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>/ctg/ - coomer toys general
-------------------------------------? Edition:
Previous Thread: >>>>11041722
>Previous threads

>Is there a place I can view/post uncensored pics?

>The Rules:
Please censor ALL nipples/genitals before posting images
Don’t kink shame, if it’s not for you, move on
No hotglue pics, it violates the board rules and that is not what we are here for
Ignore obvious trolls, give then no attention
Be respectful, have fun and most importantly post pics!

>Upcoming Releases:
> Snail Shell: Bunny Girl Irene (July), Succubus Lustia (Aug), Succubus Lustia Optional Part Set (Aug), Pumpkin Princess (Nov), Sister Muse Aisdo (Nov), Sister Muse Aisdo Option Foot Part Set (Nov)
> Hiya Toys Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex Kusanagi Motoko (Aug)
>Dark Rock Candy Sophia F. Shirring (Q2)
>Star Arc Toys Quisy Rick (Q3)
> Tunshi Studio Metal Slug Leona (Q3)
>Sexy Ice B0127 Mantis Action Figure (Q3)
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>Manatee Industry 1/12 Yua (Q3)
> Wikeetoys Atomic Heart: The Twins (Q4)
> Frazettagirl Teegra (Q4)
>Mithril Action Guardian of The Horde 04 Morna (Q4)
>Romankey&Cowl Gun Girl Jessica Aster (Q2 2025)

>Released Recently:
>Second Axe Succubus Queen Lisbeth
> Earnestcore Craft Rosado Sekiko (May)
>Loscont Studio Armored battle angles Blade Violet
>SNAP Official Licensed Balala the Fairies Maggie Lin

>/ctg/ Approved figures, bodies, and accessories and where to buy/find them!
As always if you have a suggestion for a /ctg/ figure, please don't hesitate to nominate it!
Damn forgot to name the edition
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Post nuke edition. This thread will probably be just as bad for a while.
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So it did get nuked, I thought that it seemed like it dropped off awful fast. Well i suppose brace for impact again.
remember to mind yourself and not post shf or model kits with high heels. i will be monitoring this thread
So why was the old thread archived? Why not just delete the schizo’s posts?
This is what happens when you let berserkschizo run free...
I bought the feet DLC but I will display her with her hooves 90% of the time
Hooves > High heels (Training Hooves) > Feet
Silent anon for the past couple of threads here. This is what happens when we don't read the OP. Just ignore trolls. That's it. That's all we have to do.
Reminder to ignore "Reminder to ignore SHF shills." shills.
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Problem is there's(seemingly) at least two anons arguing among themselves and samefagging to do it so they shit up the threads with dozens of posts. At one point one of them even said >>11045677 so they were planning to tank the thread with some kind of mass report a day before it happened. Not so easy to ignore anymore.
i would contribute but my doll house is very ugly right now
so then what, we make threads on /trash/ like those transformer anons? no thank you
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Anybody have experience with dyeing archetype bucks? I want to give a She body a brown skintone, but I’m assuming the joints are going to be harder to dye as they’re harder plastic.
really we only have 2 options
endure it or leave
not the first time we've been hit hard with trolls
seems like the mods are deleting athena posting now so maybe they will eventually start deleting the brandwar posting
Or they’ll just archive the thread clearly instead of actually dealing with it.
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JoyToy Dark Source Iron Wrecker 05 Orbital Combat Mecha Night Attack Type
>do nothing
>expect things to change
fantastic plan. Worked perfectly last thread already. All while he still is sperging freely in the thread next door along with athena.
Shorstack-anon here, having done dyeing experiments I would suggest disassembling the whole figure, putting the parts in the dunk tank, and once the body parts are the colour you want yoinking them out, leaving the joints in to let them soak up more dye until they turn the same colour.
Also my PC's PSU died. Got a replacement coming in but that's taken out the budget I was gonna spend on that flexy resin for testing. Boooo.
Damn, RIP to your PSU. I’ve dyed sylvanians, fabrics and other soft plastic toys before so I’ll just try my best with the harder plastic. Maybe I’ll do that first to get it as dark as possible…they really didn’t help by making Garfield orange Archetypes instead of natural skintones.
Besides thorfinn and revo Thor all my males are shf :( also what’s a good twink-y but fit buck for male imports around the 5.5-5.7in/14-15cm range
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Sozai-kun (S or M), Body-kun or Archetype: He will both do for twinks, . Also I think the male figma styles twink is called Ryo, but he’s harder to come across.

