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Last Thread: >>11018819


BX-34 Starter
BX-35 Random Booster

UX-06 Booster
UX-07 Battle Deck Set
BX-00 Dran Dagger 2-80GP (Metal Coat: Black) Giants Ver.

BX-36 Random Booster Select
BX-00 Random Booster Select

Shinobi Knife 4-60LF (Metal Coat: Blue) XONE Switch edition exclusive
>transformer beys arriving on july 23
it will be interesting how performance will differ from the bey they're retooled from
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Can I post my collection here? I'm looking for a Red Dran Buster. I've never even seen a photo of one.
lookin good dude. nice
Thx. I have the rest of BX-14 and a gold Wizard Rod coming this week!
My launcher grip arrives this week. Probably either Tuesday or Wednesday. Wish the beypass worked with the english app so I had a reason to get it aside from "looks cool".

>That neat organized case
>those gold variants
Not gonna lie, that's a pretty sweet collection. IS there a red DranBuster? If so I want to get one as well because I'm hopelessly addicted to xcalibur and want to chase that in BBX
red dran buster was from a corocoro scratch card that you had to win and send in, it was a super limited release
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>French get the demo table like Japanese one
US didn't get anything huh?
Would have been cool if we have a dedicated space for it in big box stores like Target/Walmart (or Toys-R-Us still existed in the US)
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From what I understand there are only 100 of them. I'm not even sure if the "winners" have received them yet. Like I said I haven't even seen a picture of one. That, and the bronze, silver, and gold dran swords are pretty much the only ones I don't have.
The cases btw I got at The Container Store. They worked out perfectly. The only bey that doesn't really fit other than Wizard Rod is the gold Leon Claw for some reason, but it's still able to clip shut.
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The American Dream mall has this Hasbro-produced arcade called "the Gameroom". It would be a no-brainer to dedicate a space for Beyblade X. The could even install the XR stadiums.
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>G1 Fukuoka Final for GP Qualifier
>Blader Mokky:
1. Tyranno Beat 5-60 R
2. Wizard Rod 3-60 B
3. Cobalt Drake 1-60 F

>Blader OK:
1. Phoenix Wing 3-60 HN
2. Wizard Rod 9-60 B
3. DranBuster 1-60 H

>Match Summary
Battle 1: Tyranno Beat 5-60 R (Lose) vs. Phoenix Wing 3-60 HN (Win)
Spin Finish 0-1

Battle 2: Wizard Rod 3-60 B (Win) vs. Wizard Rod 9-60 B (Lose)
Spin Finish 1-1

Battle 3: Cobalt Drake 1-60 F (Win) vs. DranBuster 1-60 H (Lose)
Over Finish 3-1

Battle 4: Wizard Rod 3-60 B (Lose) vs. DranBuster 1-60 H (Win)
Over Finish 3-3

Final Battle: Cobalt Drake 1-60 F (Win) vs. Phoenix Wing 3-60 HN (Lose)
Burst Finish 5-3

Winner Mokky
Okay friends. I'm tired of Wizard Rod. What are confirmed combos that can at least semi consistently counter it now that we have weiss tiger and tyrano beat?
I'm getting a stadium but I don't want either of the downsized ones. Are these KO ones any good?
you'll basically be looking at some cosmetic deformities. sometimes the railing stick out a bit. this is caused by the plastic being uneven;y thin especially around where the shroud sticks onto the stadium or the rail inserts. the main part of the stadium and shroud will be very sturdy though. also, unless this is singapore dollars, $30 is way too much for a fake stadium.
the hasbro x stadium is actually bretty good
Is there a better place to buy a fake stadium?
Why even
>70 fucking dollars for a plastic tub
>for a kids toy where every other component costs 10
Gee I wonder why
Except for some aftermarket shit.
You're on AliExpress right? This official stadium is $57 US. There were other even cheaper official X stadiums from other listings around $40. If the prices are this close you should definitely get the official ones for the build quality. fakes should be around like $15. at least that's how much I paid for mine.
I know it's not exactly what you want, but the 3-player stadium is in stock at Surugaya at this very moment.
Free shipping if you cop now.
Forgot to post a link, fuck my life.
>>11054667 (me)
There's also the stadium set with UX Beys in stock
You know not all plastics are the same, right?
Launcher grip GET. Now to just practice lauching like I'm drawing a sword, and to get a knight/samurai outfit...
I have a plan and that plan involves an insanely stupid cosplay and a Knight bey, or the hasbro samurai.
>Figure I'll pick up a single UX 05 booster for shits and giggles since I'm already buying Weiss Tiger
>Get the prize Bey
Feels good man
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I'm not using the JP app so you guys can have this code.
Never going to play this with a second person, is it too big for two bey fights?
Finally got my hands on hasbro Hells Scythe. Thank you takara for twisting their fucking arm on the quality. Hoping hasbro doesn't fuck this up and X actually takes off in the west.
Defense needs to have an official rubber bit. This is my mockup 75A TPE "rubber' bit on defensive beys like Rhino Horn, Knight Shield, Weiss Tiger vs Phoenix Wing on LF
Oops, forgot my links

I've seen an article on Forbes, and even aussie kotaku wrote a decent article on it. Both of them seemed to focus around a specific zoo tournament in japan, with a general breakdown of the game and the atmosphere. I feel like it's on its way to getting a western resurgence
Watching it just eat attacks like that really sold me. Defense needs a boost and a rubber ball bit seems like exactly that.
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That's G2 Tobu Zoo Cup. That tournament is whole a mess according to Japanese players, the referee don't know shit about the rules.

>The judges at the Tobu Zoo tournament this time are really bad. They can't even remember both beys and forget the scores. It's really bad. I heard that there was someone who was taking the extreme finish as an over finish. It's really bad.

>And I also heard something new, even though the opponent goes over, you still call it your own? Huh? What's the point of introducing this rule on a trial basis this time?

>Moreover, there are judges who ask the children what they think? I can't do this anymore, I've really reached my limit. Please hire the right people next time. This is too bad. What's the point of actually testing it?
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>Aren't there a lot of judges who don't understand the rules? The eldest son started the battle without limited rules. My second son was supposed to win the match, but after a burst outside the ring the match was restarted and he lost by a point.

