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It's that time once again /toy/. The time has come to update /toy/'s roster for our 4chanc up soccer team for the Summer season. The poll will be run in 2 parts. The first being new player suggestions, and the second being the formal roster vote.

The links will be in the next post. Please vote and support your board and team.
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Round 1 - New Player Suggestions

Round 2 - The Formal Roster Poll

Here's our current roster as well for reference. Same deal as last time. I'll keep Round 1 open for a few days, and open Round 2 afterwards. Feel free to ask any questions, since I'll have an eye on the thread.
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Also the dates for the Summer Cup are July 19-21, July 26-28, August 3-4.
Why is Necanon listed as a spammer? Do you mean the anti-neca anon?
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I generally try not to pay attention to the shitposting around here, so I couldn't tell you who is trolling who anymore.
neca anon is a fag who gets super defensive is you talk shit about neca.
You’re pathetic
Yeah, that's the one. Good impression.
Good Lord, can you tards keep your shit out of this thread. Goddamn, what would it take for you to exchange phone numbers so we don't have to put up with your gay back and forth?
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told you >>11051130
Forgot if the spaceman was still there, hope he stays on cause it's like the 40th for space lego.
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I'm gonna keep the nominations part of the poll open for another 12 hours or so. Then I'll open Round 2.

He's still there.
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Round 2 of the poll is now open. Get in there and vote.

I’m hoping Optimus can make it to gold this year, I remember he was close last year. I voted Woody and Optimus for gold and classic spaceman and Cobra Commander for silver.
>I’m hoping Optimus can make it to gold this year
same, I love Madoka Titus but she has been so dead in recent years...
Maybe The Hood will finally make it this year.
these two shouldn't be part of it, these are related to shitposters
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The Hood being included in the poll always brings up some controversy. If someone from the board wants to nominate him, the rest of the board can shoot him down. That's how I see it anyways. Hippo falls into the same boat, albeit he's less egregious.
Honestly I hate that The Hood is related to that one spammer, because he is one of the most meme worthy marvel legends and that’s why I nominate him in hopes of having a ML on the roster. The hilariously bad screaming head, the the dildo shaped blast effect, the shitty cape that’s his whole character trait. But at the same time he’s a really good civilian figure for any line. But since he’s associated with a terrible spammer, it ruins his meme ability and most people won’t vote for him.
Detolf's reputation hasn't been very good lately with all the glass explosions people are experiencing, not to mention the discontinuation.. But I still want him to stay on the team, I love that there's a cactus owl plush inside him.
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Thats a pretty good way of putting it. I kinda feel the same way about him which is why I've got no issue with Hood being an easter egg in Rapedog's model.

I've considering replacing Detolf for whatever Ikea replaced it with, but since 99% of every /toy/soldier's display has a Detolf it still feels fitting to keep around. I've had mine for 10 years now and it hasn't exploded (yet).
muh trip, not that it matters
>I've got no issue with Hood being an easter egg in Rapedog's model.
I like this. I still hate the shitty hippo and everything related to it.
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Gonna leave the poll open until about Sunday afternoon. I'm pretty pleased with how things are going so far.

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