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Goodwill is my go-to for cheap shelving, but do they even have any competition?
facebook marketplace honestly. craigslist kinda sux nao
I really wouldn't trust used shelving.
I purchased some of the well made IKEA bookcases second hand. I do agree that you need to inspect used shelving, especially if you are going to trust collectibles that even if they don't have actual financial resale value, must certainly have some personal value to you.

But yeah, I would check out Craigslists and other similar places. I did buy some nice dining room chairs for my new apartment since I had no furniture when I moved last year - but that was from a smaller thrift store that had nicer stuff than my Goodwill's normally have.
Yeah I jizz on all the stuff I sell. I know I'm not the only one.
Is it even worth buying used shelving? Goodwills around me started jacking up their prices when covid started. If you don't want glass, you can get shelves for under $100 on Ikea or Amazon.
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They aren't dirt cheap or anything (150 USD retail but they're often on sale for like 125), but I really like these shelves from Target. They are not only roomy but very solid and sturdy. Building them is pretty simple and quick, too.
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And here's my incredibly disorganized use of one, just to give a sense of size. The only real problem I have with it, and it's something the camera's automatic lighting adjustment hides, is that they get dark in the back. I really need to add some sort of extra lighting to this one. Also, for clarity, the one to the right is not the same kind of shelf. It's a completely different brand made by a different company, and it isn't nearly as stable as the Target shelf. It just has a very similar aesthetic style.
I have never seen a good looking transformers display.
How often do you have to dust? I guess it wouldn't show up as badly on yours as darker colors, but open shelves like that and the OP look like dust magnets compared to a standard bookshelf or especially one with a glass door.
I don't have to dust often, but I also don't have any pets and rarely ever open the windows in that particular room. I can imagine needing to dust much more often in a home that has a lot more dirt being brought in.
the thing is you would need to have 2 or 3 transformers max per shelf, not very efficient when it comes to space to display other figues and of course a transformers fan is going to have more than 2 figures per shelf space they have.
Amen, brother. Sometimes I like to buy back the things I've sold just so I can get it back covered in hot glue.
>Not knowing the secret to time travel so that you can perpetually jizz on your used furniture
Kids today REALLY are useless!
IKEA makes similar things for LOADs less.

Goodwill is only worthwhile when it's dirt cheap - and you're right it's not. I ended up getting lamps off Craigslist because what I could find at Goodwlll either was damaged, or crappy or overpriced.

But like trying to buy used toys on line or new toys from scalpers on line, you have to be willing to be patient and be willing to wait. I've yet to pay even the mid-range of what most scalpers want in the past 12-18 months on EB for toys I couldn't find when they were first released, and I often got a bunch of things (like some Marvel Legend two packs and one Mezco MIB) for under MSRP.

I mean, the one benefit, is that Target will deliver these to your home and only until recently has IKEA been offering reasonable/comparable free delivery.
I hate dusting, but I love the shelves I have. Are there any acrylic cases or boxes I can use to store my figures in? they’re about 6 inches tall.
Test post, ignore
>what I could find at Goodwlll either was damaged, or crappy or overpriced.
Damage is like, 50% odds that it was damaged at the Donation Center, because the Donators are too lazy to drive to the actual store where they have people and space to handle large furniture, and instead brought it to a hole in the wall ADC where we have to load it onto a box truck with a dolly.
I know Daiso has stuff specifically for that. I'd think maybe Hobby Lobby or Michaels might have something comparable.

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