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Where the fuck did MFC go
u tell me
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Admins probably ragequit and deleted the site after being forced by the community to allow Funko Pops and NECA shit in the database. Honestly, I'm glad it's over.
It's only been like 2 hours. It'll be back.
I pissed in the server room.
nothing of value lost
works on my machine
Honestly, I would like to agree on principal, but there's, shockingly, nothing even remotely similar to replace it with. I buy and sell a looooooootta shit particularly easily through it, and I do enjoy the database rather greatly.
>funkopop stans
Works fine for me too even without the pl, just the base url

Also this is a really valuable resource and you are a fucking dumbass if you don't think so. It holds so much information even on stuff like release dates, original prices, reissues, dimensions, materials, etc. that sometimes are not available anywhere else on the internet because e-commerce sites died or listings were scrubbed. Rare prototype pics in some cases too. I can't even remember how many times I've used it as an informational resource, it would be a tragedy to lose it.
Agree with both of these. I don't bother talking on it at all lately and the community obviously leans much more toward statue collectors, but I've gotten several good deals on there and it's nice(painful) being able to see what I spent on figures years ago compared to today. Losing it would be a major blow to this hobby.
Well it's got the ways about it don't you think? Take it or leave it, especially in today's day and age. But you're probably not thinking that day ahead are ye?
Look at these faggot homosexuals and their faggot homosexual website full of Loli Pedo shit
Myfreecams is still up.
its unfortunately back up
i was hoping the site along with all the people on that site died
>website full of Loli Pedo shit
Why are you shilling it so hard???
Funko pops have been on the site for over 10 years.

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