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Be honest /toy/, are you a toy hoarder?
So long as it’s all shelved or stored away and doesn’t impede your daily life, you’re not a hoarder.
Like this sweet looking grandma is a toy hoarder (negative) who has allowed her obsession to take over her home and only allow her a tiny living space.
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Sorry, picrel.
My house isnt quite that bad but its getting their.
You should consider getting some help or therapy before you get into eviction territory. Everytime I feel myself getting a bit untidy I summon the awful memories of fridgebro in my mind and get cleaning/todying/decluttering.
I like these yearly Rusty Brown reminders
>before you get into eviction territory
Can they actually evict you? The Greene County Health Department even after seeing the hoard wouldn’t evict the Chandlers, so I’m not sure it’s a for sure thing.
No. All my toys are regulated to a single room and are either on shelves, my toy table, or stored away properly in tubs. I do occasionally bring out holiday themed toys around Christmas and Halloween and set them up in the living room. But only around the holidays.
It would be easier if it wasn't so hard to get retail out of anything. I hate dealing with beggars more than I hate destroying toys.
You’re probably never gonna have the time, energy or ability to sell everything for what you got it for, anon. Choose some stuff to let go, or if you don’t want to give anybody a deal, go for a toys for tots donation or something. Before the hoard destroys you.
Im trying to give things away but i dont get enough help. Not to give too much away but its pretty bad and im trying to not buy as much as a result. I want help but i dont know where to get it honestly
Why would I donate stuff that’s worth thousands all together?
Depending on your country, you can usually connect with local voluntary hoarder help or network. If you’ve got enough stuff a charity may just bring a whole van round for you to load up, I did something similar years ago. Got rid of a game/childhood crap hoard, local kids charity took it all off my hands to PAT test/sort and give to a pediatric ward.
yea, I got stack of unopened toys all over my living room. my couch is covered in figures and my shelves and pc desk. I need to start organizing, selling, and storing, but Im too lazy and live alone so I really don't care. At least my bed room is nice and clean other than my Haslabs and Eternia playset I still haven't taken out of the shipper boxes.
>buy so many toys home becomes unliveable
>can’t sell them
>wont give them away
>they’re devalued by the moment simply by being hoarded
Is the retail value of a toy worth your home, anon? If you sell them for lower than retail, the kickback to you will be parts of your home being restored to you, and money you can save and use to display everything you’re going to keep in a clean and organised way.
It's not about selling everything, it's about selling anything. Like people are only willing to pay $5 with free shipping, whether it's worth $100 or cost $20. That was why I got out of small scale retail. Even breaking even was an upside down fight.
And I'm having my basement waterproofed largely for this reason. It was more cost effective than waterproof totes. I'm going to shove everything down there and get the top half of my house back finally.
Especially in the current economy, there’s not much space for small scale retailers because they can’t compete with large ones. It’s going to be the same for the next few years at least, I’m fully out of any selling that isn’t secondhand from my collection.
Hard to say where it'll go. It does look similar to 2015-2016 though.
Depends on your country, state, etc what will happen to a hoarder. A lot of them can be evicted if a house becomes unsafe or the person living there can be sectioned if they’re particularly mentally and physically ill. It’s worse with food hoarders because they will build up so many wet and perishable items it will rot into the walls and floor, you’ll get infestations of animals and bugs and mold throughout the structure, which will likely get your house condemned.
It’s hard to deal with because hoarders will often become very unpleasant and unstable when removing parts of their hoard has to be done for them.
Where do I recognize this from?
No. I'm starting to outgrow my display capacity, but so far it just means the toys are unpleasantly crowded on the shelves. I might have to start cycling which ones are out on display.
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>So long as it’s all shelved or stored away and doesn’t impede your daily life, you’re not a hoarder.
Pic is my room
am i a hoarder
Yes. It also has an aura of dirtiness. Is it your childhood room you still dwell within?
I mainly "collect" model kits so I have a large amount of unbuilt model kits and paints, glues tools an other stuff. I have around ~50 kits of various types in my backlog I need to get through
Do you have alternative storage space for all that shit, out of the way? If so, you're not a hoarder, you're just a filthy slob.
I'm going to be real with you; if you live in this PLEASE take everything out. Do a deep clean. Kill that mold. Only then slowly start bringing things back into the room. Cleaning everything you bring back in well. You're going to die in here.

