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File: shf guts.jpg (94 KB, 640x1137)
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I was very sceptical but I can say it's mostly very good (which i cannot say about the previous guts).
It poses nicely, the aesthetics are on point and the hand pegs (being still very small) actually can hold the Dragon Slayer.
Sure, it's still loose because of the sword still being too heavy but it's possible to balance it just fine and you can use the cape to support it.
For me the biggest issue are the alternate legs for deeper poses.
They are very hard to put on and I won’t even use them for the photos since how little of a difference they make, waste of space and budget.
I wish SHF could remove these and give us the Shierke ghost accesory instead.
I also wish they could bloody up the sword, it looks way too clean imho but it's still very nicely done.
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learn to spell
>Ivalera will come with Isidro. Casca will be a P-Bandai exclusive
You're funny if you think either of these have a chance before Zodd and Skull Knight.
I only seen bad things about this figure. Don't understand the point of shilling this at all anymore. It's pretty much the laughingstock of this board. There are even memes about how shit it is.
That was the first guts, this armored one is a lot better
You're talking about legitimately 3, MAYBE 4 people.
>Not looking forward to the price.
It's going to be baaaad. It does look good though, but I'd like to see what Bandai can do. I'd be curious if either company makes the Behelit Blade.
Thats a just cope. There are countless posts about it being broken just in past shf threads.
While I've heard it's overall a better figure than the first Guts, I've also still seen too much bad word of mouth to risk buying it, especially with a figure so expensive. Hoping they eventually rerelease it with the QC issues fixed like the Trunks 2.0. Glad you got a good copy, though.

Literally all he misspelled was Schierke...
Anthony gave it a 0/10 and Anthony's word is the word of god on this board.
>Anthony's Cumstains
>being broken
I think there was one. Breaking expensive figures is 90% of the time the fault of the person who broke it. It isn't hard to be mindful.

I don't know why I bothered but I think I saw it and it was maybe 6/10? Pretty sure he gave 0 to the first one, or to Griffith. Also you know the Anthony-poster is being disingenuous when they post some out of context captions rather than the score screen. You're being disrespectful to your leader by not being objective like he always is, right?
NTA, but he gave that one 0/10, too. I remember because I thought it was pretty ridiculous considering he mentioned how it was an improvement over the original in several ways even though he was ultimately still unhappy with it.
Didn't realize the Anthonyspammer was the berserkschizo too
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The small head throws me off. I would have gotten it otherwise
Hes so shit hes dragged down the reputation of the entire figuarts line with him. Its impressive...
Pretty much. I'll never buy an SHF in my life after this.

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