Picrel, it’s sozai-kun.
Man, how long does Native take to ship stuff out? My Asanagi tiddy-succubus has been stuck on "preparing shipment" for 12 days now. Shit's ridiculous.
Thanks anon! These will do nicely
She's not due to ship till the 28th, Native sent out emails detailing items, and the dates they are shipping.
stand up a mastodon server with an onion address; invite only.
I say this having tried to go after 2 other trolls and having it do pretty much nothing but blow up in my face. 1 troll got a hard on for me for awhile and the other convinced a portion of the board I am a pedo by simply suggesting it.
next week I get a few days off and a to go to tig ole bitty city .... going to be a good week
Submit a moderation feedback form, mods might give a fuck. Probably not, but you never know.
I'll do what I can to contribute so that it's not hopeless. For example, I spotted a new coomer figure
>Fantasy Girls Forest's Summer Vivienne Hayha (Summer Shine Ver.) Model Kit
$50 for this model kit. How do we feel about it? I like the floaty tube and different breast sizes. The promo pic of her with her bikini being removed but in the foreground to censor the crotch makes me wonder if there is anything there?
>terrible cropping
Excuse that. Bullshit webp file type is completely useless and driving me insane.
Oh, hey, I was thinking about picking that kit up ages ago. Only 50 is good for the beach set.
Personally I like the heels, but the sculpts on the DLC are so nice I'll probably end up using those instead for sexy poses when I display her. And I've never been a footfag, I mean I bought third party shoes for Milk Tea
Oh so she has been around for a bit. Explains why she just showed up without a pre-order. I have a few dollars. May just squeeze her into the budget if I can. Thanks for letting me know it's a good value
How did they land on this number?
Oh, did they? I don't actually have any correspondence from them outside of the initial PO email and the one saying they've taken my auto-payment. But alrighty, that's good to know.
Do these coomer model kits end up feeling like figures when assembled or really hollow and plasticky like old Gundam models?
they still feel hollow
that said they are closer to a figure than a gundam kit, because girls are much thinner than robots so the plastic to hollow space ratio is in their favor
Could try one, that gym girl they just put up for preorder looks pretty sick.
>>11047924 I got an automated message from the customer service that was giving the list of all the products slated to release this month for some reason.
Nice ass…
>Megalon fights against this without getting a boner
they are alright honestly. Weight and all when assembled. Problem is when it got tons of shit stuff tends to fall off but that figure is barebones as fuck and the only lose part wll be the head which can be handled or fixed. Thats a pretty good kit. Just wish the furniture would be bigger
stupid sexy jet jaguar...
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got that 65 cm Tsunade today, she big
he knows what he got too
thats a really nicely modeled butt
>big chest ahead
also which naruto is that?
When are we getting Baldur's Gate 3 sluts?
Honestly? It's been a year and there's been no moves for such a thing, video games in the west need better brand synergy and actually give us figures.
there's also the whole parting with the studio and all. So it might be very unlikely. For now at least but who knows.
If they were to happen they'd probably end up being hasblow crap.
Tali has multiple figures. Fucking little sisters from Bioshock have multiple figures. BG3 is at $50.99 historical low price a year after release because people are still buying it. And who needs the studio to make toys?
Yes and those same people buying the game would rather buy a funko pop for $10 than ever consider a $55 super7 ultimate or $35 Hasbro
Probably just don’t have any interest in making them, they’re doing fine without that kinda merch. The only RPG figures I’ve owned were the Mass Effect ones and those were okay but probably not something that Larian are interested in.
>new DA/ME merch
>it's all statues
That’s actually more likely.
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That's already happening and I hate it.
I wonder if Snail Shell will drop any more bombs at Wonfes.
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Probably relevant to someone's interests.
If anyone like the Arcanadea centaur girl kit, the previous fox, angel, and devil kits are getting reissues.
>Female Hero
Need Female Loli.
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that hippo has seen some shit
>that hippo has seen some shit
Just a standard day for Pantsahat
Can you take these
And do this? F-for science.
>Amazon position
Probably only ever gonna het statues. But I'd be okay with a Karlach and Shadowheart figure. Everything else is meh.
She has too many bitchy expressions. Typical "whamen power" looking tough shit. And let me guess. 1/6? Her extreme wedgie is also hilarious. If that wasn't enough, seamless has a bad connotation thanks to other seamless figs. I was never crazy for her, but I'm not especially incentivized to get her. Definite pass at 1/6
Cute but she'll never stand straight
She has unpainted nipples and a simple vagina sculpt. One of my favorite girlpla kits, it comes with so many accessories. Even with the jacked up BBTS price I'd say it's worth it. I hate the umbrella though, it's finicky to build and tips over if you look at it wrong.
It's a weird scale but she's pretty much perfectly in line with Snail Shell's figures.
literally lmfao
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Women will also embrace the sex robot future
Australia? To be fair you should be paying double ever since your government outlawed loli.
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What are some bodies that are compatible with Frieren? Looking for bodies that fit her short stature and flatness, with head swapping and also mess around with cloth clothing
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Shf heads aren't easily comparible with figmas, but i can try a sozai body tonight.
Oh thanks my guy
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How effective is a mask in protecting one’s identity, anyway?
Huh, I have no idea why the price increased so much but I paid 4400 yen when it first released on HLJ
The image says 1/6, but idk where you're getting seamless from, it has some fairly obvious joints in all the usual places.
Can't believe they didn't ship her with the smug face
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saw this one on twitter and it sold me on getting both figures
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Anybody got Sentinel Taimanin Sonico?
A few of us here have her
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How good do the butt and thighs look irl, in your opinion?
Oh yeah thinking about doing that as well
>Local 1000 year old elf willing to do ANYTHING for grimoires
No amount of posing can hide those long ass arms
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You can trim a bit of her upper arm and forearm and her shins too (exacto knife/some sand paper) and her proportions work better.
Maybe I should get a bunch of Sozai-chans, just in case.
Yes indeed, and they won't be in stock forever. In fact I ordered a second copy of S White at HLJ over a month ago and it's still on backorder status.
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It's a little fiddly but it works okay
>Got the shipping notice
>The time has come and so have i
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Shame about the limited faceplates
Nice can it take in place? Or it’s just wobbly all around?
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Not bad ass.
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Yeah, you just have to replace the shf neck peg with the sozai one. It's pretty simple, but the snailshell body is natively compatible
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I thought her top didn’t come off.
not sure what's worse...
The shit faceplate, the seamlines in her hair, that neck or those arms. I didn't even know that that snailshell turned out such a bridge troll. Damn I even had her preordered at one point. Really dodged a bullet...
It was like an unadvertized feature, people discovered it when they got their hands on her
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Surprisingly easy to take off.
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Oh perfect
do you just cut it?
it just pops out, it is held in place with a tiny drop of glue
Damn this thread sucks. Do you post shit pictures on purpose or something?
nta but her thighs are killer. Her ass can look very odd in certain poses but it's the price you pay for posability when the girl's in a thong so tight her it's not even visible from behind
It just kind of pops off
The concept and design was right up my alley but thank God you anons pointed out how fucked her anatomy was. Not getting her saved me from agony.
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Shortstack-anon again- replaced my PSU and got the PC running once more. Hooray!
I'm actually focusing my printing efforts on wargaming stuff at the moment (I wanna wait until I have at least an FDM printer, and ideally a secondary resin printer too, before I restart toy printing) but I am still going to be working on designs in the meantime; I'm just not gonna print them right now. Musclegirl/Amazon is still in the works and I have a variety of other designs I wanna tackle (femboy/twink, MILF, a 3.0 shortstack as I'm still not satisfied with the current design).
However, there is one other concept I wanna do that I'm definitely gonna have to wait for an FDM printer to do joints for, as there's no way Hobby Base would be up for the task- a giantess! Specifically I wanna make her actually look like a 1:12 scaled (sexy) female giant, rather than just a 1:6 scale normal woman. Pic related is sort of what I have in mind, though possibly bigger than the size the artist had in mind? I might design her to 1:6 scale for compatibility's sake, but her sculpt will be decidedly "giantess" and not just "1:6 scale human". Not sure on actual height mind you and my bloody tape measure's gone walkabout.
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You'd print money how many anons that post mommy giantess porn or Venus porn with giantess that have gravity defying buxom dimensions. I personally love that my catgirl towers over the rest of my gals. Milk Tea comes close
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same. Friend of mine got her though and I'm happy I canceled her. Though I didn't know she had these proportions either. I just kinda...didn't want her anymore around september.
Your future buyers remorse was so great it retroactivly changed your timeline and made you cancel it.
>but the snailshell body is natively compatible
nice, I bet it fits the blank body that is compatible with snail shell

