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I've always wanted to try this out. Talk about Savage Crucible, Mythic Legions, Xesray gladiators etc. Mix and match from various lines, your shelf your rule. Knights, rogues, dwarves, elves, orcs, goblins, demons, lizardmen, furries, mounts and monsters all welcome!
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Does anyone have the Evil Weapons Pack from Mythic Legions Series 1? I like the simplicity of them and wish they made more.
The weapons are reused trillion times on individual figures if you collect enough Mythic Legions. Each basic characters come with at least 3 accessories.
Nice subby summoning thread
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I need a Dwarf like this
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Legue of Legends is being clearanced on Amazon, like 60% off
Good thread anon, I know people talked about this in the last Legions thread and with all the current fantasy options we have, a general Fantasy thread should be far more fun.

I can't wait to get my hands on the "Frazetta Ball and Chain Warrior" and I hope they do more figures inspired by that art in the future.

Most of those weapons are pretty common with the earlier figures, I have literal bins full of those swords and spears because they just came with everyone. Newer figures seem to be getting more gear from the AoD waves and with the Knight weapons seem to be replacing the sword and dagger on the current waves coming out. But the two hander and spear are both still pretty common to see.

Most of em were simple, solid weapons, but newer gear offers more character to a figure so I can see why they made the change. That giant axe however is just awful and it can permanently warp the hands of figures holding it. It's like it was made for a larger scale figure because everything about it looks and feels too big for the Legions. And I don't think it even looks that good with Legions as it has an oddly "modern" aesthetic with all it's straight lines and blocky design. That thing was rightly phased out pretty early on in the line.

I've been tempted repeatedly by these guys, and even bought two of em already...but they're always just slightly disappointing. Cheap material, soft sculpting, stiff articulation, it's always a case of the figure being *close* to being fun but just not crossing that line.

Though for the price they go for, I can't really complain too much about them. And if you're a fan of the characters or franchise, I can see people liking them.
Isn’t that Anubis what subby said he’s satisfied with enough to buy the figura obscura release?
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been heavily considering starting a fantasy setting collection for awhile. i already have a few like figma golden age guts, a couple mcfarlane witcher figs(though i only got those to do headswaps with mcfarlane warhammer figs), and i just recently got figuarts berserk armor guts. every time i go to the store, my room mate has to convince me to not get those shitty hasbro d&d figures that are on mega clearance. i think the thing mostly stopping me from going all in is because i would want to army build factions to recreate epic battles instead of a party questing or something. at the moment there isnt a line out there that is cheap enough and looks the way i want them to so im holding off for now. heres a fantasyesque 1/6 kitbash i made to use as a reference for a comic im creating.
I have two of the movie d&d figures, and while they're not great, they're not awful. If you can get em cheap, the chris pine and hugh grant figures make for great generic fantasy folk for others to bully.

The monsters however are straight up fantastic. The Owl Bear and Displacer Beast are especially solid. The Beholder is great for his size alone, but I feel he loses out by not having an articulated eye lid. But for the 20 bucks he's going for on Pulse right now, he's certainly worth it.

Just avoid the animated d&d stuff, that line is straight trash.

As for faction building massive battles, I honestly feel the Mythic Legion stuff is the best you can find. If you just stick to their cheaper army builder figs, you'll be able to build massive forces of varied-yet-similar troops. They're also great for part swapping and customizing, even using parts from other lines. Though their size and proportions can limit what other figures they'd look good mixing with.
Who the fuck wants to faction build massive battles with 6-7 inch figures? 1/12 fans are retarded.
I love the Beholder. Considering he's just a giant head, he's a lot of fun.
I kind of wish I hadn't seen that, anon, because I like it so much I want to do something similar with 1:12 softgoods figures parts, lol.
I like your fantasy operator figure anon.

