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Hotshot II induces lust
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I squeezed a Max10, a CHNL 4s 1600mah Li-Po and some other stuff out of my old wltoys speed runner into their little Typhon knockoff and it's smashed the 6s Typhon in a few drags, anything over 3/4 throttle it's a race to see if the wheels or diffs explode first.
lols dif explodes...def true
I have 2 blockhead Hotshot II but i also like the sqashed cab look, will see if I can get a HS shll as well.

I am trying to figure out what brushless motor to run....without exploding the diffs / back gear box/ drive train - 3300 - 4100?

These things are so much cheaper than when they first came out....! Time to buy.
There's a few options here but I know nothing of Tamiyas
So I purchased a sanwa in receiver in Japan on the last day along with a Hosthot 2 blockhead.

I asked what else I need to run and the store person pointed to the sanwa box mx 6

When I went back to my country I took a quick look in the sanwa MX 6 and though ah no receiver.,

So i was going to onsell the sanwa and started buying some el cheapo gear of Aliexpress.

However - I decided to take another look in the Sanwa and found a smallish box that had the Sanwa receiver, ESC, and SERVO !!!!

Lol, I like to keep my stuff pristine so did not fully open it before.

So it turns out I purchased it all for about 1/2 price vesus my home country. Pretty good!!!!

Sanwa MX-6 Radio + RX-391W Waterproof Receiver + BL-Sigma ESC + SRM-102Z Servo
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Grabbing a MF-01x (pic related) by end of this year, beside getting steel bearing and oil damper, what else should I prepare for beside getting a 60A esc and a brushless motor?

I also bought a 18t pinion.
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Noice, do you think those wheels will hold up to modern brushless stuff?
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flex on the poors.
Good to see atleast a few anons into rc on here.

I raced tamiya's back in the 80's when rc was in its heyday. Good times.

decided to get back in to it around 3-4 years ago, since then ive picked up a few cars but got diagnosed with a rare auto immune condition not long after that which kinda put everything on hold since my health was fucked (still is really, but not as llife threatening as it was then).

I ended up slowly building up a big collection upgrade parts & spares to completely deck out the cars I have now, probably will start on building them all after ive ticked off everything on my list (some of the spares were IMPOSSIBLE to find anymore, took me all of 3 years or so to track down some of the bits).

I have 5 unbuilt Tamiya buggies waiting to be built now, A DT03 racing fighter, DF03 Dark Impact, TT02b Neo Scorcher & 2x DB01 Durga's ( both with complete sets of upgrades to turn them into TRF501 competition cars I was planning to race with ).


nice. I was thinking about getting an optima at some stage, might pick up an optima pro since it got rereleased recently.
hmmm its going to be trial an error it seems that 4000 KV is about the limit for Hotshot, 3300 seems to be ok from what I have read.

I am prepared to strip a gear box to find out it is part of the fun.

I want a hotshop, tt02-B, Top force, then I have examples of each class.

Maybe I will get a BBX, But I dont like 2WD and it looks blbous at the back.

I am waitng for the 4WD BBX hotshot type.

I will buy a basher al steel driveing chink indestrcuto, but half the fun for me is trying to build it, and upgrade pathways.

The tt02-B seems to have the possiblities for uprgrade and wide support.

I have allready learnt alot about chargers ESC, lipo, motors etc.

Also gives me an excuse to buy a power supply and play around with servos

>I want a hotshop, tt02-B, Top force, then I have examples of each class.

nice. I was planning on getting a topforce soon too, probably the evo just for all the upgrades (but the original green body definitely looks better). I still think the topforce is the best looking buggy Tamiya have done since the original avante.

>The tt02-B seems to have the possiblities for uprgrade and wide support.

Yeah its crazy how many setups you can make with that platform. If you get one, I highly recommend the carbon upper deck mod, its a massive improvement.

Anyone else absolutely hate the trend of all competition buggies having the exact same cab foward design? Its ugly as fuck & they all look the same.

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