>My second son lost because he couldn't protest to the judge properly. Let's use this frustration to carry it over to the next match.
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It's not a particularly large collection, by any standard, but I like my little dudes. I plan on getting a paint pen and adding red to my shark edge, and and maybe add green to the viper tail blade.
>hasbro might not release one of the best beys ever

Which one?
Cobalt Drake
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>Still no table even at AX
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reminds me of the one hasbro tournament i did back in the day, all the stadiums on the ground
Is Dranbuster 5-60 R good idea or not?
With the lopsided weight from DranBuster on such a small bit it could be an INTERESTING combo. How does Rush compare to the other flat style bits for stamina?
Rush is considered the best attack bit simply because it doesn't use your stamina so fast. Since DB is heavy with large flats for attack, it has a lot of stamina, and get still get low RPM KOs. Rush will preserve its stamina, get more x dashes, and keep it in the game longer for a KO

Here's more footage of my Rubber bit improvements, featuring Rubber Needle vs Phoenix Wing 5-60LF

AeroPegasus 3-70A
OWD attacker? could this finally be the answer to wizard rod? also is this UX or something?
Call me slow if you want, but with Cobalt Dragoon, Black Shell and now Aero Pegasus, they're deliberately designing beys to pay homage to previous generations without doing the cross generations thing like with Dranzer and Driger. Honestly feels like a little bit of a copout, but as they say if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
we're still getting a x-over for storm pegasis and victory valkyrie. the thought many people have is that the owner of Aero Pegasus will be the antagonist for season 2, as Cobalt Drake is a reference to dragoon and the first series
>the thought many people have is that the owner of Aero Pegasus will be the antagonist for season 2
In retrospect that makes a lot of sense when DrigerS and Weiss Tiger exist in the X format (and I happen to own both). Honestly I'm waiting for Bird to defect from Persona and go dark like his bey's namesake. It's amazing how Bird adds nothing to the overall story and ultimately has the least to fight for. Even Multi states she and X will win 2-0 Pendragon and the fact he doesn't feel offended by how worthless he is speaks volumes.
>Bird adds nothing to the overall story
Then people say he's the protagonist...
He is, just not in the way people were expecting. It'd be one thing if Persona was starting from square 1 working their way up the tower through the years. That didn't happen and Bird by happenstance gets paired with the strongest blader in the tower and a Beytuber that's only strong from losing to someone better than her on a daily basis. So the kid literally never had time to actually grow and get acclimated to what it means to be 'pro'. Bird's just riding coattails and he knows it. And it's not as though he's a shitty blader, even Wyvern's user, the tester, was impressed by his growth to pass the exam to move up. The issue is the manga, and subsequently anime I'm assuming, are going 0 to 100 with no buildup.

It's the Rantarou Kiyma situation again. For all the L's he took in Burst, the kid was still considered among the best in Japan and by Sparking he's ranked 15th best in the world which still speaks volumes for his talent. Only difference is we got to see Rantarou grow as a blader as opposed to Bird who was glued to two auto win buttons.
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Any anons coming to AX? If so is it possible to do summary on Katsuhito Akiyama panel?
>Entire Beyblade X Habsro line, including the stadium, is in the clearance isle, half off at my Walmart
lol what the fuck happened
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Totally not an MFB reference.
Not sure if it's true or not but I heard it might be that the order to get rid of Burst stuff was too vague and employees are putting all Beyblade stuff on sale. Definitely seen a few youtube shorts showing the stadium 2 pack for 20$.
i'll spin your tops, grannie
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yo anon is it cool to screenshot this? it's probably the best that someone has ever been able to describe bird's whole character. zona.
I just hope he gets his big win against khrome or kamen z.
By all means. We're all anonymous anyway so not like my name is tied to it.
Pretty sure nothing retail makes it to clearance that fast, but hey. It sounds like a good deal. If they are in fact in the system as clearance they might even ring up even cheaper than they're tagged for.

American kids are just lazy and stupid and don't have the attention span for anything that requires more than 5 seconds of instruction. I've tried playing Bey X with my friend's kids and my niece/nephews and they'll make it as far as ripping a bey and then just immediately reach in to grab them and rip them again. They don't even have the patience for one round to finish.
thanks man

good lord, how trash is some kids attention spans? they wouldn't last a microsecond in MFB. at least my nephews seem to enjoy it.
i've heard that it was bad communication, telling employees to put beyblade product on sale instead of OLD product on sale
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Whooo there's a Beyblade general? Should have known about it sooner!

I love Yu!!!
me personally
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we should be talking about the spin tops
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this is porn
anon, this is genuinely the most disgusted I've ever been this year
this ain't even a funny joke anymore, what the fuck is wrong with you man?
>finding Multi attractive
It's cat ears motif, major points deducted. Plus Shiguru is better.
quads of truth, shiguru is one bad bitch
Cat ears are cute though!
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I mean...it pretty obviously is.
I've heard a theory that each season/arc will focus on a different previous era. The previous gen had the "rebirth" beys for Driger, Dragoon, and Draciel, and the new arc seems to be doing the same with MFB. So with Pegasus I imagine the next ones will be L Drago and Rock Leone getting X equivalents.

I actually have a bit of a schizo theory about Bird. The basic is that "Bird hasn't been using HIS beyblade since the start of the series.
Like the other anon said, he's not a shitty blader. Before mister nutcracker decided to pub-stomp, Bird was on a steady increase in strength. But he was doing so with his own bird beyblade that got literally crushed in the first chapter. Then Multi gives him the HellsScythe beyblade with the express purpose of beating him. It's been a second since reading the manga, but wasn't HellsScythe also someone else's bey before multi gave it to Bird? Either way, Bird doesn't have any big backstory or bonding with his Hells bey, it was literally given to him in bad faith. And multi is the one who's making his current line, as well. So Bird's current set is just, more or less, Multi's set on loan.
Now here's where the schizo part starts. We've got a "reincarnation" for Dragoon, Driger, and Draciel in Cobalt Dragoon, Weiss Tiger, and Black Shell. But we don't have a firebird beyblade with the Bakuten Shoot logo tucked away in its design. So there's no Dranzer...yet!
I think that's going to be Bird's beyblade.
I think, from a narrative standpoint, bird's beyblade could be seen as having "died" in Ch1, and his Hells line is supposed to show that his real beyblade is "in hell", and he'll eventually realize that his shit's not working and build his own beyblade. I believe that bey will be a Vermillion Bird. I'll add to this that Bird's main color is Red, and vermilion is a shade of red as well.

So basically Bird gets his shit together when he "gets out of hell".
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>but wasn't HellsScythe also someone else's bey before multi gave it to Bird
Nah Hellscythe was Multi's own and gave it to Bird since she's got a suitcase full of beys and her whole angle is being multifascited with multiple Beyblade.
>I believe that bey will be a Vermillion Bird
I honestly wouldn't mind that. Bird's design and personality do not match the Hells line thematically. Funny thing is in the manga promo trailers and the first chapters there was that whole angle of the bey 'calling to you' which is how Bird ended up with Hellscythe in the first place. Kind of like how I mentioned him defecting and taking some 'dark route', his redemption could be the rebirth of his original beyblade as the Vermillion Bird. Or just have him reflect on everything he's been through and have him decide to revive it. Because there's no written rule saying he HAS to keep using the Hells line. Bird can very well say to Multi, "Thanks but after all this time I'd rather have a beyblade of my own design." Though since Strike Hawk is apparently an attack type, it'd have to be changed to a balance much like Dranzer was in the original series.

Also I must be blind, but everybody's saying the original Bakuten symbol is in Cobalt, Black and Weiss, but I'm not seeing.
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in my defense, I meant cobalt drake rather than dragoon. The shape behind the text here is tucked away in each one. Black Shell's is a little trickier because it bends over the shell and warps a bit.
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>all of the past MCs (and 1 schizo) ganged up on a grandma
ngl this is damn hilarious out of context
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>manga has clear sillhoutes so you can see who's who
>anime is bloomed out the ass and you can barely make out Ginga, Drum and Hikaru
y'know, I wanna shut this down and say that the UX PhoenixWing that's been said about in the manga is gonna be the vermillion bird.