Personally looking forward to the new Xesray Girls for the overlap in coomer/fantasy stuff.
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i dont really like the style of mythic legions figures. alittle cartoonish and alittle too high fantasy for my taste. plus they are just alittle too expensive. i was gonna get the displacer beast and beholder but my roommate convinced me not to cause he despises wizards of the coast after everything.
i do. id love to do it in 1/18 instead but i dont know of any companies that do cheap 1/18 fantasy figs and even if there was one i already have a few 1/12 fantasy figs so sunk cost fallacy and all that
i dont know much about 1/12 soft goods figures but if there are sources for alot of loose parts, go for it. or maybe buy a knight figure and a mil figure and bash them together. thats pretty close to what i did but in 1/6.
>i dont know much about 1/12 soft goods figures but if there are sources for alot of loose parts, go for it. or maybe buy a knight figure and a mil figure and bash them together. thats pretty close to what i did but in 1/6.
The only part that's an issue would be the tabard/jerkin, though I suppose I could substitute a 1:12 Roman tunica, which does exist.
>a 1:12 Roman tunica
nice. i think the tunic i used was from a 1/6 viking figure of some kind. i get most of my loose parts from monkeydepot. i know they sell 1/12 stuff too but ive never explored it too deeply. you might find some stuff there.
anybody try the diamond select lotr or game of thrones figures? are they any good?
I'd also love to do it in 1/18 instead, the difference is I'm not wasting my space or money on the 1/12 garbage versions in the mean time. You do realize you don't have to accept the slop you're given, right?
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Oh I love that giant eyeball, I just feel having a working eyelid would've made him a far better figure. The turning eye is great though and that smile is just amazing.

Fair enough on the Legions, they do come off as kind of bulky and the giant heads do them no favors. I will have to say that their newer Knight build is just fantastic though, probably the most realish looking suit of armor they've made to date. The Templars with the added soft goods look amazing and the amount of stuff you get with them, in addition to full soft goods tabards, is definitely worth the price.

If you want 1:18 fantasy though, I think Boss Fight is your only real option. If anything, their stuff looks even "more" high fantasy then the Legions stuff, but at a smaller scale it doesn't feel as awkward. I can't really speak of the line as a whole as I prefer my 1:18 to be more sci-fi/modern military. but of the few monster girls I got from them they make good figures.

Also, I would definitely get the Displacer Beast and Beholder. screw your friend's weird hang ups about a crappy company, those are good toys and can be found on deep discount.

I have pretty much the whole first wave LotR and the Orc. They're....ok but full of flaws. Other then standing on a shelf, they're just not fun to handle. They do that awful "Knee bends below the knee joint" thing a lot of SWB figure do and it just never looks good. Gimli is probably the best of the good guys from the first wave, though can't go wrong with the Orcs.

I do like the BAF Sauron though, but mine has a super weak wrist and can't hold his mace up. But he is giant and imposing, and that's all he really needs to be.
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I think these Warcraft orcs go hard. God bless China for just making whatever they want and selling it to us.
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Just necromancer things.
Hi spooky skeleton general, what is the best 1/12 skeleton to army build (considering availability, price, and joint quality, because most times skellies have tiny and loose joints)
is that a Hannibal,/PoE reference? the tower of bodies.
I didn't realize they came out with some many variants of those guys. If my budget was bigger I'd probably have a horde of em too. But I'll just have to settle for one if I can find em at a decent price.

Also I love your goblins. I wish I grabbed that three pack set when I had the chance.

nta, but I'd say Bossfight Skeletons give you the best bang for your buck. They each come with tons of gear, most of it removable, and the handful I have all come with very solid joints. Though they have way less articulation then Storm Collectibles or those Kaiyodo Oni skeletons, but that results in a much sturdier figure.

Kulu World figures are also a good option, but they are *heavily* stylized, and may not be everyone's cup of bones.

Avoid the Fwoosh one. It's an okay skeleton, but far too fiddly and oddly sculpted to buy in bulk. Also far too expensive compared to other options
I felt kinda bad skipping an entire wave of Mythic Legions. I feel like my Mythic Legions collection is getting bloated, and the parts reuse has taken its toll. I'm also kinda tired of the limited articulation, stocky proportion, and big heads especially after playing with Savage Crucible figures. Except for Con exclusives, it also seems like the line has lost a lot of its initial hype. In stock sales are much more manageable, and figures stay on-sale at BBTS for longer. I might pick up the Knight Legion builder 2 years down the line when this wave finally ships
I actually limited my order to just two figs from this last sale. Despite really liking the potential of the Gob set and what I could do with their extra bits for my other goblins, budget and space are catching up to me.