ugh i wish i could remember it's name ... it's the one that had the regular and "wheat" variety
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OK looked it up it's the 86 toys body. Still plenty at alie express. you can find it looking up T86-ST01-A
-A is white -B is the wheat body
ST0X denotes the breast size 1-4 with 4 being the biggest
i think i will get 1 or 2 for Freiren i have a 4 body but the breast are almost too big as you can see in my previous pic
plus my current body is occupied by my extra phantom hair/ face using the provided head piece
The succubus has shipped! I repeat, the succubus has shipped!!
And the snail shell bunny releases on 7/4.
July is a very good month for coomerinos
Does she have proper nipples or just bumps?
she succed my wallet
Yeah, I was surprised how easy it popped off. But now it won't stay on.
Oh, yeah. Mine just came in yesterday. I was busy finishing my Marnie and Romankey photoshoot to take any photos of the 86 body. I got the A hoping for a small body with small breasts I believe. I can show you skin tone comparisons to help your purchase tonight. The figure is actually pretty tall. She towers over Megumin but seems at about the height of the Hasuki Habe and Rei girls.
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Don't worry Megumin. Morpeko won't tell on you. You don't get to sit in the cuck chair by interrupting after all.

Good point, dunno
This is possibly a huge negative if you intend to pose without support. She's gonna have balance problems holding things possibly.
Still interested
Based and agreed
Neat. I think I'll consider it. Gonna grab Gura, and some other things first.
Good to know. That is strats. How is horsetits?
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My Shamrock finally came in after the prior thread died. Glad I finally got him after years without paying scalper prices.
nips with some pink
I have the number 4 large bust
these are my pics
I actually went back and ordered 1-3 and a set of under garments from alieexpress after i posted

however please do post pics i would love to see what heads you have that looks good on it
Enjoy the defects on that version of her
As the other anons said, it comes off easily. I accidentally did it just posing her around. It can pop back on pretty easily as well.
Pretty sure the grey one has the headband if that's what you're talking about
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As >>11050341 said the gray Shammy is fine. The headband is black and the blue window is there.

