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Show off your setups.
Get complaints things are too crowded.
Do you do anything extra with your displays /toy/?
Great my thread is already ruined
just crop image and post in thread again
Looks like a Joel Schumacher movie
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I also got these little TVs to play episodes of the show.
damn that is a nice collection, the glow under the black light looks great.

I remember having a few of these as a kid when TRU had them on sale and i had birthday money. they were great

top notch OP
what is that tv? it looks neato
Damn that looks cool as hell. I imagine there aren't tons of blacklight reactive toys to collect but it sure is fun to look at.

I noticed a fair few 90s Beastwars Transformers and my Mightmax had fluorescent bits but none of it seems intentional. Such a shame the line died before we could get a series 2
thanks man, appreciate the link
Genuinely jelly. Toxic Crusaders had such a great aesthetic, it was Playmates in their prime grossout sculpt era. The day-glo paint only puts the perfect finishing touch on there.
Damn, that’s a great display anon. The blacklight effect is making me jealous, everything looks so good.
Can anybody suggest risers made for a Detolf that actually fill the space properly and don’t leave big gaps on either side?
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There's something hidden in this image that I didnt expect to anyone have
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Trick or Treat studios are contuniung the vintage line.
I had no idea Toxic Avenger stuff looked so good under a blacklight
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Really nice black lights! Where did you get them from? Is it true that long exposure is bad for plastic?
I'm currently looking for a cheap enclosed display case for figures that are around 20-30 inches tall. Anyone have any ideas? I don't really want to have to go custom.
I saw those...I was a little confused about it. Like the Killemoff that's currently up for preorder, is it basically just a 1:1 dupe of the old figure?
Found a couple of single strip ones https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/375470400556 that didn't seem to output too intensely. There's regular LEDs in the cabinet as well.

I'd say the UV light is going to slowly damage all toys but theyre not exposed to sunlight and the blacklights are only on for short periods. I think sunny shelves probably cop it worse.
I've done a good amount of looking into this and the general idea seems to be that these cheap consumer-level UV leds are too weak to do any real significant damage. Anecdotally I have run mine for about a year, almost daily, and notice no damage to the toys inside yet.
a lot of stuff I have fluoresces but it doesn't seem to be intentionally.

The nightclub display is extremely cool. Get some reactive ink pens that are invisible under normal light. Could do some graffiti on your little tv or get some fluoro decorations going.
is blacklight bad for humans if it's on all the time?
Yes, it shows up all the cum, blood, vomit and other fluids smeared over your body.

I second this, are these basically just recreations of the old toys?
The Toxie looks like the original mold. Playmates supposedly has their own factory, and much of the old library of molds. Possible they lent them out for these. If it is all-new they did a great job at recreating it.

So no added articulation? Is it bigger?
It might be bigger. According to Trick or Treat Studios, it's new and the studio that did the original line's design work is involved.

Well, that makes the 20-25 buck price tag easier. Slightly.
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Very basic display of my Transformers, at least in some sort of action shot. I have others just sitting oh the top of a shelf like these, but I did put some effort into how these ones are posed.
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Not the best picture, but here's one of my nicest displays.
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Bought that JCVD figure sans has to display him with something. I only really own gunpla so here we are, I have a shelf in my living room under the TV and this goes there
it's time for you to go
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Bruh, that's not even 1% of my collection.
You fucked up man
I'm never gonna forget it
It's too little too late
You made an upsy.
You ruined the thread since the beginning
You made me lose my no fap record
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Terrible thread, I’m here to make it worse
I’m in the middle of cleaning and organizing, we’ll see how it turns out in two weeks
The hell is a panthedon?
It’s just occurred to me I barely ever see funkos actually out of their boxes. They don’t look as bad like that.
It appears to be a shrine to Donatello.
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Kinda makes sense, yeah. I was so confused by it I googled up the term and the only result was this, a post from 5 years ago. Anon???

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