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Does anyone have any Mego stuff?
I find the whole trend of new characters with vintage style action figures really silly.
Mego is dolls for boys. But I do recognize their great use in Toyfare and Robot Chicken
I got a MIB Darkseid in a lot win and I plan to eventually dump him and sell it but I don't have time to deal with that crap.

Some are fine, many look cheap. Someone must buy them since I see them at Game Stops and the next time I wonder in (usually weeks to a month later) they are gone.
Got my set of Real Ghostbusters figures (Janine set too) and am quite happy! Love the cloth jumpsuits and hard heads with cartoon-likeness!
i have a vintage thing, general ursus, and one of the modern frankensteins. ive been tempted by some of their other horror offerings but i can never find them in stores. hell i couldnt even find the fleischer superman in big lots. i was excited to hear about the rumor of marvel reissues but so far they havent manifested.
that line never got the love it deserved. they did those figures such justice but the market just wasnt there.
On that end I really like them doing older stuff like Toxic Avenger or Ultraman. It feels more appropriate and it's cool to se what an American Ultraman toy in the 70's would've looked like.I'm way too young to have nostalgia for these, but I still pick some up because they have a charm to them.
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Mego Mole Person is on sale for $8US on Amazon.ca right now. Don't know how much shipping would be for you.
That cute. How tall are these guys?
I've got an ultraman still in the packaging hung it, I'm very happy with it.
*hung up on my wall
>fleischer superman in big lots
I mean, I just wasted $15 for the NECA Tooney so I can't really criticize but that was at Target and using just part of a free $100 gift card that - at the moment - I had no other use for. But I'd have to pay actual cash at Big Lots, so no, thank you.

Unless an anon is IN Canada, shipping elsewhere is prohibitive, particularly for just one item.
Thanks, I wasn't sure how it worked. I've often had to order stuff from the US and shipping is a drag.
I wish I'd got the venture bros mego dolls when i had the chance
What about old characters that never got a retro toy in that style like Swamp Thing?
I bought a couple when amazon had them on sale for $4. Nothing specifically that I cared for, the Red Skeleton dude is my favourite out of the bunch.
Also bought my nephew Scream since he is obsessed with that character.
I like them enough to like get one to add to my collection of an absolute favorite character, but not enough to collect the line specifically. All the power to people who do though, The have a certain charm.
If you are buying a lot or it's a bargain, it might work out. I got two different figures I wanted at a reasonable price and asked if they would combined ship, and the seller (an LCS) was willing to work with me, so I also picked up a third toy that I was iffy on buying. It ended up being about what I would have paid for ONE priority mail USPS shipment ($15) for three figures.

One was the DCD Superboy which normally sells used for about $30+ on EBAY and I got it for $20 Canadian (or about $15-17?) so it was all in all, worth it to me.

Another time, I went in with someone for a set of ten figures, and SDCC exclusive from ten years ago, that worked out to about $20-25 a figure, but I sold ONE from my half of the lot for $90, so I more than broke even.
I like their 14 inch figures, but the 8 inch ones are meh
>can't even hold their wands properly

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