>And the snail shell bunny releases on 7/4.
in china or worldwide?
im an ally, i respect her
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Video of Snail Shell Bunny Girl Aileen from Snail Shell itself:
Damn. I wasn't planning on buying her and Lustia was going to be my first Snail Shell, but now I'm tempted. She'd fit right in with an eventual Blanc and Noir from Figma/HxB. Was worried he broke her for a second on that leg raise.
>eventual Blanc and Noir from Figma
He cute even with the fucked up headband.
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Has anyone done anything lewd with Yor? Asking for a friend.
Assuming Figma make these two, they will be womenlet compared with Aileen
Dammit, that's it. Where is this little hippo from? The pictures here with it and Pantsahat's stupid videos have made me want this little thing.
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Holy shit at that articulation!
Holy shit that broken sculpt!
>Love after World Domination/Spy x Family crossover


As for lewding Yor, I don't own her figures (yet). I'll have to buy one nexp8mkgt paycheck.
Sempai any chance you could do a pic of your setup for photography? I think you have done so before but I am struggling. 2 lights definitely doesn’t cut it.
Now. Where was I?
I'm getting tempted to buy her, but I don't like how her double butt looks in the promo images.
Dismembered-looking ass
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Another Yor enjoyed I see, I have more but I'd have to dig.
Ara~ you ate it right up even faster than you slurped down all of that booze!
this is the the link i got it from but it looks like the only one that they have left is a used one
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I feel so much better after putting away Marnie's Dusk Ball. I swear to Christ, there is not ONE time I when I handle it that it doesn't roll off the desk or shelf into the carpet for a 5 minute scavenger hunt. I feel more helpless watching its descent than the grocery store employee watching another can of ravioli roll off the shelf and down the aisle for another commercial.
Hot, but not quite the same men will.
>everything you're looking for
I know the pain. It's not easy.
Incredible lighting, hot
This. I want to order but that's always the case. I did find another blank body that's not Sozai or 86 on NNG. I'm interested to see if anyone has experience or if it's new.
I'll post what I can. Wasn't expecting a ball peg joint neck.
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And that concludes our session. If you wanna see Marnie in that outfit doing something else before I reclaim the Mika body to reassemble my UMP45 Techwear outfit, let me know your ideas soon.
I can tomorrow. Got home at 9:30 pm after about 12 hours of roof construction in 90+ degree humidity weather. I'm torched. I'll share my lighting and jank setup tomorrow when I have energy. I also don't think I've really shared the setup outside a few dioramas I have. You should ask furnitureanon. This guy
He's a king at this. But if you desire low budget solutions I have a few.
Actually fantastic. What body is Freiren standing next too? I NEED more short base figures and I'd like an idea how tall it actually is or if the other is just an Amazon.
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Here she comes!!!!
Just let me be leaf, bro. They ranked pretty high in the latest popularity poll so it's possible after Doro.

