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Anyone collecting minecraft figures?
not collecting per-se, but I bought a few of them (the goat and steve) because I wanted to make a custom amiibo stand for em.
The bat is cute
Miney crafto
had these a long time ago....
I shamefully have a Steve because he was announced for Smash. Five Below had a bunch of them. I hate that he's in Smash. Definitely their worst decision
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Besides Lego minecraft I LOVE thesemetal figs
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Early minecraft toys used to look ugly as fuck, I'm glad we're finally getting some decent minecraft merchandise as time continued
just got netherite steve
can't have enough steves I guess

love these too
I've been wanting a good Ghast figure for ages, the official one and the Lego ones suck though due to the fireball gimmick.
You can change the Lego one.

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