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chill out edition

previous: >>11041347
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Do I even want to know what these are selling for on ebay?
Gold spawn toys selling for as low as 5 bucks. In 30 years it'll be worth only a bit more
ugly and rare is still ugly
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When are we getting Inferior 5???
When will Question be announced?
Isn't that the question of the day
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As soon as I buy the Sonar Joker to do this custom
is that a new head? it almost actually looks like fucking superman for once
In person it looks more yellow. You also have to cut the packaging apart to free the cape or pull it through the packaging and hope nothing bad happens. The eagle and the stand are the coolest parts, but you can probably find doll scale eagles somewhere else
>but you can probably find doll scale eagles somewhere else
Freedom from the GI Joe line scales well and is usually on eBay for like $10.
Does it clamp onto a wrist? Otherwise the pose would only work if Superman is holding onto the eagle’s legs
Real eagles have wingspans of like six feet. They’re monstrous birds that can effortlessly pick up children and drop them into canyons. You want something a little larger than those toy eagles.
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Nope, has pegs. I just put holes in her bracers.

Scales fine.
Why are there holes in her gauntlet and a giant hook on her side?
>Why are there holes in her gauntlet
>I just put holes in her bracers
And the hook is to hold her lasso
Well guys, it finally happened. I came home today to find my entire collection packed up along with my clothes. On top of one of the boxes were divorce papers with a sticky note that said 'sign' on it. She took the kids and the dog to her parents for the holiday week.
But you got the figures, right?
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is there a front view of this
Dunno, but it seems legit
>after 3 months of delays my jla aquaman preorder was canceled today by target
>i went full karen mode to them and they refunded me $15

damn they only offered me $5
It's a lot of work to pack up nicely so hopefully she did a good job. Sorry to hear that but sounds like you saw it coming, so probably mentally checked out. If not, sorry to hear that.
I have not given Todd a penny for anything he's released. The only thing that almost got me was the Arnold Ice Man BAF....
Nah, little pegs. Im sure itd be easy enough to modify the feet though. Freedom is a really nice pet, 2 sets of wings with abit oh head articulation. You could probably find spirit iron knife really cheap, that wave was a flood.
I came home to an empty house once, i had to move their funiture to the lawn so her dad could get it without any issues. Kinda fucked me up, but i was an awful person i guess. The worst part was not being involved with my kid but she is grown now.
Kinda hate the finsor cape on azarael, they are so fiddly and interrupt any type of posing or playing.

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