I'm not sure. Alice is already 150mm and Blanc and Noir should definitely be taller, so I could see them ending up the same 155mm as Aileen.
Crappy pic, but buzzmod yoko is out
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Will it be good
Soft plastic for chest and waist with damn ugly ankle joint
The ankle looks potentially horrible. I don't like how the thighs meet the crotch area. Soft plastic lookin ass, I find it's usually really annoying.
Sculpt is very smooth, swappable torso is always good, and looks like ok soft cloth. Hand selection looks great.
Overall meh? Another blank body I guess.
Wish she had her cape...
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Looks pretty flexible. 158mm, so on the taller side. Probably better as a buck for customs than commercial stuff, we'll see. Doing a male buck, as well.
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How's the build quality? Does it feel cheap?
is jet jaguar worth getting? at 100 bucks, that is
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I heard you guys were asking about this. 1/2
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2/2 Not my photos (sadly)
it's good. Doesnt feel cheap at all. she is earnestcore only human grill figure so far but they have a line of mechs that are equally great.
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Just noticed this - Cowl production ghostly body.
more like CAKE
Buy a statue.
Head is too small imo
Nice, thanks! I'm eyeing one right now, it's about $55.
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now shipping!
I am excite!
May her travels be swift and unencumbered
it looks like it's just badly shot from a low angle, no other pics to go on.
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Couple of pics ganked from 2Chan.
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uncensored pic in a similar pose here https://twitter.com/onigum/status/1806885776585892212
interesting that they decided to go with a fully-closed innie, instead of going with a detailed sculpt like the Taimanin figures
>The weak should fear the strong.
*Sigh* Great figure with one glaring flaw.
oh snap i didn't realize she was bottomless too. fuck now i am more excite! I can't wait to get mine in.
You’re gonna paint on her stockings?
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I do wish they’d just done what revoltech did and had the thigh highs hide an extra swivel, but it’s whatever, I just hope they eventually do Nia.
Hopefully they reveal a new figure soon now that its out. Its been almost exactly a year.
looks like there's hardly any room for a more detailed sculpt. either way the taimanin's are barely painted there sadly, for their price.
>Bro, just buy a $100 figure so you can fix it
Mind if i get a link to the thread? Trying to learn japanese but it’s still shit enough I have no idea where the hentai figs get posted, would like to try and read some takes
Rule 3, retard.
He’ll be paying tiny plastic child support for the rest of his life.
Figma girls are 140mm at best
what makes it ghostly?
It's on this board.
The take seems to be it feels hollow like a model kit and coming apart at the seams in various places.
Here's a direct link for the current thread:
Thanks anon.
>jisho gives no results for the board’s name, only the kanji
this has never happened before damn. Is it slang? How do you even go about learning this
Literal balloon tits then? I’ve always felt my sentinel sonico feels pretty hollow too but that’s not bothered me before.
Coming apart sounds pretty bad
I love the movable mechanism of the armpit.
sems like a weird way to over complicate a butterfly joint with extending shoulder joints?
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No, it's a mechanism that rotates cylindrical parts diagonally inside the torso to simulate armpit detail.
Really cool engineering that would probably have looked better on a cyborg character, or wearing some kind of techy skintight suit, cause of all the blatantly visible joints. this does explain why he has a fucking hinge joint for her ab crunch, at least
she* whoops
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Thinking about getting this for the meme value
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Is there a chance asagi succubus will be available on ali? Or it rather would be ko?
this board is never not bitching for more articulation then bitching about receiving articulation
Never bothered to actually measure any of mine, but it seems like more recent figma are scaling up in general. Lady Maria aside, there have been some females as tall or taller than male SHFs. Otherwise, GSC would be frauding by as much as 15-20mm on their taller girls like Medusa and Widowmaker.
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The neck joint had a special shape that required a self-made joint, and it took a lot of time to replace it.
Explain in what universe you can make an ab crunch without a hinge joint?
I can enjoy both myself. Have plenty of both statues and joints, dunno why people feel the need to pick sides
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It's a shame how much effort it takes to make an SHF head usable only for it to still look like SHIT because they can't draw animefaces for their lives and use cheap colors.
>Explain in what universe you can make an ab crunch without a hinge joint?
The seamless universe.
>ab crunch your seamless figure
>plastic tears and rips
ill take my visible joint please and thanks
You did what was necessary. And it paid off.
Mine has already left Japan and should be landing in the states shortly, I expect to have her by Wednesday, super excited.
Now that she's releasing as well, we'll probably be seeing the next fig in the line soon, which feels like an event with how slow the line is.
What’s this?
It's such a shame figma will never reissue swimsuit Sonico. Most of swimsuit action figures don't have boobs big enought.
>Explain in what universe you can make an ab crunch without a hinge joint?
a ball joint
I don’t understand
Joints just make her hotter
I agree 100%.
All the other Second Axe figures have been bootlegged, so chances are good this one will be, too.
NECA's 8" retro style Jessica Fletcher from Murder, She Wrote.
Sempai please. Post the pics of your setup and tell us how. Guide us.
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The construction is very simple. Just combine 3 different sized ball joints.
Its adjustment is very laborious...
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Isn't this supposed to be out by this month? Any hands on?
Her chest is too small isn't it?
No no not Fern, the whole thing.
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Even though the skin tones of the face and body don't match a bit, I liked it.
who is this? Love the underwear.
Isnt that sonicos swimsuit body?
The head I'm not sure were that's from or the coat.
You changed the hands too didnt you
I can barely tell. In fact, if you hadn't mentioned it, I'd not have noticed. btw, I've missed your posts, anon. You, furnitureanon & scifigarageanon are my favorites.
The head is from the Figuarts Fern figure, from Frieren.
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Silver bikini and tanline frens.
SHF Guts eating ass or getting stuff pushed up his ass is pretty much the gold standard here for gayposting. SHF is pretty much THE lgbT toyline here. Doesn't help that every single female SHF looks like a tranny either. Not shaming or anything.
Was the purple hair not clue enough? Not judging or anthing.
lol I always thought Fern looks like trans people think they look like if they cross dress. Purple hair and that dress .... just awful. Also guts did get buttfucked canonically so you aren't wrong at all.
Was there a silver version???
Sonico? Yeah, "Suntanned" edition.
Yeah sorry I had to double check mine.
I forgot it was silver.
It's a great swimsuit body. Didn't some anon use it for a boosette/bowsette figma?
If they're the Boosette and Bowsette customs I'm thinking of, those were built on girlpla kits, Busou Shinki of some stripe, I think.
>feels hollow like a model kit
When I first got Asagi she was way lighter than what I was expecting. For her appearance and height she actually feels lighter than some smaller figures. Being light is nice for having other figures holding her up though.
I dont think it's those...I MIGHT be wrong???
Someone had pics of some they made but they were mostly figma but with a few custom made parts they had built from scratch.
I dont think it's that guy (who I'm thinking of) that just made one of each. I think this one made several
I can't even imagine guts without another mans ass in his face anymore. Those posts are hilarious.
schizo posting
I'm filtering SHF. I don't even care anymore.
Ahh, I may have missed those, then.
>false flagging this hard
>want Supergirl
>don't like the plastic skirt
Guess I'll wait for Power Girl.
is this for pre-sale anywhere?
It's on 5ktoys.
She should get cloth cape like Superman, goddamn…
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>hidden blowjob
Is there an actual term for this? I wish to see more of it.
I'm okay with everything and would buy this except for that abdominal hinge joint setup. I love sexy tummy but that hinge is too distracting.
Finally Fern is free from her plastic cage of a dress! Great work!
Your impressive collection has me thinking I want some bikini girls now that summer is here. Bikini Darkness is still for sale in the usual places, right?
Wtf is with that terrible ass
Do any Bring Arts figures have nice asses? A2 maybe? I'm hoping Figma 2B and A2 have good looking booty. Anyone have an butt shot of the 2B Buzzmod?
Those ankles are a problem as others have said. I never enjoyed my 3A Action Portable guys because of the shit loose ankle joints.
What Supergirl and Power Girl?
implied fellatio is the tag used
Bring Arts does not generally have a good ass. 2B had decent thigh through the slit in the skirt but it's now being done better by every other line under the sun. The only reason to pick up Bring Arts 2B now would be the 2.0 for the weapons, or the machine guys if you like them.
I'm pretty hopeful for the figma. I ordered the Buzzmod but I've been having it sit in PW for months so I don't have it yet.
>Your impressive collection has me thinking I want some bikini girls now that summer is here. Bikini Darkness is still for sale in the usual places, right?
Thanks anon,
and yeah they go on mandarake for around 11,000 yen from a couple different districts.
Her shoulders are a bit weirdly impeded the way they are sculpted though, but I like how she's a lot more tall than other figmas and bustier than the figma styles bikini bodies.
Just make sure you know her feet are also quite larger and her neck relatively smaller.
The Chiaki styles bikini body and the blue short top one are slightly less busty but still sort of round. The other ones are rather small in cupsize. But more affordable than the darkness or sonico ones.