..but I want hope. I want to believe this will work. I want to believe that it'll be a mix of all of his current beys with what he enjoys about all of them (so probably HS shape with 5-60 and hexa) and just does his own thing.
so is Dragoon the L Drago Equivalent?
nej, it's the dragoon equivalent, it's in the name lmao
we might get one soon-ish though.
Dragoon and L Drago are different beasts from design to how they function. One of the latter's most defining features is the rubber later iterations get on the top layer, which could potentially happen to set it apart from the crossover version if/when that releases.
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Zankye said in his Aero Pegasus video that LeonCrest might be the Leone bey. However, if you saw the leaks, LeonCrest's blade is modelled more after Burst's Wyvern layer, not Leone.
Burn seems like a nice guy. He might loan it to Bird.
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>Bird hasn't been using HIS beyblade since the start of the series.

This has been a bit of my theory, too. Not only does he use a series of beys they originate from Multi's collection, but he also keeps trying to fight by imitating X. He even had to be taught the "Hammer Smash" from Multi. He needs to come up with his own thing before he can have a chance at winning an actual match.
to be fair, he did come up with his own thing; chain blast
and it's actually the strongest move in his arsenal cause every time he's used it, he's come the closest to winning than he's done in a while outside of the battle vs ichi-go.
Something to keep in mind is that Bird's original beyblade was an attack type. So it makes sense he'd copy X because that's what the former is used to, being aggressive. Hells are all balance types which means they're multifaceted and can even play defense the stamina game, which is something Bird continuously neglects because he's a hard wired attacker. There really hasn't been a moment in the anime or manga where Bird's taken the time to understand what his beyblades are capable of, so I'm hoping there'll be a time skip of some kind where he starts to understand what being a balance user means. Hell Multi's sisters with the strongest balance user in the X Tower, she should be special training the son of a bitch.
to be fair, I feel that, once we get that W of his, he might be considered strong by shiguru (or at the very least in desperate need of training for balance beys) to the point that he'll become good. because, don't get me wrong, he's definitely competent. he doesn't quit, he's always putting his all into his battles, and despite getting constantly clowned on, he's a very good learner, even if a bit stubborn sometimes. he's just an absolute lad.
That’s why I want Bird’s win to be after the Pendragon face off. It’d be lame if Black Shell was some jobber they grabbed for the team, and we know that won’t happen and honestly I don’t want Persona to win this. It’s not as though their journey is going to come to an immediate halt. There’s so many goddamn floors to the X Tower and we have no idea what the international blading scene is like. So let Persona lose, skip ahead a year or so, give time for Bird to actually get the feel for his Beyblades, then maybe have him win against the next big character… or if they want to keep his losing streak then at least don’t let him get shut out like every battle since he started going Pro.
I still think that kamen z is the robot ichi-go used to battle bird programmed with ekusu's data, with the dot bit being used to mitigate the aggression.
..and I think bird is gonna win against khrome, as silly as it sounds, I think his knack is gonna be fighting left-spin beys.
We have a Dragoon, Driger and Draciel bey in X that have the original logo but not a Dranzer.

I'm thinking Bird is gonna get a Drazner reference Red Bird Bey, potentially a Phoenix Variant that he gets from Burn that will be the Bey that he actually clicks with, instead of just being a poor copier
Bird is Daichi
Imagine this.
>Multi ties with Shiguru
>Bird loses to Kamen Z
>X wins against Khrome
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I somehow forfucking got that the original Dragoon was a left-spin. Hope we see a Meteo L-Drago equivalent soon, love that guy.
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This showed up today. Red Dran Buster is next.
Because Dragoon being left spin literally never mattered (or maybe it did, but shit who really paid attention to whether or not shit was competitive during Gen 1). Back then it was just a Beyblade that happened to spin counterclockwise. Metal Saga is what started the whole “Left spinners are sacrilege and an act against God” trite. It’s why I’m glad Burst said ‘fuck it’ and gave use more left spinning Beyblade starting with Evolution.
>Red Dran Buster
You're gonna spend a lot of money for that
Speaking of left spin, I really wish TT could release dual LR launcher soon
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Found a video that records the mini tournament on AX and Ken does not aging at all.

Also found the anime director panel
Did bro in the middle eat the winner?
Left spin ripper first, with Cobalt Dragoon we only have the string.
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>multi loses to shiguru
>X ties with chrome
>bird wins against Z
he cant be a jobber a whole year right?
left winder will probably come with x over dragoon zona

I think it's gonna be multi ties to shiguru, ekusu gets disqualified against kamen z, and then bird has to fight against khrome and wins.
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Damn. That's the first one I've ever seen.
Thays about how much I've spent on my entire collection so far, but it, and the bronze, silver,and gold dran Swords are the only ones left I need to have them all
>"murrica" color shark edge
I want one, but I also want to use it in battle and know it'll get all scratched up. Maybe I can find a paint pen to patch it up, but still..
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>blue Shark Edge
Mine sits next to my bed. It's too precious to touch a stadium.
Yeah... so I went and bought two of them for that express purpose. It's Shark Edge so I wasn't not going to battle with it, but at the same time I wanted at least one of them pristine.

At this point I'm deciding if I'm going to hunt for all the Shark Edge colors. I just really like its design, it's my favorite in X so far.
Thanks for pointing that out. I knew the color scheme looked familiar. I'm also partial to the Nerf colored Viper Tail.
I already chipped mine, though and also the Drake. I haven't had the balls to play with the other ones mainly because they're just painted versions of 15 dollar variants and not 2-400.
>it's my favorite in X so far
Same. It was the first X bey that I got and I've been buying others to at least partially harvest parts to stick on it. Aiming for DranDagger's accel bit, and Cobalt Drake's 2-60 ratchet.
>Dragoon being left spin literally never mattered
It mattered only once in the Manga, to promote the new spin gear system.
Read the Manga, it's interesting seeing how much it diverges from the anime.
I was actually collecting the manga when I was younger so I'm aware of a few things like how when Tyson gets a mark on his forehead when calling forth Dragoon, and I think Kai does the same with Dranzer. Also aware that the manga doesn't time skip like the anime because I also read some of Beyblade Rising when that was still a thing a few years ago which canonically takes place a year after the original manga finished.
>Tyson gets a mark on his forehead when calling forth Dragoon
Yeah, it looks pretty cool when it happens.
Minus the prologue the first arc happens mostly similarly.
Then after the Japanese tournament it's really different.
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>bronze, silver,and gold dran Swords are the only ones left I need to have them all
I'm gonna be honest anon, seems like you're gonna wait for a few years before you could get G1 tournaments prize Dransword. I've already seen a drama on Japanese side twitter where some parents begging for the prize.
I remember Kai, in the anime, using Dranzer to spin equalize off of Dragoon.
bird realized he's there for the trip and he will become the sushi GOD he is destined to be.
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What episode was that, I don't remember.
Episode 2
this reads like the shit the hinata/raikage blacked cuck would write out.
but honestly though, I'm pretty certain that bird is gonna have to step up to fight, and somehow win.

