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Why are you not outside taking pictures of your toys, right now?
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Congrats, you get my garden pics
Because I have self respect.
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I too have fantasies of punting kittens
They destroyed the wildlife for "affordable housing" and now I have nowhere to go.
Because it's like 110F out. Plus I'm not a sperg who takes his toys outside.
who the fuck gets a permanent tattoo of a commercial on their arm???
Your shadow looks like a pregnant chick, lmao
The body composition is worse than the doodles. I feel like I'm the only /fit/ toyfag
post body
I get b& everytime. I'm not anything special just a ripped 5'8 manlet but that seems to upset mods and other anons. For fucks sake guys count and reduce your calories and walk at least 10k steps a day while doing calisthenics.
Are you a pregnant woman or an obese man? If it's the latter then why are your arms stick thin...
Nice belly.
thank you, i'm 7 months pregnant. I'm expecting a boy.
>a boy
My condolences
Those are nice photos!

I dont think that this important.
I spend over 40 hrs a week in the heat, no thanks.
Not all pregnant women blow up, anon.
We other women on here? Pregnant women?

On topic, I'm way too embarrassed to do that sort of thing irl.
>hand posing
I was asking why an obese man would have skinny arms. A pregnant woman having them makes sense, their bump is not made of fat.

There's plenty of women on /toy/, they're just mostly in the doll thread which male posters don't spend time looking at.
I’m sorry, but there are hardly any women who collect toys, and even less women who would post about it on /toy/ of all boards.
Stop feeding them then, you tsundere.
There are plenty of female toy collectors, not a huge amount but definitely more than you think. Most will generally LARP as men on hobby sites etc because they don’t want to get caught in the vicious cycle of simps noticing and paying her way too much attention, regular guys getting pissed off with their antics and also finding her presence to be annoying as she attracts them, calling her an attention whore, then starting a war with the simps etc.
You slut.
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Women, do you like any stereotypically male lines?
Ok, you made it weird.
>scared off the girls
Anon, c’mon.
I like Ninja Turtle stuff, used to watch it all the time with my brothers.
I specifically really liked Kamen Rider Den-O and have some of the SHF and other merch. Really rustled my jimmies that only Momotaros got an SHFSS.
I never got into Kamen Rider, is it anything like Power Rangers?
You're not the only one. We're a rare breed
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The sun is too dangerous to my wife.
Kinda. Depends entirely on which sentai you watch, but they all share the general theme of a hero transforming into a cool suit and fighting monsters etc.
I like micromasters specifically, but vintage robots as a whole because of my late uncle, he was soo cool when we were kids we got to play with his original g1 guys and his old kaiju toys
Omg sentai is like crack! Legit fell in love with Goushi and Burai (rip Burai) when I first watched zyuranger, although my favorite still goes to ohranger maybe megaranger because Im obsessed with the design of yugande really excited to watch boonboomger when I get the chance
Man, I really haven’t watched any for years, I used to get pissed with sub groups taking forever/having rivalries and dropping shows etc. Still play with and pose my old rider SHF a bunch though, I really liked the die cast parts they used to have. what’s your favourite recent show?
I'm a big Batman fan, and B: TAS in particular, so I collect a lot of that. Bummed out about the weird cel shading on the McFarlanes.
Guys, do you like any stereotypically girly lines?
Definitely gonna see lots of male Precure collectors.
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We sometimes do.
She-Ra I guess.
Nah they just don't collect toys that you care about. Resin BJD and fashion doll collectors are almost entirely female. Funko Pops, Sanrio blind boxes, miniature stuff like Miniverse, these all have huge female fanbases.

I'm gonna be buying the upcoming Street Sharks figs and I have a few SHF figs. But that's it. Just girly stuff for me.
Women love miniatures so much it’s unreal. It’s cute.
From the thumbnail it looked to me like an awesome Guy Fieri-esque fat dude, actual fig was disappointing.
Plastic yellowing.
>/fit/ toyfag
>5’8 manlet
You are literally me
>have some toys displayed out of the sun entirely
>other toys have been on windowsill and played with outside
>zero yellowing
Why does the yellowing pick and choose this way?
Quality of the plastic.
Are girls being into anthro stuff pretty common?
>Self respect
>Posts on 4chan
No you don't.
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Last time I went out. Might go out after July 4th and places are less busy, and it won't be as hot outside.
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And this was from last Autumn.
Nah, dude, you're not alone. 20 strict-form pullups reporting in. To be fair though, I only have like 50 figures in total though
Not into it.
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london or bitch?
lol, gay
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You really go out to cemeteries to take toy pics bro? Why not just go to a normal park
I think this is a tad disrespectful ngl.
Probably less people around. Cemeteries are pretty nice to walk around and usually quiet and pleasant to be in.
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Under the weather this weekend, but otherwise no excuse. Here's one from a couple of weekends back.
>Last time I went out.
Y-you mean last time you went out to take pictures of your toys, right?...Right?
How's the pregnancy going?
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imagine being insecure
Harmful UV rays.
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Yes. Last time I had the balls to go outside with my toys.
Had a couple talk to me when I was in the cemetery they thought it was fun that I was enjoying the quietness of the cemetery, and I'm very respectful when I go into one. I like researching the headstones/mausoleums
They probably assumed you were an autist of some kind as you were playing with your toys in a graveyard, and since you’re posting here it’s likely.
They 100% assumed he's mentally retarded. Which tbf is a fair assumption if you see an adult man playing with toys in a fucking graveyard. Probably talked to him with that condescending little voice people use for children and animals.

Most people would feel uncomfortable and disturbed hanging around a bunch of corpses but uh ok.
I would also have assumed he was, and I myself am a grown adult who plays with toys. But nah, graveyards are pretty nice. You should visit one. The one nearest me encourages you to go water the flowers and tend graves etc with a shed of stuff when you visit, it’s a nice contemplative way to spend an afternoon.
Girly toys to boot.
I go to mine to feed chipmunks.

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