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What is a Nendoroid, you may ask?

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

Guide/Product release info found here:

Stickness on your figures?

Nendoroid spreadsheet in Google Docs, compiling info regarding names, # of faces, accessories, etc of all the nendos made so far

Nendoroid guide to bootlegs to prevent people fall for shitty made figures (any correction or improvement that need to be made is welcome)
Also the buyfag wiki about bootlegs

Gallery of nendos with Sylvanian Families or re-ment furniture for scale comparison

>How it's made: GSC edition

Here is a shop that sells loose nendoroid parts for cheap and the inventory updates daily

Reminder: if you want GSC to make or rerelease something you need to tell them you want it.
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I know we haven’t had one of these in a while, but I saw the new bulborb and instantly fell in love and just had to post it here. What other nendoroids are people looking forward to?
>Olimar is the ideal Nendo concept
>Submit his name to MF surveys for years
>This gets announced
Whatever. I’m so desperate I’ll take anything I can get.
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>the general lives
Excellent. Currently waiting on picrel and some others to arrive, really enjoying being personally pandered to in this way with Ginko and Medicine Seller getting nendos.
We already have Olimar figures, but there’s barely any Bulborg merch. I’m sure if it sells well we’ll get Olimar too. But like >>11046314 said, he’d be too big
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The pikmin in motion is a much better incentive than what the multipack has. The nendoroid set is even more army-buildable
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really like the selfie stick/popsicle bonus accessories GSC gave
wish they gave accessory parts more often than plastic effect sheets
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My Leon shipped today from the goodsmile US store, so that’s exciting
what do you guys use for cleaning dust off nendos? let's just say ive been cleaning my room after not having done so in a while and my yuuri and chito look like theyve been exhumed
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Super late to the party, but holy shit I thought she was a never ever!
Nendoroids have been pandering hard to the oldfags lately. Not sure who else I want at this point.
Oh good, the Funko Pops (Japan) thread is back
hoping for the onsie version too.
I got my nyagger and reimu on the way in the meantime. Still want to pick up Sakuna one day too.
the darkmoon greatsword's looking more like a darkmoon shortsword
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forgot the pic
A combination of canned air, anti-static brushes (what I have on hand), and a microfiber cloth. I never use liquid to clean figures.
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So I started opening all my Nendos that I have collected over the years and displaying them on my new desk and display cabinet. Unfortunately, I can't keep the boxes anymore. What are some storage ideas for the extra parts?
I recommend keeping the box if at all possible. These aren’t cheap figures.
I forgot ranni came with the moonlight sword
is that one of those lightboxes anon? Did you buy it or build it?
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I use one of these (just search craft storage on amazon), keeping the parts and instructions for each figure in a ziplock bag. Then I label the outside of the drawers with tape so I know where each figure's parts are easily. I've had it for years and haven't filled all the drawers yet.
Oh but it's worth mentioning I've kept the empty boxes too, though. If you ever think you'll want to resell a figure it's a really good idea.
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I’m really hoping with ace attorney being more popular lately and the Investigations duology coming out we’ll get more nendos. There’s still several I would need before I’d be satisfied, Dick Gumshoe, Franziska Von Karma, and Godot are probably my biggest wants. I wouldn’t even mind one of the Judge to round out the courtroom diorama and Mia just for completionists sake. And then of course there’s characters from Great Ace Attorney and the Apollo Justice trilogy, but I think they should finish the first trilogy games main cast first.
Curious about the canned air, wouldn't the chemicals be harmful to the figures? Personally I just stick with my tamiya brush.
does it only come with 3 pikmins?
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I believe it comes with 3 of the standing/running pikmin and 3 of what they call “dangling” pikmin, but the ones that are on the back. I was looking at the description and noticed something, it looks like there must be a magnet in the bulborb based on the specifications and I’m assuming those dangling ones are magnetic so they can attach on the back.
