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File: P1gVkcz - Imgur.jpg (532 KB, 1280x1280)
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used to find heaps of these niggas at second hand stores some years ago, what the fuck happened to all of those? have they been thrown away? cause i bet most were left unsold
some guys probably bought as much as they could, and now they're on ebay lots. I really hate the old Gormiti because it gets in the way of searches for the NEW good one
the new ones look shit
jesus christ they're so ugly, they look like some generic warriors from mobile games
Better than anything Americans ever made
i'm comparing the new designs with the older ones, what's the point of your reply?
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The old ones are all just remolds of each other anyway. At least the new ones get cool weapons and joints
a boring looking toy with weaps and joints is still a boring looking toy
Better than a nigger in a dress that hasbroke made with the eternals marvel legends line
sure but weren't we talking about gormitis?
100 remolds of a small statue is worse
not if the remolds look as cool as they did
They don't. They're all the same hunchback cthulu things with their arms down
Weird coming from a six inch collector fag talking shit about a scale he doesn't even collect
you have described exactly just 1(one) character out of all the 100s out there
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Yeah, the new ones are actually so good that I would
Which is really all they are anyway
what's that image supposed to prove? also shartoon designs were already shit
That they're all hunchback and samey. Now you compare the new ones.
1. cartoon designs were already becoming bad
2. you're blind
3. even if they were all the same 1:1 design they'd still look more unique than the modern generic trash
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you have no argument
>goblin from clash of clans
>generic soldiers from fantasy mobile game
Better than same pose blue crab guy and scythes for hands and evil angel thing. Also new Gormiti has articulation, so fuck your old 2poa statues
Was this shit only sold in Europe? Did the Americans not have Bakugan or Gormiti? Wild
I have a whole bunch of them, are they worth something?
The old ones were better, even as a kid I was bothered by the new ones. I didn't give a flying fuck about kids becoming Gormiti, I wanted my weird fuckers fighting their epic battles and be done with it

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