But I agree that these guys are easier to get these days, constant releases and retail special offerings helps these guys be a bit more accessible.
You guys seen these? I've always found the 1/6 Court of the Dead line from Sideshow pretty neat, and Boss Fight did make some 1/18 figures, but I'm definitely more interested now that they're coming out with 1/12.
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Another one just came out, too. Just got him in today. Probably my most anticipated figure I had on preorder in the last while. Hero Toys rank 14 orc warrior look-alike. He's kind of like the rest from what I can tell, poseability isn't crazy or anything but he looks really nice.
Any recommendations for what figures to use as enemies for my TP Link figma? Doesn't have to resemble anything from the games.
Practically 80% of 5KToys' inventory. Skytube's Goblin-kun, if you can find a good deal. Same goes for Daiki Kougyou's Daiki no Orc-san. Kaiyodo skeletons in general, Revoltech Argonaut skeleton in particular. Storm Collectibles skeletons if you like the idea of giant skeletons.
BF is a woke company who deserves bankrupt
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Didn't know they were doing 1:12 stuff too, might have to grab this chick and have her go up against their Red Sonia when she comes out. It looks like she has some butterfly joints and other really nice points of articulation. I still don't know what Court of the Dead actually is, but I do love me some evil looking goth demon chicks.

Awesome. I never even liked the whole WoW aesthetic, but it works so well in toy form. How do these guys stack up against figures like Memory Toys Werebear or Xesray's Minotaurs?

As other anon said, can't go wrong with Skeletons. Kulu world Skeletons, as mentioned earlier, have a bit of stylization to em but that may let them fit in better fighting a video game protagonist. And if don't mind some....questionable accessories...Daiki's Goblin-San has that classic pig faced orc head as an alt piece and they should go great with Link. You can find KOs of em for pretty cheap all over ebay and they're decent quality as far as knock offs go.

If you don't care about articulation, Schleich's Eldrador series has some great looking fantasy monster figures. Some may come off a bit small, but the bipedal golem creatures or the ice spider and lava scorpion would probably work super well with Link. Plunderlongs from the Plunderlings line may also work well with him, though they're a bit more cartoony of a figure compared to some of the other options.
Freaking Hasbro just knocks it out of the park with animal figures these days. I hate that this guy is a BAF though as I don't see him ever getting a stand alone release like other BAFs eventually get.

Maybe he'll get 2packed with Shanna the She Devil at some point.
modern Hasbro doesn't have the balls to do shaana anymore
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I don't know about Xesray and I don't have the werebears (although I do want one) but the red orc with the skull face is from Memory Toys and he's good. I think they're all about the same quality with maybe Grom and Garrosh being the worst out of the 7 orcs available now. I feel crazy fortunate as a toy collector that has played orc warriors on wow for years that of all the things orcs with big gnarly weapons have received almost good third party figures with a few more on the way in the pipeline. Hero Toys Illidan Stormrage rerelease also just came out. He is as annoying to do anything with as you would think a guy with huge wings and hooves for feet would be.
didnt the leader guy kicked the wokies out of the company.
Who makes these? They look fucking great. Not even a Warcraft fan but they look awesome.
From left to right the orcs are:

Mithril Action 003 Swordmaster
Star studio ancient war tan body (Garrosh Hellscream)
Star stuidio ancient war green body (Grom Hellscream)
Mithril Action 001 Protector of the Horde
Memory Toys Bloody Hands Morlock
Mithril Action 002 Dual Blade Orc

Both Star studio guys (Grom is only available in tan now though) and Mithril Action 002 as well as this guy >>11054427 are still up on 5ktoys if you're interested.
He did fire two wokies, but he is a virtue signalling retard with TDS, so it's still the same company, only now he won't defend ugly female sculpts because he would rather not go out of business.
Honestly, this is a pretty fucked hobby if you don't want to give money to people that hate you. The best that you can hope for is people that are smart enough to seperate their political beliefs from their business. Some of 4H have posted TDS and pro vaxxie shit on their personal socials that made me groan, but they seem to avoid doing the sort of shit that NECA and Super7 do on their official company pages. They did give in to the woke mob and redesign the Templar horse because a bunch of their fans "warned" them that it would be problematic, and while I think they were cowards about it, at the same time I understand why they decided it wasn't the hill they wanted to die on. If it was my company, I would have died on that hill though. I would have explained that I don't give a fuck about Birth of a Nation, and this is 100% about freeing the Holy Land from the heathen Saracens.

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