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I wish I were a Bird
I wish I could meet Bird instead
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>using Dranzer to spin equalize off of Dragoon.
>Episode 2
I remember watching the sub to compare lines.
Tyson was using Dragoon Grip Attacker, it spins right (clockwise) and can't equalize.
The original line was about air pressure, that's how Dranzer attacked from above.
I compared dialogue between the sub/dub.
Was thinking on that as well because I remember the earliest Dragoon being right spin then they all became left starting with S. The only other right spin Dragoons were Kid and Gaia. [spoiler]I have fond memories of Kid Dragoon. I played the PS1 game way back when and eventually acquired my own Kid Dragoon Beyblade. I miss it, threw all my Gen 1 stuff out a long time ago when I thought I was done with the hobby. Burst brought me back.[/spoiler]
failed spoiler but baller story man
I do feel bad for your plastic stuff though :C
i remember giving all my plastic gen stuff to a younger friend when i thought i grew out of it. only thing i have left from the end of that time is a dj wyvern
Ordered three Black Shell boosters. Fuck the end of July is going to be racked with nerves.
Managed to get a UX stadium for 46$ shipped. Got the last one and Wide Stadium releases 2 days after their free shipping period ends, but it definitely seems like a place people should check out.
>For little boys.
Lol, the site is called Surugaya. They still have a start Dash set for 75. Not as good of a deal but if 70$ is the standard going price, then you could consider the grip and launcher to be a bonus. Also it has the nice green.
either that or Ken's actor was swapped out for another guy.
what a fiasco.
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It's the same Blader Ken from Metal Fight. I got to speak with him for a little bit at AX and he was happy that someone recognized him.
Beyblade boomer here. Where can I get classic OG series Beyblades? I got a lot of them from Japanese ebay once but even now they seem to be getting rarer and rarer.
Particularly, I only have one right spin launcher so if it goes down, the Dragoon is toast. Finding others has been impossible.
First generation Beyblades seem to be all over Ebay desu
Last time I collected Beyblades was back during Metal Fighter. Basal Horogium was my favorite. Saw people saying Hasbro just important Takara Tomy beys for X now and they're just as good and not jank like they used to, is that true or nah?
100% true. there's some talk about how the coating is slightly different causing Hasbro bey to be tenths of a gram lighter but otherwise the same. Hasbro parts seem to be a bit tighter which could lead to better burst resistance
Ken is literally TT employee
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TT even said it themselves; they're pretty much the same now.
Hasbro is literally just Takara Tomy distributors for Beyblade X currently
How much is Hasbro seething over having to put the TT logo on the box
they aren't, they enjoy getting TT pumping their numbers because they've been in free fall
I've noticed there seems to be more polish or sheen on the metal parts for the Hasbro releases, but I can't imagine it has any tangible effect on performance.
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When will we get a shakeup to the X system and what will they change? More parts seem obvious but I like how every piece of X has big changes to performance. Maybe new ratchet gimmicks?
Proxy service and either Yahoo Auctions Japan or Mercari is a good option. Shipping costs are going to suck unless you buy a bunch of stuff to ship at once, but the prices and selection are pretty nice.
I’m still trying to figure out why there’s a line called ‘UX’ when all that’s noticeably changed they changed the metal holding the avatar in place to plastic. Is that supposed to do something? Hellshammer is the only UX I own and I fail to see what made TT consider it necessary to branch off with a ‘Unique’ series.
I think they're all supposed to have unique bits, as well. But that could easily be undone in another booster.
That clearly Pegasus bey earlier in the thread seems to be UX, and it looks to use the same bit as Dran Buster. So we can surmise UX beys are for the more ‘crazy’ bit designs like how Shinobi Shadow uses Metal Needle. Maybe through them we’ll see rubber pieces and shit eventually.
I think UX has more specialized gimmicks. Dranbuster's ohko, wizrod being dedicated to spinning forever, and hell hammer's...downsmash? The manga ended up making me think the hells line was bad so I didn't look into it as much. Shinobi shadow has that metal tip as well.
UX is just Outward Weight Distribution for the blades. The unique bit theory will get debunked in the upcoming Leon Crest UX (that has Gear Needle).
trust me, the HS line is good. the only issue is that bird is kinda just written odd compared to other protagonists

but then also it has 7-60, and the 7 ratchet is designed to align with the blade like dranbuster's 1-60. so it's more unique parts than unique bits alone
The plastic parts reduce the weight in the center and distribute more weight outward, but yeah. The point of the UX line is that the beys are designed with a central gimmick in mind.
DranBuster: big hits
WizardRod: stability
HellsHammer: destabilization
ShinobiShadow: parrying attacks
I own the entire Hells line. They’re good Beyblades, it’s just Bird does the entire line a massive disservice by being the jobber of Persona.
Man, they really gave Beyblade Burst GT's opening the "American Kirby" treatment when they localized it.
>JP: Happy ska-adjacent opening with the characters singing the song
>EN: Literally has "We're the warriors of destiny" as part of the lyrics.
Yeah, we need to make it extra cool.
Will openly admit that Rise's intro is a guilty pleasure of mine and my favorite of the English openings. And while it's minor I do enjoy how the hook changes between the beginning and the end of the song.
>"Keep trying to beat the whole world now"
>"Keeping fighting for the whole world now"
In general I really enjoyed Rise, though a lot of it has to do with Dante's character being this extremely awkward dork with no self awareness.

>EN: Literally has "We're the warriors of destiny" as part of the lyrics
Not that different from Turbo's intro song talking about being a hero or Quad Drive trying to play up Bell as some kind of anarchist. Honestly 'Our Time' still receives the most points for how grandiose it felt compared to the openings that came before it.
They did Superking so dirty.
Any Aussies managed to find a Hasbro Winder Launcher? Not having any luck at the moment
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Phoenix Rudder 9-70 G (Glide)
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>we never got Awakened Gwyn vs Lui battle that focuses on their insane hair
Missed opportunity.
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Phoenix Rudder seems to be released on 3 bey set (?)
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Leon Crest 7-60 GN
So crest is a defence compared to Claw. As for Phoenix Rudder's glide bit, is that rubber on the buttom or a ball?
That 7-60 looks like sex.
Looks like POM to me.
>Blade designed to look like flames coming off the bit
That's the shit I love. Rudder is a weird name, though, especially for a fire-themed beyblade. It looks like the blade has more going on under the surface, but I can't read moon runes.
Leon Crest side view
I like how noticeably chunkier UX beys are.
What kind of name is Phoenix Rudeus lol
Gwyn should've been a girl, those cowards
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UX-07 Phoenix Rudder Deck Set
Release date: 10 August
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Wait, is the new phoenix a stamina type?
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Leon Crest 7-60 GN
Release date: 10 August
Price: 1400 yen
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God damn, why is it so thick?
I don't know, but I need it. A left spinning defense type that's also thick as hell. AND it comes with gear needle? Unless there's a UX shark announced soon, this is the bey I'm aiming for.
Kamen X beat Burn so hard he changed types.
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CoroFes exclusive BX-00 Starter Cobalt Dragoon 2-60C Metal Coat: Black
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>left spinning defense type
It's right spin
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You don’t have to be a registered citizen of Japan to make an account and get this, do you?
Honestly I had no idea.
Also, it seems gonna be sold at other events as well, not just CoroFes.
>Right spin
>That shape
That looks really aggressive. I still want it, but man that looks like it's going to hit like a truck
Just imagine slapping an attack type tip on it, it'll be throwing out ko's left and right.
It comes with gear needle and I'm hoping the idea is
>Crest spinning peacefully
>Something hits Crest
>Crest is knocked into the rail
>Suddenly a pissed off lion is launched at them
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They couldn't have picked a different word other than Rudder? This is the one time where the Hasbro name change will be for the better
Feather, Wing, Rudder, and next is Phoenix Flap
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>Cobalt Dragoon weights at around 37.58gram
Cobalt dragoon is a hefty Beyblade>>11066385
Quite frankly I don’t even know why I’m trying to get this black Dragoon when it’ll never get used in battle. That’s the reason I bought two blue painted Shark Edge, but that’s also more readily available.
>Quite frankly I don’t even know why I’m trying to get this black Dragoon when it’ll never get used in battle.
It look good on display I guess?
Impression for the bits
Nah, he's a cute boy. [spoiler]You have Elsa[/spoiler]
Gwyn really does look like Elsa.
We needed more female bladers, Beyblade X fixed this.

