than when I use BBTS $4 shipping.
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One month's time, will we finally see Robin?
I forgot to put the fucking dates: July 23, 2024 - July 28, 2024
50 dollars is not a "small amount", I can go buy another Mafex. I get dunking on poorfags, but you have to be a subhuman low IQ retard if you think paying double the cost of an import figure is justifiable.
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>says paying double is a small amount
>consoomer paying a company's markup and duties for literally no reason
>thinks this is a dunk on brokies
You sound like someone who makes incredibly poor financial decisions lmao
If you're American, there is no reason to buy Mafex figures from any place other than BBTS. You're only saving $10 bucks per figure by buying from import sites and that's not worth the hassle of inferior customer service. Don't let the shills tell you otherwise.
Enjoy getting your figs three months later.
I think we will. They're running out of Hush characters.
Going off of the group shots, the remaining characters are;
>Time Drake Robin
>Killer Croc
>Ra's Al Ghul
Out of them I think Robin, Ra's and Killer Croc have the best shot at being made, possibly Gordon too (maybe packed with a Bat Signal) but I wouldn't bet on it.
You think CROC has a better chance of getting made after it took how long for a big Bane character and we've already gotten dozens of suited guys like Gordon?
Well Croc is on the lower end of "could be made", but it's exactly because they just made Bane that I think there is a chance.
Though if we're being honest, I wouldn't be surprised if they just make Robin and then move onto another storyline like Long Halloween or Year One.
Same on ignoring the rest, chances are we get the Robin to marry them moving onto Knightfall since his costume kinda works for both.
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Gonna need to see a MAFEX, ASAP.
That looks bad.
Who’s the other guy supposed to be
I'm liking the colours but the suit seems a tad bit loose.
Mister terrific, scrub.
>>11044713 *
>Mister terrific, scrub.
Good luck waiting till 2030
>the suit seems a tad bit loose
I think it's the kind of suit they use for stunts, dunno. But I doubt they'll let it crease that bad in the film.
I'd probably buy the SHIT out of a Killer Croc
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I really wish they went with a thicker belt for this Dr. Fate. Oh well, maybe when we get him in the new DCU.
I like it overall. The suit looks a bit thick though so the creasing is pretty pronounced. The colors are great though.
Really frumpy. The red trunks don't work well with it.
Where'd the BBTS fag go? Crazy how he disappeared like that
>I'd probably buy the SHIT out of a Killer Croc
Same, make any Bat villain beyond the Joker and I'd be there for it
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Why's he diddling Batman with his finger?
For you.
Knight Crusader Batman is such a great figure, but it would have been amazing if they worked in a way to get him to bend backward even further to pair up with this Mafex Bane.
I'm pleased for you. Meanwhile

Confirmed for 29th July
>218 - PHOENIX

Delayed until August
>217 - CAPTAIN AMERICA (Comic Ver.)
>219 - ERADICATOR (Return of Superman)
>220 - CAPTAIN AMERICA (Classic MCU Suit)

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Fuck yeah, hurry up and charge me Amiami
Hope the arm cord won't break
But that is what Bane does
Gonna make it much easier for modders to make face plates
How many more faces do you need for the bane, kiddo?
All of them.

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