damn thats cool preordering right now
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Besides the Blue Archive girls and the OC furries I have ordered, I really like this design.
whats that thing even from? I only see it in weird VR meme videos as avatars
That's exactly what she is, an OC skin for VRChat.
I like the detail that both of the same colour pikmin have different flowering statuses.
I hope this paves the way for Olimar with the other colours.
>muh scale
Don't care. Learn how to use perspective.
it's a lightbox I got off amazon warehouse deals that was discounted because the white background sheet was a bit scuffed but I could replace it with another sheet or fabric of some kind if it ever gets too scratched up
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My jar dad and jar lad finally arrived.
just got ranni but I'm still on the fence about alexander
don't think I'll get vagabond tarnished though
>Rapi's hat barely fits on her head
What the hell
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>Nendoroid Bulbear
>Nendoroid Wollywog
>Nendoroid BreadBug
>Nendoroid Blowhog
>Nendoroid Bulbmin
>Nendoroid Louie
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didn't stop characters like monokuma and morgana
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So I just got a cool haul of sorts. Friend basically quit the hobby and didn't want to put up with selling the things, so he just gave them to me. Unfortunately I already have the ones I wanted from this pile and don't want the rest so I guess it's up to me to sell the dang things eventually. Is there even a good way to sell Nendoroids outside of... I dunno, Ebay?
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>none of the promo images show her with the hat off
Surely they'd add a second ear so you can display her without the hat, right?
Maybe a local comic shop. The one I went to bought figures, but you'll probably get a lot less that way.
Are you located in Europe? If so, I'd gladly buy a few of those.
Hmm, got'cha. I'll see if I have anything like that around here. I'm not necessarily adverse to using Ebay, but it's just annoying there isn't a more straightforward method like sales sections in the various Nendoroid groups.
US, unfortunately. Sorry, brother.
I would, to be nice, give him at least half of the profits you make.
Aye. I was already planning to try and push a little something on him, though he probably won't accept. Stubborn like that.
Trying to collect all the Fortnite nendoroids, I've managed to only spend $30 max on each one but the only one i just can't seem to find or get is Beef Boss and a $30 or under price.
Any tips? Any secret places to buy cheap nendoroids?
Oops didn't mean to respond to you, just meant to post it in general
I wonder why Britbongs can't order Shadow from Ami, I was able to get him from hlj no hassle.
I would recommend Mercari if you don’t browse it already anon. Some people charge rape prices like on eBay, but a lot of people either don’t know the value of their stuff, or just want to dump it quick and sell for cheap. You might be able to find who you’re looking for on there.
The preowned section on Ami is also an option, but it’s very hit or miss IMO.
Mercari is just better than eBay nowadays imo
Lain is lain is LAIN
I hope they keep pandering good and well, the saya no uta figure was sucha a throwback I wonder if we will get a nendoroid too,
don't forget nendoroid president
There's a whole new generation of e-girls who think they are "literally her", Lain hasn't been gatekept and thus isn't oldtroon territory anymore
Mine hasn't shipped yet. I got the damn notice that it arrived in port, and nothing. Weird.
Putting up a sales post in the buy thread shortly for people interested.
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Should I???
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Oxnard before Bijou is kinda crazy
I think it’s because he’s 100% mold reuse from Hamtaro as far as I can tell. She would need the bows sculpted on the side.
He's scaled up a bit and has a buck tooth but pretty much yeah
I wonder if Hamtaro will get a reissue.
I mean he’s 50% off right now, $26.50, on the Goodsmile US shop,
I'm not in the US.
If only you were in ME
I only take the finest bussy.

I wonder if anyone has ever shoved a Hamtaro Nendo up their ass.
Is there any hope of the Vanellope Von Schweetz Nendoroid coming back?

Also, has the Aloy from the Horizon ones come back lately or something? I don't know where to follow Nendoroid news but I think I saw something about that which surprised me
>Vanellope Von Schweetz Nendoroid
Doubt it, the second movie put interest in the toilet

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