Rusty Brown, toy collector - Chris Ware
I admit I'm a toy hoarder and it's starting to encroach on my life as stuff just keep piling up in my house. I want to get rid of this pile of junk and I have a place where I can resell it to get some cash back.
However, I'm having a hard time deciding what should go and what should I keep. Everything has a unique "memory" about it that makes it hard to let that item go. Anons that got rid of their collection, how did you mentally get over that reluctance to do so?
That’s unfortunately kind of just a symptom of the hoarding disorder, you’ll associate everything you hoard with something good or positive and have trouble parting with it. You’re gonna have to make the choice to let some of it go and it will be easier to get rid of more stuff. Think about your personal space, health and happiness. And about how it’s more likely you’ll lose the whole hoard in a fire you didn’t notice was going to start because the hoard is covering a faulty socket or some shit. If you don’t downsize enough to at least have a safe home you can lose the whole lot.
Try playing with them. A lot of toys I own usually fill a role based on my tastes, but quality of said toy also matters. I get rid of anything that isn't posable enough, breaks easily, or ends up being defined by its accessories. Anything that tells me I won't miss this no matter how much time passes, and eventually something better exists anyway
I've never been a hoarder, my collection has always been cyclical and I probably have about 1/3rd of the stuff I had 3 years ago.

Put your figures away after taking pics for ebay or wherever. Whatever you forget about or don't really have a strong urge to unbox, sell.
Don't hoard onto stuff for their "memory" if you don't actually have value to you and give you actual enjoyment. Don't end up like jcc2224
Where do you see mold?
>that lego trump sign
That explains it
I'm more of an overall hoarder, not just a toy one. I've been doing good tho on actually getting rid of shit. I have some toys from when I was first collecting that I need to sell off. I feel that's the bigger problem I have, actually taking the time to try and sell what I have
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Lore you should be aware of.
Are you Chris Chan?
Good for you, anon. Keep going.
I feel so much better about myself after reading that.
You're anon sorry, you still can change, sell and find a storage.

In my case, i have a room for collectables the rest of the house is normal that's how a drew line between my life and collecting
We’ll all be okay. The guy eventually got picked up by adult services, was arrested in another state over the rental he destroyed and extradited, but after that the trail went cold. I do hope he started doing better.
She looks so happy though, and everything looks clean (not grimy, moldy, or dusty) and she herself is not disheveled. So like, good for her imo. Not a horrible thing.

You can hire someone on Taskrabbit to help you declutter. It's under the "organization" section.

Imagine bringing a girl home to this room kek. I wonder if there's some level of Chadliness where she would still say yes.
what. the. fuck.

Imma go bed and jerk off.
What the fuck is this?
Rusty Brown.

Indie hipster comic that started out about a nerdy asshole kid in the 70s who everyone hates and bullies and who retreats into pop culture to cope, who befriends and dominates another nerdy outcast kid who just moved to town and started going to his school.

It quickly (and very quickly at that), went off the rails as the writer decided to instead focus on the new kid's father, a failed sci-fi writer who struggles with depression and trying to be a good dad to his nerdy kid and the bully who terrorizes both kids, who we find out does so because his dad is a cunt to him and cheats on his mom/doesn't even hide that he's cheating on her and how, in spite of his best efforts to become a better person and a better father to his kids and wife, ends up having an affair that destroys his family and turns his son against him.

Oh and some really soul crushing shit with the nerdy kids, now grown men with hideous facial hair, growing apart as the new kid eventually gets married and sells off his collection and becomes a loving father while Rusty becomes a reclusive shut in still living with his abusive, domineering mother who fucked him up from ever being a proper member of society by coddling/emotionally abusing him to break his spirit, who will ultimately die alone and unloved in his toy room.
This actually made me gag.
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Okay /toy/ be honest with have you ever meet or be a Rusty brown? Not asking as form an attack, i truly believe Rusty is not a mockery of toy collector, but a cautionary tale to not let the hobby eat you.

Look at Chalky he did fine
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Im trying to be less of a rusty brown but my collection is too much. For a few years i wouldnt give anything away or sell it and now im at a point where i realize in a hoarder and i need to offload alot of my plastic crap. Im gonna sell some of it on ebay i think but the worst part for me is going thru it all and picking out what i want to keep and what i want to sell, which feels insurmountable especially when im doing it on my own.

Another thing is that im still buying new toys, alot less then i was previously, but still too much imo. I wish i had more in my life besides toy collecting but here we are i guess
>I wish i had more
Yeah, sometimes. Im here bud, you arent the only one that feels bad alot. Wish i could say something but i cant even find my way out.
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Thanks man, i appreciate it

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