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>fags who get mad at you for opening up your toys
Is their anything more obnoxious?
Your thread topics.
Diosoth, ZatLit and Chungusfurry
fags who get mad at you for not opening up your toys.
Team builders.
That one dude who tried to say wire hanger looking figure stands were far superior to actual articulated figure stands.
whats' Necanon?
Typical Homosoth projection.
We know you murder cats and are a closet pedo
Jin is a literal nothingburger who doesn't even shitpost or really even use this board unlike you're slime covered subhuman filth.
>diosoth pretending he’s not diosoth
Lol, lmao
>Diosoth pretending he isn't Diosoth and failing at it due to being mentally incapable of not using his buzzwords.
Imagine not playing with your toys
Friendly reminder Diosoth doesn't condemn Vaush for his pro-CP stance while claiming to be anti-pedo.
I've honestly seen way more of these than of who OP is talking about, who I have yet to encounter.
Wish we would get Rocko figures.
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Sorry you missed this one
>No Reptar
>No Angry Beavers
>No Invader Zim
>No Henry & June
>No Debbie "Sex Tummy" Thornberry
Who picked this weak ass lineup?
>fag buys rare sealed item
>pays for the condition and scarcity of the item to the seller
>opens it
>value of remaining sealed items goes up

Everyone wins except the buyer who could have waited for mint loose
>Is their anything more obnoxious?
Actually yes, and it's the guys who keep everything in the boxes.
At least we toy enjoyers can actually do something with our figures.
I have seen someone do that with an AFA graded Toltoys vinyl caped Jawa here. Went for some stupid amount at a local collectibles store that specialises in vintage shit. A few months later, the store owner put it up for sale again but loose because the dude that bought it opened it and then sold it back to him at a huge loss.
It was as if his life dream was to open a carded vinyl caped Jawa, and once he had done it, he had no desire to own the figure anymore. Definitely one of the weirder things I've seen happen.
Same. Had to reread OP's post to make sure I was reading it right.
try learning to read first
if your not going to open it just look at a picture of it retard
Why does anyone care what people do with their toys. Some like to play with them, some like to display them unopened.
I don't care what you do but I think you're a retard for doing it.
I do open my toys, I'm not that anon, but you cared enough to tell them they should be looking at a picture instead. There is one set, the JP Transformers crossover that looks like the T-Rex escaping the enclosure, that I haven't opened because it's so cool looking the way it is.
>Buy retro figures in their packaging
>Realizes they're just melting in there
>Open them
Did I ruin their resale value? Completely. But I don't intend on selling them anytime soon either.
Lego brand loyalists
Buying sealed older toys that are slick with plasticisers is so depressing, keep doing your thing anon.
>Invader Zim
that's cartoon network retard
this. some of us aren't actually autistic. we have opened toys before and then after 150 seconds of admiring and fidgeting never touched it again. then realized it would have been better to leave in box because the packaging was nice. then realized we just lost a lot of resale value. then we realized we were heterosexual adult men who could toss your faggot ass out a window without breaking a sweat.
I've seen those in stores years ago. I mean fully articulated 5"-7" figures of Rocko and friends. Super 7 seems like the only option since they made Ren and Stimpy... I wish they would do Rocko.
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>Invader Zim
>that's cartoon network retard
>then realized we just lost a lot of resale value
Oh no dude your $20 toy isn't worth $35 in 20 years :(
Put your penis in their ass.
fuck you open them

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