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Does anyone else collect these? I dint have a whole lot but i was at a local con today and some guy sold me a pack for 5$ and it turned out to be a very rare two pack from the last wave of the line back in 2010. Pic related is the set in question
I have the m&m ones
They kind of make me nostalgic for a better time but I would never collect them. I thought they were lame as a kid and still do
I had a few as a kid. They were neat, but nothing special. The chunky proportions on some of the droids were cool I guess.

Chocolate MPire was my shit. I had a lot of the plushes and figures.
I don't think it ever shipped
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This was when Hasbro experimented with Star Wars for the 3+ crowd. I dug it for the "chibi" look at the time. The TaunTaun with the big cute dopy eyes was the best figure.
For vehicles, they really knocked it out of the park with the X-wing and Millenium Falcon.
It stopped around 2010 but tried again in 2012 with more articulation. My favorite modern one from that line is the Tie Silencer.
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>I don't think it ever shipped
Well it mustve come out to stores somehow because i bought that two pack over the weekend in package second hand. Heres a pic to show im not bullshitting
I might have all the Star Wars, Transformers, and Indiana Jones ones. Or at least close to it. Two of each, even.
I had a fetw, more into the transformers and gi joe though. I do enjoy these types of series though, i really enjoy the imaginext stuff but thats kinda off topic.

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