And Ctrl+s is the shortcut for spoilers
>design female character
>she's the only female in Burst with an avatar
>her Beyblade is a Hasbro original design
>has no actual gimmicks, being the same generic driver change of all Hasbro made beyblades at the time
Let's be real though, women in Beyblade prior to X never got far. This generation marks the first time a female blader actually has more than 1 win to her name.
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mariah won 5 times, 3 in s1 and 2 in s3
Hey I'm glad I was proven wrong. It's actually amazing how many strong female bladers were around during the OG series. In retrospect it's fascinating how later generations became more boys clubs and any prominent female figures were pushed to the side shortly after their introductions save a scant few.
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>the only female in Burst with an avatar
Illya has a good design, too bad her Beyblade sucks. I wish it was better.
>women in Beyblade prior to X
Thinking about how Hikaru lost so badly she retired and became a secretary.
>mariah won 5 times
Original Beyblade was better but they never released her pink Beyblade.
And the other female's Beyblades were rare boosters, not main releases.
>later generations became more boys
It's because all those female Bladers were only in the anime of the original.
Only Maria existed in the Manga, but correct me of I'm wrong I forgot.
>New phoenix doesn't have the bakuten shoot logo tucked away
I can feel it. Bird's comeback era is gonna happen!
>Bird's comeback era is gonna happen!
To have a comeback, you'd need to have a place to return to.
I've been away from the news in beyblade for a while but I heard Hasbro Beyblade X was the same as Takara but with slower releases.
Are the parts compatible between brands? I'm seeing that people elsewhere are still brandwarring with the two so I'm not seeing a definite answer.
parts are 100% compatible and almost the exact same, the only difference being the clear coating on the metal and hasbro parts fitting together a little tighter
So Hasbro is actually better if you are getting the early waves, huh?
Are any of the Hasbro retools any good? I was eyeing the Samurai and the Ninja but I'm hearing that the Ninja is ass and the Samurai is just a worse Leon Claw.
Also Rhino Horn for the attack combo meme.
samurai is the best of the hasbro retools (also the one i don't have), and is better for a pure attack bey
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>Max has more of a cat face in season 3 than Mariah does.
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Apparently found in the BeyX JP app files. Place your bets on whatever the fuck this is.
Bird, before his original bey was destroyed, was a fairly decent blader. He just had the misfortune of people from higher on the ladder constanly fucking with him.
Team Phalanx demoralized him
X is basically using him as a means to fight Chrome again
Multi tried using him as a stepping stone
I think Bird needs to get away from them and try his own thing again, at a slower pace. He was kicked into the deep end too soon
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Whoops, wrong pic.
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we getting the MFB clear wheel style + metal wheel style customisation ig. i just dont see they will pull this off with the ratchet system. maybe the customisation is the bit chip being separate from the metal blade, and I guess plugs into the hole in the bit? Maybe the metal blade wont have plastic on it anymore and the tabs on the bottom are metal?
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Hasbro Dual Packs
>Yell Kong 3-60GB
>Helm Knight 5-80T
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i already have the tt knight shield, but damn i need that yell kong
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>Bite Croc 3-60 LF
>Sting Unicorn 4-60P
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Hasbro's Beyblade X Marvel Crossover Dual Packs
>Spider-Man 3-60F
>Venom 3-80N
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>unicorn snot
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>Iron-Man 4-80B
>Thanos 4-60P
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I remember thinking the chip would be removable.
It feels like that it was in an earlier prototype
>Unicorn Sting and a Shark Edge "echo"
I can't confirm, but the shark edge booster with the prize bey colors is apparently fucked since at least people on twitter can't get ahold of it. It being the stock combo in baha blast colors is appealing, too. I think this is also the first hasbro release of Unicorn Sting, but I hope they fixed the weakpoint that it apparently has.
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Hasbro's Beyblade X Star Wars Dual Packs
>Luke Skywalker 4-80B
>Darth Vader 4-60P
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i got my hands on a hasbro shedge, only hasbro bey i have left to grab is samurai steel since i have the others as tt releases
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>The Mandalorian 3-60F
>Moff Gideon 3-80N
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Attempt to fix in MS Paint.
there's something so harrowing about seeing the Disney logo on Beyblade stuff, not gonna lie.
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>Black Shell weights around 33gr
>10 August

They're doing this on purpose.

softshell turtle
Do any of the knock off brands NOT include lead in them?
>advertise the bey will be unmovable due to the shape of the blade and bit
>proceed to make the blade light so it can get shoved around like all the other X defense types
Still plan on using it a lot though.
>Hasbro: The Mandalorian
>Takara Tomy: MandalorianThe
KongYell looks like Goatse.
Overall weight
Draciel just can't stop losing.
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>Finally get an arena
>Can test beyblades in something other than a well-worn shoebox
I'm starting to understand why these parts give the opponent a point. I slapped the bit from talon ptera on it, and even shark edge bounces off of it. How do you fight this thing?
hells chain (chain incendio) on a stamina combo is a pretty good counter, 5-60B is pretty standard but if you have takara gear ball can be fun to use
I really like Buster. I had one practice run where Phoenix was sent flying. But I'm a guy that just loves high power offense, and to be fair Buster isn't a thing in Hasbro yet.
Yeah, looking at the TT stock right now. I really wish defense types weren't getting bent over a table. I want to be hopeful for crest since it's thick, but pattern recognition is a thing that exists.
The parts variety on the crossover beys is pretty lame, especially with all the knight helm reuse. They should have pulled from future Takara releases. Unite on Thanos for example.
Phoenix on Ball is one of those builds where everyone sort of has their own personal counter to it. After some time in the lab, I worked out WizardArrow 360GP.
Arrow has better stamina as a blade than Phoenix, and lowering the height to 60 (any sixty ratchet seemed to do the trick really) makes it more likely for the points on Arrow to get a good contact.
Gear Point doesn't have a hasbro release, and I don't think even Point does yet, admittedly.

