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I'm not talking about things like pic related. There's some really good bootlegs out there. Sure the finer details aren't as good like paint being imperfect, but they're still serviceable. All I ever thought of when I'd hear bootleg or KO was it being an absolute garbage product. I don't know when decent ones started popping up, but has it been going on for a while?

To try and keep this from devolving into an argument about arguing over poorfags I just find them interesting for one. The KO's I've seen are a tiny bit smaller at times but otherwise basically just a recreation of the official ones. To do that at a fraction of the cost, 20 vs 100+, makes me wonder how much these companies could actually charge for these things and still make a pretty penny. Also if you have an official figure and a piece breaks you can grab the KO for cheap and just replace it. And hell if someone is a poorfag then it's cool they have options to have a hobby too.

Off the top of my head figures that have serviceable to great KO's are:
Polyiana Iana
Mafex Spider-Man/Black suit/Venom
ML Juggernaut
Diabolical Fit DB figures though they're normal SHF prices. I guess they'd be considered third party?
>Diabolical Fit
Demoniacal Fit I meant.
The hell is a Door Ladder?
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Sometimes the KOs you get are factory rejects, so they seem really HQ and comparative to the original, sometimes factory works sell copies of molds etc to other factories or the factory management make a low quality copy elsewhere with an associated factory.

Third party stuff has been pretty good for years, though, Demoniacal Fit are just doing to DB what other Chinese companies has been doing for Transformers for years.
Factory rejects for 20 is ok in my book. I have a ko Spidey and his only problem is a butterfly doesn't move at all. I could probably fix it if I wanted to piss with it, but even without it he probably has similar range to Marvel Legends anyway.
Most the KOs from back in the day were very poor recreations of actual figures, almost always using completely different tooling. Now days, it seems most are using the same tooling as the official figures, just with less QC for things like paint jobs, joint tolerances and of course packaging.
>Third party

Bootlegs, you fucking retard
The last two posts you quoted never even mentioned Third Party, you fucking retard
Third party is accurate for things like the Transformers isn't it? They're high quality products using their own molds and designs? I don't collect them but a friend does. Is there even a difference between ko and bootleg?
Bootlegs and KOs are generally copies of things that exist already, most unofficial or third party stuff isn’t a KO of anything but exists to compliment official collectioms.

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