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File: IMG_0535.jpg (29 KB, 205x220)
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>fags who get mad at you for opening up your toys
Is their anything more obnoxious?
Your thread topics.
Diosoth, ZatLit and Chungusfurry
fags who get mad at you for not opening up your toys.
Team builders.
That one dude who tried to say wire hanger looking figure stands were far superior to actual articulated figure stands.
whats' Necanon?
Typical Homosoth projection.
We know you murder cats and are a closet pedo
Jin is a literal nothingburger who doesn't even shitpost or really even use this board unlike you're slime covered subhuman filth.
>diosoth pretending he’s not diosoth
Lol, lmao
>Diosoth pretending he isn't Diosoth and failing at it due to being mentally incapable of not using his buzzwords.
Imagine not playing with your toys
Friendly reminder Diosoth doesn't condemn Vaush for his pro-CP stance while claiming to be anti-pedo.
I've honestly seen way more of these than of who OP is talking about, who I have yet to encounter.
Wish we would get Rocko figures.

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