I actually felt kinda bad at splurging so much on figures lately. I can deal with it now because of cheaper but not ideal living conditions, but at the same time i feel i splurge more because of said conditions to make up for it subconsciously. I sometimes feel like I should cut back some but it makes it harder that i partswap so much.
Many of the configurations i settled on do make me smile though.

I like your little computerdesk to go with his office outfit. Makes the shenanigans more lewd.
Didn't know they made a figure of white/brown 2b. I always liked that colourway.
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This goes here, right?
Might as well, better then all the Anime stuff.
The kanji for Oni is used for ghosts in Chinese.
>"better then all the Anime stuff."
>Posts a pic with anime stuff in the background
>Pic he's replying to has an anime girl in the background
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Good friends with boar.
The three Taimanin girls all have super light bodies. Kinda comes with the territory of how they break down into shells and panels though.

Also funny how Yukikaze's head weighs almost as much as her whole body.
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Such a good figure...
I mean its still better than the shf 2b. Leave it to bandai to make worse fogures tham bring arts lol
Elevate your standards.
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>implied fellatio
Thank you, cheers.
>I'm pretty hopeful for the Figma
Same. Might grab A2 too. Please post pics of 2B Buzzmod ass whenever you feel up for it.
>Her shoulders are a bit weirdly impeded the way they are sculpted though, but I like how she's a lot more tall than other figmas and bustier than the figma styles bikini bodies.
I agree on her height and breasts size being a small step above the usual Figma bikini girls. That is, those releases came out after the work of art Bikini Super Sonico (both variants). I have a local place not too far from my place that sells Bikini Darkness for similar prices to Mandarake I think. Thanks for checking. Also thanks for the rundown on all the other bikini girls.
>I like your little computerdesk to go with his office outfit. Makes the shenanigans more lewd.
Funnily enough I bought the miniature desk set a couple years before acquiring a figure to match it in terms of aesthetic.
>Didn't know they made a figure of white/brown 2b. I always liked that colourway.
Her name is 2P from Soulcalibur. I personally think that name sounded gross (to pee?) so I call her 2C (to see?) which matches the name 2B (to be?) more thematically.
>I mean its still better than the shf 2b
Bandai video game figures aren't great from what I've seen. Bring Arts nail the look but the articulation is terrible. I actually had to modify my figure's hips with a blade so she could bend over in suggestive poses properly.
Which means scale figures.
shut up
how come no ones made a deepthroating figure? like open mouth and neck bulge