Basically the idea is you flat launch to start the round on GP's tip and stay passive until you and Phoenix make contact in the center. Phoenix hits you into the rail and you wind around and either hit Phoenix into the pocket, or, because your bit has a lock on it and Ball doesn't, burst it instead. If pocketing/bursting doesn't work, as long as you didn't miss the hit entirely you've got a good chance of winning on a spin finish.
anyone familiar with cameras youtubers use for beyblade? im looking into livestreaming with friends someday, and stuff like droidcam with my phone sucks for this hobby. i imagine any non-phone camera will work fine but wanted some more insight for anything specific to keep in mind
If you follow Beyblade Geeks in one of their talk sessions they explained why their phone battery always looks dead in videos because they're always using them to record their battles. How much of that is true, I can't say, but I've used my own phone to record the battles I do in public and they come out pretty good when upped to 60 frames or 4K.

Where's a good place to find the OG series subbed? Growing up with the dub I can't bring myself to rewatch it after learning how much they deviated.
>find the OG series subbed?
I got these screenshots >>11063181 from hianime.to
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Thought I'd send you guys a pic of my Metal Fight launcher loadout. Got a few matches coming in a few weeks so I wanted to show you guys this before practicing.
too dark its hard to see
>Where's a good place to find the OG series subbed?
just about any anime site, really.
yeah I know. The lighting somewhat makes it hard to see along with the mouse pad. But essentially, I'm using a red launcher grip with black grip rubber, grip extension, beypointer, and a red string launcher.
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saw a couple days ago someone posting about counters to wizard rod combos. I've been trying Tyrano Beat 1-60 LF (not sure if TB+LF is already common since I havent paid attention to the meta) and I find it can kick out wizard rod on ball/hexa fairly consistently. I think I just need to get the launch down.
It's all been subbed for years, I got it from BakaBT but there's probably non-torrent sources if you don't use them
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Well that's not an options since it's invite based, but finding the torrents shouldn't be hard. I've had the english dub on my hard drive for years, but decided I should finally watch the original broadcast to see the differences like Dizzi not existing (still strange how Nelvana suddenly removed her from the G Revolution dub with no explanation when she had so much dialogue in the first two seasons).
Just search on nyaa and use keyword "Bakuten Shoot" for english subs release.
Good luck on the BBC (Beyblade competition)
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>Spin equalizatin
Buckle up, kiddos, the elder things are waking up again.
If he could defeat WR 9-60B 5-10 times then I'll be impressed
>still strange how Nelvana suddenly removed her
I heard it was simply because Kenny used his laptop less
Were any of the Beyblade games any good? Also has anyone checked Contrablade on steam, looks like a decent Beyblade clone.
The DS one was good from what I remember, surprised there's another Beyblade game on steam other than Battle Top. In either case you wouldn't be losing much money on just getting them and giving them ago.
Only ever played (and still own) the PS1 game and Super Tournament Battle. The former is barebones and a pain to grind in, the latter has more fluid gameplay and a lot more characters. Probably the biggest drawback to both games is parts are strictly limited to whatever the anime characters use, but you at least have free reign to build beyblades however you please.
just wait for the beyblade x game they're making on the switch
Why do people act like the collab beys and hasbro exclusives being modified reskins is a bad thing? Personally since I’m autistc and play with Beyblades like a kid at heart I like to give my beys imaginary bladers who own them and go through my own arcs,that’s why I’m super excited for YellKong cuz I have a idea for it and it gives me more characters to make, as for the collabs Their collabs and I imagine sinking money into making unique beys for them would cost more money.
because they look FUCKING UGLY. look at TT's collab. They dont look nearly as retarded as Hasbro's cheap shit
Bite croc and yell kong look cool as fuck
I just wish that they could at least be better than the originals in some of these cases, especially since the original versions aren't that good in the first place. The lighter weights or general nerfs kinda suck.
Why do fat people always dress like children? At least wear pants instead of shorts to avoid looking extra stupid
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>love reptiles
>have wanted a crocodile or alligator based beyblade for the longest time
>when it happens it's just a reskin of something I already own and not an original design
Talk about a fucking monkey's paw. If TT could come out with their own an alligator beyblade at some point with its own unique design I'd be through the roof, so but I'm not buying Bite Croc when it's Shark Edge but green.
Could be my retard thoughs acting up i feel like they made defence beys lighter because Sharp bits would dent the arenas more if they where heavier. Honestly if thats the case, why not just make the bits more wedged shaped?
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>made defence beys lighter because Sharp bits
What's stopping me from using Phoenix Wing with Metal Needle?
There was this old bey I made back in like, 2001 or something, with pieces from bootleg beys (worn to shit Griffolyon attack ring and a wonky 4-layer style base with Metal Draciel's base's sculpt a semi-flat metal tip) and one original 10-wide weight disk. Once I managed to tighten up the bey so it wasn't rattling all the time, it turned into a pretty decent stamina bey with the gimmick that once hit the weight disk goes off balance and becomes more aggressive. Kind of like a stamina-attack type with an erratic movement pattern.
Since I got attached to it I always try to replicate it once a new gen starts but last time with Burst I got in late enough that I had way too many options for me to pull the trigger on anything.
I'm thinking of trying a Hells Scythe 1-60 something combo but I have no idea what bit to use. Taper maybe? Or Point?
>goes off balance and becomes more aggressive
Use Point, that's what the gimmick is supposed to do.
>1-60 something combo but I have no idea what bit to use
Maybe Gear Point so it's a little more aggressive.
How much of a difference is there between a normal bit and its gear counterpart?
It has less stamina because it's not round.
But it's more aggressive and move faster
Fuck man, why the fuck did the knock off brands have to have so much fucking lead in them? I mean come the fuck on.
leads cheap i guess.
Yeah it's cheap and heavy so it makes em feel less cheap. Sucks being a poor fag since, while it's not the most expensive hobby, Beyblading ain't a cheap one.
Because t-shirts and shorts are the only things that fit them without it looking more embarrassing. Have you seen an obese fuck wear jeans? They have to wear them like old people to hold the fat in. Wearing a button down or Hawaiin shirt is them admitting just how fat they are so they try and lessen the blow by wearing non descript t-shirts just so it can bulge out the bottom.

