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Haven't seen a Nerf thread in a while. Just wanted to share the deets on the new Pro blasters. These look great.
And here's the other one.
At least they're not just Stryfes, but they couldn't come up with a name other then "pro"? That just seems exceptionally lazy. I like that they have a very sci-fi look to em, they give off a different feel from the dartzone stuff. But they have to bust out some interesting looking blasters to really make it into market at this point.
I don't see anywhere to cock it. I guess these are motorized?
These look like fucking garbage. I don't really care what the performance is, the number one thing a nerf blaster needs to look and feel is cool, and these look like boring faggot shit. I'm all for a high performance blaster but if you're going to make it look this fucking lame then don't bother.

Bring me a fucking sledgefire that can actually shoot and I'll be happy.
you know it's good when it comes with a nerf brand safety visor
iirc this is fully automatic so yeah it uses a motor
The first blaster is semi auto flywheel, so it's pretty much the new Stryfe. But it's super compact bullpup design would make it great for close combat action and tight rooms. The other one is pump action and the entire white piece seems to be the slide. It's basically a pump action pistol, which is fairly unique and actually pretty useful compared to top primed sidearms.

I'll wait for reviews to pop up to see if they actually meet their FPS claims and if there's any other problems with these things. But I will say these two seem to be very efficient with their space and ergonomics, which would make them both pretty competitive in the scene.
Nerf 'pro' legit functional revolver WHEN ?
I'm doubtful that Nerf can top Dart Zone's Outlaw.
If they literally just shrunk down the Ultra 2 to work with half length darts, Nerf would instantly have a fantastic revolver side-arm.
Which is better, the Shellington Spring Thunder or the Monkee Mods Firefly? So far I'm leaning towards the Firefly.

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