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Are you sacrificing anything to be a collector, /toy/, or is your life well balanced?
I brown bag my lunches, but im kinda over obessing over new figures. Its an empty high, kinda like air duster.
No, because I'm not a retard. If you can't already afford your bills before you're buying toys, you shouldn't be buying toys. Simple as. I'm able to pay my bills, buy toys, pay for my other hobbies, and I've been saving for a house, although I apparently need to be making more than $100K to afford one, thanks Joe.
Sacrificing my ability to ever have another human enter a specific room in my house.
If you think current (versus past) administration has loads to do with your current tax burden, versus the deep tax cuts that were given to large corporations by a republican controlled congress and republican white house, you're not paying attention.

>I'm able to pay my bills, buy toys, pay for my other hobbies
That said, I otherwise agree with and am in the same situation.

So no, and no one's home should look like the wall of some bodega that can't even afford proper shelving to display their wares so they have to tack shit on walls.
>give up art commissions, most internet acquaintances and trying to stay relevant on twt to live quietly with a normal job, normal friends and buy more toys
>much happier
What's even the idea of getting a bunch of cheap marvel and Star Wars crap? Especially prequel crap. The only black series shit I ever collected was Mandeloirian and old republic with some OT main cast figures sprinkled in. (Space buns Leia, ESB Han and Chewie, Yoda. Something people who arnt even star wars fans could recognize you know? I love taking my kids into the room to look at everything. Sorry it's just so weird people buy all these really shitty looking Spiderman ML toys. You just never see people who collect figurearts being little cucks like this.
>What's even the idea of getting a bunch of cheap marvel and Star Wars crap?
>lists his extensive starwars collection.
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>"prequel crap"
>buys Disney shit
lol, lmao even
>Defending Sleepy Joe
>Defending cheetos jesus
>need to be making more than $100K to afford one
Damn dude. I'm lucky to have been born in the Bible belt, I don't know what I'd do if I were from any place that expensive. I get by as a grocery worker. Hope you guys find your footing.
Its just cheaper out here rent wise since few people come to these towns where people like you and i live. I could find a decent enough apt or mobile home on my pay too, currently we live a spare house near her dads place. I think they are called mother in law homes?
It's good to remember that the modern "leftist" is a cultist in the truest sense. Their mantra is literally "vote blue no matter who."
nta, living in so cal myself. It's expensive everywhere, I'm lucky to have moved in my apartment when I did. Paying $850 a month, never moving out at this point. This same complex is charging at least $1200 now. Sister is a manager at a hospital, her husband makes VR apps for hospitals and even they can't afford a home right now. They're currently holed up with the in laws. Housing prices are insane.
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Go advertise your channel somewhere else.
If a pre-order drops that I can't resist, it comes out of my weed budget and I take a t-break
this is the real one man
buy an ad sirs
Why the fuck would a hobby need sacrifices. If you can't pay your bills because of toys then fuck off and get your shit together. I have hundreds of figures and i always make sure I can actually afford them.
>Why the fuck would a hobby need sacrifices.
War with China?
Stop collecting Marvel Legends. There's so much better, more fun figures out there.
Marvel Legends sure have buck broke you anon. Just don't buy them if you don't like them.
>Marvel Legends sure have buck broke you anon.
Heh you wish...
>Just don't buy them if you don't like them.
I don't.
Wholesome six inch kino action figure collecting goodness display?
I mean I don't get girls anyway but collecting toys puts me at a bigger disadvantage when it comes to that. It's a part of my life I feel like I have to hide. Kinda hate how legos became normie after I switched from lego to action figures.

As for money, never really been a problem for me. But I cringe hard at poorfags that collect even when they can't afford it. Like people that have to hide shit in stores and wait for their next paycheck like bro how about you focus on essentials if you're struggling that much
>Heh you wish...
sure, that's why you bring them up out of nowhere, totally not living in your head rent free.
>It's a part of my life I feel like I have to hide.
Why though? Because you think it's pussy repellent? First of all, it's less frowned upon nowadays anyway and most people are more accepting of it, and those who aren't are probably shitty and miserable people anyway. Second, what you'll find out is, if a girl really likes you, she starts picking up your interests. I've had several past girlfriends who weren't ever into comic books are toys or anything like that, start actually getting interested in them when we were dating. I had one girl actually start to read comics, mostly indie shit, but she was reading them. Another ex actually would go check down the toy aisle at Target or whatever when she would go out running errands, checking for figures I was looking for. She found the Groot BaF wave of MLs for me.

Basically, collecting toys isn't as looked down upon as you think it is, especially if you're presentable about it. If you're well groomed, not morbidly obese, and generally keep your home clean and toys presentable, no one is going to second guess it. Try keeping your collection regulated to one room of your home, I have mine in my home office, and avoid using it as the decor for your entire home. Also, don't be mentally ill, but for some reason that seems to be a challenge for a lot of people here.
I think a lot of non nerdy people, even if they like you, their first impression will be "that's weird" when they learn of your toy collection. They might get over it since they like you but it's just something that has a stigma.

Certain toys definitely are more acceptable nowadays but not all. I'd say Lego, prop replicas, video game statues, even (non coomer) anime figurines might be seen as cool. But I'm not sure things like GI Joe, Star Wars, Transformers are as accepted.
>sure, that's why you bring them up out of nowhere, totally not living in your head rent free.
Check OPs image/video retard. This guy is obviously depressed because he collected a bunch of bland, cheap crap Marvel Legends. I pity the fool.
>I think a lot of non nerdy people, even if they like you, their first impression will be "that's weird" when they learn of your toy collection. They might get over it since they like you but it's just something that has a stigma.
Anon, there are far weirder things to collect than toys. It's not nearly the stigma it used to be. And even then, I don't think it was ever the stigma you made it out to be unless you were a massive freak about it who was unwashed, decorated their entire house with toys, and was just generally not presentable. If you aren't Steve Carell from the 40 Year Old Virign, or Rusty Brown, no one is going to think your collection is weird.
>no one is going to think your collection is weird.
That depends, Satan, that really depends.

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