t. has worked around fat people for years
I have to pass by a retail store to pick up a package, what should I grab?
They have the four wave 1 starters, the four wave 1 boosters, and the wave 1 2-packs.
scythe incendio, steel samurai, keel shark, chain incendio & arrow wizard, tail viper & sword dran. if they have soar phoenix get it, if not and they have the winder launcher get that. x really need the stadium to work properly
One more thing, what's the difference between Ball and Orb? I know Orb is smaller but how does that affect its performance compared to Ball?
balls more stable due to size, orb gets knocked over more easily.
I'm ready for 40g Beyblades in Season 2.
They're gonna out power creep Season 1.
I bought the Hasbro stadium in the end.
What's wrong with Tusk Mammoth exactly? It worked fine in the tests I did against Dran Dagger but everyone online says it's garbage.
i mean we're already there since phoenix wing since its only 2g less than 40g. and cobalt dragoon joins that bullshit weight club too. wizard rod's design is an even bigger power creep than the weights
So my roommates and I came up with a system to figure out who does chores, and that's by losing at beyblade. What is the best beyblade/ mixture of parts I can use to minimize my losses? My roommates aren't into minmaxing so you can assume it's against stock beyblades
The Dragoon weight variation is wild too, apparently some people are reporting 39g Dragoons. I'm hoping I can get one of those fanfiction heavy ones.
Newbie here, what's the difference between BX and UX? I mean I'm assuming the parts aren't interchangeable.
UX have slightly more unique designs, plastic centers instead of metal and are themed around archetypes like extreme attacks or evasion. They tend to introduce new bits and all parts are cross compatible between UX and BX.
Wait what? They're interchangeable? Fucking sick. Might wait for the new Dragoon to come out before I really invest in it but Tyranno and Shark look good too. Hope they give us L Drago I'm a sucker for left spin.
kinda makes me wonder if TT plans to this gen of beyblade relatively leveled across every wave. its more like every wake is a side grade. they have a pretty decent system with X here and it would be cool if dran sword can hold up to future waves instead of simply being mogged to death by weight
>want to stress test Talon Ptera and Steel Samurai against my TT beys
>been almost a month and still can't find any Beyblade X in any stores near me
Fuck this, apparently South Florida just got the shit end of the stick (or it could just be my county) because all I seen was the stadium set at a Target. So I'm just ordering them online because this is absurd.
which beyblade gen are you using?
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>HellsHammer can work on a Left Launcher
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
(Please be on purpose, and be the start of Bird's villain arc when he gets a left-spinning bey)
Is there any news on a seperate season 2 for X yet? Or are they just gonna keep the episode count going past the first year
please please PLEASE make this 100% intended because it would be funny as hell if Bird's first win after strike hawk is because he decided to try left spin on Hells Hammer
Every gen is free game, last time I played it was with the gen that has 4 pieces held together by a screw. We're also going to be buying an actual arena instead of using a salad bowl
if every gen is free game get a x bey. just get the soar phoenix starter and you'll destroy any other gen. if your roommates get into x start expanding your collection and learn the meta
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Would you try to compete?
Nope. Too lazy to mix and match. I’d definitely buy a team jersey though.
What makes the x beys better? A casual Google says they are better for attack but I don't really understand what that means.

I just want to jump to the top of the game instead of starting a collection just to get out of chores, so which one or combo of pieces would be the best?
I'd like to, but I'd immediately lose for insisting on running Rhino Horn 3-60 Ball, Shark Edge 1-60 Quake, and Dran Sword stock.
the system is basically the best parts of the other 3, the launchers have a gear ratio to increase output, and with an x stadium it allows the bey to interact with the rail for high speed attacks
X blades spin faster and can use the X rail for Xtreme dashes. That said, I wouldn't completely count out Metal Fight or Burst. X has a lot of power, but traded that power for weaker stamina. On top of that, Metal Fight and Burst experienced extreme weight creep that X hasn't yet, so you could probably get wins from the insane weight difference.
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If they give you finalist t-shirts just like Japan G1 tournament then yes
I'm afraid TT nerfed Phoenix with them showcasing a match against Shinobi Shadow.
>Using the official beyblade channel's fights as proof
They always fudge those games to make the bey look better, no matter what they're going against
rewatching metal fury and honestly, i feel like this would've been a better selection for the legendary bladers:
Ryuga, then Kenta still
Masamune replaces Yuki
Yu replaces Aguma
King would stay
Tithi would stay
Dynamis would stay.

I would'nt completely get rid of yuki and aguma in the story, I feel like the main issue i have with them is that they did'nt get alot of develop ment and character. Especially Yuki.
As an X collector who completely missed out on previous generations and can't be bothered to spend a years salary trying to collect a back catalogue of beys, though own a few of them, I will say the sheer weight of the older beys is quite attractive. They're more or less twice the weight of even the heaviest Beyblade X
Is this considered op because the ratchet is still set to R, making burst finishes nearly impossible?
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Happy Birthday, Nanairo Multi!!
my wife grows up so fast
Has there been any word on Cobalt Drake having a general release or a Hasbro release?
That’d defeat the purpose of Beyblade, aka selling more Beyblades. Unicorno can’t magically become Anubis, and sidelining Yuki undermines Takara Tomy’s purpose of using the show to move merchandise.
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25th anniversary set, comes with Dragoon Storm 4-60RA, Storm Pegasis 3-70RA, and Victory Valkyrie 2-60RA. RA is presumably Rubber Accel.
TTMall exclusive (for now). Releases in March 21st, 2025
That late? I would have assumed like september
man, it's gonna be a while before Eagle and Meteo, isn't it?
What do ratchets do other than lock the blade, pin the bit, and decide the height? What makes a ratchet good or bad?
generally contact points of the ratchet will matter because it's what the Beyblade will hit. all ratchet types generally serve a purpose on what you want out of it (e.g. higher height for more stamina but more vulnerable to low attackers)
Sick ripcord for Dragoon, I'm assuming the rubber ratchet will be coveted? Been hearing that Cobalt Dragoon's ratchet is a bit underwhelming.
Nope, but since AeroPegasus is replacing it, it might get a general release.
Here's hoping. Kind of sick of the random booster and app random prize systems
Do I just bite the bullet and buy TyrannoRoar 4-70Q for $60? There's no Hasbro release in sight.
>Hasbro plans to release Cobalt Drake as a retail release.
>Takara Tomy pulls it from the app before it this can happen.

