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Hi guys
I recently purchased a Revoltech Alien Queen bootleg from AliExpress and a week later it stil wasn't sent so I wrote to them and they gave me some excuse and said to be patient now around ten days have passed and when I try to write they won't go through.

Do you think they blocked me?
Do you think I'll even receive it?
allieexpress shit ships from china. it takes like a month to get shit.
AliExpress is Chinese eBay. Depending on where you live, it can take 3-4 weeks or longer to get to you; that being said, you are always provided with a tracking number and an estimated date of arrival, so there's really no reason to pester the seller unless the number you were given has shown no status updates in over a week.
>Do you think they blocked me?
Probably. I know I would have, considering you should already have the information you need to see where your shit is at any given time.
My apologies, I should have been clearer, I'm used to buying from AliExpress and I was saying that they haven't shipped it as in it hasn't even left their warehouse yet.
That the item wasn't shipped yet was clear. The other two must not have looked at the screenshot. Everything I've bought from Aliexpress has been shipped within a few days if not the next day so this seller's definitely dragging his feet. What's the seller's feedback percentage? If it's lower than 90% I'd contact customer service ASAP. If not I'd give it 4 more days to see if there's any movement/communication before doing it.
sometimes it can take a long ass time, and i mean a LONG ass time for them to even ship it.
if it takes more than 2 months just issue a refund
Aliexpress is filled with dropshippers who do not have the items they are actually sending on hand. Just request a refund and order from another seller
It’s annoying when they double dropship like that, people go to aliexpress to avoid dropshippers. But if it gets worse I guess it’s back to using tb with an agent and dealing with insane Chinese taobao sellers.

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