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What's the exclusive toy scene like in Europe lately? The last things i remember were the latest Gormiti, Biopods and Guardians of Kazoom.
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Very manageable size with the smaller companies going more into high end collectible territory.
I imagine these were stuck somewhere in European because I can't find them anywhere, they're such a cool combination of things for a decent price. Tiny minifigure, poseable robot, and a modular base setup.
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Also available as space themed, off brand mlp and Kinder hippos sets.
Bud and Spencer is one of the oldest "hudden gay icons" in europe. I had many fantasies about these two as a kid.
To be fair, to gays everything and everyone is a hidden gay icon.
>To be fair, to gays everything and everyone is a hidden gay icon.
I know everything is a meme for you, zoomie.
But picrelated is a shot from one of Bud and Spencer movies.

They meet literal gay pirates and some of actors were actual gays.
You will spin in your grave if you know how many movies had gay stuff in them but normies didn't notice
Hit a nerve, huh.
Not at all. It's our world now "the new norm".
It's you who feel uncomfortable and unwelcomed.

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