this whole GIANT tits small body stuff is stale
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See also “stealth fellatio”.
So how does this look for a project for tonight? What are good condom package colors if I can’t drum up any hot pink sprue tags? Maybe orange? Purple?
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because only whores can do that
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the Taimanin figures are nice in that, you could display them normally and they could fit in a regular display without drawing much suspicion, just barely.
can't do that with Shizue, the Succubus or Erika
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>goblin gachapon figures
They actually look pretty good.
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Yesss...more goblins for training the next generation on methods to deal with goblins.
>Jessica Fletcher from Murder
is she nakeable?
didnt notice the color difference on Werewolf. kinda ruins it
What's newest Anya's underwear status? Shit again?
I preordered mine for the slightest chance.
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Lisbeth would be a lot more shelf appropriate if she had her cloak.
>shelf appropriate
You fucking pussies.
Probably, lol. I think their Golden Girls figures were.
Wouldn't surprise me if the aftermarket prices on these reach near Aqua Shooters levels of ridiculous.
Anon, I really don't need my kid asking me about why the little girl has giant tides.

But hey, first world problems I guess.
Are the only variations between the 4 the weapons?
I can't make out any other differences
Show us which coom figures you have on your work desk, big man
Looks like it. Two figures, two weapons.
Maybe i'm a weird but it makes me remind me of Anubi from sungold warriors more so It's cute to me.

I saw it in the sega thread, but for me it's the eyes, smiling corners of his mouth, pinned legs, weirdly proportioned hips that bummed me out. If it looked more "classic" i'd be interested in him.
On the other side, having a cool import version that looks exactly like this artwork would be fucking cool. I never really played it much but I have an old megadrive copy of the game and always kept it as the boxart is incredible. Just look at him.

I generally like mythical half man monsters to go accompany my plastic waifus and a figure like that would fit right in.

You think a cloak will hide that chest?
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>mfw works at home
>this anon works with his pants off
livin the dream
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I do like that aspect of the Taimanin figures where they can blend in more normally. On the flip side that's also a bit of a downside as they are really covered up. If they had a full torso swap like the succubus they'd be even better.

Fuck Off
It's my pics.
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has this been discussed?
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Cast-off Anya! Imagine...
It’ll be the same body as the plastic dress one underneath, you dumbass.
no it will have fully sculpted kiddy nips and puffy cunny you baka, my dad works at Ban-die
Bro, that's gross
saw it on bbts, articulation looks good
It was discussed earlier in the thread: >>11051112 consensus seems most people aren't impressed, but as the other guy mentioned, she's up on BBTS and only $35, so even if she ends up kinda "eh" she'll at least be pretty cheap.
Not even once
Yeah but i mean at this point we are getting alot of bodies with no thought to head compatibility
filtered lol
>Aqua Shooters levels of ridiculous.
Is that something that happened?
I got 3 of the Aqua Shooters girls when i was in Jp back in October, never even opened the capsules before they went into storage somewhere. Wonder if i should dig them out.
Probably nothing special but at least it looks a lot better than the other one. She can spread her legs and arc her back now
There for a while they seemed to be pretty pricey.
I got that email as well, hadn't heard from HLJ about the ones I bought there though.
Huh, that softgoods dress actually looks aight. That said I'm not into the show and given she's literally 5 years old...yeah, no.
Now, if someone made a Kanna...
I hope they have a Your, and Becky in the works too.
You don't have to lewd her to get some good mileage out of the figure for lewd shots, like how that one guy has her being chased by the big muscley naked guy, or she stumbles onto some couples doing lewd things, and she's appropriately freaked out!
Add some lols to your lewd!

I just wanted to poke fun at the space wolves lmao, but I'm glad you liked the pic at least!
Though honestly, I'd prefer the figure we got over the cover art, because cover art is basically a dude in a wolf mask, whereas figure is a lot more furry all over, so it looks more like a wolf-man, rather than a man in a wolf mask.

Yeah it's whatever, hadn't really noticed it until the camera flash, but then again, my room has bad lighting to begin with. It's also a $10 figure, so still pretty good, with that considered.
What is name of this character?
it's a Super Sonico head with a Taimanin body
When has 1/12 ever been in a gachapon?
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>caring about the age of fictional characters
Well, that is not quite correct, that's Sonico from the colaboration with Taimanin
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Oh don't get me wrong, I'm no prude (Zankuro is one of my favourite artists) I just don't find Anya fappable.
>tfw Second Axe Henrietta never
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Dude she's a fun figure with a ton of faces that make it a good meme figure.

