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What’s the most you guys have spent on a single toy and at what price do you think should be the cut off? I really want some of the Sideshow Clint Eastwood figures and the aftermarket hasn’t been kind.
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I paid $500 for a loose threezero 1/6 big daddy. It was worth it tho, considering it goes closer to like $1,000.
$435.49 after tax for the Haslab Galactus, though if we don't count that as a single figure because of the heralds, then it's significantly less of around $100 as a 1/12-1/10 collector. And that's on the higher end of what I'm comfortable paying, at least for standard size figures.
$4000 for a sofubi that I later sold for $5000 when times were tough.

The most I've spent on something I still own is around $2000, another sofubi.
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Eh, probably like £180 for Utena? I was out of the game at the time and had to pay the latefag tax. I think I’d consider that the largest amount I’d pay for a single figure, because she’s a character I love, but I’ve been tempted by figma Sakura & Tomoyo lately.
150000 yen on a dollfie dream arle years ago. Was about $1300 at the time after conversion. I am still very happy with her but it ultimately wasn’t worth it, she ended up getting a reissue a few years after I bought due to popularity (rare for dolls), and can be found for $1000 or so now. I don’t know what my cutoff is really, nothing else I’ve ever wanted has come close to that, but I try to budget for the year instead of worrying about the price of a single toy.
Somebody had to take the hit for others to get a reissue, thanks for your sacrifice.
160 on a Rem Figma
Around $400 for the medicom rah daft punk ram figures. Cutoff now is probably around $300 but I rarely have opportunities to consider that since I kitbash 1/6 now and it's much cheaper.
$325 for ThreeZero's Ogre.
Typically I try to stay under $200 with a soft cap of 150.
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$200 on a box of warham miniatures that remain largely unassembled because painting is hard and my hands are shaky

I bring shame to my people
If including garage kit figures, around $1000 for a Dark Souls 1 kit, if just regular figures, $450 for a Mattel Yugioh GX Bubbleman, year later resold it for 2 grand.
pic not related?
That's the Mattel Yugioh GX figure, this DS1 Black Knight garage kit i spent $1400 on a couple years back
was it worth it? I saw a guy that does this and he has the Oscar Knight from DS 1 and it looks awesome. I just can't get my around the idea of spending 400 USD on a figure like this...
Nta but of course not, at least not relatively to what else you could buy for that money, including other figures. It ultimately comes down to how much you'll enjoy it personally, and if it's worth it to you. Also be mindful of what you're buying and that it might not have the quality or tolerances you might usually expect.
RX-78-2 perfect grade unleashed. 500$
Its easily the nicest model kit I've ever done.
$150 on the Soul of Chogokin Megazord. It was absolutely worth it since the set retailed for $300 and then shot up on the aftermarket until the reissue came out. I don't regret it.

It absolutely wasn't lol but the FOMO got me for real after getting Oscar, Siegmeyer, and Havel the years before. I think the designer made more years later, but i own pretty much all his DS1 kits, just havent had the time to build and paint them.
I recently spent five hundo on the Lewin Atlas Optimus Prime reissue. The only figure I spent more on was Haslab Galactus.
$700 for a Mondo Battle Cat, just because I felt it essential to go with He-Man.

$600 on TFC Poseidon. Then hated it.

$500 on Shattered Glass Power Baser, 500 made. I got all 7 versions of that mold... recently sold it for $300 because SG is just something I have a hard time giving a shit about, but Powermaster Prime is a favorite of mine.

$365 recently on the Tomy version of Titans Return Trypticon. $300 on a boxed Hasbro version with no idea of what broken or fixed version I might get was not a gamble I wanted to trust.

Balanced some of it out with the new Mig Switch so I don't have to waste money on games. Boo hoo fuck the rich corporation & their profits, I don't own a money tree in my backyard.
I sold my ThreeZero Caiman and Shin years ago as I got out of the hobby and have since repurchased Caiman who was like $550 on eBay for the deluxe version unopened. Gotta find an original deluxe Shin sometime but haven't yet. Not that big of a priority since his anime version is basically the same figure with a bit less dirt paint.
$220 for a Gandalf the Grey staff that lights up. YOU. SHALL. NOT. PASS.
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I paid $775 on a very nice G1 Deathsaurus with the original box. The box has seen better days but the figure itself is the most perfect copy of this figure I've ever seen. Even the stickers are unapplied and it includes all the paperwork. That's probably the most I will ever spend on a single toy unless I decide to go after Raiden or Liokaiser some day but I've given up on those 2. I'm really glad to have gotten Deathsaurus in 2016 because the G1 figure has disappeared from the market since the Haslab version was announced. There's no telling what my copy would go for these days.

Overlord was a close second at $740.

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