It only makes sense.
It'll probably be a wave 3/4 release.
I hope they don't cheap out by then. Dinosaur beys are kino and don't deserve to be shitty.
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TyrannoRoar is a different bey from TyrannoBeat. It's a PhoenixWing retool.
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Guess I'm buying the guaranteed price. Beyblades were supposed to be my cheap collector hobby.
Hasbro's still going to sell TyrannoBeat. They're just going to do it with Roar on the side.
Is there anything more embarrassing than self-bursting because you ripped too hard with a stamina/defense bit?
I think I've had something similar to that happen, but I couldn't tell if the bey burst one contact with mine or it burst when my buddy let it rip.
Just firing some of the looser bits off with a winder as hard as I can makes them burst on contact with the rail
Everything >>11072891 said and weight distribution.
People use certain ratchets that align with contact points like Dranbuster 1-60.
It can effect effect attack power and balance (how stable the Beyblade spins).
honestly for the love of god, don't use 4-80 desu
I think the general rule of thumb so far has been to avoid all ratchets with an even number of contact points. Things are not looking good for 2-60
>don't use 4-80 desu
Is 4-80 that bad? People always hate on it.
>avoid all ratchets with an even number
I wonder why those are the worst types.
Do they just protrude more on average?
>Things are not looking good for 2-60
It's funny because 1-60 is well received.
>Is 4-80 that bad?
on top of the height being more vulnerable, the 4 contact points make it easy to catch onto and burst. you might fare better with a 5/9-80 if you're rolling defense or stamina.
>It's funny because 1-60 is well received.
because 1-60 is designed for Dran Buster's one hit kill schtick, and has uses for other attack/balance combos.
I tried 4-80 a bit and at the very least, I think it sucks. Didn't have a single match where it didn't burst.
>Dragoon S is basically square
Probably too worried about breakage that they ended up doing that. At this point, the only way I'd expect remake from the original series to be decent is if they adapted something from HMS.
I'm waiting for 1-70 to finish my bootleg bro revival combo. Hopefully the basic line isn't completely outclassed by then.
I heard the 1-60 bit is good for jumping back out of the over zones
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>I wonder why those are the worst types.
>Do they just protrude more on average?
I think that is the case. When you look at a 4-80 or 2-0 the protrusions just out from the rounded portion at a steeper incline than a 5-60 or 3-60. They probably catch more solid hits than the others which rattles the ratchet more. The 2-60 is actually worse spinning left for this, the right spin side has a smoother slope.
the ratchets are like the others, the bit has rubber and with it being released with this set i could see it being introduced in season 2 releases
I'd keep kronos and Anubis, and just make a 4d Libra.
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Finally said 'fuck this' and ordered two Hasbro beyblades from Gamestop. When I take these to the bar tomorrow I plan to run them up against every TT bey I have.
Speaking of that, I've been so bored lately I'm almost tempted to bring a few blades and a stadium to a public place. It's hard to find other people to try this with otherwise.
Granted where I take them my demographic is grown ass adults going "Oh shit, I remember Metal Fusion!" to the guy that doesn't like Metal Fusion, but I never openly state that. They'll either live out their nostalgia and hang out all night or play a few rounds before they enter the establishment or they're heading for home. Back when Burst was still the thing we'd fit five beys into the stadium and watch them fly. Due to X's set up though I'm not adding to the risk and will wait until I can get my hands on the 3-person stadium.
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>it’s Viper Tail and Leon Claw is shitty rackets
The shit I pay money for…
I was on the fence about adding the Hasbro exclusives to my collection but my old has dictated I need them especially since they're so unexpectedly hard to find in stores ffs
Transformers beys should be releasing today. Looking forward to replacing all my SharkEdge blades with Optimus Primal
The last I was into Beyblades was when Metal Fusion was running. Have they changed much since then?
Also with 3D printing becoming more of a common thing is that having any effect on custom beyblades? There's something about the beyblades with the hex bolt that never felt as cool as the older plastic ones that had a like 5-6 different pieces to them.
With the current series, there's fewer parts than Plastic and Metal gens. Now each bey is made up of 3 parts: the blade (which is metal again), the ratchet (plastic center piece that adds to height and is part of the Burst mechanic), and the bit (the tip, also plays into the Burst mechanic). Bursting is an intended mechanic where they explode into their parts when they get hit juuuuust right.
3D printing has given us an anon who is remaking and customizing a bunch of plastic gen stuff and posting the videos.
Thanks for all the info. A little disappointed with the beys being only 3 parts, but the burst mechanic sounds cool so I guess that makes up for it.
Kudos to the anon going through with 3D printing older beys.
I don't mind the 3 part system as much because it makes each part feel that much more important to the overall strategy. It does make blades a bit imbalanced though since most of the weight AND strike type come from 1 part so there's clear objective tiers.
After damn near 5 hours of battling this is my conclusion: Steel Samurai. It can very well hold it's own. Ptera Claw. It's shittier Viper Tail so just get a Viper Tail unless you're somehow missing a Ball bit.
any good combos for cobalt dragoon?
ur welcome

Cobalt Dragoon 9-60F, used on G1 Osaka final.
im the same as you, just now returning. the burst mechanic sounds really cool and i only learned about it recently, but i was definitely turned off burst bc i loved the customization of the original metal fight beys. i should purchase a few of the solid burst beys, got a couple of hasbro quadstrikes just to see + they were cheap in comparison. got some beyblade x coming in soon so im excited to see how those compare too, the beyblade x stadium mechanic is really cool too. im excited to get back into beyblade
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I dug out my unironic aibou (TL note: aibou means partner) from the days of walking around with my beys on my pockets to challenge other kids. I've had it since 2003 and I always want to remake it in each gen but now that I look at the chip again, is this even a real bit beast?
I was looking at a bunch of old bit beasts earlier and the only thing similar to a dragon made of fire was Spark Dragoon, who looks nothing like this.
Never bought a beyblade but always was into the idea, now seems like a good time as any.
I like the customization aspect, but how do you guys determine what attributes you like? As in, how do you experiment with the combinations without just, buying a shitton of beys? Are you typically just left with a buncha leftover parts you then never use, after? Or do you very regularly swap pieces around inbetween matches, or something?
I'll answer this quick before the thread dies.
>but how do you guys determine what attributes you like?
Depends on what you're looking to do with your play style. Like if you want something that'll sprint across the stadium you'd go with something attack oriented. If you want something that can be aggressive or play the wait game there's balance type bits that do just that.
>As in, how do you experiment with the combinations without just, buying a shitton of beys?
Sharing information with each other and YouTube videos. There's a number of Beyblade channels that do 1v1 with Beyblades as they come out the box so you get an idea of what the parts are capable of though it goes without saying mileage may vary. By the way, never use Takara Tomy's official release videos as a reference tool because those fights are meant to favor the odds of the Beyblade being showcased regardless of whether or not the parts are actually good. It's not uncommon to buy a Beyblade for the sake of one piece and only because it's the only way of obtaining it.
>Or do you very regularly swap pieces around inbetween matches, or something?
In X's format you come into each battle with 3 setups and you battle in the order they're arranged. I don't have too many details on how it all works because I'm just a casual collector and battler, but Takara Tomy sells what they call 'deck boxes' for the sake of use in tournaments since they're pushing for that scene harder in X.
How long will I have to wait until a guaranteed functional Weiss Tiger?
Probably the Hasbro release, unless JP sellers indicate a different sku for corrected batches
What the fuck was HasTak thinking by sending their factories to Vietnam?
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>since they're pushing for that scene harder in X
They always had Deck Boxes since MFB.
Pic related is technically a set, but it came with the box.
>"Oh shit the hans are going to start jacking up the price of production exponentially we need to get the fuck out of here"
Something like that
Cool. Where did I say X was the only generation to have deck boxes? TT is clearly putting big emphasis on global appeal and the competitive angle more than previous generations, and since the anon was likely asking about the current format, which is X, why would I bring up shit from 15 years ago?
is there any chance that hasbro adopts the competitive format for the west? surely they're not gonna use beyblade x just for brand tie-ins, right?
Can I ask for tests ITT?
I'm out of budget for the month but I really want to see how 1-60 and 1-80 work with Ball, Point, and Hexa.
Okay, cool beans. I guess I'll do some research in my spare time later :)
>It's not uncommon to buy a Beyblade for the sake of one piece and only because it's the only way of obtaining it.
Do 3rd-party or 3D-printed pieces exist commonly, or are they kinda discouraged cuz of the more competitive angle they're going for nowadays? I always found the fucked up ghetto beyblades kids would craft from back in the day to be a big part of the appeal lmao.
>Do 3rd-party or 3D-printed pieces exist commonly, or are they kinda discouraged cuz of the more competitive angle they're going for nowadays?
I know people here talk about 3D printing certain parts and even buying them. Can't speak for how 'legal' they are like if you wanted to use them for a tournament, but overall 3D printed parts, at least from what I've seen here, is a divided subject.
Yeah, that's fair, esp with like structural integrity needing to be a factor I can see that. Either way, customs are neat i tink c:

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