Also you can buy a fabric dress on ebay right now, unless they make a bunch of new faces no need to get the new one. if they do though i'll get her just for the extra faces
She does look like a really fun expressive figure. I should probably watch the show/read the manga TBF, it looks great.
>tfw no Mitsudomoe/Kodomo no Jikan figures
Worst timeline.
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we take what we can get
>no double handjob...
>my pics
You mean the Japanese guy from twitter you got them from?
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>unless they make a bunch of new faces no need to get the new one. if they do though i'll get her just for the extra faces
The dude that posts here has stated this is his account
the account you posted has the same diorama set up as the account I posted.
and both have pics not in the other account
i'm pretty sure the dude just has 2 accounts for some reason.
the guy has explained in depth on alot of his work and how he did it numerous times
and i am pretty sure has posted pics not seen on either account, i could be misremembering that though, and i'm not going into the archives to verify it.
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Me Anno.
Thanks for the breakdown .... well i have the first 2 on that list ... might as well get the fourth with the 6 new faces. Probably put the dress on mine on this new one since it looks like the arms go up farther.
Is this just an announcement, or are they available anywhere?
Just an announcement, for now.
so you do have 2 accounts?
Coomer toys account or other uses.
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>Shorter than even Yukikaze
Big boob womanlets are built for mating press
How good is that kit? Looks really cute (and funny).
Cool, now I follow both accounts
So do you have a bunch of sonico bodies or do you just put other heads on the same one?

Shame the taobao body isn't made anymore I bet you'd like this one
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I only have 3 Soniko bodies.
I am very interested in the Taobao body, but I could not get any information about it in Japan.
>>11054172 #
For a time it was easy to get but last time some one bought one they refunded his money and no one has posted a new link and I don't speak Chinese to hunt one down. Heck it didn't even have a proper name.

I regret not getting more than one
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you get two lil girls in the box plus a storage hexagon, should be pretty good. But I haven't built mine
Its a goblin, theyre supposed to be tiny. You could easily make it work as 1/12.
Arent they just the same as the manatee industry figure bodies?
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She's here...

unfortunately I didn't have the time to really mess around with her, so just the one pic, and why she's missing her tail.

She looks great though, light as others where mentioning earlier.
some small bangs of her hair and the bat wings are stiff so be careful with those.
Sonico and the taobao body have wider hips and larger bust.
I crave more Snail Shell JRPG sluts.
Not at all, you can see the difference here.
taobao on the left in the middle is hon/manatee large bust on the right is hon/manatee small bust
what his anon said, the taobao is pretty damn close to the sonico body
How do I become OP picture
Post some OC, generally something funny or well composed gets chosen.
Doesn't have to be the a high end picture but blurry hard to see pics are not chosen.
Something that requires heavy censorship gets passed over as well since this is the image shown on the catalog.
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It keeps happening!
I was under the impression it was a sonico bootleg they shaved the bikini off of and recast.
She does have a model kit look to her.
more like Basedai
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Speaking of gobs…
Erotic... I see why everyone wants it
This better not be one of those underwhelming fish-mecha girls.
just want more nude 1/12 nude body
Is this a tease for something new? Would be funny if it were just a pair of bare leg dlc.
They're feet, for Bunny Girl
Trying to figure out if I want her now.
Footfags our time has come.
In unrelated news, Succubus will be here tomorrow. What a disappointment it is turning out to be.
how are you disappointed in something you haven't even had in hand yet?
I guess he's disappointed that Succubus won't arrive until tomorrow.
dont you know our opinions are swayed instantly based on anecdotal 4chan posts

Hey uh, do any of you handsome anons know where to get a ridiculous articulated crab claw? Asking for armswap purposes from being a turbo nerd.

>first pic off google with crab claw, whip, and hooves, I don't care that it's not official art
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Bandai does lots of crabs in their gashapon line of articulated critters. Also there's the Fujimi crayfish model kit, which is much bigger depending on how big you want the claws.
Good taste BTW.
Miss the old non-trans daemonettes.....
Same, bro. There's so much potential with this idea. Elves, archers, scantily clad warriors and mages, etc., are no-brainers. But I'm really hoping for more monster type girls like goblins, orcs, pixies, harpies, giants, and stuff like that.
Slaanesh stuff has always been a mish-mash of gender traits from day 1.
True, but the daemonettes had tits and (mostly) femme features from day one, then they released those plastic abominations with one nippleless tit on one side and a masculine face/man chest on the other side, basically trying to de-sexy them. It was right before all the SJW bullshit seemed to REALLY pop off, so I dont even think it was part of all that bullshit, I think it was just GW toning down the naughty.
>Bandai does lots of crabs in their gashapon line of articulated critter
Oh shit, it's actually possible?
>there's the Fujimi crayfish model kit, which is much bigger depending on how big you want the claws.
I mean, I'm from the 80s/early 90s, so I do love a woman with big, curvy... claws. But shit, that crayfish costs more to import than the naked lady toy. But on the other hand, the official size relative to the creature's body is quite variable in canon (pic related), so I just need any claws. How do I even find a gashapon crab?
>Oh shit these are afforable
>I might need a fiddler crab or lobster...
>Goddamn it CTG, this'll be the third pricey toy you guys convince me to pick up

I think the Morrison version was my favourite, probably because of nostalgia timing, although most people have think of Diaz's work when they think of Daemonettes.

I mean, I think people would have embraced a mix of androgynous, female, multi-chest female, and half-and-half torsos in the unit, it's a shame the plastics didn't provide any variety.
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>tfw you buy nun and demon toys

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